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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #177621

    Is there somebody with the same versions (phpbb to 3.1.9 and use BBpress 2.6 alpha) with a working import from a pbpbb database?

    If yes, can you send me your the phpbb.php file please


    i’ve update phpbb to 3.1.9 and use BBpress 2.6 alpha

    I’ve downloaded te latest version of the phpbb.php importfilefrom:

    When i run the converting i get this error:

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress databasefout: [Unknown column ‘forums.forum_topics_real’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(forums.forum_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_id,convert(forums.parent_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS parent_id,convert(forums.forum_topics_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_approved,convert(forums.forum_posts_approved USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts_approved,convert(forums.forum_topics_real USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_topics_real,convert(forums.forum_posts USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_posts,convert(forums.forum_name USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_name,convert(forums.forum_desc USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_desc,convert(forums.left_id USING “utf8mb4”) AS left_id,convert(forums.forum_type USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_type,convert(forums.forum_status USING “utf8mb4”) AS forum_status FROM phpbb_forums AS forums LIMIT 0, 100
    Geen forums te converteren
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (500 – 599)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (400 – 499)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (300 – 399)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (200 – 299)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (100 – 199)
    Verwijder standaard wachtwoorden van WordPress gebruikers (0 – 99)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (500 – 599)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (400 – 499)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (300 – 399)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (200 – 299)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (100 – 199)
    Gebruikers aan het converteren (0 – 99)
    Geen gegevens om op te schonen
    Conversie starten


    i have do the pbpbb update to the newest version 3.1.9.

    And there is still a problem.
    When i run the import, the import is not starting.
    Only the loadingcircle is visable

    What do i wrong or is there a bug in the phpbb convertingfile?


    In reply to: News web site


    I think your looking for an unread posts plugin. There are quite a few you can use for bbPress.

    bbPress Pencil Unread

    bbPress Mark as Read

    bbPress New Topics

    bbPress unread Posts v2

    bbPress go to first unread post

    I personally like bbPress Pencil Unread, because with a few lines of custom css I can either have the new label or a custom image before the forum/topic title like in the other plugins. And because it has a template tag to include a mark all as read button somewhere. Other users like mark as read as it is close to vBull functionality and the go to first unread post plugin as its close to phpbb functionality. You probably would just need to use Unread Posts v2.


    i’ve do the import completly but also this version lost relation between post and user.

    So i think there is no other option and i must upgrade my phpbb to 3.1

    Stephen Edgar

    The last version of the import has problems and lost the relation between post and owner.

    That’s because the current version only supports phpBB 3.1.x as I stated above.

    As you don’t need to worry about any custom modules as bbPress doesn’t support these anyway I still think you are best of upgrading your phpBB database schema to 3.1.x, but here is a 3.0.x alternative for you to try, though no guarantees and I won’t be making any 3.0.x changes etc.

    This here is the 3.1.x version:

    This here is the 3.0.x version:

    You’ll still need to use bbPress 2.6 alpha with that 3.0.x version.


    In reply to: phpbb to bbpress

    Stephen Edgar

    @aeneas1 I’ve split this into it’s own topic, things can be hard to track otherwise.

    Did you do the import with bbPress 2.5.x or 2.6 alpha?

    The 2.6 alpha now supports importing from phpBB 3.1.x which fixes quite a few issues with phpBB users, you can get it from


    I understand that there is no support for older versions phpbb 3.0.x and that this feature only have to work with the latest versions. But iám not happy with that.

    I have a huge (+1000K posts) phpbb 3.0.x forum with a lot of extra custom contributions and will stop with phpbb becausse phpbb is not populair anymore. support is bad and there is no evolution.

    To update a huge forum to phpbb3.1 it is a lot of strugling and not easy to do.
    Now i’ve to do it, and hope there are not data lost.

    Is there a old plugin available to import pbp3.0.x with is working fine with huge database?
    The last version of the import has problems and lost the relation between post and owner.

    Stephen Edgar

    bbPress 2.6 has dropped support for importing from phpBB 3.0.x, you need to upgrade your phpBB database to 3.1.x before importing into bbPress 2.6


    Same problem here with exact same error

    Unknown column ‘profile_fields_data.pf_phpbb_website’ in ‘field list’



    Bbpress is a very nice forumscript, but it can’t handle big forums.
    We have imported an big phpbb forum in bbpress with this statics (+1000K posts, +70k topics, +50k users)
    BBpress need almost 30 second to place a new topic or post.

