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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • mmice

    No, i have bbPress 2.5.7
    Actually, first i tried to use your phPBB v3.x importer and rebuild it for phpBB 1.
    But i gave up (just couldn’t understand all the points).

    Anyway, – for this moment most problems are already resolved. The only question is:
    Isn’t it enough to import replies to bb_posts table?

    Stephen Edgar

    So I edited the post and copied the SQL code to a gist on GitHub:

    First, it looks like you are importing the phpBB into bbPress 1.x, bbPress 1.x is not supported anymore.

    Per @robkk post immediately above you should checkout that link to our docs on the codex on importing to bbPress 2.x, and in general look toward using the bbPress 2.x plugin for WordPress

    I’d suggest taking a look at our phPBB v3.x importer and making any change to match the phpBB v1.x database schema changes you would need:

    Stephen Edgar

    So your importing from phpBB v1?

    Indeed our importers only support phpBB 3.x for bbPress 2.5.x and phpBB v3.1 for bbPress 2.6

    Did you write your own phpBB v1 importer or copy and modify the one that is included with bbPress?

    There are also some fixes and improvements in our repair tools coming for bbPress 2.6 that hopefully will be released in the next couple of weeks.

    I’m happy to take a look at the importer if you made one and/or some data examples, you can post code examples on GitHub here

    (If you added the raw MySQL data from a single forum, a topic of that forum, and a reply of that topic I could give you some tips on what the main issues are that your most likely having)


    But i can’t! And, well, what’s the matter, – from wich version of phpBB do i import my forum, as i do it manually?


    hmmm you might need @netweb’s help on this one.

    You might need to update phpBB (but not to the latest 3.0) but I am not entirely sure.


    It is currently on PHPbb 3.1.3.

    Known issue that is being worked on.

    if you want you can also just patch the current phpbb importer using the most recent file @netweb posted.



    I just run a small forum and am looking to move it to bbpress. It is currently on PHPbb 3.1.3. I have everything entered in correct I am sure, but all I get when I import is the replies… No users, categories, topics, etc… just replies.

    Let me know if you have any suggestions please.

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    Conversion Complete
    No reply_to parents to convert
    Converting replies (100 - 199)
    Converting replies (0 - 99)
    No tags to convert
    No super stickies to stick
    No stickies to stick
    No topics to convert
    No forum parents to convert
    No forums to convert
    No passwords to clear
    No users to convert
    Starting Conversion


    I am importing data from a PHPBB3 3.1.4 installation.

    Known issue that is being worked on.


    In a WordPress 4.2.2 installation, using bbPress 2.5.7, I am importing data from a PHPBB3 3.1.4 installation. Both PHPBB and WP4.2.2/BBPress 2.5.7 are on the same server.

    The import of data (a MySQL database of about 95MB) includes ONLY “replies.” And those imported replies are added to the DB as posts, but those posts are not visible in the WP Admin (they can be seen using a DB tool like PHPMyAdmin). NO forums are imported.

    Running Repair Forums tools all work successfully, except the following:

    Recalculating reply menu order … No reply positions to recalculate!
    Counting the number of topics in each forum… Failed!
    Repairing BuddyPress group-forum relationships… Failed!
    Counting the number of topics each user has created… Failed!
    Counting the number of topics to which each user has replied… Failed!
    Counting the number of replies in each forum… Failed!

    Basically, so far, I cannot import any data from a PHPBB3 installation, except “replies”.

    The PHPBB3 installation is fully functional. It works properly.

    Based on the information above, who can give me guidance toward a solution?

    Many thanks for your time.


    Hello! I’ve been importing forum from phpBB *the v.1, so converters are not working for me and i’m working through the database.
    Well, – forums are showing, so do topics, – when i click on “Replies” in admin – i get no response from server. Yep, there’re about 7,5M replies there, but i guess it has to work despite of that fact?
    Those replies are shown in frontend and forums seem to work well.

    Another issue is: as i imported forums and topics to db – i could see them both listed at backend and frontend. But if i tried to come into the forum or topic on frontend i’ve got “not found”.
    Open forum in backend, then just “save” helped that.
    Bulk select topics, edit, changing nothing, just “save” helped that.

