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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #117083

    In reply to: phpBB


    I need this fix, when new version will be release?


    In reply to: phpBB


    Can you give mr this fix or next version will be in few days?


    i understand that phpBB truncate those urls

    the problem is – BBPRESS CANT SHOW THOSE URLS

    WP CAN …

    p.s. maybe we can talk in IRC ???

    Stephen Edgar

    @capsx Those are phpBB ‘magic_url’ and phpBB by default will truncate/shorten all URL’s to 55 characters. It does this so there are not extremely long URL’s in posts. eg. This URL is 63 characters in length, phpBB will leave the ‘href’ in tact but shorten the displayed URL to 55 characters.

    <a href=""> ... directory/</a>

    phpBB SQL DB stores this in the posts table with the following code

    <!-- m --><a href=""> ... directory/</a><!-- m -->

    There is more info on ‘magic_url’ here and here.

    Thanks for posting your example code above.You may also want to look at

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Stephen Edgar. Reason: code formatting
    Stephen Edgar

    Thanks, very happy it went well for you (and us?)

    • Obviously my vB was set up with a ton of permissions we now dont have.
      At this stage that would be quite tough to migrate those 😉
    • Also not sure if deliberate, but forums that were childed are now not and I had to spend an hour re-organising all the forums.
      It is a ‘known issue’ also with phpBB, hopefully in the future we can fix this.

    hi, I am sure, I am not the only one, but I do think ‘Reply” button (and maybe also “quote” button should be added by defult in every post, so users do not have to go to the bottom of the page to reply to given topic,

    threaded comments are available in WordPress and it is great feature, so I think it should be nr1 new feature in bbpress 2.2

    it is especially useful when replies to a topic take more than one page… especially for new users who never used bbpress.. but different forum software, this would be really great

    we are using buddypress forums (after moving from phpbb, and the number of replies is now dramatically lower, because users can’t always find an easy way to reply.. and just give up…

    and considering that forums are normally used for “support” – volunteers who would like to reply just give up! 🙁


    those was RAW data from MYSQL DB …

    i actually DON’T NEED to convert BBCodes – i need original post texts, and that is the problem, cause bbpress converter convert [quote] to DIV

    temporary fix was – to get original text from the phpbb_posts table via wp_postmeta key _bbp_post_id

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by capsx.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by capsx.
    Stephen Edgar

    Have a look at the raw data in your MySQL database not the rendered HTML output, apart from some ‘line breaks’ (<br />) you will find this data is identical.

    phpBBv3: phpbb_posts.post_text   bbPress: wp_posts.post_content 

    If you are actually wanting the importer to convert phpBB’s BBCode during import that is being worked on for future versions of bbPress and the import/conversion tool.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Stephen Edgar.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Stephen Edgar. Reason: markdown

    In reply to: phpBB


    Thanks for all the work you do, netweb. I was also happy to see some dude suddenly appeared with a solution to this important feature of stripping bbcode of useless stuff:


    it must be fixed, but it seems it was not the problem, why old phpBB users cant log in with old passwords

    with FRESH install all was fine …

    Stephen Edgar

    When importing from phpBB BBCode is NOT converted, this will hopefully be an option in future releases.


    In reply to: phpBB

    Stephen Edgar

    Thanks, glad the fix worked, it will be released with the next release v2.1.3


    In reply to: phpBB


    In reply to: phpBB


    @netweb i replied to your email

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Durelle.


    is it possible to import untouched content ?
    i need to import forums from phpBB, and i need untouched content – import 1:1



    In reply to: phpBB


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by pvsb77.

    In reply to: phpBB

    Stephen Edgar

    @Durelle I have sent you an email with a fix to the gmail address listed on your site, if you could test this for us that would be great.


    In reply to: phpBB


    nvm its not i renamed it and tried again and failed.


    In reply to: phpBB


    I meat all the requirements, now just out of curiosity the bbpress plugin doesnt use mod rewrites right away does it? cause i have a existing folder called “forums” but i dont think thats causing the issue.


    nevermind, installed phpbb 🙁


    In reply to: 2 sites one login


    OK so I totally spaced and replied on the thread above with this reply first instead of here. Sorry!

    Thanks for the thread netweb my concern is definitely performance number one. But point well taken optimization is always first and foremost no matter what size the site is.

    I had to ask because there are so many articles and threads on how to accomplish the multi-login scenario none of them are without issues. I’m really not looking to complicate or increase my workload.

    You made some real valid points and have helped narrow down my decision making a whole bunch. I have found that keeping things as simple as we can really works out for the best in the long run in most cases.

    Rock on with the bbpress project, I love my phpbb, been using them for 10 years. It’s time to try something new. I do like its simplicity and it’s come a long way from almost a year ago when I looked at it.

    Thanks for your time and help


    Thanks for the thread netweb my concern is definitely performance number one. But point well taken optimization is always first and foremost no matter what size the site is.

    I had to ask because there are so many articles and threads on how to accomplish the multi-login scenario none of them are without issues. I’m really not looking to complicate or increase my workload.

    You made some real valid points and have helped narrow down my decision making a whole bunch. I have found that keeping things as simple as we can really works out for the best in the long run in most cases.

    Rock on with the bbpress project, I love my phpbb, been using them for 10 years. It’s time to try something new. I do like its simplicity and it’s come a long way from almost a year ago when I looked at it.
    Thanks for your time and help


    In reply to: phpBB

    Stephen Edgar

    Sorry for the delay but very busy weekend here… Thanks for the video… “Your doing it right”… PHP 5.2.4 or greater, MySQL 5.0 or greater

    I’m trying to replicate it now and will update later.


    In reply to: phpBB


    could it be because im on php 5.3.14?


    In reply to: phpBB


    i cleaned my database and reinstalled everything and same error

    cant be more visual than this

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