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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #164436

    Hello there Sir, I have found something but the shortcut adds the new topic and you have to manually select which Forum you want to post the Topic. I have created some Categories and in those Categories some Forums, so I wanted that once I go to the Forum Page, a New Topic Button will appear and the bottom new topic form will be hidden, then once I click the New Topic Button, it will just display the Form that was before and I do not have to select the Forum I want to post to, it will post to the Forum where I have clicked the Button. So, like phpbb


    Is that possible to do? Thank you


    Because I see potentioal and how WordPress self can make bbPress powerfull. Or buddyPress, I install it all the time together.

    I know a lot of users who ask for more features like other forum solutions are like this because they all do see potential.

    But, one thing is very specific for bbPress. I would not dare to touch it as average User, who installs and setup phpbb or SMF forum without big problems. It is extremely hard for beginners

    In what ways is it difficult? Is it anything about user experience, or from just going from one to another?? Any ideas to improve it for beginners?

    At least take those 10-12 plugins from Github and put them in WP repository. Dont ask developer, it is GPL. Developer had 2-3 years or more to decide to do it byself, and he did not wanted it.
    Problem there is notification about updates.
    Just one example, lost many hours to see why Live preview stoped to word and by chance checked on Github versions. If it was in WP repository I would be notificated directly there is an update for it.

    There is some plugins on Github but that doesn’t mean everybody should use them. Some plugins on github were made from developers from jobs they did for people(might contain specific db table names for a specific site), are just some custom plugins they use on their site(might contain several referances to a site), custom projects for themselves(just playing with stuff/learning development). There is a difference between building a plugin for yourself, and building a plugin for everybody to use. When you begin to build one for everybody to use, you definitely take into consideration some plugin conflicts that might happen(I think GD bbPress attachments and bbp live preview comes to mind). There are some plugins on there that actually should be considered to be on, so I will keep that in mind.

    Just to not be missunderstood. I personally dont have any problem whatsoever with this list above. Implemented with help of code tweaking and those plugins all of this. And much, much more. All except proper Polls. For this I cannot find a solution.

    The polka polls plugin is the best plugin for polls for bbPress. It does require use of shortcodes, I do not think you have to whitelist the shortcode or anything, I think it just works. I guess it could get inspired from some ideas of the bbPress polls plugin for v1 that _ck_ made.

    I am not telling about design, despite this too is hard for Users beginners to tweak.

    Please say any issues you might have on this, I have ideas for users to make design for theme compatibility easier.

    Github should never be primary source of plugins. Additional OK, but only and one never.
    I know there is a plugin that makes updates from Github possible, but demands some lines added by author in plugin self.

    It isn’t, any plugins listed on the featured plugins list are really just plugins that might have functionality similar to what might be suggested to core. Github was never really a plugin repository for WordPress, mostly development. Some of the information why some plugins might not be in what I already said above. Plus some plugins were pretty neat not to leave in.

    Something like Jetpack for bbPress would be a killer, perfect. But I do understand when you say there are not many developers of bbPress. Wish just you start discussion about it and report back to us how it went. Jetpack probably started with few developers, and with years come to number of 46. It doesnt have to start great, developers are attracted later to all good staff by itself.
    Do you know what all those names behind Jetpack say to me ? Not in the first hand anything about code quality, but about security. I know it will flow huge amount of years before this plugin is abandoned. And with all new WP versions they adapt code before new version get out.

    If we are talking about Jetpack as a plugin full of features, then BuddyPress could be something like that. There is also another plugin but it is paid (has minimized free version) that has several other features like bbcode, attachments, quotes. Creating another plugin like that I will keep in mind.



    I can’t seem to find a plugin that allows me to add what I think are called profile fields in phpBB, for bbPress. I don’t want a bridge plugin. I’m looking to completely swap out phpBB for bbPress, but having users be able to link their Twitter, Website, Skype etc. is a huge deal for my website.

    Basically I want my users to be able to add their social media in the user settings and have it show up in their description on posts.

    Any recommended plugins for this job?

    Stagger Lee

    You see, I am not saying bbPress is bad or cannot do this and that.
    Just that third party plugins community is a bit backward and not well. One can find plenty of explanation for this, I have mine. Dont necessary mean mine are right.

