Hehe, it was a pice of cake. 
AND it is easy to add the extra “step” to ” Website Design > HTML Basics > Whats wrong with my site” to the top-links if you like and it’s easy to group the result on the frontpage if you like.
(“General (forum cat block 1) >
–Latest news (forum under general cat)
–General Discussions (forum under general cat)
–Site Feedback (forum under general cat)”)
Well I think it feels “to much” so I made a new row in the table insted of giving every caregory its own line but its an easy to fix. Well, I didnt found any easy way to add a “middle-forum”, like it is in phpBB. If you clock on a categori you see all avalible forums.
Well, well. My point with this post, if you would like i can post the code and changes. But I warn you, my “hack” isnt realy nice, it demands changes in the db, in the corefiles and ofcause template. And worst of all, it uses crapy if-else and no fancy “all data in the db and one function for each job”-stuff. I’m a newbi so I’m using newbi sollutions.
I was thinking a plugin that when you click on the topic title in the “Latest Discusison” section, it takes you to the last post, or the last unread post by you (which I think would require cookies, I don’t know much about that). I’m sure you have seen this on forums like IPB or phpBB, you click on the topic title, and it takes you to the last unread post. This would be good for threads which have more than one page, so that once you go to the thread, you then won’t have to navigate to the correct page.
I edited them all to FALSE
now I get!
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/virtual/site122/fst/var/www/html/bbpress/config.php on line 58
What the heck?!
I’ve installed hundreds of php/sql portals and boards before and never had anything like this.
You guys could do a lot worse than just put together a complete php install script where you fill in the fields interactively ..
The amount of time I have to waste with this sort of stuff really affects my software selection. I could have installed PhPBB a hundred times over already.
Line 58 is:
define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );
Your PHP version is rather old, use this:
if (!function_exists('file_put_contents')) {
function file_put_contents($filename, $content) {
if ($fp = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
$result = fwrite($fp, $content);
return $result;
else {
return false;
Nothing that is written yet to my knowledge. Does SMF go over to phpBB format? If it does export to that, then you can use:
Hope that helps.
still no joy I’m afraid. this time it runs for a lot longer and I don’t get any errors, but it doesn’t update any of the tables. i’ll try and take another look at the weekend.
Anonymous User 133554Inactive
Have you checked if FILENAME (line 85) is writeable by the server? If it is, try switching EXPORT_TO_FILE to false and AUTO_IMPORT_EXPORTED_DATA to true. As usual, please do always a database backup before.
Hope it helps
Well, I’ve already been working on the layout, going by phpBB’s layout in general.. http://vindictivebastard.net/images/forumlayout.jpg
I’m just in need of some PHP professionals, to maybe make up a plugin, or a way to hard code the front-page.php file. To assign each specific forum, to the category..?
I was thinking of, maybe some how skipping the “loop” for the current forum “database calls”.. and just hard code it into the front-page, by calling in the forum’s [id’s].. bare in mind, I’m no PHP Pro here.. lol
Anyone think something like that will work, or..?
/And yes, my english grammar sucks too! Whee~
hmm. i tried this, but get this error after step 8:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in phpbb2bbpress.php on line 383
any suggestions?
Was wondering if someone wouldn’t mind making up a plugin for Forum Catagory (blocks)..? Like phpBB has..
General (forum cat block 1) >
–Latest news (forum under general cat)
–General Discussions (forum under general cat)
–Site Feedback (forum under general cat)
Website Design (forum cat block 2) >
–HTML Basics (forum under website design cat)
–PHP Coding (forum under website design cat)
–CSS (forum under website design cat)
Is anyone up for doing this maybe? I think it would be nice to have this option though, rather then having ALL the forums listed under ONE Section only..

I have thought about this a was thinking that it really doesn’t matter, but my preference would be to get the login integration with WP first if you are going to have it and this doesn’t apply to everyone because not everyone is going to sync logins with WP. The reason is that seems to be the hardest part and you have to have your key admin being the one you want and associated with the right user in WP.
