Search Results for 'phpbb'
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Hi, our worpress site uses twenty fifteen theme and we want to add a forum to it. I am wondering if bbpress would be a good idea and will fit in the main content div without any problems. I read somewhere that bbpress has a strnage bahviour using this theme due to the big sidebar. Any experiences? Should we go with bbpress if we use this theme or better a separate forum script like phpbb? The site is this one Bellefem adelgazar. Thanks!!
I recently migrated a phpBB forum to bbPress. I currently use 2.6 alpha version. The participants count of all topic is 0. When I try to run the fixing tool it reset all the topics to 1. Even if there are several participants and it happen also for a new topics on the forum after the migration. I think that it doesn’t count the gusets, the participants who don’t have account on the forum. It should also count the guest participants because for a forum that allow to guests to post topics there is no point to show the count of participants if all topics shows 0.
Topic: phpbb Import Question
I’m trying to import a phpbb forum with about 50,000 posts into a local dev site.
It continually stalls at “Converting topics (4900-4999)”
I’m trying to follow the instructions here:
which say to make a copy of the db and drop all records except within the offending range and try the import again to isolate the problematic row.Should I go into phpbb_topics or phpbb_topics_posted to try and look for the offending problem?
Once I have the right table, do I then delete the first 4899 rows that appear in the db?
I’m using the latest WordPress and have tried both bbpress 2.5.9 and 2.6alpha.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
My apologies for the caps, but this is really important 😉[Assumptions]: Debian/Ubuntu developmachine with phpMyAdmin.
[Note]: Obviously I haven’t tested all Apache/MySql versions. This was done on SolydK (Debian Jessie). It is also not perfect. So, if somebody can improve on the code. Please, let me know.
After you’ve setup a development machine, imported the phpBB data and checked that everything is working fine, you still need to convert the phpBB internal links like “viewtopic.php?p=####” or “viewtopic.php?t=####” to the slugs that are being used by bbPress.
Let’s start!
1) First you’ll need to install and compile lib_mysqludf_preg.
Create a bash file with this content:#!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install libpcre3-dev libmysqlclient-dev build-essential libmysqld-dev libpcre3-dev wget unzip cd lib_mysqludf_preg-testing ./configure make install make MYSQL="mysql -p" installdb service mysql restart
Make it executable:
chmod +x
And run it:
2) Install the stored procedures.
In phpMyAdmin, select the database and the SQL tab.
Paste the following codes separately, creating three stored procedures on your database:DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_cleanup_replies() BEGIN -- declare cursor for reply url change DECLARE reply_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT old_post_id, REPLACE(<code>xkcom_posts</code>.<code>guid</code>, '', '') AS new_url FROM (SELECT CAST(CONVERT(PREG_CAPTURE('/#p([0-9]+)/i', <code>post_content</code>, 1) USING UTF8) AS UNSIGNED) AS old_post_id FROM <code>xkcom_posts</code>) AS t1 INNER JOIN <code>xkcom_postmeta</code> ON <code>xkcom_postmeta</code>.<code>meta_value</code> = old_post_id INNER JOIN <code>xkcom_posts</code> ON <code>xkcom_posts</code>.<code>ID</code> = <code>xkcom_postmeta</code>.<code>post_id</code> WHERE <code>xkcom_postmeta</code>.<code>meta_key</code> = '_bbp_old_reply_id' AND old_post_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY old_post_id DESC; SELECT 'sp_cleanup_replies: START'; -- Change posts OPEN reply_cursor; BEGIN DECLARE old_reply_id MEDIUMINT; DECLARE new_url VARCHAR(255); DECLARE search_string VARCHAR(255); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; read_loop: LOOP FETCH reply_cursor INTO old_reply_id, new_url; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SET search_string = CONCAT('|[a-z0-9\.\-:\/&=\?