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  • #56046

    Let us give him some more time…

    Trent Adams

    I am over my head when combining WP and bbPress functions and know next to nothing with Ajax. Hopefully mdawaffe (Michael) will see this post or head over to and see if you can contact him another way!



    Currently i’m trying to develop something using wordpress & bbpress.

    Everything flows pretty good when talking on functionality and the rest of features, but there is a problem.

    Actually 2 problems. First I already posted here:

    And now the second one:

    The final release has to be in another language but english. It’s true, I found no troubles translating bbpress in my language and the rest of updated wordpress. But after what I’ve integrated both of api’s: the wordpress and bbpress; this resulted in the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /var/www/pm/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26

    I suppose it’s because of the translations, cause when I did not defined BBLANG, everything worked well.

    After a bit I thought, that a solution for my problem can be joining both of the bbpress and wordpress translation .mo’s and defining just WPLANG for my language settings. That worked, but I dont see this as a pretty simple and accessible solution for everybody!

    I would be glad getting some help on that, If there is any other more easier solution, that would be cool.


    In reply to: links to forums broken

    Trent Adams

    I see your problem there bedbugger. It seems to head over to the wordpress install and give a 404 error when you try and access the forum. What version are you running of bbPress? If you change back to the default theme, do this still happen? Do you have any plugins? If you replace forum.php in your template with the original from the download does that help?



    In reply to: Some Questionssssss

    Trent Adams

    Automattic don’t want anyone using any theme on, so ‘copying’ them is out of the question and I have talked to them about it. I had permission to clone this particular forum theme and have released it on my site. There are ways to make things different, but you would have to create the theme!


    Trent Adams

    It will be more like how does it:




    In reply to: Some Questionssssss


    No, it isn’t.

    Stylesheets are what determines the look of a forum. These are the stylesheets the forums use:

    I do not think they would mind if you use them, as long as you give credit. You could ask someone.

    Or, instead, you could start a new theme, edit your new style.css file and try to replicate what they have by try-and-error.


    In reply to: Some Questionssssss


    Thanks. I really like the forums for – Is it something that would be hard to replicate?


    If this is in the wrong place, my bad. I couldn’t find all the answers I needed, so I decided a new thread would help.

    * Can I import my data from an Invision Power forum?

    * bbPress can integrate with my WordPress blog, right? Meaning users make a profile and use an avatar that would show up in the forums as well as in comments on the blog?

    * Is there a WYSIWYG editor for bbpress?

    * What about signatures for posts, as you would find with phpBB, Invision Power, etc?

    * Is there a quick reply feature?

    What I’m looking for is a forum to integrate with WordPress, but Invision can’t do that, so it would be ideal if bbPress had features like it.



    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    Done quite a lot of stuff, running 1.0-alpha at the moment (which includes the possibility for forums to be children of other forums – could be useful, although I’m not using it right now) and a bunch of plugins.

    • Page links
    • bbPress Integration
    • Allow Images
    • Comment Quicktags for bbPress
    • bbEmoticons
    • Show Post Count
    • Online List
    • WP Posts
    • Quote
    • WordPress Integration


    In reply to: Post Moderation


    Yes, you are right; some people will not want to use this.

    But i mean, this would be an option, like in WordPress.

    As bbPress’ structure is very similar to WordPress; adding that option to bbPress won’t be so hard, i guess. :)


    In reply to: What’s integration?


    Is shared logins the only benefit?

    Can bbpress use any of the wordpress plugins?

    What are some of the practical benefits of integrating a blog with a forum?

    Can you make the comments from wordpress go directly to the forum? Not just appear in the forum but ONLY appear in the forum?

    My wordpress blog is, a community charity illustration blog but I’d like the community aspect of the commenting system to be part of our forums with all our other forum topics/projects at

    Ideally I would like the root of our site ( to use something relatively simple like Nulls BBportal to pull and display open forum topics from a couple of specific categories (in our forums case our ‘newsfront’ category and our company specific category) and then have our wordpress blog also linked into the forums from a subdomain.


    In reply to: links to forums broken


    the .htaccess file is:

    Options +MultiViews

    (That’s the entire file. I havebbpress sharing a database with wordpress.)


    I have an old wordpress blog I would like to export into bbpress – is this possible?

    I would settle for posts and comments but users would be good too.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    To make this work in 1.0 you need to change the first few lines (or it won’t be available to activate as a plugin). I modified mine to this, which still has all the credits in there.

    Plugin Name: bbEmoticons
    Plugin URI:
    Description: A Clickable Smilies hack for bbPress. Thanks to <a href="">kohaku</a> and <a href="">aka</a>. Original WP Grins by <a href="">Alex King</a>.
    Author: hiromasa
    Author URI:
    Version: 0.72

    Just replace the <?php at the start of your .php file with this and it should show up to be activated.

    Edit: Oh, awesome, a overflow: auto property has been added. Thanks. :)


    certainly can .. If u using BbLD. There is an option to use external DB. But i wont recommend making a connection between different server/location.

    Another way to do .. parse your forum rss feed.


    I know that if you integrate your wordpress with bbpress you can display the latest posts – but can you display the latest posts from someone elses wordpress?


    In reply to: Post Moderation



    Can the “post moderation before publishing” property be added to bbPress?

    Some people register only for spam, or some does not obey the rules of the forum. So, we may want to moderate new members’ posts.

    For example, a new member is registered to our forum.

    Like WordPress, a member who has not any approved post, (or a number of posts which is defined by the admin) the message of him/her may be moderated.

    I think this property will be very useful for most of the bbPress users.

    Trent Adams

    Actually found a good one! Check this out:

    Engtech’s SVN Tutorial


    Trent Adams

    If it is a headers already sent, I would imagine there must be a space at the end of your file after the ?> portion of config.php or the included files in your config.php.


    So I installed the latest version of bbpress 0.8.1 and wordpress 2.1.2. I followed the instructions on this website:

    There are a few CSS problems which i’m sure i’ll be able to iron out but the worrying thing is when i try to post any information – a new tag, new post, new topic; I get the following error:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/pjqkug/public_html/forum/config.php:3) in /home/pjqkug/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 275

    Anyone think they can have a gander and help?

    username: test

    password: test




    In reply to: Login error


    No idea. Try emailing one of the admin on the wordpress site.


    Topic: Login error

    in forum Installation

    Think I just found a temporary fix. We have maybe 7 wordpress users that use display names. I don’t think that bbpress users can edit display names in the bbpress profile section, so this must of been why it was showing up blank when our bbPress users (not wp users) were posting in the forums. I fixed the issue by un-checking the “integrated with wordpress” check box on the bdLP options page.

    Our bbpress and wordpress users don’t switch sides so much, so it shouldn’t be to much of an issue.



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