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  • #149574
    Robin W

    bbpress has a number of converters, including phpbb

    suggest you create a test site and give it a go. That will tell you if you need to get back to a vanilla version first.

    to convert, just go into dashboard>tools>forums>import forums

    Stephen Edgar is the bbpress converter guru, and if you hit difficulties I’d suggest you post a new thread, and I’m sure he’ll help.



    I have just decided to go for bbpress. I have some questions I hope someone can reply on.

    Today I am on phpbb3 version 3.10 and some kind of unofficial version, phpbb3-seo, not supported by phpbb3 themselves. I made it a vanilla once and it can be done again.

    Since 5 years I am on a custom phpbb portal solution. I am after the CMS functionality. I have almost completed a bridge between phpbb and Drupal, but got cold feets on Drupal. I want to goo with WP!

    I wonder if there is a best practice for importing the db to bbpress? My DB has 90,000 posts and is over 350 MB in size. Will I have to go trough a vanilla? Can I bring with me the anonymous posts from deleted and anonymous users?

    Looking forward to your reply!

    Ps. If anyone want to give me an offer doing this for me I am open ears. I need one version now, and anonther version once the site is developed. We can exchange the DB trough Dropbox.



    3. My main beef with bbPress is the way categories and forums are shown. Forums are placed under categories like sub-forums which looks un-forum like to me.

    bbpress has worked on this ,

    since you commented on my layout topic too, ill tell you which one i used , which is

    i copied all of his files from pastebin and used it as my own. then i style with css

    But another way to the have the layout lets say like phpbb , is download Lynqs starter theme.

    3. can you give an example of how you would like it to look? doesn’t need to be a bbpress site

    heres an example of what he is talkingn about robin


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    I added support for the anonymous/deleted phpBB user topics and replies, just finalizing all of this for the any other forums that also have this feature, SMF, Drupal, Vanilla.

    For the redirects I need to find a workaround to have WordPress correctly verify that viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9 is a valid URL, if we can do that then redirects could be included for imported forums and that would be awesome.


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    Oh…. And you should also be able to map the Anonymous/Deleted phpBB users topics and replies also via those same mappings, I’ve just finished adding support for this with phpBB and bbPress around an hour ago.

    I’ll come back tomorrow and show you the SQL query for that, for now it’s late here and I’m done for the night, anything else I will look at tomorrow 🙂


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    You wrote in your previous post:

    Sure thing, I’ll see what I can dig out. I’m going to be running the import a few more times over the coming weeks anyway because I need to make sure that I have the process down to a t before we decide to go live.

    Does this mean you have now gone live and a ‘few more imports’ has already happened and ‘coming weeks’ is time flies when having fun?

    You should find in your wp_postmeta table primarily two reference meta keys, _bbp_old_forum_id and _bbp_old_topic_id

    In the case below the new forum ID in wp_posts is 8789 for the old phpBB forum ID 53 and the new topic id in in wp_posts is 8803 for the old phpBB topic id 25743

    meta_id	post_id	meta_key	        meta_value	
    57514	8789	_bbp_old_forum_id	53
    57626	8803	_bbp_old_topic_id	25743

    With the above data in hand you should be able to map all your old phpBB forums and topic ID’s to the new bbPress forum and topic ID’s.

    Stephen Edgar

    The current phpBB importer only imports ‘extra’ user fields from the phpbb_users table.

    The following custom profile fields are what is currently imported, we store these in wp_usermeta

    		// Store ICQ (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_icq',
    		// Store MSN (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_msnm',
    		// Store Jabber
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_jabber',
    		// Store Occupation (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_occ',
    		// Store Interests (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_interests',
    		// Store Signature (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_sig',
    		// Store Location (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_from',
    		// Store Avatar Filename (Stored in usermeta)
    			'from_fieldname' => 'user_avatar',

    The current implementation needs to explicitly named fields to import them, so having the import support custom named fields is not available to be used at this time, one day hopefully.