    What could be the reason? I couldn’t find any changes in _posts table @db. Maybe bbpress uses some other tables for it? Just couldn’t find it out.

    Jake Hall

    Hi guys,

    I recently released a plugin for bbPress+WordPress, which adds a brand new shortcode that displays various statistics for your forum, and also includes the bbPress Statistics as an on/off toggle.

    For those trying to replicate a similar look and feel to say, phpBB or vBulletin, this will help!

    In future versions, I plan on implementing an actual widget – however, due to the way I have written the plugin I get the feeling it would require a full rewrite to achieve that – so it may be a while off yet.

    Anyway, if you’re interested, check it out here:

    Jake Hall

    I’m pretty happy with what I’ve managed to do with the bbpress installation on my site,

    I have even released a plugin of my own, bbPress Advanced Statistics, which essentially adds a shortcode that displays a phpbb / vBulletin-esque “who’s online & statistics” section, you can see an example on the bottom of my site or you can check out the screenshots.

    I’m optimistic about the future of bbPress, I just wish my community actually used the forum after all the work I’ve put into it!


    In reply to: SMF Import Help Needed


    I found the problem and it was really my fault.

    1. I had a password that included a character that needed to be escaped. In my case I had a ‘ in a similar manner as this. Not a real password that we use aVgt’67A. Wnen I changed it to a password that was characters and numbers it worked fine.

    2. When it asked for the table name I left off the underscore. So I put down phpbb instead of phpbb_.

    I hope this will help someone else if they have a similar problem.


    In reply to: SMF Import Help Needed


    can this be done with an interim phpBB 3 step? Please tell me something I can try.



    I have a SMF 2.0.9 forum that I am trying to import into bbPress. When I run the built in converter it says no forums, no topics, no users and I know they are there because I have looked in the DB’s with phpMyAdmin.

    It’s as though it isn’t finding the db that I am telling it to go to. I have looked in the error logs and can’t find any direction.

    I want to switch this to bbPress so please advise what i should do next. I even imported it into phpBB 3.x and tried that converter but it does the same thing. When I try to count the topics or do any thing in the list it says failed.

    This is what I have WordPress 4.2.1 running eleven40 Pro Theme this is a studio press theme.




    My guess is that this has to do with the forums being imported from phpBB? Since import, when a new topic is created or replied to, I notice it’s freshness is accurate.

    So I guess I’ll just hide the freshness until we get some more activity (just so members don’t get confused). I’m still very very happy with bbPress!


    In reply to: Tittle


    i don’t now where to insert the code you told and also thanks for your help

    alright do you know what FTP is?? or how to upload files through your hosts file manager??

    because you would bascially just copy that file from here

    and put it into your child theme (if you have a child theme) and put it into a folder called bbpress.

    Then you would have to create categories for every forum you have for it to have this effect like phpbb has.

    if you need a better explanation on certain things please just ask and i will try to help you.


    In reply to: Can I do this?


    You should instead use phpbb, musch more options available, including categories/subforums option what bbpress does not have. <- years later and they still do not have so simple thing like that. crazy.


    Noticed that lots of users are interested about main categories options, like phpbb, vbulletin, and other popular forums are using. And years later there is still nothing???

    There is still no options or plugins to make my bbpress look like this one: with different main categories like: “General Discussions”, “mechanics discussion”, “player factions”, etc.

    When bbpress team will ad that option?

    Svend Rugaard

    I have this theme from ThemeFuse called GameZone, and every changes i have made since the original i usually have fix by my self somehow, but the other day i was tired of PHPBB and converted and move it over completly to BBPress, and it work as is should i got some of the css fix so its almost as ret of the page, the only problem is i found out even i use the themes own “widget” deattachtment for pages i need to be with out side bars Like Guides etc.

    Then the BBPress have put my finish touch on hold for the last 36 hrs and i am really irritated over it , because why should a thing i literally find 100 of topics about this problem. Reeally think it is weird there isnt being any solution implented as part of bbpress.

