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Topic: text buttons
Hello, can somebody please tell me how to fix the buttons for editing text?
Instead of being displayed like these nice little white cubes above the text field, they look like big red stacked bars with a single letter (B / I / Link etc.) in each bar, so it’s basically one big red block. Also the “notify me” square is not located where it’s supposed to be. :/ The buttons do work, but they look weird. I’m using WooCommerce, WPML, BuddyPress and bbPress.
Hey guys, i’ve installed the BBpress plugin last version 2.5.3 while running latest wordpress 3.8 version, and i had nothing in the dashboard, no tab, nothing related to BBpress.
I’ve deactivated all my plugins and set up basic wordpress theme.
I figured out that once i activate WPML Multilingual CMS, the three tabs related to BBpress : forums, topics and replies disappear from the dashboard…but i can still access to the forums, the pages are still available, because i’ve created it so i could test, the only issue is that if i want to create new category or anything else, i need to deactive my WPML plugin so the BBpress tabs appears again, and then reactivate and so on…I can’t run my website without the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin because i run a multilingual ecommerce and most of my contents is translated in two languages…
So just wanted to let you know the issue in case it was unknown, and you might know what i can do for it ?
Meanwhile i would have to found another forum plugin 🙁
Thanks in advance and Have a nice day 🙂
Hey guys, i’ve installed the BBpress plugin last version 2.5.3 and i had nothing in the dashboard, no tab, nothing related to BBpress.
I’ve deactivated all my plugins and set up basic wordpress theme.
I figured out that once i activate WPML Multilingual CMS, the three tabs related to BBpress : forums, topics and replies disappear from the dashboard…but i can still access to the forums, the pages are still available, because i’ve created it so i could test, the only issue is that if i want to create new category or anything else, i need to deactive my WPML plugin so the BBpress tabs appears again, and then reactivate and so on…I can’t run my website without the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin because i run a multilingual ecommerce and most of my contents is translated in two languages…
So just wanted to let you know the issue in case it was unknown, and you might know what i can do for it ?
Meanwhile i would have to found another forum plugin 🙁
Thanks in advance and Have a nice day 🙂
$retstr = sprintf( esc_html__( 'This forum contains %1$s, and was last updated by %2$s %3$s.', 'bbpress' ), $topic_text, $last_updated_by, $time_since );
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /xxx/xxx/xxx/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/forums/template.php on line 187
bbPress Version 2.4.1
WordPress 3.7.1.
Buddypress Version 1.8.1
WPML Version 3.0.1
I need help please,
I am building a multilingual (WPML plugin) website with a Bbpress forum inside. The forum is not multilingual and the fact that bbpress uses page.php to generate its pages causes the flag icons to display. They are not needed and they point to nowhere …
So I have to suppress the flags icons in the header when the page.php is displaying a forum.
But how can I test (in php) that I am in the forum ?Thanks for any clue.