    With that said, with a list of fields names and the tables the fields are stored in these can easily be added to a customized phpBB importer.

    As to where to send these fields, if you are using BuddyPress, XProfile would be the ideal place to have these. Our importer doesn’t handle this though, again, maybe one day we can add something in BuddyPress to import ‘extra’ profile fields from bbPress. Probably the key thing here is we can get all your phpBB profile fields imported into wp_usermeta and then with a bit of MySQL these could be copied over to the BuddyPress XProfile table and everything would be awesome. 🙂

    EDIT: As all I’ve been doing the past ~5 days is working on the importers we do actually store the old phpBB user_id so mapping the old users after an import back to the old phpBB database should also not be an issue once bbPress 2.6 is released 🙂


    Does the importer handle the custom profile fields in phpbb3, sepcifically the functionality in version 3.10+? Phpbb3 now allows admins to create new custom profile fields, beyond the ones listed as imported kept in phpbb3_users. There are at least 4 related tables, starting with <phpbb3_profile_fields…>.

    Is it correct to think these custom profile fields should go into BuddyPress xprofile fields, or should they go into wp_meta (?) during bbpress import? If you happen to know, is there a way to import phpbb3 custom profile fields into BuddyPress if that is the appropriate target?

    Thanks, Mike


    In reply to: Content Not Showing

    Stephen Edgar

    I understand your frustrations throughout your posts above, but this is not bbPress, WordPress nor even Windows Azure fault, this all stems from somewhere along the line you were given bad advice that stated you have to use MSSQL and that is simply not true and is not supported by any of these parties.

    So based on your previous post to mine above, I suggest you delete WordPress from your Windows Azure site, create a Windows Azure MySQL database and install phpBB or whatever, I wish you luck.


    In reply to: Content Not Showing

    Michael Bryner

    Not really threatening, its a fact, even if it is volunteers working on it. Its project, but what makes no sense to me is that people say to use less plugins to make WordPress run better with less resources, but then we install a bbPress plugin for a forum to integrate with WordPress, but we are not using an all in one forum software like the others that are all out there for MySQL. So we have to add tons more plugins to get features you would get in a all in one forum software, and reduce the resources by doing it.

    I know what open source is, and really open source is not the best. It just give people that have no money to participate in helping with the project if they want, which to me does not sound promising. Paid using means better support and a more promising working solution. Not saying I am going to go out and buy one.

    Take a look at myBB, and phpBB. They are all in one forum softwares, and I would use them if I had MySQL option, but I don’t and the best out of hours of searching for a forum for my site at this time and I got 3 years free with Bizspark for my website at $150 month for that 3 years, and no separate income to just move over to another host with MySQL. I am stuck with bbPress, and I am just saying this is not much of an option to me, even if I just hoped that some day my topic and post just magically appeared out of the blue.

    I think I will skip waiting until 10 pm, and just take it off. Thanks for some help, but in reality nothing got done. I did what you asked me anyways, because I remembered doing them when you asked me to. So to just sit and hope a solution to hop right by with a forum on my site that no one that visits is trying to use, and can’t to me is pointless. Just a waste of website space.

    Facts here, and sometimes facts are hard to take. To me would make more sense that a project would be integrated into a all in one WordPress forum built in with no extra plugins, and then users have the option still to either use bbPress built in or turn it off and use another forum software, but looking to see a simpler solution through WordPress is not going to happen.

    Sorry, but what I just put is feedback, and I noticed now a days, companies no matter if they are making money or not, they rather not do anything with feedback, and just do it they way they want. I am surprised Microsoft is some what listening to their customers, but today not much is going on with feedback. Look how long bbPress has been available, and still is a separate plugin with more plugins for features.


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    Thanks extra sets of eyes with all of this ‘import’ stuff is always handy, boat loads of data all just starts to look the same after a while 😉

    Indeed, ‘Reset Forums’ will remove everything bbPress, as long as you also check the ‘Delete Imported Users’ they will also be removed.

