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  • #55459

    One thing you may run into is conflicting user IDs between phpbb users and existing wordpress/bbpress users. If so, you can change the user IDs in phpbb before you import it by using this mod:

    By changing the user IDs in phpbb to 99991, 99992, and so on, so they don’t conflict when they come over.


    One problem I ran into was that I already had a few existing users on the wordpress side, which led to conflicting unique user IDs. I got the importer to work, but some of the posts were under the wrong user names b/c of conflicting unique user IDs between wordpress/bbpress and the old phpbb board I tried to import.

    I haven’t been able to try it yet ( is down), but they have a mod called Change User ID that seems to do exactly what its name suggests. If so, I intend to use it to change the three user IDs that are conflicting from 2, 3, and 6 to 99992, 99993, and 99996 respectively. That way, when I import the phpbb tables there will just be “blanks” in the sequential unique user IDs for the existing wordpress IDs to fit into.

    Hope this is helpful…



    Thanks. What I did was edited the importer to use wp_users instead of bb_users and it worked perfectly.

    Trent Adams

    Sorry to get back to you late here. I would imagine that importing from phpBB into bbPress will associate the users into bb_users. Being integrated, bbPress uses wp_users. That might cause some problems. Maybe you can edit the phpBB => bbPress importer to put the users into wp_users versus bb_users. That being said, *****BACKUP EVERYTHING FIRST******

    You might want to install a test install on your server and try it there first as I am not sure what the consequences of doing it would be. Nothing too painful, but it might make you have to make a few changes to make sure the posts get associated with the right authors! One way to find out! Good luck!



    Hello, I am importing phpBB posts into a new bbPress forum, which will be integrated with WordPress. How can I do this with the least bit of headache? Thanks a ton!


    If punbb uses the same markup in posts that phpBB uses (the square bracket things) maybe a few changes to phpbb2bbpress can give you a direct conversion script. I could have a look if you provide me with a database dump from punbb. Also, if you are trying multistep conversions, there’s a script to go from SMF to bbPress :-)


    I think it would be really cool if there were a team working on writing importers to get as many people as possible involved with bbPress.


    I read another topic that was trying to convert from punbb to BBpress and they suggested convert to phpbb then to bbpress, but I am having troubles converting to phpbb, It gives me errors when I try and convert the members list (the phpbb forums haven’t helped yet) so I was hoping someone could help me convert so I could get on to BBpress asap.


    I am having a nightmare with modifying bbPress links. I want to switch from PHPBB to bbPress and keep my links.

    I’ve manage to do some changes to the permalinks and found them in:


    – function get_forum_link – create forum link output but do not interferes with pagination

    – function get_page_number_links – paggination???


    – function bb_get_uri_page – paggination links

    – bb_repermalink – create forum link output and gives an useless and annoying 301

    Am I missing something?


    In reply to: Import SMF to bbPress


    Thank you, I’ll do that when I clean the script from the references to phpbb and other stuff one day. This one bit me, as I have PHP4, but the script can still be used to import the data directly and not put it in a file.


    My friend, this is the ONLY way to go. I previously had used PhpBB, and I was in the same boat. I wanted something simple, powerful, yet it HAD to integrate with WordPress. I was reluctant to go down this path, but I was swayed by two things:

    First, I love WordPress, the community, the customizability, etc. I was impressed with the simplicity available, with more complexity/power possible depending on what the user needs. Second, I was extremely enticed by the prospect of a “seamless” integration. I won’t say that it’s been a total breeze, but compared to the PhpBB/4Images integration I did last year, integrating BBPress with WordPress was a breeze…AND A HALF! Don’t be fooled, though, this can be as simple as installing it and adding two plugins. Just depends on what your needs are.

    95% or more of what I’m modifying is template based files, NOT core files. This is quite different from my PhpBB/4Images integration, where I had to hack the core to the point that an update would have been disastrous. (Consequently, I never updated it, though it didn’t matter since the site never really went live.)

    So, yes, this is a beta product. And yes, some of the administration options and a few specific features present in other bb systems aren’t here.

    Would I use something else if I could do it over again? NO

    Do I miss any features from PhpBB? NO. In fact, what I suspected is exactly what has happened, that being that I’m as happy with what BBPress DOESN’T do as I am with what it does. Anything that I’ve needed so far has already been addressed in the forums, usually with a plugin. That makes modifying core files safe and simple. Bottom line, it works great, and I haven’t looked back.

    Hope this helps.


    Check my site at And here you can see the Pregnancy Forums. Let me know what you think, and feel free to ask any questions/comments there on the contact page.


    Yep, and with its same name. For example, put in bb-templates/kakumei/ This was in the README :-), though maybe a bit hidden. Now it has its own section to be easier to spot, and there’s a one-liner to build all the zips in bash.

