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  • #100807

    In reply to: Where is the importer?

    Laurens Offereins

    Found out it’s got something to do with my earlier conversion from phpbb to bbpress standalone. But it still got me confused:

    All the logins work perfectly after the first conversion (phpbb > bbpress 1.0), but after conversion from 1.0 to 2.0 all the logins block. Only accounts newly created in 1.0 get through in 2.0.

    In the database there’s a visible difference between logins from phpbb (start with $H$7) and bbpress 1.0 (start with $P$9). Since there is no login error in bbpress 1.0 I don’t think it’s a problem with the phpbb conversion (used this converter recommended somewhere on this forum).

    Can someone give me a hint on how to solve this?


    In reply to: Where is the importer?

    Laurens Offereins

    Found out it’s got something to do with my earlier conversion from phpbb to bbpress standalone. But it still got me confused:

    All the logins work perfectly after the first conversion (phpbb > bbpress 1.0), but after conversion from 1.0 to 2.0 all the logins block. Only accounts newly created in 1.0 get through in 2.0.

    In the database there’s a visible difference between logins from phpbb (start with $H$7) and bbpress 1.0 (start with $P$9). Since there is no login error in bbpress 1.0 I don’t think it’s a problem with the phpbb conversion (used this converter recommended somewhere on this forum).

    Can someone give me a hint on how to solve this?


    Well it’s not so much a matter of censoring, it’s a question of security. Until I had them whitelist a rule in ModSecurity, I couldn’t post a lot of stuff in WordPress either, whether from admin or not. ModSec is treating certain words as SQL language and assuming they are an injection attack attempt. I’ve seen this problem before many times in the past but never realized what it was until this issue and subsequent conversation.

    They’ve now whitelisted /topic/, /forum/, and /edit/ and that seems to have fixed this issue. I’m guessing this isn’t really something that can/should be fixed from within bbP itself, but if I’m wrong feel free to do so. :)

    And though I personally believe that bbP is the way to go for my community, my users are used to PHPbb and VBulletin sites and so this already seems “weird” to them. Adding technical issues and using beta software isn’t really helping instill confidence but hey that’s my choice to do. They’re spoiled by forum solutions with all the bells & whistles that I’ve had to add with plugins for things like Private Messaging, showing unread topics, protecting content for members only, signatures, etc. This is of course by design, and though I’m essentially putting back in a lot of the stuff that bbP has intended to leave out, I believe I wouldn’t be happy with the lack of integration of any other forum solution within WP so… bbP it is!

    They’ll get used to it, I just hope I don’t lose any because they can’t make the leap. Time will tell, and bbP keeps getting better with time. I hope my posts never suggest a lack of appreciation for this plugin and all the work you’re putting into it!



    I ran the upgrade yesterday from the import menu after installing the plugin, and it worked great. I had some issues where topics lost the topic_author field, but I think that may have happened when converting from phpbb to bbpress, not from bbpress1 to bbpress2.


    I ran the upgrade yesterday from the import menu after installing the plugin, and it worked great. I had some issues where topics lost the topic_author field, but I think that may have happened when converting from phpbb to bbpress, not from bbpress1 to bbpress2.


    Hello !

    After i finally understand what you are doing here… :D

    I checked what i need to do. A little bit confusing for me, my english isn`t that good.

    Ok, i setup a new WP (current version with twenty theme) and installed the bbpress 2 beta.

    So far so good. Will there be categories in BBpress ? Cause i just need one Forum under one menupoint with different categories with the topics inside.

    Currently i can only make different forums wich are seperatet, thant`s a little bit strange cause i have to a menupoint for every forum.

    When i click on “forum” at the breadcrump i get this error:

    The requested URL /mashup/forums/ was not found on this server.

    404, folder not found.

    Sure, there is none. Is this just a relict of the older BBPress version where normally i should have this folder ?

    First look is nice, this can be great in the future, but its in a very early beta state i guess.

    It`s the only forum wich is native in WP and runs directly in the page.

    All others like Vbulletin, PHPbb and so can`t be included and iframes are not really nice.

    so, BBPress is my hope and the only solution at the horizon.

    Thanks for your work.


    Thanks. I’ve checked my server myself and confirmed that php safe mode is indeed off. If you check my site ( you can see the error at the top of the screen. Would I be better moving to something like phpBB and integrating that instead into my WP/BB site?


    Thanks. I’ve checked my server myself and confirmed that php safe mode is indeed off. If you check my site ( you can see the error at the top of the screen. Would I be better moving to something like phpBB and integrating that instead into my WP/BB site?


    Categories are basically just forums you can’t post to. This mirrors existing bbPress behavior, and not existing (other forum platform) behavior. This is mostly just a presentation issue, so if you figure out a way to make it do what other platforms do, drop a patch in Trac. :)

    I don’t imagine it will difficult to make it do what you want, since it’s just opening and closing elements in the loop, but things will get confusing when nested and multiple child/sibling elements come into play. I remember this from my old phpBB days. ;)

    Rick Lewis

    @anointed it does not work with bp group forums. I learned this from testing and breaking everything twice. Then JJJ confirmed earlier in this post when iasked about it.