    The wp_bbp_converter_translator is not explicitly required, if your site can create this table bbPress uses it as part of the import process, if not it will just use the ‘out of the box’ WordPress database tables. It also gets deleted when resetting the forums. It also relates to the bugs I found yesterday that I am working on fixing and as I stated above I am pretty sure your imports are not using wp_bbp_converter_translator as if you were you wouldn’t have had any stickies.

    As to redirects you shouldn’t need that table for those, depending on your old phpBB permalinks
    some simple right up to some advanced .htaccess will get you what you want.

    A week or so back whilst messing about with splitting and merging topics I happened upon a WordPress feature for 301 redirection of old URL’s to new URL’s. I am yet to try this as it has only popped into my head as I wrote the previous paragraph that this may be something that could work so that imported topics and replies include full redirect support.

    So much so I just gave it a whirl, if I store and old topic slug e.g. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9 I can query on the fly that topics new post ID and 301 redirect to it’s new permalink e.g. phpbb-v3-standard-topic 😉

    It still doesn’t quite work though due to some URL weirdness presumably with one or a combination of the .php, ? and & characters, I am quite sure we can do something here though 🙂


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    Aside from what I wrote above I have spend most of today fixing a couple of niggling issues with the main converter.php that will cause some odd data import validation for users with a particular setup. This doesn’t affect your imports though because if it did you would not have had any stickies 😉

    I didn’t know these bugs were there until today as I am typically not affected by the issue either. I hope to get these patched tomorrow so I can continue working on what I had actually planned for the day.

    I am adding support to phpBB and SMF imports to fully support users who have been a) deleted, b) anonymous or c) guests users from these forums. They will be imported as bbPress ‘Anonymous Users’ keeping any legacy username with posts correctly attributed to these users.

    If you willing to check a couple of the integrity issues I mentioned above we can make sure that the phpBB importer is doing what it is supposed to and ‘data integrity’ is all good and you want to do the import with the above support included I’ll add some links back here on where to get the bits for this so you can add them to your setup and have another go at a ‘clean import’ with the above support.


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    Stickies – the issue here seems to be that the phpBB stickies and announcements have all been imported as ‘super stickies’. There is actually a lot more than 20 posts (my estimate in the original post was waaay out – there was actually about 100 when I went in to un-stick them). These might have been fine had they imported as normal stickies – but having them as super-stickies had a hug impact on forum pages load times.

    Hmmmm… I see where your coming from, not sure what to do about this though, I think we should continue to support ‘stickies’ as part of the import process, I’ll have a think about this some more.

    User import – I thought at the time that it was probably a conflict with username and/or ID but having looked at the posts I’ve adopted, they are all from different users. I have 62 forum topics/replies under my name but looking at the live site, the original authors of these are all different users which makes no sense to me. What’s more is, I haven’t adopted all of the users posts, just like one or two from each user…

    I think this will come down to ‘data integrity’ the queries are quite accurate so if the results are inconsistent I can only really think that.

    Can you check via MySQL a couple of those if your happy playing with MySQL that is?

    …Following on, I now wonder if these are posts that should have been assigned to the ‘Anonymous’ user because I think I may have deleted that user at some point not realising it was a result of the import… I’ll add it back in and see if it fixes my problem.

    That is one possibility though if as you say they are inconsistent a bit more debugging will be needed. Adding the user ‘back in’ so to speak most likely won’t help as the existing topics/replies are already assigned to the admin user.

    I didn’t realise that adding a moderators only forum was that easy… I’ve been working with RobinW to integrate the bbp-private-groups plugin, maybe I don’t need that after all.

    I didn’t realise from those posts this is what your intentions were 😉

    Repair Tools – our forum has imported 72 Forums, 71,007 Topics, and 564,453 Replies. It’s a fairly large one, but I think I’ve heard of larger forums being imported into bbPress…

    Yes, there have been a handful (I can count them on one hand ) larger that this that I know of, but again theoretically it should not be an issue.

