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  • #148576
    Stephen Edgar

    WPML make their own ‘bbPress WPM’ plugin, though it is not publicly available.

    You need to ask them really nicely to get a copy 😉

    If you are using the official ‘bbPress WPML’ plugin is it the latest version?

    With all that said though any issues with the ‘bbPress WPML’ plugin need to raised with the WPML support team.

    Stephen Edgar


    Sorry, I havn’t used WPML, I just see this issue constantly come up for those who use WPML.

    The following is on GitHub but I have no idea if it works, is up to date or works with the latest WPML.


    Hi Stephen Edgar,

    Thank you for your answer.
    I’ve followed your suggestion, but the only reply I get from WPML support team is the following:

    Hello Pedro,

    Thank you for get in touch with us with your query!!

    Unfortunately BBPress is not compatible with WPML. Our team is working on it, but we do not have a timeline of when it should be ready for download.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    We are closing the ticket but we will keep it in our records and once the plugin is compatible with WPML we will notify you.

    OnTheGoSystems – Support Department

    It is a shame that the supporting team of a paid plugin gives such a poor service.
    I started a new topic so I can have an answer of any other forum member, besides support team, I hope.

    Do you know where to get the BBPress WPML plugin? Or, of your experience which WPML compatible forum plugin do you recommend?

    Kind regards.
    Pedro Avila

    Stephen Edgar

    You need to also use the bbPress WPML plugin, you need to ask WPML for a copy of the plugin as it it is not publicly available.




    I’ve followed your the link, configured as mentioned but still the same.

    My problem is not about having the BBPress interface in Portuguese. My problem is about not being able to set a Topic’s Forum attribute when I set the Topic’s language as Portuguese.

    Let me try to be more specific, with step by step instrutions so you can replicate my issue:

    a) Create 2 Forum, one in English and the other in Portuguese;

    b) Press the “New Topic” link;

    c) Set the new topic, by filling out the topic’s title and body text;

    d) On the right part of the topic screen/form, on the “Language” section choose “Portugues”. Please notice that, on the Topic’s attributes section, no forum is listed;

    e) On the right part of the topic screen/form, on the “Language” section choose “English”. Please notice that, on the Topic’s attributes section, a forum is listed;

    To summarize, everytime I try to set the topic’s language other than English, in my case Portuguese, the topic’s forum attribute list is empty, and if I switch back the topic’s language to English the topic’s forum attribute list gets populated.

    I’m using WPML plugin to manage multilanguage.

    Can anyone help me please?

    Kind regards.
    Pedro Avila



    Thank you for your answer.

    I found the issue. I’m using WPML. When I create a Forum for English and than if I create a Topic, also for English, the attribute “Forum” combobox has items. On the other side, if I create a Forum for Portuguese and than a Topic also for Portuguese, the attribute “Forum” combobox is empty.

    It seems BBPress is only working for English, not for any other language.

    How do solve this issue?

    Kind regards.
    Pedro Avila


    In reply to: text buttons



    WordPress 3.9 “Smith”
    WPML Multilingual CMS 3.1.5
    WooCommerce 2.1.7
    BuddyPress 2.0
    bbPress 2.5.3


    Topic: text buttons

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hello, can somebody please tell me how to fix the buttons for editing text?

    Instead of being displayed like these nice little white cubes above the text field, they look like big red stacked bars with a single letter (B / I / Link etc.) in each bar, so it’s basically one big red block. Also the “notify me” square is not located where it’s supposed to be. :/ The buttons do work, but they look weird. I’m using WooCommerce, WPML, BuddyPress and bbPress.


    Stephen Edgar

    How possible is it to make a plugin like the above? Is there a filter or so I can hook into to change the front end language?

    I can’t think of a way of the top of my head…

    If there is not, is having two wordpress installations, each in a separate language but sharing the same database an option? It is rather cumbersome way to work around this but I am going crazy over this now.

    This would be an option, could be done, but a massive amount of work in setup and maintenance.

    I haven’t used WPML myself so how it does it’s thing I am not sure of but if it must be a fresh install can you make a backup of your database and site then export posts, pages, forums, topics, replies with the WXR Export then perform a clean install of WordPress, add WPML, then import the WXR data to the fresh install?


    Hi Stephen,

    Thank you for replying. I don’t think I can use WPML now since the site is up and running and a fresh start won’t be an option. I had to look again to understand that page. Simple yet niche 😀

    How possible is it to make a plugin like the above? Is there a filter or so I can hook into to change the front end language?

    If there is not, is having two wordpress installations, each in a separate language but sharing the same database an option? It is rather cumbersome way to work around this but I am going crazy over this now.

    Stephen Edgar

    That plugin would be for the old ‘standalone’ version v1.x of bbPress, you would need to find a plugin that works with bbPress 2.x.

