Stephen Edgar (@netweb)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @netweb


    Having created a 2nd keymaster user this sounds like a plugin conflict, follwo the steps here to see if you can narrow down which plugin is causing the conflict



    For the bbp_setup_current_user issue see:

    bbp_setup_current_user was called incorrectly

    Most likely all the above replies which are *not* the same thing, they are all different errors are caused by the same thing though, a plugin or theme conflict.

    See this



    It probably needs an update, I’m pretty sure its the same one I worked on but just cannot find right this second 😉

    Grab me a link to it and post it here, also make sure your database you want to import from is on the same database server you are using for WordPress, doesn’t have to be the same database, just the same MySQL server.



    This seems to be after 24-36 hours of run time, so I am not sure if I am running across some sort of session expiration or what.

    Yes, that is exactly what you are coming up against, on the technical side, its WordPress dropping the MySQL session, the work around is to every few,4,6,8,12 hours even is to open a new browser tab and refresh a WordPress admin page and that should stop those ------

    Is it possible to re-run an import, picking off where it left off?

    It’s supposed to, there’s some improvements here coming in bbPress 2.6, I also strongly suggest using 2.6-alpha available from, there will be no more import changes before 2.6 ships and there are vast improvements to importing in 2.6.

    Give it a try and let me know it goes 🙂

    In reply to: SMF Import



    @rnmartinez I just replied in your other topic, I’ll close this one but feel free to ask questions in that one and I’ll do my best to get you sorted 🙂

    SMF Import question

    In reply to: SMF Import question



    You should try bbPress 2.6-alpha, there are lots of bug fixes for SMF in this upcoming release

    Grab it from



    @siparker, as I just replied to @giobby’s phpBB post you should try the import with bbPress 2.6-alpha (hoping to release in the next couple of weeks).

    It contains pretty big improvements around the importing and matching of users and their data. It should now correctly map any Anonymous users to bbPress’ Anonymous user though now it will include their vBulletin Anonymous user name. It also works in a similar fashion for deleted users, if the user was deleted and their posts kept, bbPress now maps these posts and usernames to its own internal Anonymous user.

    Also make sure to run the repair tools after importing, it fixes up any freshness, last poster type issues if we couldn’t import that data it recalculates it for you.

    Grab 2.6-alpha from



    You should try bbPress 2.6-alpha, there are heaps of phpBB improvements in bbPress 2.6 🙂

    That should fix your author mapping, it also adds support for mapping anonymous/deleted users to their topics which is pretty cool.

    The mapping of the users old phpBB user ID is also updated to work quite differently to how it did in the 2.5.x release so again this should fix that for you also.

    p.s. here runs 2.6-alpha, and we’re hoping to ship 2.6 in the next couple of weeks.

    Edit: Get 2.6-alpha via our downloads page



    WPML have a bbPress plugin you need to use, they don’t publish it publicly, you need to ask them for a copy of it, that should fix any WPML and bbPress compatibility issues you’re having.



    Thats a little weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I’ve really got nothing if you were shown that 0 topics were imported etc, the same system is shared across ~25 different forum packages and I’ve never seen that reported before 🙁



    Awesome, glad you’ve got your site running faster 🙂

    Hopefully as bbPress 2.6 main focus has been on performance this will get even better once 2.6 is released.



    I need to take a closer look, and I’m exhausted today, so hopefully over the weekend I’ll get a chance to take a look and make said nerdy pull request 😉

    Based on said closer look I can start to think how we might integrate it into core and go from there



    will the changes affect this rewrite set? i see bbpress replies as comments?

    No, for bbPress 2.7 yes, but not for bbPress 2.6



    @siparker This is awesome, thank you 🙂

    Could you set this up in a GitHub repo please, I’ve got a few change suggestions 🙂

    In reply to: CHAT FOR MY FORUM



    @celziobiaz I very nearly marked this post of yours as spam, jumping into an old topic near on 2 years of age to promote your plugin is not cool.