    That said because phpBB does not support ‘threaded replies’ there is nothing to be gained by running the repair tool ‘Recalculate the position of each reply’, so for now just avoid that tool.

    User login – I haven’t used a plugin for this, I’ve written it myself. It just does a simple ajax call using the admin-ajax and then calls wp_signon() to attempt to log you in. It’s a fairly simple one, I just need to know which hooks bbPress is using to run the conversions on and hopefully I can just call that action before/after trying to log them in.

    I’ll put this on my ‘todo’ list, which is open up bbPress source and read the inline docs, bbPress is extremely well documented source code, so feel free to beat me to that. 😉


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Tom Dyer

    Hi @netweb, thanks for the response. I’ve gathered some more information to elaborate on the issues…

    Stickies – the issue here seems to be that the phpBB stickies and announcements have all been imported as ‘super stickies’. There is actually a lot more than 20 posts (my estimate in the original post was waaay out – there was actually about 100 when I went in to un-stick them). These might have been fine had they imported as normal stickies – but having them as super-stickies had a hug impact on forum pages load times.

    User import – I thought at the time that it was probably a conflict with username and/or ID but having looked at the posts I’ve adopted, they are all from different users. I have 62 forum topics/replies under my name but looking at the live site, the original authors of these are all different users which makes no sense to me. What’s more is, I haven’t adopted all of the users posts, just like one or two from each user…

    …Following on, I now wonder if these are posts that should have been assigned to the ‘Anonymous’ user because I think I may have deleted that user at some point not realising it was a result of the import… I’ll add it back in and see if it fixes my problem.

    I didn’t realise that adding a moderators only forum was that easy… I’ve been working with RobinW to integrate the bbp-private-groups plugin, maybe I don’t need that after all.

    Repair Tools – our forum has imported 72 Forums, 71,007 Topics, and 564,453 Replies. It’s a fairly large one, but I think I’ve heard of larger forums being imported into bbPress…

    User login – I haven’t used a plugin for this, I’ve written it myself. It just does a simple ajax call using the admin-ajax and then calls wp_signon() to attempt to log you in. It’s a fairly simple one, I just need to know which hooks bbPress is using to run the conversions on and hopefully I can just call that action before/after trying to log them in.


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    Forum import – The documentation states that stickies will not be imported, however I after doing the import I have around 20 ‘super-stickies’ which, looking at the old forum, are a mixture of announcements and stickies. I’d rather these weren’t converted to anything, and as far as I’m aware they shouldn’t be (

    The above ticket you reference was the ‘issue’ being created to track the changes and progress of implementing this feature.

    In comment 12 that is where the ticket was to updated to ‘fixed’ and ‘closed’ via changeset r5170. Trac can be a little daunting at first trying to understand everything that goes on in a ticket 😉

    With only your ~20 ‘stcikies’ it shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to ‘unstick’ the ones you do not want after your import has finished and the repair tools run.

    I have updated the docs to reflect that also

    Stickies – is there a way to ignore stickies during the import? They don’t appear to have come through correctly so it would be nice to simply ignore them (as was previously the case).

    How so, could you explaing that a little more please? Do the topics ‘look right’ and are just not ‘stuck’ or something else going on?

    User import – During the import, I (the main WordPress admin user) seem to have had quite a lot of forums, topics and replies linked to my user. I wasn’t a user on the previous phpBB forum at all so I’m not sure why I’ve adopted these posts. Or any posts for that matter.

    If there is a username match the importer will try to match the posts being imported with any current WordPress user, thus if phpBB has a user named ‘admin’ and you use the default the default WordPress username ‘admin’ that will be the cause.

    The best work around for this would be to rename the phpBB username in the database bvefore importing.

