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I have just decided to go for bbpress. I have some questions I hope someone can reply on.
Today I am on phpbb3 version 3.10 and some kind of unofficial version, phpbb3-seo, not supported by phpbb3 themselves. I made it a vanilla once and it can be done again.
Since 5 years I am on a custom phpbb portal solution. I am after the CMS functionality. I have almost completed a bridge between phpbb and Drupal, but got cold feets on Drupal. I want to goo with WP!
I wonder if there is a best practice for importing the db to bbpress? My DB has 90,000 posts and is over 350 MB in size. Will I have to go trough a vanilla? Can I bring with me the anonymous posts from deleted and anonymous users?
Looking forward to your reply!
Ps. If anyone want to give me an offer doing this for me I am open ears. I need one version now, and anonther version once the site is developed. We can exchange the DB trough Dropbox.
Does the importer handle the custom profile fields in phpbb3, sepcifically the functionality in version 3.10+? Phpbb3 now allows admins to create new custom profile fields, beyond the ones listed as imported kept in phpbb3_users. There are at least 4 related tables, starting with <phpbb3_profile_fields…>.
Is it correct to think these custom profile fields should go into BuddyPress xprofile fields, or should they go into wp_meta (?) during bbpress import? If you happen to know, is there a way to import phpbb3 custom profile fields into BuddyPress if that is the appropriate target?
Thanks, Mike
Topic: phpBB Import Error(s)
After reading the importer
I’ve recently migrated my phpBB forum to bbPress, but I have noted a few issues with the import/repair process. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what’s going wrong with any/all of these:Forum import – The documentation states that stickies will not be imported, however I after doing the import I have around 20 ‘super-stickies’ which, looking at the old forum, are a mixture of announcements and stickies. I’d rather these weren’t converted to anything, and as far as I’m aware they shouldn’t be (
User import – During the import, I (the main WordPress admin user) seem to have had quite a lot of forums, topics and replies linked to my user. I wasn’t a user on the previous phpBB forum at all so I’m not sure why I’ve adopted these posts. Or any posts for that matter.
Repair tools – All the repair tasks seem to work ok, except for two:
– Recalculate the position of each reply
– Remap existing users to default forum roles
These two tasks end up white-screening with no status messages at all.User Login Conversion – User logins are converted correctly when using the standard wordpress login screen but now when using my custom frontend ajax login – does anyone know if there’s a way to get that to work? A seperate topic has been started about that here:
Any advice on any of these steps would be very much appreciated.
Thanks!Topic: Hi
I’ve been using wordpress for about 6 months now and I’m using the “luminescent lite” theme. I now decided it was time to move my old phpbb board over to bbpress and I’m struggling a bit with the design. So:
1 – The theme is universal, so not much chance to change much without hard coding or a new theme
2 – I use categories and forums and it’s messy. I get:
Forum nº 1 (14,54) Forum nº 2 /1,445 4,754)Can I add a paragraph for each forum or even not show the forums at all (they would open on a click on the category).
3 – No “unread topics” display (icon/different colour)
Not all is bad. I’m using buddypress and I’m loving it. BBpress ported quite well from phpbb3 and I lost no data at all (except PM’s). Even BBcode is looking good. My users are giving me a hard time, but they are just idiots anyway… lol
Topic: Theme: bbpress vc wordpress
I’ve been running wordpress for a few months and I now was confident enough to move my phpbb to bbpress. All went very smooth.
Problem is, the theme I use (and that I like a lot) is not very bbpress friendly.I don’t suppose I can change the bbpress part too much without some hard coding, so any suggestion would be useful (probably change the theme altogether?). Any theme suggested?
My site is and the theme is luminescente lite.
I’ve recently migrated a large forum from phpBB to bbPress using the import tool (which has gone extremely smoothly – so thanks to all who have worked on the importer tools!)
Users have been imported successfully, and I can login via wp-admin with the password that was used on the previous phpBB forum… All of that is glorious! 😀On our site however, I’ve created an ajax login so visitors never have to get in via /wp-admin
The issue I’m having is that whatever code is used to check a users old password and convert it to a WordPress encoded password is not being run when I attempt to log a user in viawp_signon()
.Is there a filter or something I can run to ensure that bbPress runs the password conversion when a user logs in via my ajax login prompt?