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  • #166915

    The custom profile fields, what exactly do they do? I get that I can now add my Twitter handle from profile settings, but it’s not displayed anywhere on the site.

    Yeah you have to manually place the any extra fields you want on the frontend of the user profile and and place the code in the template user-profile.php, that should be in your child theme for easy customization.

    in user-profile.php you will already see an example of the user’s description field being displayed, and you would need to do some of the same procedure.

    <?php if ( bbp_get_displayed_user_field( 'twitter' ) ) : ?>
        <p class="bbp-user-twitter">
            <a href="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'twitter' ); ?>" title="<?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'display_name' ); ?>'s Twitter" rel="nofollow">
                 <?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'twitter' ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    I will probably put an example for user’s to place the links on their profile templates later on that guide.

    I would love for it to be displayed beneath my avatar and username phpBB-style in topics, or at least on my visible forum profile.

    Yep, there is a way to that too. I can’t remember much but I think it just involves a hook to place the data. There is a plugin Robin made that can basically do that. There is also a different plugin for displaying BuddyPress profile fields. You can dig around the plugins code if you want to see how he did it.

    This doable? Obviously I can’t use the_author_meta() in bbpress, so…

    I think it is possible to just use the WordPress code with bbPress. bbPress is just a plugin of WordPress now.

    Also, instead of adding labels to certain topics. Can I add classes so I can do changes in CSS?

    Yeah you do not have to leave the [status] and just leave the classes there so you can style with just CSS.


    This works nicely. Sorry to bug you so much.

    The custom profile fields, what exactly do they do? I get that I can now add my Twitter handle from profile settings, but it’s not displayed anywhere on the site. I would love for it to be displayed beneath my avatar and username phpBB-style in topics, or at least on my visible forum profile. This doable? Obviously I can’t use the_author_meta() in bbpress, so…

    Also, instead of adding labels to certain topics. Can I add classes so I can do changes in CSS?

    Thanks! 🙂



    I did a testinstall and imported my phpbb forum. I have since made some theme modifications.

    Now I want to go live but need to re import all the topics. How do I clean up my current installation?



    You may need to hire a developer to do the import for you. Devs seem busy working on other aspects of bbPress and importing in general. And for me importing is a huge learning curve.

    I guess you can also wait it out with phpBB still until we fix the importer in 2.6.


    Ive finally had some progress!!!! Finally getting something in the status box other than the ‘starting conversion’ lol

    I ended up installing another instance of wordpress in an old version: 3.9 and then installed bbpress plugin old version: 2.5.4

    Then when I did the import from the phpbb3 forums I had the import actually start! I think it must have been some compatibility issues on newer versions.

    However I did run into a fair few errors. I got a few errors where I had to click start conversion again and then it would get another error and have to click start again.

    It finally finishes but seems to have only imported replies and there are no forums or topics and the user accounts don’t import either.

    Wondering if anyone might know why and if anyone can decipher the output I get below?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated


    Repair any missing information: Continue

    Conversion Complete

    No reply_to parents to convert

    Converting replies (1200 – 1299)
    Converting replies (1100 – 1199)
    Converting replies (1000 – 1099)
    Converting replies (900 – 999)
    Converting replies (800 – 899)
    Converting replies (700 – 799)
    Converting replies (600 – 699)
    Converting replies (500 – 599)
    Converting replies (400 – 499)
    Converting replies (300 – 399)
    Converting replies (200 – 299)
    Converting replies (100 – 199)
    Converting replies (0 – 99)

    No tags to convert

    No super stickies to stick

    No stickies to stick

    Starting Conversion

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘topics.topic_replies’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(topics.topic_id USING “utf8”) AS topic_id,convert(topics.topic_replies USING “utf8”) AS topic_replies,convert(topics.topic_replies_real USING “utf8”) AS topic_replies_real,convert(topics.forum_id USING “utf8”) AS forum_id,convert(topics.topic_poster USING “utf8”) AS topic_poster,convert(posts.poster_ip USING “utf8”) AS poster_ip,convert(posts.post_text USING “utf8”) AS post_text,convert(topics.topic_title USING “utf8”) AS topic_title,convert(topics.topic_status USING “utf8”) AS topic_status,convert(topics.topic_type USING “utf8”) AS topic_type,convert(topics.topic_time USING “utf8”) AS topic_time,convert(topics.topic_last_post_time USING “utf8”) AS topic_last_post_time FROM phpbb_topics AS topics INNER JOIN phpbb_posts AS posts USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id = topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 0, 100