    I had setup groups with forums and integrated with bbpress. Work and looked nice. Converted by vbulletin sitr to phpbb the bbpress. Destroyed my integrated group forums and while all the data and users were there it looked terrible. No category structure at all. It also deleted all my WP users with the imported ones. Locked me out from admin as well. Not fun.

    Since that I did it two other times with minor changes in how I did it and knowing what was goint to happen. I got the groups back working which for me is something I want for the groups. The forum will be a seperate componet once I get a handle on how to modify the phpbb to bbpress converter. I need it ti not import users. Or do so without killing my wp users.

    Cleaning the forum data prio to import is also on the list. Once done I will use bbp to bbpress converter to make the final connection. That is where I am now with trying figure out the plugin and conversion process.

    I actually tried converting bbpress to bbp with the integrated group forums. Got a page of notices and errors that could fill a novel. Surely I didn’t do it correctly as well as various other factors.

    If we get a little guidance on the category and overall flow of things it will be helpful. I personally can wait to see this thing working on my site as some vbulletin reps were not very kind when I mentioned my move 6 months a go. They said you will never get your data moved and if you did it will never be as good.

    My site is not even close to being up to par but is already better thab it was.

    Rick Lewis

    @Fartlek Our move comes based on BuddyPress and the issues within the company behind vbulletin. I ran a large (50,000 member) gaming community but was not part of the ownership there. After many years of frustration with their lack of doing anything for the gamers especially on their website I was going to just walk away. A friend asked about doing a new venture which was to be based on a social network for gamers. Not a new idea but there wasn’t and isn’t from what I see anything like the entire organization which we have. What I mean by that is, the ones out there are just housing for tons of gamers versus being a true social network and community with connections to those gamers direction on their platforms they play on. We also sponsor teams for PRO events as well as have classes for leadership to help train people to be good leaders of large groups of people.

    I am in fact a member at WPMUDEV and it’s also because of them that I decided to make the move. they have been very helpful and without their support I probably am sitting on a very ugly forum based vbulletin site wishing I had something better.

    It has been a learning experience for sure with making this move. It’s still not done and may never be perfect but as I learn the capabilities of WP, buddypress, BBPRess and everything else around them, it does get easier and close to that utopia we are trying to achieve.

    The support on this site and the other WP sites is also a great thing!

    Rick Lewis

    @Fartlek Our move comes based on BuddyPress and the issues within the company behind vbulletin. I ran a large (50,000 member) gaming community but was not part of the ownership there. After many years of frustration with their lack of doing anything for the gamers especially on their website I was going to just walk away. A friend asked about doing a new venture which was to be based on a social network for gamers. Not a new idea but there wasn’t and isn’t from what I see anything like the entire organization which we have. What I mean by that is, the ones out there are just housing for tons of gamers versus being a true social network and community with connections to those gamers direction on their platforms they play on. We also sponsor teams for PRO events as well as have classes for leadership to help train people to be good leaders of large groups of people.

    I am in fact a member at WPMUDEV and it’s also because of them that I decided to make the move. they have been very helpful and without their support I probably am sitting on a very ugly forum based vbulletin site wishing I had something better.

    It has been a learning experience for sure with making this move. It’s still not done and may never be perfect but as I learn the capabilities of WP, buddypress, BBPRess and everything else around them, it does get easier and close to that utopia we are trying to achieve.

    The support on this site and the other WP sites is also a great thing!


    What made you decide to move away from vbulletin?

    I hope that your transition to bbpress runs smoothly, tables and all. Sounds like you’ve got a good handle on things already. Are you a member of WPMUDEV? They would probably be able to help you too, if you do run into problems because combining WPMU with buddypress & bbpress is their specialty (I think).


    What made you decide to move away from vbulletin?

    I hope that your transition to bbpress runs smoothly, tables and all. Sounds like you’ve got a good handle on things already. Are you a member of WPMUDEV? They would probably be able to help you too, if you do run into problems because combining WPMU with buddypress & bbpress is their specialty (I think).


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    I love bbpress, very configurable and it really doesn’t get a fair shake on the adminzoneforums, just barely mentioned there.

    Yet I understand where eclipsenow is coming from with

    I just can’t be bothered installing bbpress only to have to turn around and add 20 plug ins to give it the essential features I need


    Rick Lewis

    I am thinking I want to give this thing a whirl. I got the zip downloaded, change the name and uploaded the directory. Currently I have a standalone bbpress forum with the BP group forums integrated. I have activated the plugin and see my options in the admin panel. I added a forum which I only see the Title for at the /forum page. I know there was a converter from the stand alone but can’t recall where that thread is or what to do with it once I get it.

