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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #107088

    The top of, where it currently says Ticket #1547 (new enhancement), will change to Ticket #1547 (closed).

    With the number of people waiting for this, including myself, I expect it to be pretty easy to tell when it’s ready.


    Las Vegas Screen Printing

    Screen Printing Las Vegas


    I’d suggest looking at using bbPress 2.0 within WordPress. bbPress 2.0 is pre-release now, but was expected to be gold when WP 3.2 came out. WP 3.2 was released on Monday, but I haven’t seen an update for bbPress 2.0. The standalone version (1.x) of bbPress is expected the same time bbPress 2.0 is released, but I haven’t followed the progress of that version.

    A phpbb3 to bbPress 2.0 converter is in the works. The ticket for it is I’m guessing work on it will pick up once bbPress 2.0 goes gold. My understanding is the converter will keep usernames, passwords, and threads, but I don’t know about mail.

    You will be able to fully customize the theme using either version of bbPress. Since I’d recommend using bbPress 2.0 inside WordPress, the relevant instructions are for creating WP themes ( and adding bbPress compatibility (

    The Akismet antispam plugin is not running here. I’d suggest installing it as you develop your own solution because you may find it meets your needs.


    How do i know that it is ready?

    I am sorry to ask this question


    i can use wordpress to use this forum. my site is coded from scratch. except for the forums. i use phpbb. i like the layout sequence of this forum and wanted to use it. but i can probably just edit the phpbb code myself to get the results i want.

    spambots on an official site promoting a service rubs me the wrong way and is a turn off


    @derpdiddy – I have no affiliation with bbPress other than being a user of the software. I have not coded a single line or made any other contribution other than trying to answer some of the questions on the forums so developers like JJJ can spend their time responding to the more complicated questions.

    That being said, I would like to help you, but something in your responses is rubbing me the wrong way. In order to help you I need to know if you currently are or are willing to use WordPress on the site you want to convert from phpBB.


    I am looking for the most up to date version you have. I want to replace a forum I have which runs phpBB. But keep all the posts,threads,logins and mail function.

    I would replace your anti spam plugin with my own.


    WordPress is required for the plugin (2.0) version. 2.0 is in Release Candidate now and should be released soon. 2.0 is compatible with the anti-spam plugin Akismet.

    This site currently uses bbPress 1.x, but will be converted to 2.x. bbPress 1.x does not require the use of WordPress since it is not a plugin.

    Which are you interested in?


    well, i can see you have issues with spambots here on the official site. which is a turn off.

    I am interested in a NON beta release. Whatever is most applicable


    Which version of bbPress are you interested in, the standalone (version 1.03) or WordPress plugin (version 2.0)?


    Is this possible? I never read thru the faq’s but i saw a site using your software and I love it. Is this possible? I never edited any of the raw php code in php, but changed the template a bit so the banner points to /. can this be easily done? I do have one custom theme….would that need to go? please direct me to the FAQ on this procedure


    How to subscribe for this ticket?


    A converter for phpbb3 is in progress. Here’s a link to the ticket for it.



    I want to convert my phpbb3 to bbpress. I am getting lot of spamming there. Is there any conversion?

    I have about 1000 members there. I want to keep that members and posts without any loss.



    I’ve been researching for hours, trying to find a way to import bbpress standalone to bbpress 2.0 in wordpress. First I imported posts from phpBB to bbPress standalone, looks like it worked, then I installed the WP plugin.

    I came across this topic but it was closed so I can’t post a question there:

    bbPress Standalone to Plugin Converter Beta 2

    In the last post you said:

    Closing this topic, as the importer is now bundled with bbPress 2.0

    I can’t seem to find an importer there anywhere, I checked the Settings under the Settings > Forums menu, and all I can see are the main forum settings. Checked the Readme file with the plugin, there’s no mention of it.

    Can you tell me where to find the Importer? I need to get this huge site up and running by 7/1 and I don’t want to use the Standalone version because that means 2 admin pages.

    Thanks!!! :)


    Hi Good day!

    I was able to switch from PHPBB3 to A BBpress site seamlessly using a converter. Now I would like to switch from a BBpress site to a WordPress Site with the BBpress Plugin. I have lots of topics in my forums and so far, I would like to give my members the ability to post ala-Wordpress (with pictures and all). Is this possible?

    Thank you!


    I use phpBB at the moment. It used to be pretty bad but version 3 is acceptable.

    The 3 things I hate about phpBB are:

    1) Lack of SEO URLs/ pretty URLs/ custom permalinks structures

    2) There are no plugins. There are MODs – meaning installation is a pain in the back and code is changed. Forget about updations completely – it is excruciating. Contrasts with the rather pleasant one-click installs and upgrades that WordPress has made me accustomed to.

    3) Lack of multilingual capability. WordPress has WPML…though I am getting increasingly disillusioned with it (critical features missing, basic things like Canadian flag, Slovak language etc missing, not using international conventions in naming, arrogant and unhelpful support etc). I run a multilingual site and need multilingual forums. If that’s not possible, then to begin with I need a Google Translate gadget so that people can read in multiple languages at least.

    It’s not just the lack of these features that cheeses me off…it’s the unwillingness of the developer community to consider these for 3.1/3.2

    And there is a major rewrite underway v4. I believe v4 will be the wipeout of phpBB…they are writing from the ground up, which is never a great idea (

    So excellent opportunity for bbPress.

    I would switch as soon as I see the aforementioned 3 in bbPress…


    I wish I had a good answer for you, but I don’t know.


    It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your website. If you are already running wordpress and eventually want to have everything linked together between forums, blog posts, users etc, then bbPress is definitely the way to go.

    If your primary focus of the website is forums only then I ‘may’ suggest vbulletin. I have no experience with phpbb, but have run very large vb forums for years now.

    As to whether or not it is worth the money, well that’s different for everyone. I personally am going to transfer my larger forums over to bbPress as I much prefer the wordpress environment to vb.

    At the moment vb can do a lot more out of the box than just about any other forum software, but I believe that bbPress is going to close this gap very quickly. Vbulletin is really bloated with a ton of features that really are not needed but some people just seem to like all the extra junk.

    It really is a personal call. I can say though bbPress is progressing very nicely. It is a very solid foundation that can easily be built upon.


    I am creating a forum for high end audio enthusiasts. There will be a bunch of different areas just like any other normal forum.

    Are all of these options good options – vBulletin, bbpress, phpbb ??

    Would one be better than another for some specific reason / reasons?

    I just want to make sure I make the best choice as I’m just starting the forum.

    Why do you have to pay for vBulletin? Is it really worth paying for?

    Thank you,


    Thank you Andre. I really appreciate your time.

    So until then, forgive my ignorance, what might be the best way to import the old info manually from the old database?


    An importer is being made, but isn’t done yet. You can follow the progress of it here,

    Which one is better depends on your needs. I plan on switching my phpBB forum to bbPress because I think it better suites my needs.

    The bbpress plugin will work with Akismet so spam shouldn’t be a problem.


    Can I import old posts and users / passwords from a phpbb board?

    I am looking to possibly switch over to using bbpress. Is it better than phpbb?

    The phpbb board is having a lot of spam problems that I am working with. Thank you,

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