    No topics to convert

    No forum parents to convert

    Starting Conversion

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics USING “utf8”) AS forum_topics,convert(forums.forum_posts USING “utf8”) AS forum_posts,convert(forums.forum_topics_real USING “utf8”) AS forum_topics_real,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100

    No forums to convert

    No passwords to clear

    Starting Conversion

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘users.user_website’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(users.user_id USING “utf8”) AS user_id,convert(users.user_password USING “utf8”) AS user_password,convert(users.user_form_salt USING “utf8”) AS user_form_salt,convert(users.username USING “utf8”) AS username,convert(users.user_email USING “utf8”) AS user_email,convert(users.user_website USING “utf8”) AS user_website,convert(users.user_regdate USING “utf8”) AS user_regdate,convert(users.user_aim USING “utf8”) AS user_aim,convert(users.user_yim USING “utf8”) AS user_yim,convert(users.user_icq USING “utf8”) AS user_icq,convert(users.user_msnm USING “utf8”) AS user_msnm,convert(users.user_jabber USING “utf8”) AS user_jabber,convert(users.user_occ USING “utf8”) AS user_occ,convert(users.user_interests USING “utf8”) AS user_interests,convert(users.user_sig USING “utf8”) AS user_sig,convert(users.user_from USING “utf8”) AS user_from,convert(users.user_avatar USING “utf8”) AS user_avatar FROM phpbb_users AS users LIMIT 0, 100

    No users to convert

    Starting Conversion


    I haven’t seen someone tackle importing attachments from phpBB yet.


    No file attachments are imported.


    If the image was part of the original post with using the BBCode [img] then that IS imported as part of the post, if the image was an attachment to the post then it is not imported.

    There are scripts that handles importing images from other forum software to GD bbPress Attachments that you can take a look at though. This might be custom development and you may need to hire a developer to create an importer for file attachments from phpBB though.

    Israel Pimentel


    I did read many topics on the conversion of PHPBB to BBPress, although I like the forum, need to know if the conversion of the images is possible, even through a different plugin or scrip.

    I know that own plugin bbPress can not do so.


    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, definitely selecting phpBB from the drop-down at the top of the page.
    Both the wordpress and phpbb3 databases are on the same web server. I enter in ‘localhost’ to connect to them both


    In reply to: SMF Import Help Needed


    Since you still need help on this. First do not import SMF to phpbb, just try leaving it in SMF and import from there. users have had problems importing from phpBB lately but not SMF.

    You have to make sure you are not using a remote database.

    Make sure to always check the import troubleshooting.

    Import Troubleshooting

    Run through this topic to see if you have any similar issues others may of have, and Stephen may have answered already.

    Stephen Edgar

    The database *must* be located on the same database server as your target WordPress installation, you can import from a remote database server.

    Make sure you select “phpBB” from the dropdown at the top of the importer page.


    Users have been posting similar data in topics from trying to import from phpBB 3.1. You guys may need to wait til 2.6 to import successfully. I do not know how well downgrading phpBB will do exactly.


    In reply to: Import Errors


    Closing this in favor of your other topic.

    Trouble Importing phpbb


    Closing this in favor of your other topic.

    Trouble Importing phpbb


    Ive recently tried installing version 2.5.7 bbpress and phpbb 3.0.14 but am still stuck.
    Ive also tried moving the data to another database on the same server
    Anyone know anything else I can try?
    How can I see where this thing is getting stuck? Is there any logs i can be checking?
    All I can see is just “Starting Conversion” every single time 🙁
    Its so frustrating….please help me im going crazy lol


    I don’t think the current version of bbpress supports importing from phpbb 3.1

    Thats more information that I am getting, where are you seeing that output?
    Mine just sits on ‘starting conversion’ and never progress any further than that no matter how long I leave it.


    I am also having issues. I have 3.1.5 of phpbb installed. I just get the following.

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics,convert(forums.forum_posts USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts,convert(forums.forum_topics_real USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_real,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100

    No forums to convert

    No data to clean

    Starting Conversion


    Thanks very much for your reply and for the info, do you know approximately when that release would likely be?