    Some short explanations of mine opinions:

    – I am not telling about design, despite this too is hard for Users beginners to tweak.

    – Yes, you could “sell” bbPress better if you made an outstonishing design here on forum, and showed most of the functions. But it is OK for me, I dont have any problem with this forum. Telling this from “selling” bbPress standpoint. It is only CSS, page load is the same, no harm done if you make modern and elegant design.

    – Github should never be primary source of plugins. Additional OK, but only and one never.
    I know there is a plugin that makes updates from Github possible, but demands some lines added by author in plugin self.

    – Something like Jetpack for bbPress would be a killer, perfect. But I do understand when you say there are not many developers of bbPress. Wish just you start discussion about it and report back to us how it went. Jetpack probably started with few developers, and with years come to number of 46. It doesnt have to start great, developers are attracted later to all good staff by itself.
    Do you know what all those names behind Jetpack say to me ? Not in the first hand anything about code quality, but about security. I know it will flow huge amount of years before this plugin is abandoned. And with all new WP versions they adapt code before new version get out.

    I dont say you should work hard as they do on Jetpack. It is here just for comparation, and for bbPress something like this would demand much less of time.

    I dont know. I would go live with bbPress all the time before I go with some other forum platform.
    Used and tweaked SMF forum for many years, phpbb for short time.

    But first associations about bbPress as newcomer and beginner would be: hard to setup, bad design, third party plugins not so live community.

    OK now, dont want to expand discussion to all possible. Let us stick to the plugins.

    Stagger Lee

    I dont ask anything of this be in the core. Just to find some other solution because this now doesnt work well.

    Dont ask plugin developers. Is it GPL ? Yes. Use code as you wish and make completely new plugin if you need. Just some of your names stand as Author of plugin.

    I see tendencies to become little Joomla community. They dont want to piss off developers of very popular extensions and they never add anything good in the core (dont let “core” confuse use, using it just as example here).

    I personally have tweaked bbPress to unimaginable level. It is localhost, but still one Kunena import with many Users, topics and posts. Good for testing. spent huge amount of time on it. Not for the money, nobody would pay all those lost hours, impossible. Because I see potentioal and how WordPress self can make bbPress powerfull. Or buddyPress, I install it all the time together.

    But, one thing is very specific for bbPress. I would not dare to touch it as average User, who installs and setup phpbb or SMF forum without big problems. It is extremely hard for beginners, and all those important plugins depending of how will it go in private life of (one) developer, make it much more difficult to touch and maintain.

    At least take those 10-12 plugins from Github and put them in WP repository. Dont ask developer, it is GPL. Developer had 2-3 years or more to decide to do it byself, and he did not wanted it.
    Problem there is notification about updates.
    Just one example, lost many hours to see why Live preview stoped to word and by chance checked on Github versions. If it was in WP repository I would be notificated directly there is an update for it.

    Stephen Edgar

    You’ll actually need a couple more bits and not just the 2716 patch, if your working locally you can download the “development branch” of bbPress 2.6 and this includes everything you need.

    This version of bbPress will NOT allow you to update to the next version or revision of bbPress, you’d have to delete this version of the plugin and replace it with the official release when released, it also has the potential of breaking in other ways not related to importing phpBB, in other words it may be full of other bugs and if you decided to use it it’s the use at your own risk disclaimer ๐Ÿ™‚


    I thought in my search of the forums here I had found something saying they no longer supported 3.0.x conversions and now only supported 3.1.x.

    It the opposite for the current version , but when 2.6 comes out 3.1 will only be supported.

    And the link you sent, what is that for? Is that just showing how to amend the phpbb conversion film? Iโ€™m not quite clear.

    Basically you needed to see the reply to the topic. Use the patch and see if it fixes your import.
    Of course try this first on a test site to see if everything is working fine.


    Sorry. I didn’t see the reply from that old post. No one had responded so I had given up on it. I thought in my search of the forums here I had found something saying they no longer supported 3.0.x conversions and now only supported 3.1.x. It was some trouble ticket someone had linked.

    Anyway, will creating the columns impair the conversion process? And the link you sent, what is that for? Is that just showing how to amend the phpbb conversion film? I’m not quite clear.