Once you are ready to go, then test the import of phpBB becauase if it doesn’t go according to plan, you can just empty tables in bbPress and the hardcoding part for integration is still done.
IMHO, the best thing to do first is, make sure you’ve imported the phpBB stuff, into a fresh bbpress install, that doesn’t have the integration with WordPress.. then, integrate it with WordPress.. 
As is now, *some* people are still having problems with the bbpress+wordpress integratation deal.. again, IMHO.. I would just play it safe, by doing the phpBB (import) to a normal bbpress install first.. then go from there.. ?
Trent, what do you think?
I’ve got my bbpress install (just a simple thing to test with) integrated into my WordPress database. I’d like to be able to import selectively for testing but no screw everything up — is that possible? I note that the script calls for importing into a FRESH NEW bbpress install.
Brilliant; thanks so much, jaim3!
Anonymous User 133554Inactive
Nice job! This is awesome, thank you so much for sharing this, with everyone..

nice dude, when I first made the move, I looked at how different the db’s were and said “meh, screw it.” I got the users over easily, but very good job on dealing with topics and posts!
Anonymous User 133554Inactive
I enhaced the excellent Bruno Torres’ script and made it able to import bbCode, as well as to cleanly import topics marked as closed, sticky and announcements, as well as some other improvements and bugfixing.
Have a look at this: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/402
Anonymous User 133554Inactive
I switched my site’s phpBB forum to bbPress, and I’ve released the script I used for this purpose under the terms of the GPL.
It’s largely based on the excellent starting point from Bruno Torres, to which I added some new features — like bbCode conversion with clean XHTML 1.1 compliant output, smily to text transcription, and the ability to import topics marked as closed, sticky and announcements as such.
I made also some little bugfixing, and the resulting script was able to cleanly import almost everything valuable from my old phpBB database.
You can have a look here if interested: http://www.iteisa.com/phpbb2bbpress/
Hope it helps to spread bbPress and web standards all around!
Hey all,
I just started using bbPress yesterday, and as a WordPress and longtime phpBB user I’m pretty happy with it.
The only drawback I see as a critical flaw right now is the lack of any kind of security / role-based restrictions on specific forums. I’d like to be able to pull over a phpBB2-based forum that I run, and using the phpbb2bbpress migration script another poster wrote, I was able to migrate all of the content over perfectly. However, I had at least a couple of private forums that are access-restricted based on user permissions, and I can’t really complete the migration until I can lock those forums down.
Has anyone written a plugin (or does anyone know if this feature is coming soon?) that will allow role-based access to a specific number of forums in a bbPress installation? I don’t want to lock down the whole app (which I’ve seen a couple of threads about), just a couple of forums within the install.
Thanks in advance-
I was just curious.. would someone be willing to make up a “Private Message” system, just like phpBB has? Or do you think that will be too complicated? Just was wondering.. 
That is just a great plugin Ardentfrost! You have now just about completed off every single reason why people stay with phpBB with plugins for bbPress and opens the doors to functionality and users we didn’t have before.
Best part about plugins is that you get to choose how bloated you want your forums. That being said, I doubt having all the plugins in this forum would even hinder performance at all!
Great job!
We’ve installed bbPress in our WordPress Turkey Forums instead of phpBB.
Now, we have the same problem..
Our server’s time is GMT -8 and our country’s (Turkey) time is GMT +2
When we set $bb->gmt_offset = -8; (server’s local time)
Frehness is ok on main page. But topics’ and posts’ times are wrong now.
When we set $bb->gmt_offset = +2; (Turkey’s local time)
Freshness is not ok, (seems like -1 years) but topics’ and posts’ times are correct now.
How can we fix it?
I would love to see something like sub-forums implemented into bbPress earlier in the “game”. I think that would be so awesome. phpBB hasn’t even gotten to that “point” until phpBB3 beta or whatever.. lol!
I know it might not work, and function extacly like “that”, but.. atleast it’s a start of it..