    I have tried with various versions on phpbb and was getting the same error, so I thought it may have been that bbpress didn’t support 3.0.x so that’s why I actually updated. I can revert back my version.

    However I have tried with the 3.0.14 and with earlier versions and was getting this same problem. The status just sits on “Starting Conversion” and never moves or gives me anymore information.

    Would you know what this could be causing this or where I should be looking to find out what is stopping the process from starting?
    (I left it run for 5 hours the other day)
    I can convert back to the old version of phpbb if needed.

    Thanks in advance.


    Current version of bbPress does not support imports from phpBB 3.1, next major release will.


    Hi All,

    Hoping someone out there can help me. I am converting my old website into wordpress and am trying to import my forum into bbpress but have run into a problem. I can’t seem to get the import to start.

    I fill in the database details on the import page using the details from my config.php file and then click start, the page displays the “Starting Conversion” status and the loading circle is spinning but that is as far as it gets.

    I had read all the pages and guides and forum posts I can find for a week but cannot figure out where I am going wrong.

    The forum I am importing is a very small forum compared to other websites and I have tried leaving the page on this status for 4 hours without any change.

    Is there somewhere I can find an error log that would tell me what is going on or would anywhere have any ideas would could be the cause of this

    Im running phpbb 3.1.5
    Wordpress Version 4.2.3

    Thanks in advance



    Hi All,

    Hoping someone out there can help me. I am converting my old website into wordpress and am trying to import my forum into bbpress but have run into a problem. I can’t seem to get the import to start.

    I fill in the database details on the import page using the details from my config.php file and then click start, the page displays the “Starting Conversion” status and the loading circle is spinning but that is as far as it gets.

    I had read all the pages and guides and forum posts I can find for a week but cannot figure out where I am going wrong.

    The forum I am importing is a very small forum compared to other websites and I have tried leaving the page on this status for 4 hours without any change.

    Is there somewhere I can find an error log that would tell me what is going on or would anywhere have any ideas would could be the cause of this

    Im running phpbb 3.0.14

    Thanks in advance



    the first kuena link the forums look too busy.

    Second link is what I was talking about but for bbPress, make it look cleaner. I have made something kind of similar, not exact but some parts are similar. (I know the icons are off a bit, idk what I did to mess them up, but they were fine before.)

    the third and fourth link remind me of old bb boards, some phpbb inspiration I can see though.

    Almost all of those Github plugins have almost non discussions, issues, requests. It doesnt mean they are perfect, it means they will be abandoned very soon. As much you here would abandon bbPress if nobody used it and nobody come to this forum. As much Drupal core and other Drupal developers abandoned Drupal forum because nobody used it. So simple.

    I get what you are saying but what about plugin forks or just plugins with similarities.

    Here are the other github plugins and their alternatives and why I might and might not fork them.

    • VIP support -> bbpress-VIP-Support-Plugin-for-Latest-WordPress (will think about pushing to
    • Simple Support -> bbResolutions
    • EDD bbPress Support Dashboard (this is a fork of VIP support too and was specific to the EDD site)
    • bbPress Spam Cleaner -> This is the plugin that was made for a job for a specific user
    • bbPress Report Abuse (needs paid plugin gravity forms) -> bbPress Report Content
    • bbPress Avatar -> Basic User Avatars
    • bbP Quote -> bbPress Direct Quotes(I said I might add this into a different plugin, and users can also install GD bbPress tools)
    • bbPress Ajax Replies (not touching, do not know much about ajax)
    • djb bbPress last read plugin -> closest I think to this exact plugin is the one I said I might add to
    • bbPress Live Preview -> Just enable TinyMCE(but I will think about forking it more)

    Tell me one thing sincerely. if you so much trust all those plugins why you dont install them here and use it as showcase for newcommers ?

    I told you some of the plugins in there could be some ideas for functionality and that is why it is there, which leads to me sprucing up the page again.

    Stagger Lee

    Thank you. Dont mind my writing. I know developers dont like topics like this. Despite everything, even if you dont do anything about it I stay on bbPress because it is so fun. Much more fun than SMF or phpbb.

    Talk to your friends from bbPress core circle on your private channels. And see if they have time for some plugin. Report just back to us results. It they are bussy with private projects nobody will be mad about it. Just to know.