    Users – looking at the phpbb data, the amount of imported users seemed to match up, but I wonder if I’ve been assigned posts that were previously changed to the ‘Anonymous User’ that phpBB has at user ID 0… the amount of posts don’t seem to match up with that theory but a ‘majority’ of the posts that have been assigned to me seem to match the logic to an extent (ie, posts that have been moved into a ‘moderators only’ forum for further discussion about actions to be taken).

    You should notice that you now actually have a WordPress username ‘Anonymous’, so any ‘Anonymous’ posts should be attributed to that user.

    Your ‘moderators only’ forum after import you should change the bbPress forum permission to ‘hidden’ and that will make that forum the equiv bbPress ‘moderators only’ forum.

    Repair tools – All the repair tasks seem to work ok, except for two:
    – Recalculate the position of each reply
    – Remap existing users to default forum roles
    These two tasks end up white-screening with no status messages at all.

    What size is the phpBB database your importing? (Approx. Forums, Topics, Posts & Users please 🙂 )

    User Login Conversion – User logins are converted correctly when using the standard wordpress login screen but now when using my custom frontend ajax login – does anyone know if there’s a way to get that to work? A seperate topic has been started about that here:

    I’ve pretty much still got the same opinion as I wrote last night here.

    User Login – that’s correct – I’m just using the wp-signon method so I guess I’ll need to add some kind of do_action() call or something to trigger the conversion? If you can point me in the right direction, that would be great 🙂

    There is nothing to point you to sorry, when a user logs in for the first time after the import their legacy salt and hash password get’s converted to the native WordPress password format. Without knowing each legacy password their is no way to do this programmatically.

    bbPress’ login forms actually are hooked into the WordPress login forms, so theoretically it shouldn’t be too difficult for either the plugin you are using to add support for bbPress or possibly look for another similar plugin that already supports bbPress.

    Passwords and all their associated algorithms are hard and this an area where I just manage to skate by with the basics, actually doing any of what I mentioned in the previous paragraph is way beyond my skill level and pay grade 😉

    Stephen Edgar

    @fasttimes Do you have any custom phpBB custom mods installed that may change some things in the phpBB database? I just tested my phpBB imports and they all worked fine, no errors for ‘reply_to parents’. In fact phpBB does not have ‘threaded replies’ included by default thus the reason I ask.


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Tom Dyer


    Stickies – is there a way to ignore stickies during the import? They don’t appear to have come through correctly so it would be nice to simply ignore them (as was previously the case).

    Users – looking at the phpbb data, the amount of imported users seemed to match up, but I wonder if I’ve been assigned posts that were previously changed to the ‘Anonymous User’ that phpBB has at user ID 0… the amount of posts don’t seem to match up with that theory but a ‘majority’ of the posts that have been assigned to me seem to match the logic to an extent (ie, posts that have been moved into a ‘moderators only’ forum for further discussion about actions to be taken).

    User Login – that’s correct – I’m just using the wp-signon method so I guess I’ll need to add some kind of do_action() call or something to trigger the conversion? If you can point me in the right direction, that would be great 🙂

    Thanks for your help


    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)

    Stephen Edgar

    Cool, whack your issues here and I’ll check than out tomorrow.

    Quick answers:

    – stickies are now converted so I’ll update the docs for that.

    – Repair tools, as I stated in the other thread shouldn’t do this, will look closer tomorrow

    – Users is odd, seems maybe some users aren’t getting imported, job for tomorrow also

    – User login, bbPress doesn’t actually convert the phpBB password until the migrated user logs in for the first time. This will most likely be the issue in that the ajax login is stepping around this. Presumably after an imported user has logged in and their password converted the Ajax login will work.

    Tom Dyer

    Brilliant, thanks @netweb. I’ve actually started my own which is related to this (as well as a few other issues) here:

    phpBB Import Error(s)

    I’m happy to edit my post and link to this topic in regards to the repair tasks (if that’s preferable to you?) but there are other parts to my new topic that are not related to this single issue.