    Maybe WPML will work? Quite a few people here use it with bbPress:

    (Note: You have to ask WPML for the extra bbPress additional plugin to use WPML with bbPress)

    On a related note, how is the language options provided in this page? (under the subpages heading)

    They are just simple ordinary WordPress pages and the parent page is the page you linked. Both the content and the title of each page is written in the authors ‘native tongue’ there is nothing special behind this, standard WordPress is way cool like this. 🙂

    Stephen Edgar

    That plugin would be for the old ‘standalone’ version v1.x of bbPress, you would need to find a plugin that works with bbPress 2.x.

    Maybe WPML will work? A few people here use it

    Robin W

    Think this thread should help you


    Hey guys, i’ve installed the BBpress plugin last version 2.5.3 while running latest wordpress 3.8 version, and i had nothing in the dashboard, no tab, nothing related to BBpress.

    I’ve deactivated all my plugins and set up basic wordpress theme.
    I figured out that once i activate WPML Multilingual CMS, the three tabs related to BBpress : forums, topics and replies disappear from the dashboard…but i can still access to the forums, the pages are still available, because i’ve created it so i could test, the only issue is that if i want to create new category or anything else, i need to deactive my WPML plugin so the BBpress tabs appears again, and then reactivate and so on…

    I can’t run my website without the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin because i run a multilingual ecommerce and most of my contents is translated in two languages…

    So just wanted to let you know the issue in case it was unknown, and you might know what i can do for it ?

    Meanwhile i would have to found another forum plugin 🙁

    Thanks in advance and Have a nice day 🙂


    Hey guys, i’ve installed the BBpress plugin last version 2.5.3 and i had nothing in the dashboard, no tab, nothing related to BBpress.

    I’ve deactivated all my plugins and set up basic wordpress theme.
    I figured out that once i activate WPML Multilingual CMS, the three tabs related to BBpress : forums, topics and replies disappear from the dashboard…but i can still access to the forums, the pages are still available, because i’ve created it so i could test, the only issue is that if i want to create new category or anything else, i need to deactive my WPML plugin so the BBpress tabs appears again, and then reactivate and so on…

    I can’t run my website without the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin because i run a multilingual ecommerce and most of my contents is translated in two languages…

    So just wanted to let you know the issue in case it was unknown, and you might know what i can do for it ?

    Meanwhile i would have to found another forum plugin 🙁

    Thanks in advance and Have a nice day 🙂


    In reply to: multi Languages



    I’m currently struggling with bbpress/wpml and my experience so far:
    It works, using the unofficial wmpl-bbpress plugin – for 85%
    Each language have their own forums.

    Modifying the plugin (adding hooks for registration + lost password page) it works for 90% and I’m pretty shure that the rest of the issues with language switching can be solved…
    .. till yo begin to add bbpress plugins:
    working: GD bbPress Attachments, GD bbPress Tools, bbP Topic Views
    not working so far: mark as read, bbPress Unread Posts

    However, its unstable.
    Sometimes – on very rare occasions – topics appear on the wrong language fork.

    From there is no serious help – just search their forums and get the picture how they handle this issues.

    You may take a look at my test installation at , it will stay online for some weeks.

    I, by myself will probably set up a subdomain for the forum with ONE forum for all languages with sub_forums for the language forks.

    Best regards


    Hey John, yes you were right.

    I have the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin, and it was causing the issue.

    Thanks for helping.



    In reply to: multi Languages

    Stephen Edgar

    Oh BTW… WPML has an extra plugin to make it compatible with bbPress but no public download link, you need to ask them for this, why? I do not know you just do :/


    In reply to: multi Languages


    Thanks !
    I will try WPML


    In reply to: multi Languages

    Stephen Edgar

    This is more of a WordPress issue than bbPress, bbPress should function in whataver language the site is in correctly.

    This looks like a good start and quite a few people use WPML and bbPress


    Hi Stephen.

    Thanks for your message. I have identified the conflicting plugin. It is WPML Media. I’ve logged the problem with them and waiting for their assistance. Is there is anything further BBPress can do to resolve this conflict?




    $retstr = sprintf( esc_html__( 'This forum contains %1$s, and was last updated by %2$s %3$s.', 'bbpress' ), $topic_text, $last_updated_by, $time_since );

    bbPress error

    Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /xxx/xxx/xxx/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/forums/template.php on line 187

    bbPress Version 2.4.1
    WordPress 3.7.1.
    Buddypress Version 1.8.1
    WPML Version 3.0.1
    I need help please,


    Problem solved when upgrading to latest WordPress (2.6.1) and bbPress (2.4). I have WPML too.

    Great work , thanks.


    I am building a multilingual (WPML plugin) website with a Bbpress forum inside. The forum is not multilingual and the fact that bbpress uses page.php to generate its pages causes the flag icons to display. They are not needed and they point to nowhere …
    So I have to suppress the flags icons in the header when the page.php is displaying a forum.
    But how can I test (in php) that I am in the forum ?

    Thanks for any clue.


    Viktor Szépe

    once installing
    bbPress appears
    it is not a real solution

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