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Search Results for 'codes'

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  • #38105
    Gautam Gupta

    Hello everyone!

    I have released the RC 1 of WordPress to bbPress Converter Script. What it does is migrates all your users, converts categories to forums, articles to topics and comments to posts. Currently, it just doesn’t change image shortcodes to image urls and doesn’t preserve the forum hierarchy.

    To use it, download it, put it on your server, edit the script and change the options to appropriate values before the Stop Editing Here part.

    I am soon planning to release a bbPress standalone to plugin converter script if someone doesn’t beat me to it. ;)



    – G


    In reply to: WYSIWYG


    i am making the plugin better and better now :) But tomorow (utc +1) morning i will try to create a fast first build with notes, on how too install.

    What is needed before the first WYSIWYG TinyMCE release for bbpress:

    -Somebody who can make it a plug-in, i have the pieces of codes which should be added to let it work.

    -Adding a new button for the [video] tag whch i use. I want to release that too aftwards and include it to this version.

    -Clean-up code, since it is untouched code from their website.

    -Now uses no-jquery, but dont know if it is handy.

    Hope some people want to help ;)

    I will make a demo soon, but you can register @ or .

    Greetins silasje1,


    In reply to: WYSIWYG


    i am making the plugin better and better now :) But tomorow (utc +1) morning i will try to create a fast first build with notes, on how too install.

    What is needed before the first WYSIWYG TinyMCE release for bbpress:

    -Somebody who can make it a plug-in, i have the pieces of codes which should be added to let it work.

    -Adding a new button for the [video] tag whch i use. I want to release that too aftwards and include it to this version.

    -Clean-up code, since it is untouched code from their website.

    -Now uses no-jquery, but dont know if it is handy.

    Hope some people want to help ;)

    I will make a demo soon, but you can register @ or .

    Greetins silasje1,


    Hi all,

    I’m sure this has been covered a few times, but here goes.

    Cookies obviously aren’t working, because I’m getting booted out of wp-admin when logged into bbpress and visa versa.

    Have installed the bbPress integration plugin with settings in wp-admin like so:

    bbPress URL:

    Your Plugins URL: http//

    Wordpress type: WordPress

    Added this code to the very bottom of wp-config.php

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    In bb-admin, I’ve got:

    Wordpress address:

    Blog address:

    WordPress “auth” cookie salt: (auth_salt wasn’t present in the wp admin page, anyway I took the code from wp-config.php)

    WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt: (as above)

    WordPress “logged in” cookie salt: (as above)

    Manually entered codes so the following match




    And that’s where I’m at. Can someone tell me what I’m missing?

    I’m not going to worry about database sharing right now – is that advisable? Or is it highly recommended?

    Also what should I have the wordpress roles set to for each one of these?

    WordPress Administrator

    WordPress Editor

    WordPress Author

    WordPress Contributor

    WordPress Subscriber

    Thanks for the help!


    thank you! I’m a ** with php and I dont know in which file i need to add those codes.


    thank you! I’m a ** with php and I dont know in which file i need to add those codes.


    I’m very excited with the launch of bbpress as plugin. :) I hope we can enjoy it soon in a alpha state in order to update it easily. For me only one matter is pending and is that:

    “The goal is for the bbPress plugin to include these pages as WordPress page templates and short-codes, to allow for maximum flexibility in configuring your site. :)

    With that I will start to develop my own forum. :)

    So, thanks and keep up the great work!


    @rootside – Placeholders for the login and registration pages are in the current bbp-twentyten theme, but they don’t work yet. The goal is for the bbPress plugin to include these pages as WordPress page templates and short-codes, to allow for maximum flexibility in configuring your site. :)


    I have completed the first tutorial, but when I log in on wordpress, I am still not logged in on the forums.

    I tried the Deep Integration on the Theme Matching tutorial, but when I do so I get an error on line 15 of the bb-config file.

    My bb-press and wordpress are in the same database and the locks are on the salts, auth codes, etc.

    Any help?


    I have completed the first tutorial, but when I log in on wordpress, I am still not logged in on the forums.

    I tried the Deep Integration on the Theme Matching tutorial, but when I do so I get an error on line 15 of the bb-config file.

    My bb-press and wordpress are in the same database and the locks are on the salts, auth codes, etc.

    Any help?


    Hi Michael,

    Looking at your website it seems you managed to resolve all the issues above.

    Can you post the codes you finally used?

    I am having exactly the same issue.



    Where? In the codes or when you install bbpress?


    Where? In the codes or when you install bbpress?


    In reply to: Continuing Topic Icons


    hi paul;

    I had a problem on this plugin. the biggest problem is I get some codes at the top of the page. and this chance all the view. how I can solve it…

    the codes starting with

    getAllStatuses(); $renderer = get_active_status………

    and ending with

    DefaultStatusInterpreter(BUSY_THRESHOLD)); topic_icons_register_status_renderer(‘default’, new DefaultStatusRenderer()); } topic_icons_init(); ?>

    how I solve it….

    can you help me…


    The plugin will have shortcodes and widgets to attempt to ease people in to integrating bbPress into existing themes, but because you can’t easily introduce completely new functionality into a theme that isn’t designed to handle it, there will be limitations to that method.

    For the most mileage, you’re better off copying the files out of the bbp-twentyten theme and into your existing child theme and modifying the HTML and CSS to taste. (You are using a child theme, right? :) )

    Topic and reply counts are next on my list of todo’s. They are the biggest source of confusion right now, justifiably so.


    hi everybody!

