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Topic: My forums template :)
I made a theme for my forums, and found it rather easy. It was mostly just all css, and a few changes to the front-page.php file.
I’m using a few plugins also:
- Allow Images
- bb-avatar
- bb-limit-latest-discussion
- bb-memberlist
- bb-postcount
- bb-privatemessage
- bb-signature – this one isn’t working for some reason, but i didn’t really look into it
- display-name
- forum-moderators – don’t know if this one is working either
- notification
- onlinelist
Thanks to all who made those
I’ll make the theme more user-friendly and remove the front-page.php changes so that it is more standard and release it to public whenever I change to a new theme. I don’t want other people to be using my theme at the same time I am
I’ve tried to match it up as close as possible to the main site without looking too “off” and feel that I’ve done a pretty good job.
You’ll need a p/w and username: test/test
Plugins used:
- Allow Images 0.7.1
- Avatar .73a
- bbEmoticons version 0.72
- Memberlist .73a
- Google Sitemap Generator .6
- BBPress Private Messaging 0.73
- Use Display Name 0.7.2
- Online List 1.3-fix
- WordPress Integration .7
(all plugs found via these forums
Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I’ve checked on Firefox 2.0 and IE 6.0 but would love to hear from users of other browsers!
Thanks in advance, and a huge thanks to those who’ve posted these plugins, as well as the FAQ and other solutions. Skinning this thing has been a bear, but everything else has been relatively easy as pie.
I had to borrow a function from the great Alex King and his mobile edition for WP, but I have created a plugin that will allow mobile phones and other common mobile devices to access a page designed for them.
Download: BB-Mobile
All the directions are in the readme.txt file in the download file, so it should be quite self explanatory. It has 2 files and you need to edit your header.php file in your templates, but has no core changes.
NOTE: I don’t think the mobile CSS will validate and I need people to test this out to find any bugs and corrections, but it seems to work well enough for me.
If you need a demo, you can view my forum with a mobile:
I was thinking a plugin that when you click on the topic title in the “Latest Discusison” section, it takes you to the last post, or the last unread post by you (which I think would require cookies, I don’t know much about that). I’m sure you have seen this on forums like IPB or phpBB, you click on the topic title, and it takes you to the last unread post. This would be good for threads which have more than one page, so that once you go to the thread, you then won’t have to navigate to the correct page.