    Also, if the old xenForo site is still live and people are posting to it, can I re-run the import tool to have it grab the latest posts or would I want to start over? I know that I’ll probably want to start over since you’ve added new import functionality, but in the future, would it work to just run the import tool from time to time until I’m ready to shut down the old site?


    I’d like to add this functionality down the road, we’ve got it partially, partially in that currently if it finished importing forums and only half way through topics then it would resume from the topics it didn’t finish then continue on to to replies.

    It literally resumes from where it left off, it never goes back to check if there are new forums, or new topics but in the future that would be a great addition.



    Yeah, I’m actually thinking it might be best to require the user (me) to manually move the images directory from the old site to the new site. Then, maybe just use the xenForo URL to the image to display it in the post. It “should” be safe since xenForo reduced the images based on admin settings when they were originally uploaded. Just some random thoughts from a guy not looking at import code. 😉

    I can add a “generic” that would change [ATTACH=full]872[/ATTACH] to generic URLhttps:/, you could then manually change thehttps:/ of that to anything you want for example` and have that folder on your server serve up the attachments from there?

    I’m wondering if would actually cure some of the bbcode issues automatically.

    We actually use a pretty comprehensive BBCode library already during import it converts a huge amount of common BBCode code to native HTML for us, I think you’d find there are only a handful of custom BBCode’s not covered by this library and is why I add them manually.

    p.s. I haven’t packaged up a new release with the changes just yet, but you can always get the latest version (with the above updates) from:

    At the bottom of that page is a link to download the file in “original format” and that will get you the file, the link is dynamic and changes each revision so that’s why no direct link.



    Probably the most noticeable issue after the import are the attachments. They are basically a number with opening and closing ATTACH bbcodes.

    I’m not quite sure what to do with attachments as bbPress import system does not yet support attachments ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I could add some code to “hide” the BBCode whilst still keeping it as a refernce?

    Also I’ve added support for YouTube, Daily Motion and Vimeo BBCode conversion

    Then there are the quotes to other posts. These simply just come in as text and the post IDs don’t match those in bbpress. In xenForo, the quoted posts link back to the post that was quoted.

    I’ve added some styling to the quotes now, so it wraps that quotes in “blockquote” and cites the authors name, e.g “wendellh wrote:”

    For now we can’t link to the quoted post, this is on my radar to do but requires some pretty big changes, maybe bbPress 2.8.

    I’ve also noticed that soft deleted posts (only viewable by mods and admins) in xenForo are coming in as public posts.

    Ah, I didn’t know about these types of posts, I’ve now done this, for topics/threads replies/posts that were “soft deleted” these are now imported with bbPress/WordPress “pending” status.



    I appreciate bbPress may add an extra 2 seconds to your site, though I’m not sure why.

    That said, if your site was taking 10 seconds before bbPress I would stop visiting your site, honestly, even the best content in the world would not be enough for me to endure a 10 second page load.

    As Pascal’s detailed reply points out above, I would take a look at the cause of your sites poor performance and get that fixed before adding anything new to your site.



    p.s. I wanted you to run that query to see if it failed, if it did fail that would have meant you and I have different database schemas for our Xenforo databases.

    o are the reply authors all correct now or still having issues with them?



    Awesome 🙂

    If you look at the phpBB and SMF importers they have near the end of the file a bunch of regular expressions for converting custom BBCode into native HTML for WordPress.

    Get me a list of what you want copied from the SMF/phpBB importers to Xenforo and I’ll add them.

    If you need more, or tweaks to them happy to help out here also.

    In reply to: Bulk Users Deletion



    So it worked for you?

    In reply to: Bulk Users Deletion



    The queries in this post should do what you need:



    Following up with research complete….New Relic is really awesome for this type of stuff.

    It is, I’m not using New Relic but am using similar services on various sites

    There are some example views here if that helps

    We have a plan to switch forums from custom post types to a taxonomy in most like 2.7 which will open up all kinds of views…



    A quick search reveals this

    Can you look up what your WordPress database character set and collation are being used?

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