    Anyway my forum here is correct size in the “front-page”

    1. Frontpage :
    2. Sub-page :

    As yoy see the sub-page dont have full width even i have remove made a page.php and copy it over to my child theme and rename it to bbpress.php and remmove

    <?php get_sidebar();?>

    This is mention alot of places and everything there is sidebar related, but i can really not figure out what because no matter what i remove it either remove background completly or remove the sites build up. And i have made a Page for it and use the shortcode. – Still nothing – Hope someone can help. I actually change to bbpress because i though the hardest part would actually import everything from PHPBB

    here is my code as it is now

    global $is_tf_blog_page,$post;
    $id_post = $post->ID; 
    if(tfuse_options('blog_page') != 0 && $id_post == tfuse_options('blog_page')) $is_tf_blog_page = true;
    if ($is_tf_blog_page) die(); 
    <?php $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position(); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('before');?>
    <div class="main-row content-row">
        <div class="container">
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'left') : ?>
               <div class="middle-main sidebar-left">
            <?php endif;?>
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'right') : ?>
                <div class="middle-main content-cols2">
            <?php endif;?>
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'full') : ?>
                <div class="middle-main content-full">
            <?php endif; ?> 
                        <div id="primary" class="content-area">
                            <div class="inner">
                                <article class="post post-details">
                                    <?php if(!tfuse_page_options('hide_title')):?>
                                        <header class="entry-header">
                                            <h1 class="entry-title"><?php echo get_the_title();?></h1>
                                    <?php endif;?>
                                    <div class="entry-content">
                                        <?php  while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();?>
                                            <?php the_content(); ?>
                                        <?php break; endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
                                <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
                                    <?php tfuse_comments(); ?>
                                <?php endif;?>
                    <?php if (($sidebar_position == 'right') || ($sidebar_position == 'left')) : ?>
                        <div id="secondary" class="sidebar widget-area">
                            <div class="inner">
                    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('after'); ?>
    <?php get_footer();?>

    I’m sure I’m missing something obvious but… I imported my phpbb forum and it appeared to work, then went through the ‘repair’ steps. I see no front end forum. Do I have to change something else?

    I didn’t import users because I’m really just trying to save the old forum posts for archival and reference purposes – I don’t want all the old users in the new forum.

    That possible?


    Our phpbb3 forum was migrated to a brand new WordPress installation with bbPress installed (not BuddyPress). It was done by a consultant, so I am not sure how much of the code was custom vs a phpbb3 migration tool.

    We got the private topics to show to Participants by using the plugin “Capability Manager Enhanced” and allowing the read_private_topics and read_private_replies. This now allows Participants to read the private topics, but also allows them to see Hidden forums. They cannot see the content/topics of the forums, but they can see the hidden forum titles.

    The remapping to default was done with the repair tool. It had no impact, except to require me to go back and reset the handful of users that were not set to Participants.

    The big question that seems unresolved in many threads is whether Participants are supposed to see Private topics/replies, or if that is a misprint in the documentation? Why would we have to use the Capability Manager Enhanced plugin to do what the docs say should happen by default.


    I did an import from phpBB a while back.

    Now, I notice the topics marked as sticky do appear at top of topic list view. But I am noticing that some of the stickies also appear several pages into the topic list view (according to the date they were published). So there is one at the top, and one in the location according to it’s date (two of the same topic).

    I used the forum tools in an attempt to repair an sync issues, with no luck.

    It’s strange, because it only happens with some of the stickies.

    Any suggestions on how I can get only the one sticky to appear at top of forum list? Thanks for any help.


    In reply to: importing from phpBB



    sorry i made a typo

    i meant to say

    All i can recommend now is put all your data back from aMember all to your phpbb installation and just import phpbb cleanly into bbPress.


    In reply to: importing from phpBB


    I dont know what to tell you??

    do you want to still use the aMember plugin with bbPress and WordPress??

    or you want to leave aMember??

    All i can recommend now is put all your data back in aMember and just import phpbb cleanly into bbPress.

Viewing 25 results - 401 through 425 (of 2,300 total)
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