    I downloaded the pre-alpha bbPress plugin and it doesn’t work :/

    I added some codes to bbpres-functions to make it work:


    function flushRules(){

    global $wp_rewrite;



    and then I realized that the plugin is useless at this stage :))))


    Okay there are two different people in this conversation.

    But no, you cannot change the post order in a topic, at least not correctly and consistently. bbpress internally uses post-position and hard codes the post order.

    The system would have to be redesigned.

    My user-wall already avoids this problem and allows posts in any order and any spinoff I might create from bbpress will also have this ability.

    But for now, no bbpress can’t do that correctly.


    In reply to: Add nofollow to links


    If you want all links in your posts to be nofollow, you have to use post_text instead of post_author_link

    Here you go



    Plugin Name: My own tweak for my forums

    Plugin URI:

    Description: Fine tuning codes for my forum

    Author: Your name

    Author URI:

    Version: 0.1


    add_filter(‘post_text’, ‘bb_rel_nofollow’);


    I guess that’s what most people want to do


    In reply to: Topic paging issue


    It looks like I am missing something – when I changed post count on original thread from 81 to 80, all post numbers shifted and #24 is no longer missing. But anyway, I am OK with missing numbers, at least it lets people know where their posts are.

    How can I check why my bbpress does not recount posts? Where is that function? I was messing around with some PHP and template codes (to ‘join’ forum to the page) so maybe I have done something…


    In reply to: Spam


    I agree/disagree with you on that, however

    what other way is there? I have 100 active sites that get a lot of emails and without captcha there is no way I could keep up. Some of them got 500 spams a day. Captcha instantly fixed it and I still get just as many emails from customers asking questions if not more. To me it separates those that are truly serious and those that are not. If typing 4 extra letters makes you decide not to post then you really are not serious are you?

    I did my own test and there was no difference. I simply the signup form to make up for it.

    If there is another way I would surely do it. All mine are just 4 digit, so some get past it, but it stops 99%.

    I like the one that is numbers eg: 2+7 = and then you just put in 9.

    not sure if it is worth a hoot. Assuming not as I do not see them very often.

    I do appreciate the feed back and the consideration. I definitely want my users to have a pleasant experience.

    I have a major site that I gets mega traffic on and mega questions so I was hoping to integrate this, but I would be worried I might delete accounts that I mistake for spam that are not. The sign up of any new forum is a task, so I do not think an extra 10th of a second for a captcha code would make people go anywhere else.

    It is the huge captcha codes that are nerve wrecking. Especially when you cannot get them to work. Even Google down sized theirs to 4 digits on adwords.

    I am in no way a “bad” moderator a busy one yes.

    I really appreciate your help. I know everyone is busy, and I appreciate the responses.


    In reply to: Spam


    Wouldn’t a simple solution be to add a captcha key when they sign up as a user? I am by no means a programmer, and really just impressed myself that I could install bbpress with my wordpress, but it seems captcha codes work pretty good.

    Maybe someone can make a plug in for it?



    Thanks for staying on top of this.

    The answer is “No” to your first question. I can get a BLANK forum page at using 2 codes…

    The first way you already know:


    The second way was mentioned in my 3rd post (Item #1) above:

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../wp-load.php’);

    # 1. The interesting thing is, from what I can tell, the second way looks EXACTLY like the way the code is “supposed” to look as suggested by most deep integration instructions.

    # 2. I will look into possible 500 Internal Server error log and I’ll gather the info (screen shots) you requested and post.

    # 3. In the meantime,

    “wp-config.php” location (“html” = server directory): html/website/

    “bb-config.php” location (“html” = server directory): html/website/forum/

    And “website forum” URL address location:


    Again, appreciate your assistance whether we get this thing going, or not. We will!

    ps – No, the website is not confidential, just not ready for viewing and don’t want to broadcast it; has a lot of “placeholder” stuff that I haven’t read.


    how can the wordpress admin username/password be used in bbpress login and log in successfully (globally)

    also how can the bbpress (if necessary) be used to successfully log in to wordpress and have the global admin?

    same for users, which i haven’t tried yet

    i’ve setup these (codes removed)


    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ”);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ”);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ”);


    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ” );

    i copied the corresponding ones to the bb-config.php one

    when i log out of bbpress wordpress is still logged in..


    @kevinjohngallagher thanks to tease me.. :) I’m well aware about your attitude..

    I’m not a web programmer who can write code…If I able to write code then why I wrote on bbpress? If I bumped my post then you’ve any problem mate? :)

    And I’m really afraid to tell you that …the links you’ve mentioned still not solved…It worked on localhost but not in live…

    So I’ll make another post about it and then tell you that, is it good to say people on forums to write their own codes… really bad


    If you want it like this site…. An easy way to do it is…

    the front page of the default theme is broken into two parts.

    If you open front-page.php serach for these div codes, everything on the left is between “id=”hottags” role=”main””

    Everything on the right is between “div id=”discussions”” JUst move what you want in them.

    All you have to do is adjust the width/margin of both css styles.

    style.css (line 285) #front-page #hottags for the left side change the width

    style.css (line 293) #front-page #discussions change margin left to be 20px more than what you pick for the left column width and the width to fit.

    (Why doesn’t this site have a demo on bbpress! I hate changing my theme back to default to answer questions!)

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