\+]+#p', old_reply_id, '|i'); SELECT CONCAT('sp_cleanup_replies: replace ', search_string, CONCAT(' with ', new_url)); -- Uncomment the following line if you want to test the regexp -- SELECT CONVERT(PREG_REPLACE(search_string, new_url, <code>post_content</code>) USING UTF8) FROM <code>xkcom_posts</code> WHERE INSTR(<code>post_content</code>, CONCAT('#p', old_reply_id)) > 0; LEAVE read_loop; UPDATE <code>xkcom_posts</code> SET <code>post_content</code>= CONVERT(PREG_REPLACE(search_string, new_url, <code>post_content</code>) USING UTF8) WHERE INSTR(<code>post_content</code>, CONCAT('#p', old_reply_id)) > 0; END LOOP; END; CLOSE reply_cursor; SELECT 'sp_cleanup_replies: DONE'; END$$ DELIMITER ;
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_cleanup_topics() BEGIN -- declare cursor for topic url change DECLARE topic_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT old_topic_id, REPLACE(<code>xkcom_posts</code>.<code>guid</code>, '', '') AS new_url FROM (SELECT CAST(CONVERT(PREG_CAPTURE('/t=([0-9]+)/i', <code>post_content</code>, 1) USING UTF8) AS UNSIGNED) AS old_topic_id FROM <code>xkcom_posts</code>) AS t1 INNER JOIN <code>xkcom_postmeta</code> ON <code>xkcom_postmeta</code>.<code>meta_value</code> = old_topic_id INNER JOIN <code>xkcom_posts</code> ON <code>xkcom_posts</code>.<code>ID</code> = <code>xkcom_postmeta</code>.<code>post_id</code> WHERE <code>xkcom_postmeta</code>.<code>meta_key</code> = '_bbp_old_topic_id' AND old_topic_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY old_topic_id DESC; SELECT 'sp_cleanup_topics: START'; -- Change topics OPEN topic_cursor; BEGIN DECLARE old_topic_id MEDIUMINT; DECLARE new_url VARCHAR(255); DECLARE search_string VARCHAR(255); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; read_loop: LOOP FETCH topic_cursor INTO old_topic_id, new_url; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SET search_string = CONCAT('|[a-z0-9\.\-:\/&=\?\+]+t=', old_topic_id, '|i'); SELECT CONCAT('sp_cleanup_topics: replace ', search_string, CONCAT(' with ', new_url)); -- Uncomment the following line if you want to test the regexp -- SELECT CONVERT(PREG_REPLACE(search_string, new_url, <code>post_content</code>) USING UTF8) FROM <code>xkcom_posts</code> WHERE INSTR(<code>post_content</code>, CONCAT('t=', old_topic_id)) > 0; LEAVE read_loop; UPDATE <code>xkcom_posts</code> SET <code>post_content</code>= CONVERT(PREG_REPLACE(search_string, new_url, <code>post_content</code>) USING UTF8) WHERE INSTR(<code>post_content</code>, CONCAT('t=', old_topic_id)) > 0; END LOOP; END; CLOSE topic_cursor; SELECT 'sp_cleanup_topics: DONE'; END$$ DELIMITER ;
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_cleanup_missing() BEGIN -- declare cursor for reply url change DECLARE missing_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT old_post_id FROM (SELECT CAST(CONVERT(PREG_CAPTURE('|/&[a-z0-9=\+]+#p([0-9]+)|i', <code>post_content</code>, 1) USING UTF8) AS UNSIGNED) AS old_post_id FROM <code>xkcom_posts</code>) AS t1 WHERE old_post_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY old_post_id DESC; SELECT 'sp_cleanup_missing: START'; -- Change posts OPEN missing_cursor; BEGIN DECLARE missing_reply_id MEDIUMINT; DECLARE search_string VARCHAR(255); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; read_loop: LOOP FETCH missing_cursor INTO missing_reply_id; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SET search_string = CONCAT('|[a-z0-9&=\+]+#p', missing_reply_id, '|i'); SELECT CONCAT('sp_cleanup_missing: remove ', search_string); -- Uncomment the following line if you want to test the regexp -- SELECT CONVERT(PREG_REPLACE(search_string, '#', <code>post_content</code>) USING UTF8) FROM <code>xkcom_posts</code> WHERE INSTR(<code>post_content</code>, CONCAT('#p', missing_reply_id)) > 0; LEAVE read_loop; UPDATE <code>xkcom_posts</code> SET <code>post_content</code>= CONVERT(PREG_REPLACE(search_string, '#', <code>post_content</code>) USING UTF8) WHERE INSTR(<code>post_content</code>, CONCAT('#p', missing_reply_id)) > 0; END LOOP; END; CLOSE missing_cursor; SELECT 'sp_cleanup_missing: DONE'; END$$ DELIMITER ;
3) Run the stored procedures from terminal.
