De po-file lijkt me niet compleet, er zijn nog een hoop teksten die in Engels worden weergegeven. (Of heb ik het mis?)
Ik heb nu zelf een hoop vertalingen gedaan, maar in de code zelf. Dat is natuulijk niet de meest handige oplossing, want bij upgrades van bbPress zou ik die weer kwijt zijn.
Kun je zelf vertalingen aan de po-file toevoegen?
Wil eventueel helpen bij verder vertalen van bbPress, indien nodig!
I don’t agree here. SimplePress has do many features for a lot of users/use cases. Yes, it works, it’s active developed and maintained. I tested the new 5.0 beta two weeks ago and it’s still feature overload and a totally different user interface different from “normal” WP… And regarding translation they don’t go with WP standards here and so until they fix some things I could not get it into German. Old 4.x branch is no option because I need optimized code for a new project and also future-proof with WP 3.3+
bbPress — I only mean the plugin version 2.x — on the other hand is really simple but has all I need. It works with almost any theme/framework and I could easily tweak it via CSS. This is a big advantage. Performance-wise it’s really leightweight and future-proof with WP because of custom post types for forum contents.
YES, I know it has not so many features – a few could be added via plugin add-ons – and I assume a lot more will come in the next weeks or month.
IMHO bbPress 2.x is best for small to middle-range communities, best for simple support forums and such. If I need a full packed forum solution with ALL the many and big features I almost always will use a third-party solution like Vanilla, IPB or new XenForo. These have clean style and great UI in frontend AND backend. And with some work of integrating could be work together with WordPress too. — Just look at the newly launched support forum by – they use IPB Forums and it’s great for such a big community.
However, there are some great new bbPress forums out there, see at,,, etc. So the bbPress plugin has already proven to manage such communities and they’re doing great.
I vote for bbPress and at the same time have much respect for the work of the Simple:Press devs but just would not use their system!
thanks for the help, not a bug in bbPress but translated into Czech, I used a different translation and everything works as it should
I’m also looking for a swedish translation to the 2.x branch.
Where does it say export? Can’t find it.
Here is my translation for bbPress 2.0 module in Romanian language. I made it in the traditional Poedit.
I tried to find a solution to import it into GlotPress but it seems it is impossible with my contributor account type and to copy/paste 733 strings is not a nice job to do.
If there is any validator for Romanian language you can use these files to update the official translation.
Link bbPress 2.0 module translation into Romanian
I want to start russian translation of bbPress 2, but there is no Russian language in list (, please help me.
I want to start russian translation of bbPress 2, but there is no Russian language in list (, please help me.
Any news here? Is the SMF table translation issue I outlined above impossible with this plugin?
We’ve just published the translation of bbPress 2.0 into catalan (Català/Valencià).
Hope it will be useful…
you can find a catalan translation in our blog:
you can find a catalan translation in our blog:
I did all my work locally so no issues with memory or timeout that I could not easily resolve. BTW, one thing I did along the way was to set the number of rows to 1000 vs the default 100.
My overall strategy is to work off of a local, static version of the smf DB and local version of WP and all plugins and themes.
Once I get the process working smoothly and reliably and I get most of the development done in the WP end of things, I’ll do the following:
1) Lock down smf on the live site to new posts.
2) Make a backup of the smf DB and import it to my local environment.
3) Process the recent SMF DB using my (hopefully) perfected translation process.
4) Use standard WP methods to Move my site to the live server.
I’m a long ways away from this, having a lot of other development work to do (see to see where I’m starting from). I will be “practicing the moving of the site to the live server before I have to do it for real to find and fix any residual issues with URLs and paths that I expect will exist.
Finally, I believe that the groups and group forums were created by the smf import plugin, not the sitewide forum selection from bp. I am trying to get to the point where I can go from site-wide smf, with no group association, to the same sort of forum with bbpress. I will also be using the bp internal forums for groups but there will be no “overview” of group forum activity… at least that is my thinking so far.
im using worpdress 3.2.1 de_DE with bbpress plugin 2.0.
