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bbPress 2.0 – Updates

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  • OreilleMalade



    I’ve just started to test bbpress plug-in on a brand new website :

    I installed, activated and created a new forum and a new topic inside this forum.

    My problem : >>> 404 >>> 404

    (it redirects to because of the WP plugin ‘link juice keeper’)

    When I check my dashboard I can see :

    Forum : test

    Topics : 0

    Replies : 0

    I guess this is the problem. However I don’t understand it because when I look at the topic page it’s correctly linked with its parent forum. Am I just a stupid froggy or what ? ;-)

    I’m using WP 3.0.1

    My theme : Atahualpa Theme by BytesForAll

    Any other info needed ?

    Thanks for helping !

    Best regards to all of you people,


    you need to activate and use the twenty ten child theme for bbPress, it should be available on your Appearance page.

    Instructions on how to create child themes for other Themes are not yet done.



    OK thanks !

    So I guess I’ve got to wait for these instructions to be done as I’m using Atahualpa Theme for WP…

    Yep, and it certainly isn’t ready for use on a live site as yet anyway.



    i use atathulpa as well, but my site is not live yet. I am just switching it over to the child theme when testing the plug-in.

    though topics and posts are showing up as 0 count, the posts are coming up in my forum, i believe, that they are working on this (i saw the code in an earlier post.)

    @rich- i am in communication with the sharedaddy people over the plugin, it was mostly ironically funny, because i am finding the sharedaddy to be a bit of curse everywhere.

    overall, as i do use atahualpa for my site, i will probably need to move to a different forum platform all together, or use bbpress stand alone. i wonder if the stand alone will continue to be worked on once the plug-in is official.

    however, as i have time, i am willing to experiment a bit, because i feel that bbpress is worth the investment.

    I deleted part of my reply before I posted…

    the child themes will be easy enough to do(or add to an existing child theme), but it is too early in the process for others to be created.

    I’m sure full instructions on how to achieve this will be forthcoming down the line, just not yet.


    The standalone ver will live on

    John James Jacoby


    The plugin will have shortcodes and widgets to attempt to ease people in to integrating bbPress into existing themes, but because you can’t easily introduce completely new functionality into a theme that isn’t designed to handle it, there will be limitations to that method.

    For the most mileage, you’re better off copying the files out of the bbp-twentyten theme and into your existing child theme and modifying the HTML and CSS to taste. (You are using a child theme, right? :) )

    Topic and reply counts are next on my list of todo’s. They are the biggest source of confusion right now, justifiably so.



    i believe that atahualpa would be very difficult to make into a child theme due to the huge amount of option pages. instead of editing .php files, we add these in a page called CSS and HTML (php etc.) inserts, as well as specific pages on before and after the loop.

    i am asking around though.

    If needs be I’ll take a look when the time comes. Child themes aren’t that difficult ;)

    Ooops… I’m not using a child theme and I’m not planning to use it because my theme is done from scratch and for performance reasons. I hope BBpress plugin will be compatible anyway!

    Adding a child theme is incredibly easy, check the really minimal one you can have:

    But if you’ve developed a custom one yourself, then adding the necessary files/functions to that theme would be easy as well.

    Thanks Rick Pedley. :)

    Anyone has a demo of the plugin running in a webiste with a child theme?

    when i add new page with the template “bbPress – Forum Index” it work and show the list of forums …

    but when i add new page with the template “bbpress- New topic” it do not work and show nothing !

    Yeah I haven’t figured out why that is available either, hopefully JJJ will enlighten us.

    dudd: but when i add new page with the template “bbpress- New topic” it do not work and show nothing !

    Rich Pedley: Yeah I haven’t figured out why that is available either, hopefully JJJ will enlighten us.

    While I was playing with bbPress on my local install the other day, I half looked into the problem, and going from memory we’re missing a form-bbp_post.php file I think? That, or get_template_part( 'form', 'bbp_post' ); in page-bbp_form.php should read something different, but I’m going by the first thing I said! ;)

    Update: Opened #1352 on Trac!

    John James Jacoby


    It’s unfinished code basically. I started making it a template file and then decided to make it a template part to make it work right away and never cleaned up the mess.



    Anyone has a demo of the plugin running in a website…

    It would be great if JJJ and team could start a test site where the latest plug-in version was installed. It would make it easier for this group to pound on it and help bug test the code.


    It’s not really at that stage yet. personally I prefer to test locally.



    In a way, this is not the kind of forum, people are used too. But I give it a try



    It would be great if JJJ and team could start a test site where the latest plug-in version was installed. It would make it easier for this group to pound on it and help bug test the code.

    Absolutely! I’m quite uneasy around all of these development versions, but I would really like to lend a hand by testing whatever I can.

    I do have a test version online, I’ll update it to the latest version sometime over the weekend.

    Although the reply box appears for guests, guests can’t post. So I’ve enabled registration.

    please be aware that I may remove all users at any time.

    Wow Rich! It looks very promising! :D Thanks a lot!



    Cheers Rich! I registered and played around quite a bit.

    Here’s the only issue I’ve come by so far, which is really nothing:

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