    Did you read the reply I linked to on your last topic?

    I believe this is because of DB differences between phpBB 3.0x and 3.1x.

    Current import only supports phpBB 3.0x

    I was able to get rid of the error messages by creating the columns it complains about.

    You can also try this:

    If you did try the patch and it did not work, I can contact the devs for that because some other user had an issue also.


    I’ve been trying for weeks now to import a version of phpbb 3.1.5 to my bbPress 2.5.7 version on WordPress 4.2.2. I can’t seem to get past a particular set of errors. I do not know what this means. Is this a wordpress issue, a bbpress issue or a phpbb issue? I can’t seem to find any support topics in the forums that address this and the last couple of posts I’ve made haven’t gotten any replies. Do I need to open a repair ticket of some kind to have it looked into? Someone please help. I’d rather not continue using phpbb, but if I can’t get this resolved soon, I’m going to have to abandon bbPress altogether.

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘topics.topic_replies’ in ‘field list’]

    SELECT convert(topics.topic_id USING “utf8”) AS topic_id,convert(topics.topic_replies USING “utf8”) AS topic_replies,convert(topics.topic_replies_real USING “utf8”) AS topic_replies_real,convert(topics.forum_id USING “utf8”) AS forum_id,convert(topics.topic_poster USING “utf8”) AS topic_poster,convert(posts.poster_ip USING “utf8”) AS poster_ip,convert(posts.post_text USING “utf8”) AS post_text,convert(topics.topic_title USING “utf8”) AS topic_title,convert(topics.topic_status USING “utf8”) AS topic_status,convert(topics.topic_type USING “utf8”) AS topic_type,convert(topics.topic_time USING “utf8”) AS topic_time,convert(topics.topic_last_post_time USING “utf8”) AS topic_last_post_time FROM phpbb_topics AS topics INNER JOIN phpbb_posts AS posts USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id = topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 0, 100


    Read this persons answer to another similar topic.

    phpbb3.1.3 to bbPress – Installation database error


    There might be a way. I think there are a couple of hooks to change the users forum role??

    But if phpBB added/removed forum participation capabilities then you might need to hire a develop to create this for you.

    If it was just a rank then you can use this. I am not sure if its the points system that changes the rank or posts made.

    There might be another plugin that ranks by just post count though.


    I believe this is because of DB differences between phpBB 3.0x and 3.1x.

    Current import only supports phpBB 3.0x

    I was able to get rid of the error messages by creating the columns it complains about.

    You can also try this:



    As the topic says, i’m having issues importing from an upgraded phpBB v2.x forum.

    I have approximately 4200 users, 1900 topics and 4400 replies on a phpBB v2 platform. I was able to successfully upgrade to v3.0.x and v3.1.x. As far as the phpBB upgrade goes, everything works, including authentication.

    I am now trying to import into bbPress. I’ve tried using version bbPress 2.5.7 and 2.5.5. I’ve also tried using the new patch file that supports phpBB 3.1. I’m running WordPress 4.2.2, but also tried with 4.2. All on fresh installs with bbPress as the only plugin installed and activated.

    I can see the passwords in user_meta. But I can’t login. No error other than the password is incorrect.

    Would anyone be able to help? Am I out of luck coming form version 2.x of phpBB? If i’m out of luck, is the “Lost your password?” link the only route to fix passwords?




    Is it possible to automatically change the user role based on the number of post in the forum?
    In the past I was using phpBB and there you could do that. New user were catagorized as “beginner” and after eg. 100 posts they automatically became “Advanced”.
    This did not change anything in their permissions but gave them some kind of status.



    Is there then a way to merge users? So that if someone registered on the WordPress site and separately on the forums that afterwards they can be combined?

    You can delete a user then attribute their content to another user

    We have a members-only section for our forums. I understand these forums will be made public and we would need to hide them, but is there a way to set up users that have access only to certain sections while the general public has access to everything else? I donโ€™t want to assign all of our members the ability to edit content on the site, just have access to a members only forum.

    There are a couple of membership plugins that are compatible with bbPress, you could also use the bbPress private groups plugin.

    Will this create two separate MySQL databases? Will the old phpBB still be there and operational? Can the two be used simultaneously and will content posted in one cross-post to the other once merged to bbpress?

