@JJJ – Excellent, thanks.
@Ryan Gannon – Go to page 13 in this thread, you’ll find some information there.
I was hoping for something a bit more definite now that work’s really being done on it.
this is helpful.. thanks!! good stuff!! cheers!
I am so impatient.
I never thought I’d be excited about a forum plugin, but I am. I check here everyday to see if this has been completed…
@JJJ or whoever wants to chime in. You responded to Rootside and explained the login page, but I’m not sure if that answers my question. It sounds like you’re talking about a login page integrated into a WordPress page. But, I want my members to also be able to use the default WordPress registration and login page (wp-login.php). That will work with the plugin right?
To join the forum you have to be a member of WordPress (subscriber), so yes. But having the templates mean that they can be skewed to a forum login, and possibly appear on the forum page ala the current bbPress.
I’m very excited with the launch of bbpress as plugin.
I hope we can enjoy it soon in a alpha state in order to update it easily. For me only one matter is pending and is that:
“The goal is for the bbPress plugin to include these pages as WordPress page templates and short-codes, to allow for maximum flexibility in configuring your site.
With that I will start to develop my own forum. 
So, thanks and keep up the great work!
Is anyone else having issues with logins when bbPress is activated?
@Rich Pedley – Yes. I think I lost the ability to login at 2814. /wp-admin redirects me to /login, which gives me an error saying the page cannot be found.
K, will raise a trac ticket then
Just opened a trac ticket(#1458). It looks to me like the plugin breaks xmlrpc.
@Rich Pedley
Yes, I had the same problem which andrejcarter described. I don’t recall the version, but I noticed it last Wednesday.
It had me looking all over my install to see what was wrong… I’ll never again forget to just delete all my plugins and themes to get things back to normal. I’ve read about the solution and never before gave it another thought.
We’re going to be using it on a few community sites soon
What community sites? Are wp.org support forums among them?
I’d say it would be unlikely on WordPress.org for quite some time, but I could be wrong.
@Rich Pedley – Yes. I think I lost the ability to login at 2814. /wp-admin redirects me to /login, which gives me an error saying the page cannot be found.
Got the same problem, I have a maintenance plugin running and now I cannot enter my wp-admin, because it redirects to login. Gonna remove this redirect, hope this gets optional in the backend. 
Edit: I rather think it was 2815.
Edit 2: By editing bbp-includes/bbp-hooks.php and taking away line 257:260, you will have access to your wp-admin again. If not, totally remove the function in bbp-includes/bbp-general-functions.php 998:1040.
Such is life on the edge. 
I’m aware of the login issue and will fix in the next day or two.
Thanks for keeping up with the development though. It’s great to have eyes on it.
Is there a function for telling if there’s new posts. Just checking before I write one.
Is it possible to adapt our existing theme to work with bbpress plugin ?
Yes. It’s fairly, just look at the way the bbp-twentyten is created, and you can virtually cut’n’paste the whole lot. However a few teaks here and there may be necessary.
dudd, or you can wait to a future release where JJJ said will be more flexible to put the forum in our existing theme.
I’m waiting for!
@ dudd, wildkyo
You can throw the twentyten bbp plugin theme in your original theme folder (excluding files like functions.php, just add those to your existing one). Then make a page with a template (in wp-admin), one with the name Forum Index will show up and you have integrated the bbp theme with your normal theme. ^^
This does kinda clutter up your theme folder, but it works for me. Don’t have time atm to wait for more flexible options.
thanks for that Willabee, I will do a test tonight!
omg last post was 2 days ago!… where am I going to get my bbpress plugin news fix from!
@ qprints
Hasn’t been an update the last 4 days, so nottin’ to talk about. Perhaps JJJ and Gautam are having a vacation? ^^
@ Wildkyo
Probably found a “bug” in my way of “intergrating” the bbpress theme, the edit function doesn’t work anymore.
Was in Phoenix at WordCamp, and am working on the BuddyPress side of things as well. Updates will come this week.