    This problem is NOT a serverproblem.
    It is sure that BBPRESS can’t handle a big database.
    When i reset my forum (remove all posts and topic) Then creating a post/topic it take 1 second.

    I’ve search the internet and BBpress has this problem al several years.
    There as topics from 2004 with this problem.

    Developers Please think about this problem.


    thanks for the plugin info, installed it and it looks interesting… however the breadcrumb section doesn’t do what i want…. i want the main forum page, the page you land on when you click the forum link in the navbar, to read “index” not “forums”, the plugin will change the breadcrumb to “index” but not main forum page title…this seems like such an easy task, for example in phpbb it’s a snap… i googled it and came up with folks asking about the same thing here over 4 years ago, and they solved it having to manually edit php files… 4 years later and no easy dashboard option for this?

    btw is bbpress still an active/popular plugin? it seems that you’re the only one around trying to field questions… and i appreciate it…


    thanks robin… yes i would really like to sort this thing out, to have my phpbb usernames associated with their posts, the posts that were imported using bbpress, instead of “anonymous” showing as the poster for every single post… in fact i can’t find any evidence that usernames were transferred at all, pretty disappointing…


    I am trying to import a massive phpBB3 forum to bbPress.
    When I say massive I mean 89k+ users, 72k+ topics and 1M+ posts.
    I’ve followed the instructions in the troubleshooting section, but nothing really seems to work.

    I fill out the form in the Tools section, and start it, and the “Starting Conversion” spinner begins, but nothing ever happens.

    Can someone help?


    thank you all for the helpful responses… when i fist tried to import data i didn’t notice the manual section, just the pre-installed import icons/tools that didn’t include phpbb… anyway i went through the process after installing 2.6 and all went pretty well except that user names didn’t seem to make it, all of the posts show “anonymous” as the poster, would really like to figure out how to restore the actual username… also, avatars didn’t make it over either but that limitation was noted in the tutorial, so i expected it… so how do folks go about restoring user avatars? and. more importantly, how do you get user names to appear instead of anonymous”? the repair feature didn’t solve this…


    1. phpbb import seemed to go ok, as did the repair process, all of my phpbb forums appear correctly and so do topics and posts… however no usernames seemed to make the journey, every posts shows “anonymous” as the poster… what can i do to fix this?

    2. read about the lack of avatar migration support, so what’s the best way to add the same user avatars that were used at the phpbb board, i’m guessing this is a manual process, and if so what are the steps?

    thanks very much…


    In reply to: Weird freshness bugs


    Hi Ziga,

    Hmm, weird. Even with latest build of 2.6 i still have an issue, with an imported database from phpbb. But thanks anyway 🙂


    Robin W

    @aeneas1 I don’t think that plugin should be hosted on wordpress plugins, and I’ve asked the plugin review team to see if it violates the plugin rules.

    There is an import phpbb in the bbpress software – I think you may have seen it

    Dashboard>tools>forums and you can select phpbb – did you have an issue with this?


    do i need both bbpress and buddypress?

    Depends on what you might need for your site, but technically no.

    assuming i don’t “need” both, is it advantageous to have both?

    Having BuddyPress allows you to use Group Forums, wordpress toolbar notifications for new topics and replies, better profile and custom profile fields, Members page, and a bunch of other stuff that might be useful if you want a more featureful forum.

    do i need a wordpress page? i thought this was the case, so i registered and signed up for an annual wordpress account.. now that i’ve installed bbpress, it appears that i don’t actually need a wordpress page or an annual account, is this correct?

    You don’t need a page, its not on the recommeded requirements for set up in my opinion. It might be required for a workaround for a theme/bbPress related bug. What do you mean by annual account? Just so you know bbPress won’t work on sites, and only self hosted ones.

    how do i import a phpbb 3.1 forum into wordpress? i read the tutorial but a phpbb import tool isn’t included among the other import tools…

    for 3.1 phpbb forums look into using bbPress 2.6 alpha, because the current version of the phpbb import in the stable version of bbPress does not work for version 3.1 phpbb forums.

    my goal is to set up a phpbb-type forum/discussion, i’m not interested a wordpress blog or the like, just a discussion board. is this something i can achieve with bbpress, bbbuddy, the combo of both?