    Your phpbb data will be imported into the WordPress database where bbPress would usually be. Cross posting I’m not sure. You should test this out on a test site to make sure everything is working okay and to your expectations.


    Thanks for that. I didn’t see that FAQ before. Here are some questions not specified here:

    Is there then a way to merge users? So that if someone registered on the WordPress site and separately on the forums that afterwards they can be combined?

    We have a members-only section for our forums. I understand these forums will be made public and we would need to hide them, but is there a way to set up users that have access only to certain sections while the general public has access to everything else? I don’t want to assign all of our members the ability to edit content on the site, just have access to a members only forum.

    Will this create two separate MySQL databases? Will the old phpBB still be there and operational? Can the two be used simultaneously and will content posted in one cross-post to the other once merged to bbpress?


    If I use the bbPress import tool to import the database of an existing phpBB board, will it pull over the users and their passwords or will it require new usernames and passwords for everyone who signs up? I’m concerned that old posts won’t be attributable to their original posters.


    Hi Stephen,

    I think I’ve read about every post on importing a phpBB forum into bbpress, but to no avail. I have managed to find above info in the php.config file and used these in the import settings in bbpress import (I was quite sure I finally found what I was looking for, because I first used user:’root’ and password ‘root’), but I’m getting the exact same result as above: “no users to convert. no passwords to clear, etc. etc.

    This is what is running:
    I have bbpress 2.5.7 No forums created
    WP version 4.2.2
    phpBB 3.0.x
    Clean install of MAMP 3.2.1.

    This is what I did:
    I made an export of the phpBB database to be imported.
    I am running MAMP
    Created a new database on MAMP with the same name as the exported one, then imported the database into MAMP
    Use ‘localhost’ on port 3306 (same as on MAMP) and dbname, user, password and prefix as found in the php.config file from the phpBB install.

    No luck: “no users to convert. no passwords to clear”, etc. etc…

    Your help would be much appreciated!



    In reply to: smiley emoticons


    Just so you guys know WordPress comes with its own emoticons and also since the latest version you can post emojis.

    wp-monalisa is a good plugin for custom smilies and stickers though.

    It also has a cool feature to import some phpBB smiley packs.

    Stephen Edgar

    Ha… Using bb_ as your table prefix really did throw me ๐Ÿ˜‰

    If you look at lines 59-60 for your topics your selecting the forum_id from the phpbb_topics table and inserting it into post_parent

    The same needs to happen for replies, so you should be able to get the topic_id that the reply is for and then insert that into the reply post_parent

    The following should do it, assuming that topic_id is actually in the phpbb_posts_text table.

    	SELECT post_subject, post_id, post_subject, REPLACE (post_text, CONCAT (":", bbcode_uid), ""), 'reply', topic_id FROM phpbb_posts_text;

    No, i have bbPress 2.5.7
    Actually, first i tried to use your phPBB v3.x importer and rebuild it for phpBB 1.
    But i gave up (just couldn’t understand all the points).

    Anyway, – for this moment most problems are already resolved. The only question is:
    Isn’t it enough to import replies to bb_posts table?

    Stephen Edgar

    So I edited the post and copied the SQL code to a gist on GitHub:

    First, it looks like you are importing the phpBB into bbPress 1.x, bbPress 1.x is not supported anymore.

    Per @robkk post immediately above you should checkout that link to our docs on the codex on importing to bbPress 2.x, and in general look toward using the bbPress 2.x plugin for WordPress

    I’d suggest taking a look at our phPBB v3.x importer and making any change to match the phpBB v1.x database schema changes you would need:

    Stephen Edgar

    So your importing from phpBB v1?

    Indeed our importers only support phpBB 3.x for bbPress 2.5.x and phpBB v3.1 for bbPress 2.6

    Did you write your own phpBB v1 importer or copy and modify the one that is included with bbPress?

    There are also some fixes and improvements in our repair tools coming for bbPress 2.6 that hopefully will be released in the next couple of weeks.

    I’m happy to take a look at the importer if you made one and/or some data examples, you can post code examples on GitHub here

    (If you added the raw MySQL data from a single forum, a topic of that forum, and a reply of that topic I could give you some tips on what the main issues are that your most likely having)

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