    Is there a quick what to do next somewhere or is it to early on to be asking for some help getting it setup?

    I will point out that I am come from the hell of vbulletin world and converted everything to phpbb then to bbpress on my tests sites and now looking to finish it all off with this plugin. Truly not something I want to ever have to do again!

    Thanks for all the help and support here and elsewehre on these forums.


    Hi again,

    If anyone could just post a generified version of their bb-config.php, I’m sure I can mess with the properties enough to get the damn thing working.

    The LAPP stack uses a PostgreSQL server instead of MySQL, so I imagine that could be a possible reason it’s not working, though I’m reticent to use up more time and bandwidth swapping it our for a LAMP VM if it’s just a shot in the dark.

    Help me out here, people. I really like the clean l&f of bbpress, but I’m under a little time pressure, and if I don’t get something to go on, I’m just going to have to run up an instance of phpbb or similar.

    Please help,

    – Peter


    Hi again,

    If anyone could just post a generified version of their bb-config.php, I’m sure I can mess with the properties enough to get the damn thing working.

    The LAPP stack uses a PostgreSQL server instead of MySQL, so I imagine that could be a possible reason it’s not working, though I’m reticent to use up more time and bandwidth swapping it our for a LAMP VM if it’s just a shot in the dark.

    Help me out here, people. I really like the clean l&f of bbpress, but I’m under a little time pressure, and if I don’t get something to go on, I’m just going to have to run up an instance of phpbb or similar.

    Please help,

    – Peter


    I run a site that have two forums

    One is private, only for our clients, and the other is public. Both run in a domain and on Icy Phoenix, a CSM based on phpbb2. The thing is im moving the site to a .com domain and to a wordpress platform and cos of that i want to use the bbpress forums to integrate the whole site.

    I read a couple of tutorial on the net. The initial idea was to go from icyphoenix to phpbb 2, then to bbpress.

    In theory it sounded good but i ran into a couple of problems. For starters i wasnt able to convert succesfully from Icy Phoenix to phpbb2. The other problem i saw is that somewhere in the tables from the forums the domain remains So when i try to run it in the .com domain its keeps linking me to the old urls.

    So the questions would be…

    -Theres an easier way? like getting into the tables and doing it all manually?

    -There is some reliable script around i can use?

    -How to solve the problem with the different urls?

    Rick Lewis

    I would like to know how I get my forum to look like the bbpress forum?

    Using the default theme it doesn’t even come close to what is shown here in on the forum. Same with the other themes I have checked out.

    If possible I would like to know the easiest way to get some type of navigation links in the header so people can get back to the main site areas.

    I assume the new plugin will fix that part but until then I just need some basic styling to get it working smoothly.

    Currently I have a list of discussions and topics a mile long down the page then the forums are underneath with sub forums underneath that.

    Do note I imported this from PHPBB. It wasn’t like that on there but I can understand having to deal with some general issues with the conversion process.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    My site is here

    Rick Lewis

    @gautam is there a specific converter from phpbb to bbpress convertor other than the one I mentioned?

    Just so you all know, I was able to work out my issue I mentioned. So that one does work. Have not tried the new plug in. Maybe later on.

    Gautam Gupta

    Just a note for all: There are importers for phpBB from almost anything, so just import your forums to that, then use the converter for phpBB -> bbPress standalone and then convert bbPress standalone -> bbPress plugin. That’s the way it could work right now, but can be simplified later. :)

    Rick Lewis

    I am sure there will be new ones but there is one out there which does work.

    That can be located in the

    I found that when looking for a solution to move a vbulletin forum to bbpress beings I was in the midst of changing to wordpress for all of my sites functions.

    That link is here –

    As long as you are doing it per the instructions, it works perfect. I have done it twice now on test sites. The only glitch I hit was on my new site the WP and BBP integration is already there so I don’t have a bb_users table which is the first thing the converter is looking for. I was going to ask for some help with that from the maker as I have by forums and users stuck now in a PHPBB forum and can not get them into WP or BBP as far as I can tell.

    I have no idea how all that will play with the new plugin but I am hoping to get my site on track and then move to the plugin at some point.

    Hope this helps.


    I run a fairly active PHPBB3 forum. I’ve been playing with bbPress a bit, I really like it, and am looking forward to this launch of bbPress as a WordPress plugin :) (The biggest headache with a PHPBB3 forum is it’s complexity when it comes to add-ons and upgrades, which WordPress and bbPress have made simple.)

    The big question on my mind, and probably many others… Will there be a plugin/tool for converting from PHPBB3 to bbPress?


    So I’ve just migrated an large, but insanely spam-infested vBulletin forum over to bbPress (via phpBB3). The migration wasn’t really smooth, but I was able to at least get the data across.

    Now that I have everything up and running in bbPress, I want to bulk-scan all the existing posts for spam. Would that be possible to somehow run the akismet plugin in against all the existing posts to sort out all the spam posts? We’re talking a rather large forum here (200k+ posts).

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