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  • #55101

    Maybe this has been addressed above, not sure. The install menu reminds me I am not in the WordPress directory and will need some code tweeking in order for cookies to match with WP, as well as, getting WP functions. To get the WP functions to work in bbPress, more tweeking is required. Is there any advantage to not putting bbPRess inside the directory?

    Ultimately, I simply wish to have one WP blog address with a forum capability inside the WP blog.

    Should I move bbPress inside the WP subdirectory? Or leave it as is and fine tune?


    I am looking, for at decent theme, that is available for several platforms (bbpress + wordpress + mediawiki) – more specific 3 diffrent themes that look alike (or as alike as “possible”).

    I have used mistylook before, but i am now using several subforums in the newest version of bbpress, and can’t get this to work with the “old” mistylook theme for bbpress.

    Any advide, or direction, anything (how to fix the problem with mistyllok, or new theme) would be soooo appreciated

    thnx in advance



    As everyone knows, if a user registers in bbpress instead of through wordpress(mu) that user doesn’t get a default role set.

    I’ve dug and dug on both the bbpress and wpmu forums and haven’t found a fix for this. I did find a fix that apparently works for wordpress, but I tried it for wordpress mu with no luck.

    The 4th post in this thread explains a way to set roles in wordpress mu.

    I imagine that a plugin with the combination of the two solutions would allow users to register through bbpress and get a default role on the main wordpress mu blog. But, unfortunately I have no clue what I’m doing. If anyone has a free minute or two to look at the bits of code and maybe hack something together that would be awesome.

    Oh, and I’m using the latest versions of both bbpress and wpmu.


    Oh and bbPress’s (and WordPress’s) biggest weakness is not mysql queries – it’s actually all the plugins loading.

    Unless you use an opcode cache or have really good disk caching on your host, loading a dozen or more plugins can cause those longer delays.

    If you are on a VPS, you need eaccelerator or some other opcode cache. A few shared hosts like dreamhost let you install your own copy of php+fastcgi and eaccelerator too (but I do not recommend DreamHost, quite the opposite).



    (still waiting for the theme franzy that came with wordpress – to arrive at bbpress)


    You have to overwrite the pluggable login functions which will instead check your own existing login system. This wordpress reference should be applicable.

    This isn’t something someone else can do for you unless they have your existing login system installed. But if you have any problems we may be able to help with them.


    no i couldnt solve the problem

    Trent Adams

    Do either of these plugins give you an idea or work for you?



    I’ve got wpmu and bbpress both installed and working. I’ve also got the user databases integrated for the most part. Things work well so far for the most part. If a user registers through wpmu the user is created and they are also able to login to bbpress. However, if a user registers through the forum they are not able to login to wpmu because no role is set.

    I installed the bbpress-integration plugin <; to the mu-plugins directory which should fix the problem, no dice. I’ve read that some people just remove the bbpress registration and just make everyone register through wpmu to avoid this. That just seems dirty to me.

    If anyone has any ideas I’d love to hear them :)


    Hi there, here’s my first attempt on BBpress , although I have been pretty good at making website’s with WordPress but this was my first attempt to have a forum’s at my very new blog.

    Here’s the link to my forums powered by BBpress.

    I had a choice of integrating it with wordpress using the wordpress header and footer … but in my case i felt that designing a bbpress in itself like my wordpress theme was a bit easy for me as I was having some difficulties with integrating it with my blog interface … so I managed to make the default kakumei theme look my original wordpress blog theme … and integrate the users …

    Although there will always be small changes being made on the forums as this was the first time i went through the BBpress code and I just love the simplicity.

    Thanks a lot …


    I noticed that bbpress doesn’t make use of conditions while wordpress and gallery2 do. I’m kind of frustrated so I’m just going to disable permalinks for now, but I believe that if wordpress and gallery2 work then bbpress should be able to work too. I haven’t figured out how, though; hopefully one of you can since this is a frustrating problem.


    I have read the other threads on this forum, tried the suggestions there, and no matter what I do I can’t seem to get permalinks working for bbPress.

