Wow! Absolutely beautiful. Nice design and integration. Congratulations on a job well done.
“Another way to do .. parse your forum rss feed.”
Exactly what I was going to suggest. If the WP theme is widgetized, its user should have the RSS widget available, so he/she can just plug in the link to your bbPress install’s RSS feed. If not, he/she can use any number of RSS-in-sidebar plugins to accomplish this. (Or if they’re like me, do it by hand and use a plain RSS-to-PHP script.)
My friends and I make short films, draw comics, run a local film club, and have a blog. We wanted it all to have a central forum for discussion so I’ve tied the WordPress blog into the BBpress forum and I’m working on integrating the forum with the film site as well. Any suggestions are welcome!
Thanks to the BBpress community for all the great plugins and helpful posts!
atomAstro, how did you get your titles/rss to work?
(I’m assuming your using WordPress for your blog)
I think I might have a problem with the theme I’m using, but I’m not sure.
Has anyone else been able to get the titles to work?
I have WP working fine, and BBPress working fine, they communicate they users and everything. wow. Anyway, I would like to integrate the forum on my WordPress theme, so that when I click on a forum page tab the header, footer, and so on looks consistent.
I have read a lot but cant find the solution.
My website is
My username on my blog is “The Geek”, which does not work in bbPress… cannot even login, even though I’m already logged into WordPress.
This is not an integration issue, because other usernames without spaces work perfectly fine between WordPress and bbPress.
I’m comfortable with hacking the source… just wondering if anybody else has already found and fixed this issue already.
Ok tks, I hope that plugin can be created to integrate it to the WP, since he would be very useful
Not yet, or at least, not as far as I know. Note that that website doesn’t have it as a WP Page, either. You can, however, put it in a folder in the desired location and make it look like a WP page.
yeah, it wouldn’t be hard … you’d just do it the same way to do sizes … but the problem is to make it pass through the intermediate colors. A plugin in wordpress does that but it uses the minimum color for a certain threshold and for the rest the maximum.
Integration wht data base no problem, but can i integrate bbpress to a WordPress Page? like
Well, I was having those other problems, in my last thread.
I activated the mod_rewrite in Apache,
changed $bb->domain = ‘http://localhost’;
and $bb->path = ‘/blog/forums/’;
I had made the key_master “admin” which was same as my wordpress, which was a problem, but I fixed by altering the wp_usermeta as specified in another thread.
I believe that was it…. beside create a my-templates folder, and create a copy of the default one.
I had originally installed bbPress on a different database than WordPress and later I set the config file to use the WP database for users (I know, I know, but it was my first time installing bbPress…). It works fine except for one detail. Since the keymaster user was set on the bbPress db, after the switch I lost it, and now I can’t log in to the control panel.
Is there a way to make a WP user a keymaster? I tried adding the $bb->new_keymaster = ‘admin’; // thing to the config file and re-running the install (told me it was already installed) and the upgrade (told me nothing to upgrade) with no luck.
Hey Guys.
I got the forum installed and all. Added the blurb above the config, added a .htaccess to bbpress/ root, and all the other steps suggested….
But can’t seem to get the links to work on the main page?
Was using firefox, switched to IE and the theme appears to work in IE not firefox…. that was one thing I noticed… not as important…
When I click to start a post, i get the forum, and when i post I get “The page isn’t redirecting properly” in Firefox, and in IE it tries to load forever.
Then wehn I go back to the main forum page…. there the new post is…
When I click on the post title or forum title, it tries to access in firefox, then i get the same error.
Now i’m testing all this on my local pc, using Xampp which is basically Apache as it’s server. I recently created a .htaccess file for my wordpress root, but it’s currently blank, does it need something? I’d like to get pretty permalinks working, but at the moment, that is the least of my worries.
Any assistance for this?
It is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
oh yeah, look at that! I never heard of spotlight.
I really hacked it.
First I followed the instructions here…
I was surprised how easy it was. In seconds bbpress was installed and sharing the same user table as wpmu.
I never could get wpmu to run on top of bbpress. Evertime I tried wpmu would think I wanted to create a blog named boards instead of load the installation of bbpress in the directory called boards. (If anyone has a solution for that PLEASE point me in the right direction) So I “faked” it. I included the css file from my wpmu theme. Made some static changes to the header of bbpress just using HTML and there you have it!
That’s cool! For other people’s sake, could you explain (roughly?) how you managed to integrate bb with WPMU?
Also, completely unrelated, I notice that theme “Light” is very similar to “SpotLight”. Which is odd.
I changed all of the tops to:
<?php global $forumpage;
$forumpage = TRUE; ?>
<?php get_header(); ?>
but, I am still not getting any changes to the title.
hmm, what else could be wrong?
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php global $forumpage;
$forumpage = TRUE; ?>
…should be the other way around:
<?php global $forumpage;
$forumpage = TRUE; ?>
<?php get_header(); ?>
You need to set the $forumpage boolean before you call the header, or you won’t be able to use it there.
Alternatively, forget about $forumpage, and use a global boolean such as $bbdb that bbPress uses anyway, as suggested by fel64.
i have installed bbpress and the forum restriction plug in, but i can’t see the admin interface.
i put it in /my-plugins/ and have bbpress .81 with bugfix installed. no other plugins nor wordpress.
of course the display-name plugin is installed, too.
any ideas?
I’ve copied what you have above, and modified it slightly (to match my site), but I am not getting updated titles on topic pages like:
I’m assuming this has something to do with the templete files for bbpress, so I looked at the top of the files and it looks like this:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php global $forumpage;
$forumpage = TRUE; ?>
I changed all the files that had <?php bb_get_header(); ?>
from the “kakumei” folder.
Am I doing something wrong?
Perhaps someone can, but probably it’s unnecessary. I think adding ads does make it commercial, but that’s pedantism. We could tell you how to fill out your config.php for you and the rest is veeeery likely plain sailing. Did you install your own wordpress?
Off the top of my head required info is the URL you want the forum at, if you want ugly URLs ( ?topic_id=59
), pretty (/topic/59
I think?) or awesome (/glorified-notebook-discussion-thread/
), the absolute path to your wordpress install, and your Akismet key (it’ll be in your wordpress wp-config.php
file). Database info you’ll be able to copy from wp-config
yourself plus it’s stupid to publish such a thing on a forum.
My header title tag reads like follows, I think you can modify it to fit your setup:
<?php if ($forumpage == TRUE) {
echo " :.: AKNI";
} else { ?>
<?php wp_title(' '); ?>
<?php if(wp_title(' ', false)) { echo ' :.: '; } else { echo "AKNI: "; } ?>
Akira Kurosawa News and Information
<?php if (is_utwtag()) { echo ': '; UTW_ShowCurrentTagSet('tagsettextonly'); } ?>
<? } ?>
The last condition with UTWTAG is for the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin — remove it if you don’t use it.
To see how the title works across the site, I think it’s easiest if you just visit
I would like to know if someone can install and integrate BBpress with my WordPress site. I know that people install wordpress on non-commercial sites for free. My site is a blog for professionals, that I may ad some advertising just to pay for the site space. Can someone help me?
However I read ( atomAstro wrote) that there were some problems with integrating it. Any suggestions? I don’t know much about php and the like. I know minimal html and most of that has been depracated (I assume).
I am good at following instructions though. As long as they are step by step
If you have the same code for the header then I think you need some conditional if statements in there to check if it’s wp or bb. This isn’t really straightfoward I’m afraid, but then I’m in the dark here (haven’t done it myself) so perhaps it is and I don’t know about it.
Also, is it possible to have a “forum” header? a header that would go beneth the wordpress header, but only appear on forum pages?