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Topic: Gravatar Plugin
Inspiring from Gravatar plugin in WordPress, I try to find a work around to port that plugin to bbPress plugin, so I dont need to host image avatar files for each user.
Is there anyone had done this before ?
I’m working on a project that calls for a seamless integration of the two with all the bbPress functions available in WordPress and vise-versa. I have finished nearly everything including adding the bbPress admin menu items to the WordPress panel.
However, the items don’t actually display because when WordPress checks to see if users can access them, the roles, such as “moderator” aren’t listed.
Is there a way, in bbPress, to just get a list of the current users capabilities, so it can be filtered into the WordPress list? The project requires that it be done entirely through plugins.
I had a user write a post with this title:
This creates a post like this:
I’m using the “slug” option on this test forum which uses the default theme and bbPress It looks like the is being sanitized to “” (an empty string), which confuses bbPress and leads to that topic resolving to an error page. On the test forum to which I just linked, I have no plugins except WordPress Integration.
Has anybody else run into this bug? Is there an existing workaround? If other people can replicate this bug, I’ll create a ticket in Trac. Also, if there’s no existing workaround, I’ll try to create a plugin workaround.
Am i missing something?
I’m used to edit themes in WordPress through the admin panel, is it not possible for bbPress -do i have to edit offline?
Topic: Really damn impressive!
Hey folks,
Wow.. I don’t even know what to say.. when I stumbled on this I felt like bashing my head against my desk repeatedly. As an avid user of Vbulletin for about 2 years+ and spending hundreds of dollars for plugins and the package itself; bbpress.. being opensource and not even at version 1 makes VB look like a crock of shit!
I’ve been using WordPress on a couple of my sites and have tried to find something that can be well integrated with my favourite blogging software ^^
I’m completely inlove with WordPress and BBpress.. all that is left is to complete the integration. So far I’ve got it to share users.
What I need to know now is how I can get BBpress to use wp-login and whether I can get BBpress to be locked down with this WordPress plugin.
Topic: Wrong user count
I use bbPress for a small forum. My user table is shared with a wordpress blog. My bbPress plugins are UseDisplayName 0.7.2, AllowImages 0.7.1, Private Forums 5.0, Forums Moderators 1.0, Google Analytics 0.68. I use the german localisation file, it is a german forum.
There is a strange bug in the user list. At the moment, 8 users are registered. But the Users/Find admin panel displays a wrong number of users. It says there are 61 users.
I took a screenshot a few days ago with six users, displayed as 48, if you don’t understand the problem, take a look in my weird numbers. And I thought that reckoning is something a computer can do.
Is the problem caused by one of my plugins, or by another reason? And is there a workaround? It is a bug that does not harm me now, but it is a strange one I do not understand.
Any chance of getting a wiki integrated here?
It would go rather far in getting user-generated documentation going, especially pages like “WordPress Integration” which needs a bunch of updates to make it easier for new users trying out bbPress.
Topic: Blocking User is not working
I usually set the status to “Blocked” in bbPress whenever one of the group blog authors leaves or retires, so as to block the author of my WordPress blog from accessing the bbPress too.
But today I retired an author and changed the status to Blocked in bbPress but find that the author can still log in…
I simply want the author blocked and not deleted, as the authors’ posts will still be active on the WordPress blog.
I may be mistaken but I thought Blocked had worked for me in the past. Could a new version of “Role Manager” plugin in my wordpress be messing this up…
or is there anyway to make “Blocked” work again? would appreciate any help on this.
I’m trying to add a bbpress managed forum to my wordpress blog but i have some difficulties even so the installation instructions seemed easy. I use the same database for both blog and forum. The only thing i have is blank page when i launch the install.
Here is my config.php file
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘xxxx’); // Le nom de la base de donnees
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘xxxx’); // Votre identifiant MySQL
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘xxxx’); // …et votre mot de passe
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // Dans la plupart des cas, vous n’aurez pas a modifier cette ligne
// Vous pouvez faire plusieurs installation sur une meme base de donnees en leur donnant un prefixe unique
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.
$bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!
// The full URL of your bbPress install
$bb->uri = ‘’;
// What are you going to call me?
$bb->name = ‘Le forum des subventions à la création et au développement d’entreprise’;
// This must be set before you run the install script.
$bb->admin_email = ‘’;
// Set to true if you want pretty permalinks, set to ‘slugs’ if you want to use slug based pretty permalinks.
$bb->mod_rewrite = ‘slugs’;
// The number of topics that show on each page.
$bb->page_topics = 30;
// A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting.
$bb->edit_lock = 60;
// Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time.
$bb->gmt_offset = -2;
// Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
// For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to ‘de’
// to enable German language support.
define(‘BBLANG’, ”);
// Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage
// of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at
$bb->akismet_key = ‘xxxx’; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’
// The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.
// If you’re not, just leave it as it is.
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;
$bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘’
$bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘’
$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;
$bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;
define(‘WP_BB’, true);
/* Stop editing */
if ( !defined(‘BBPATH’) )
define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );
require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );
Is there something wrong in what I wrote? Beside that i installed the integration plugin under wordpress and modified the wp-config.php concerning the cookies.
Thank you for your help