    Or announce on the WordPress Slack that you are underpowered and ask for some help from other core, other strong plugins developers. There is no shame in it.


    Dont want to talk about design and style. It would ruin all from my title.
    But yes, bbPress is ugly as hell when installed and takes lot of time to design. Better to keep written notes what you do and how, to be able to use it next time.

    email me then, I actually do want to talk about design.

    Dont know what to say about buddyPress serving as “Jetpack”. I like to install buddyPress along with bbPress and think they do better with design. Guess it is up to them, will they be standalone WP plugin or serve as filling gaps for bbPress.

    Really just design? Only design I can think of is the companion stylesheets? Other than that it has a plain layout look like bbPress. Not the groups, @mention autosuggest, members page, attachments api, more advanced profile fields, ability to change/crop avatar?

    Back to your question. Cannot point exactly what is hard for begginers and users. It is all small bits and parts making it difficult. Even to me is hard and takes lot of time to have one bbPress forum ready for live server.
    Guess it is huge amount of time spent searching on Google and forums howto. I made those mistakes on my first 2-3 instalaltions and noticed it is impossible to continue this way. Now I have searchable and filterable database with bbPress, buddyPress snippets. Just for bbPress circa 150 of them and some tutorials. But not many people will do this. When they spend half day searching on Google how to solve something they will simply go to phpbb, SMF forum and it is one user less.

    It is easy to get a bbPress forum set up. It will definitely get hard to make bbPress work like other forum solutions? It would be pretty difficult to make something like phpbb turn into something like discourse for example.

    Most of this time lost is fixing and tweaking third party plugins, using their adapted code in functions.php, etc.

    What plugins? Tell me what plugins to adopt if you need to fix them? Email me this too.

    In matter of fact price of one bbPress installation and customization goes easy to level of one very advanced web shop. Only know it is not sustainable and should not be this way.

    Dont want to talk about money, just took it as example of how many hours and days bbPress takes to be finished and looks professional.

    Yeah this would probably be level of skill vs cost for time to do it. It is easy for me and I might say I have a moderate level of skill. This is just my opinion though.

    Stagger Lee

    Thanks Robby.

    Dont want to talk about design and style. It would ruin all from my title.
    But yes, bbPress is ugly as hell when installed and takes lot of time to design. Better to keep written notes what you do and how, to be able to use it next time.

    I have some ideas of making bbPress more acceptable to Pods or ACF. It would open many possibilities. Some of them could be, polls, attachments (very regulated and narrowed), SVG icons, reply title (it is just text input field), avatars, etc..

    Dont know what to say about buddyPress serving as “Jetpack”. I like to install buddyPress along with bbPress and think they do better with design. Guess it is up to them, will they be standalone WP plugin or serve as filling gaps for bbPress.

    Anything that is the same as Jetpack. Lots of modules all deactivated on default, to not force people use what they dont need and want. And without connection to
    If you make some better cooperation with Pods you get automatically mass of new developers and possibly mass of custom tweaks shared around. Same would be with bbPress “Jetpack” or buddyPress if they want it.

    Back to your question. Cannot point exactly what is hard for begginers and users. It is all small bits and parts making it difficult. Even to me is hard and takes lot of time to have one bbPress forum ready for live server.
    Guess it is huge amount of time spent searching on Google and forums howto. I made those mistakes on my first 2-3 instalaltions and noticed it is impossible to continue this way. Now I have searchable and filterable database with bbPress, buddyPress snippets. Just for bbPress circa 150 of them and some tutorials. But not many people will do this. When they spend half day searching on Google how to solve something they will simply go to phpbb, SMF forum and it is one user less.

    Most of this time lost is fixing and tweaking third party plugins, using their adapted code in functions.php, etc. Design OK, but usually easy to find answer on Google.

    In some way I try to imagine how would it be to charge a client for a bbPress installation and customization. I dont do it for money, i spend time on it because I think it is fun. But so many spent hours and days is impossible to charge. Hence, nobody will setup bbPress forum for living and earning. Web companies goes to other solutions.

    In matter of fact price of one bbPress installation and customization goes easy to level of one very advanced web shop. Only know it is not sustainable and should not be this way.

    Dont want to talk about money, just took it as example of how many hours and days bbPress takes to be finished and looks professional.

Viewing 25 results - 351 through 375 (of 2,297 total)
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