    Tom Dyer


    After reading the importer
    I’ve recently migrated my phpBB forum to bbPress, but I have noted a few issues with the import/repair process. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what’s going wrong with any/all of these:

    Forum import – The documentation states that stickies will not be imported, however I after doing the import I have around 20 ‘super-stickies’ which, looking at the old forum, are a mixture of announcements and stickies. I’d rather these weren’t converted to anything, and as far as I’m aware they shouldn’t be (

    User import – During the import, I (the main WordPress admin user) seem to have had quite a lot of forums, topics and replies linked to my user. I wasn’t a user on the previous phpBB forum at all so I’m not sure why I’ve adopted these posts. Or any posts for that matter.

    Repair tools – All the repair tasks seem to work ok, except for two:
    – Recalculate the position of each reply
    – Remap existing users to default forum roles
    These two tasks end up white-screening with no status messages at all.

    User Login Conversion – User logins are converted correctly when using the standard wordpress login screen but now when using my custom frontend ajax login – does anyone know if there’s a way to get that to work? A seperate topic has been started about that here:

    Any advice on any of these steps would be very much appreciated.

    Stephen Edgar

    Argh! I missed this original topic, sorry 🙁

    phpBB does not actually have ‘threaded replies’ so you should see something more laong the lines of ‘No reply to’s to convert’ it most certainly should not be failing at that 11th step.

    Nor should it be ‘white screening’ for either “Recalculate the position of each reply” or “Remap existing users to default forum roles” tasks.

    I’m done for the night (9:30pm Local Time) so I’ll take a closer look at this tomorrow 🙂


    Topic: Hi

    in forum Themes

    I’ve been using wordpress for about 6 months now and I’m using the “luminescent lite” theme. I now decided it was time to move my old phpbb board over to bbpress and I’m struggling a bit with the design. So:

    1 – The theme is universal, so not much chance to change much without hard coding or a new theme

    2 – I use categories and forums and it’s messy. I get:

    Forum nº 1 (14,54) Forum nº 2 /1,445 4,754)

    Can I add a paragraph for each forum or even not show the forums at all (they would open on a click on the category).

    3 – No “unread topics” display (icon/different colour)

    Not all is bad. I’m using buddypress and I’m loving it. BBpress ported quite well from phpbb3 and I lost no data at all (except PM’s). Even BBcode is looking good. My users are giving me a hard time, but they are just idiots anyway… lol



    I’ve been running wordpress for a few months and I now was confident enough to move my phpbb to bbpress. All went very smooth.
    Problem is, the theme I use (and that I like a lot) is not very bbpress friendly.

    I don’t suppose I can change the bbpress part too much without some hard coding, so any suggestion would be useful (probably change the theme altogether?). Any theme suggested?

    My site is and the theme is luminescente lite.


    Tom Dyer


    I’ve recently migrated a large forum from phpBB to bbPress using the import tool (which has gone extremely smoothly – so thanks to all who have worked on the importer tools!)
    Users have been imported successfully, and I can login via wp-admin with the password that was used on the previous phpBB forum… All of that is glorious! 😀

    On our site however, I’ve created an ajax login so visitors never have to get in via /wp-admin
    The issue I’m having is that whatever code is used to check a users old password and convert it to a WordPress encoded password is not being run when I attempt to log a user in via wp_signon().

    Is there a filter or something I can run to ensure that bbPress runs the password conversion when a user logs in via my ajax login prompt?

    Stephen Edgar

    It is pretty tricky to do by hand, actually I have never down it for more than one or two posts to verify the integrity of bbPress’ repair tools. The repair tools pretty much deletes everything relating to the ‘last activity’ and recreates it from scratch, this is why I think maybe your import didn’t import everything accurately the first time.

    If you have only just performed the import I’d suggest setting up a test site and do the import again and ‘play’ around there and see if it then works, if so redo your import on your main site.

    Also, it was phpBB v3 you imported from?

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