    Its possible to create a forum with some features sort of like phpbb with the help of BuddyPress and bbPress, and quite possibly some other plugins that might be useful.


    no experience with wordpress or bbpress but it looked great so i installed it… next up was an attempt to “import” my phpbb data to bbpress using the dashboard import tool but, sadly, a phpbb install plugin was not among those listed in the dashboard so i had to search the plugins directory… not knowing which one was best, i blindly chose the “CMS2CMS: phpBB to bbPress Forum Convertor” and began the migration process.. well surprise, surprise, shortly after the program began the migration a popup window reared its ugly head asking for $38 in order to complete a full migration… what the f is that all about? so is the wordpress life? wordpress plugin life? plugins are listed with no indication that they cost x amount of dollars until after you install the thing and try to use it? what sort of nonsense is that? how does this practice fly with wordpress? it’s enough to send a prospective wordpress user running in the direction of other alternatives, good grief…


    i’m having a bit of a tough time understanding the wordpress flow and my exact needs in order to setup a standalone wordpress-based forum…..

    – do i need both bbpress and buddypress?
    – assuming i don’t “need” both, is it advantageous to have both?
    – do i need a wordpress page? i thought this was the case, so i registered and signed up for an annual wordpress account.. now that i’ve installed bbpress, it appears that i don’t actually need a wordpress page or an annual account, is this correct?
    – how do i import a phpbb 3.1 forum into wordpress? i read the tutorial but a phpbb import tool isn’t included among the other import tools…

    my goal is to set up a phpbb-type forum/discussion, i’m not interested a wordpress blog or the like, just a discussion board. is this something i can achieve with bbpress, bbbuddy, the combo of both? or for a standalone forum is phpbb actually recommended over a wordpress-based option? thank you for your time.


    1. An answer to this is really a personal opinion on what you prefer specifically from each.

    2. For WordPress you need a theme, Im sure its the same for others.

    3. Just so you know WordPress is the CMS and bbPress is just piggybacking and using APIs from such. WordPress is updated quite frequently. You can allow bbPress to update automatically if you want through some plugin.

    4. I don’t know why you brought up phpbb here, but bbPress can be automatically updated using a plugin. WordPress is updated automatically for security releases, and sometimes hosts cann allow you to just allow it to update automatically all the time.

    5. Blog functionality comes packaged with WordPress, you can add other features using plugins or themes.

    6. Read this for hardening WordPress.

    7. For captcha plugins that work with bbPress check out this guide.

    8. Use a plugin, or online service, or check your hosting provider.

    9. Yes this forum has more than 100k topics. Users you will be fine.

    Also which plugins will be better for users and forums so that their updation does not affect the live site once it is launched.

    IF you are talking about plugin/theme/WordPress updates. Try to avoid automatic updates so you do not come across issues during an update and check to see if the update does not have any issues below rolling it out. Or just take frequent backups to avoid update issues and just roll back to a previous state.


    Hi everybody,

    I’ve just finalised the migration from PhpBB to BBpress.
    I’have noticed that when I open a read a topic for the first time, there’s some processing happening in the background the takes time depending on the number of replies in that topic.

    – hundred of replies can take more than 10 seconds. Once I am in the topic, if I open it again with another user, it’s fast.
    – thousand of replies can end up in a ” PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded”
    – also, a test I did on a topic with about 40K replies ended up in an “Allowed memory size of XXXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in Unknown on line 0” error.

    I am on a dedicated server and I can change all the memory and execution time limits parameters, but I have the feeling this should not be the solution.
    I don’t understand why there0s so much processing happening.

    After a second look, I’ve noticed that the replies are not paginated. So the system tries to return all the replies in one shot.
    I’ve tried to change the pagination settings and also to deactivate/reactivate the plugin but it didn’t fix the issue.

    Even when I move a topic in the thrash, there’s some php logic that eliminates the replies one by one and can take a minute when the topic has 40 replies.

    Is this normal?

    Anyone who can help?



    Robin W

    You will need to change a template, so if you can edit a file and know FTP then you can amend this

    create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    Make a copy of this file, and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with
    wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress/loop-single-topic.phpbbPress will now use this template instead of the original and you can amend this.

    Now go to line 68, which says

    <span class="bbp-topic-started-in"><?php printf( __( 'in: <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_forum_permalink( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ), bbp_get_forum_title( bbp_get_topic_forum_id() ) ); ?></span>

    and delete this and save the file


    Give it a shot, I prefer it over phpbb as it is much easier to adjust to needs.

    Just install and give it a shot, should work fine

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