I found a way to display the reply author’s role below its avatar/name url link.
i’m using the following funtions:
function get_the_author_role() {
global $wpdb, $wp_roles, $authordata;
if ( !isset($wp_roles) )
$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();
foreach($wp_roles->role_names as $role => $Role) {
$caps = $wpdb->prefix . ‘capabilities’;
if (array_key_exists($role, $authordata->$caps))
return $Role;
function the_author_role() {
echo get_the_author_role();
My problem is, that the translation takes no effect here.
Anyone with a workaround?
Thanks to all. I had the same language problem before but now it resolved.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I’ll forward this page onto Michelle who is doing the dev inhouse and we’ll have a conversation about it and get back to you all as soon as possible.
We’ll get the translation stuff done in the next build. Its stuff we definitely know how to do – we setup for WP e-Commerce Plugin so we’ll just add this as an additional project there when we get a chance. I like the idea of doing that sooner rather then later so that people can collaborate with us.
Maybe we’ll move it to git as well. Would that be handy?
-Dan “fights for the users” Milward
Hi there!
Like some other users I noticed a missing search feature for the new and awesome bbPress 2.0+ plugin. So I just released a small and leightweight plugin for that:
bbPress Search Widget
Info & download at
-> it’s limited to the custom post types of bbPress: forums, topics, replies
-> there’s a drop-down to select one of these (a must) – so it also helps fine tune the search for the visitor…
-> it’s fully localized so you might translate the few strings into your language – I will attach any translations which are submitted to me!
I hope it’s useful for you.
Have fun
Any feedback is very welcomed of course!
-Thanx, Dave from Germany
@Vayu: happy it worked
@Moddey: your first try should have worked (look at Vayu’s solution). It’s normal that nothing changes if you edit the pot file: pot files are like “translation sources”, po files are the translated version in a human readable form, mo files are their machine-readable form. So tou should need only in your /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ directory.
Are you sure the file permissions are ok and the web server can read them?
Thanks John, but I am still not getting any translation on the bbPress forum plugin.
I have my WordPress translation files here: /wp-content/languages/ and my WP installation is translated perfectly.
I have placed my bbPress plugin language files here:
I have this in my wp-config.php:
define(‘WPLANG’, ‘da_DK’);
I have downloaded the language file from Glotpress.
Wonder what can be going wrong??
@highexistnence – What version of bbPress are you using? If using 2.0, put your WordPress translation files in:
your bbPress translation files in:
and then:
define('WPLANG', 'es_ES');
in your wp-config.php, replacing es_ES with your language code.
If you’re language is English, then you don’t need to do anything.
Having language files for bbPress 2.0 isn’t enough. The proper translation files need to exist for WordPress also.
My easy 1 2 3 bbPress installation and already ready to use.
It’s the truth that I just activated it and it suit my WP theme already. Or just maybe I don’t know what I’m missing. Anyway I still newbie on this bbPress.
bbPress forum site:
It is an Indonesian site, but translations available. Feel free to visit!
Dude you mean bbPlugin or bbPress (StandAlone vr.)?
For the StandAlone one you must put your language files into my-languages
and for bbPlugin put them into WordPress language directory with name like bbpress-fa_IR.po
or .mo. themes and plugins have a directory for translations, if have not code a textdomain for it
I am not sure your right about this. In the index.php file in bbpress/bbp-languages/index.php it says the following.
“Do not put custom translations here. They will be deleted on bbPress updates.
Keep custom bbPress translations in /wp-content/languages/”
I first tried to place my language files in bbp-languages folder and it did’t work.
When you do as I explained both the theme and bbpress will be translated. That’s what you want isn’t it?
I did notice the date of the post, but people might find my answer helpful even if migueltavares is not looking for help on this anymore.