    At first I had wordpress configured to run in the root of my site (while physically being in /wordpress/) and thought that might be messing up bbpress, which is in a subfolder, so I disabled that feature of wordpress and configured it to run from the same folder where it is installed.

    Even after doing this, I haven’t been able to get permalinks to work. I have tried both option +multiviews and the output from the rewrite php file, both without success. The error I get is “No input file specified.” I am saving the .htaccess file in the root of my forums folder. My forum is installed at and I am hosted with goDaddy. Permalinks are working with my wordpress and gallery2 installs.



    In reply to: Simply doesn’t work


    I have the same thing. I tried everything. When i click on ‘show topic’ on my ne forum, or any other – i am redirected to main wordpress page.

    The most stupid thing is that just after i installed bbpress, it was working. But after i was trying to integrate with wordpress – several bugs have occured, so i deleted bb and cleared the databe, but now after another install, it simply doesnt work, just like the topic says.


    In reply to: k2 for bbpress


    @schmitt, Thanks for the feedback :)

    No I don’t have an SVN for the k2 BBPress theme, but what changes would you submit. Before posting please think about my following points.

    (a) I have not yet implemented a “proper” tab bar , like the solution posted by Sabutay as “normal” users don’t like editing things…. what ever I implement as a template would be wrong for the majority of people.

    (b) fam-fam icons, I do want to do, but I don’t want to unnecessarily bloat the theme, just installing a ccs file is kinda cool. Just using a css also makes the theme more “secure”, i.e. anyone who developed their theme from the original wordpress kubrick theme has had to keep releasing updates in order for the theme not to be vulnerable to XSS various attacks.


    In reply to: k2 for bbpress


    I mean K2 wordpress… not BBPress…

    If one were to add enhancements to the K2 BBpress theme, I don’t think there is an SVN to submit changes.

    Does it make sense to have a themes SVN just like plugins?


    Well…I’ve resolved my (and maybe also your) problem… the problem was that I’ve used the same db prefix for both bbpress and wordpress… I feel like an idiot :D I just didn’t read the instructions too carefuly :D


    Yea after i tried posting it in there a few times i figured that out. Will do boss! ^_^


    If you’d be so kind as to take all that code out of your post and put it in then link to it, that’d be nice. Also, bb doesn’t by default use bbCode. Code is delimited by ` backticks.


    In reply to: Always login


    I think bb_cookie is in pluggable.php, so yes. Just look for wordpress documentation on overwriting functions like this (achieveable through plugins).

    Also easy. :)

    add_action('bb_init', 'chuck_out_lusers');
    function chuck_out_lusers() {
    if( !bb_get_current_user() && bb_get_location != 'login-page' ) {


    This is what i have for my wp login. I want my users to login/register from the wp side. So i have this snippet of code i gathered from various forum posts as well as some of it was in my current theme.

    It says Welcome guest when you arent logged in or registered and it gives the link to register. If your signed in or sign in it says Welcome username and shows the forum avatar you have set. Based on your user level it shows you different links for each thing you can do. Like make a post in WP or your profile and favorites in the forum.

    I have a redirect page setup that when you login from this form it just directs you back to the index page instead of going automatically to the dashboard as this confuses most people and the links are on there if your signed in to show you what you can do.

    ** I didnt write this i just gathered it up from various sources on the internet in different forum posts and edited it to suit my needs. Part of it was already wrote into the theme i bought for my wp. **

    pastebin url to it:

    The redirect part is a file i named redirect.php and placed in my wp main directory with a redirect link to the main page. You can see that bit here :

    If you have your bbpress intergrated well with wp you should be able to use the same form on your forum. That is what i use.



    I don’t use BBPress in that site, i’m installing it on another site, and there the code i posted works :)


    Hey Detective, thanks for the code snipet. I checked out your site and I see it on your sidebar in the forums but not on your main WP sidebar? BTW, nice looking site. :)


    In reply to: Askimet as a plugin?


    I’m kinda surprised that they didn’t just port the wordpress plugin.

    It has more features and given how Matt wanted to make bbpress so “light”, virtually everything should be optional.

    I guess they figured forums would be a huge target without any kind of captcha or turing test for signup.

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