    Also, a bug and a security issue (hopefully) corrected in the new version.


    Ok and where to put the zips? In the theme’s template folder?


    New version, same link.


    • Box/reminder/no box option expires with the session.
    • Micro comments in the plugin file, to make changes (esp. removing things) a bit easier.
    • Download link for the themes with the zip, both in the box and in the screenshots page.

    The zips have to be added manually. Hey, just like the themes themselves. It’s better that way, as an automatic creation would make them available and thus you’d be redistributing them, so you’d better check the license. OK, it’s just a cheap excuse to avoid the work :-) I may add that functionality for the admin (create/rebuild/delete zip links in the screenshots page when the admin loads it), but it’s low in my general TODO list. So, until a new bug is found or another good idea pops up that is easy for me to implement, consider it a final version.

    Also, keep in mind that the users can fake cookies and I don’t check their values. I don’t know how much of a risk it is for this case, nor how to solve it (yeah, I could check that only letters appear in the values).


    I suggest to add a zip of the theme in that theme folder for now, so we can use this download button. Future realease can have this zipping later (if needed at all).

    The download button would be plain wicked :)


    But the server doesn’t know when a theme is added. It can be done, of course, by checking the existence of the zip when the list of themes is created. But then, you don’t always have writing permissions. And the theme may be updated without erasing the generated zip. It can probably all be worked out by checking permissions, change times, etc. and choosing the appropriate behaviour.

    I’m excited with this and will work on it, but I’ll have to learn a bit of PHP first and then find some time to do it, so don’t hold your breath. I haven’t even started with the cookie expiration time yet.

    Thank you for your comments.


    Why not have the server zip the theme every time a theme is added? Minimises work on all sides.

    Very nice work. I especially like the don’t show for … settings. It feels very professional. :)


    Download button that will (on click) download the theme currently viewing (even grater if it would zip the theme folder and offer it for download on the fly)

    Good idea! I’ll work on that. I don’t know if zipping on the fly would be nice on the server. I think it’d be better that the admin adds the zip each time he adds a theme. But that’s more work for the admin :-) so I don’t know.

    Remove the Show theme button. Just selecting it in the ddlb should be enough to switch (or some explainetion of how to do this, cause I want to use it without that button)

    You can remove it by deleting the lines that generate it. Line 139 – 142 in cookie_themes.php (that is, from var but = ... to f.appendChild(but);). I put it before adding the “submit on change” stuff, and then I left it just in case the new thing didn’t work. When I tried it yesterday on MSIE, it didn’t work there, you had to use the button. But it may be just my MSIE with paranoid configuration.


    Would like to add:

    – Download button that will (on click) download the theme currently viewing (even grater if it would zip the theme folder and offer it for download on the fly)

    – Remove the Show theme button. Just selecting it in the ddlb should be enough to switch (or some explainetion of how to do this, cause I want to use it without that button)


    Yep, just have a look at the beginning of the injected javascript, in the plugin file. st is the variable through which you change the CSS of the box. Regarding position, the original file has:

    st.position = "fixed";
    st.left = = "40px";

    Changing top to bottom may give what you are asking for. You can change the value, of course, and add other CSS that you may want. Also, if you know JavaScript, you can make the box work as a draggable window, there are examples of that out there.

    I’ve just tried it under MSIE and guess what, it puts the box in the bottom of the page, after all content (that is, where it is generated). :-)

    And there’s a BUG (I’m talking about my files again, not MSIE positioning). The “close this box for this session” closes it forever. Well, for “more than just this session”, a week, I think. I can’t correct it and test it now, but the change needed would be to add the “just for this session” expiration time for the “annoying_box” cookie. That’d be the third parameter to bb_cookie in line 15 of themes.php. There are only two parameters now, and bbPress takes the absence of the third (or its value being 0) to mean a week. Right now I don’t know if you have to set a value in the past, a negative value or no value to make it a session cookie. In the latter case, it may be necessary to call setcookie directly instead of bb_cookie as bb_cookie changes the no-value case to a week.

    You may also leave that option out, the “box that disappears after 5 seconds” one may be enough.


    I have a really tiny question. Is there a way to move the popup-deal to the bottom of the page (it is in the top left right now)? In this position it somewhat obscures the top content. Thanks so much by the way, it’s working beautifully.


    In reply to: file attachments….



    I am preparing to switch from PHPbb to bbPress.

    PHPbb has indeed many more MODs but its a nightmare when it comes to security and spam.


    In reply to: file attachments….


    Link to the phpbb attachment mod:

    Forum excample:

    One of the best mods for phpbb.


    In reply to: file attachments….


    I suggest phpbb it has a very nice attachment plugin, with many functions


    New version, same link. No need to touch core files now. It relies on the bb_foot action to inject the box. More info in the README.

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