It is important that you check some example posts with links that need to change. First the post links like “viewtopic.php?some_parameters#p#####”, then topic links like “viewtopic.php?some_parameters&t=#####” and lastly the links to missing posts are removed.mysql -u root -p -e 'CALL sp_cleanup_replies()' my_database
mysql -u root -p -e 'CALL sp_cleanup_topics()' my_database
mysql -u root -p -e 'CALL sp_cleanup_missing()' my_database
Now, check your posts and when you’re happy you can drop the stored procedures:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_cleanup_replies; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_cleanup_topics; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_cleanup_missing;
Mod note: edited and changed dev site from contributer to
Topic: Wrong last topic
Hi all,
On my forum, the latest Topic / freshest Topic sometimes shows the wrong topic as you can see here: newest post is about 1 day, 18 hours old.It always reverts back to the same thread, which was comverted from a phpbb forum.
I have tried recounting using the integrated tools, but that does not seem to work, however when i post a new topic it will work as intended showing the right post for about a day or two, and then go back.
[I am just creating a new topic about this]
I’ve finally completed the conversion (took only 8 hours against the 2 days of the previous versions).
Nevertheless, big problem here: I can see no forum after the conversion.
I’ve been checking the database schema in which wordpress is installed and nothing….
I can only find an empty wp_bbp_converter_translator table and for the rest: no users converted, no posts, no forum and topics tables.Does someone has any idea why this happened?
It actually looked like it was converting something and the number of interactions I’ve seen in the log during the conversion matches the actual numbers in PhpBB.I would appreciate if someone can help.
Hi everybody,
I’ve been trying as suggested bbpress 2.6 alpha but the PhpBB import fails right at the beginning.
I’ve been already importing successfully by using the latest 2 versions and I’ve never faced this error before.Also take into account I am running the import in the same environment and against the same data set.
Here the error:SELECT convert(users.user_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_id,convert(users.user_password USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_password,convert(users.user_form_salt USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_form_salt,convert(users.username USING “utf8mb4”) AS username,convert(users.user_email USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_email,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_website USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_website,convert(users.user_regdate USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_regdate,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_aol USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_aol,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_yahoo USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_yahoo,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_icq USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_icq,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_wlm USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_wlm,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_facebook USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_facebook,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_googleplus USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_googleplus,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_skype USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_skype,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_twitter USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_twitter,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_youtube USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_youtube,convert(users.user_jabber USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_jabber,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_occupation USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_occupation,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_interests USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_interests,convert(users.user_sig USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_sig,convert(profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_location USING “utf8mb4”) AS pf_phpbb_location,convert(users.user_avatar USING “utf8mb4”) AS user_avatar FROM forum_users AS users LEFT JOIN forum_profile_fields_data AS profile_fields_data USING (user_id) WHERE users.user_type !=2 LIMIT 0, 100
Not sure yet what the problem is.
I’ll do my little investigation and I’ll let you know.Gio
Topic: Import user as author name
I want to migrate phpBB forum to bbPress. I use the default import tool of bbPress, I was able to migrate it successfully but the only problem is the author name shown as Anonymous in almost all topics. When I chose to import the users, the topics shown with the correct users besides the users in Hebrew that converted automatically to numbers and shown as Anonymous and that’s because WordPress doesn’t support Hebrew characters in the username.I would like to convert it without the users but still keep the author name, as in archive forum. It’s also make sense to keep the original name of user who post even the user doesn’t exist in system. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I’ve successfully imported phpBB data into bbPress. Now, I’d like to redirect URLs like
I’ve search the web and have been experimenting with several solutions but without any luck. Anything I do throws a 404.
These are some of the links I tried out:
As you can see, these topics are at least 7 years old. On the other hand, I don’t expect that something has changed on how to write redirects in an htaccess file.
Does somebody here has some experience with this?
Hi All,
After configuring the importing form and clicking the start button, a failure message appears after amount of time;
Unknown column 'forums.forum_topics' in 'field list'
After clicking again on the start button only the reactions will be converted from phpBB to bbpress.
How can I import the topics and users properly, without encounter these failures?