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  • Stephen Edgar
    Halo Diehard

    Well, I’ve created a page and am using the shortcode and it seems to bypass the issue. For anybody having this layout trouble, the shortcodes can be found here:


    Hi John James — thanks for responding, much appreciated.

    Regarding get_the_ID() not working on an archive page, I understanding your point — there isn’t a page associated with it.

    The only issue I have is that the Forum Archive page is associated (“partnered” to use the documentation phrase) with a real page, and essentially it is just a regular page with embedded shortcodes.

    In my case, the partnered page has content and embedded shortcodes, and it has a real page ID (#1296 in my case).  That’s what I wanted to find so I can extract information specific to that partnered page.

    What am I doing with all this?  Well, the short story is that certain specific pages on my website have some special header images attached above the_content(), and I have created a custom Template in my child theme to handle it.  Information about the slug is extracted, which is used to lookup random images in a database of images.

    I’m trying to keep a consistent approach with all pages, hence the use of a custom Template that I set as a page attribute in the editor.

    None of this is fatal for my needs, but if a page is partnered with the Forum or Topic Archive pages, it seems like the selected Template for displaying those pages should come from the Template page attribute associated with it.  Hence the need for post ID of the partnered page.



    Stephen Edgar

    Use the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode

    Pippin Williamson

    Did you setup the home page of the forums using the short codes? If so, switch to the HTML view of your page editor and you will be able to see the PRE tags.


    I’m confident you’ll figure it out.

    I wish I was as confident…

    It’s fine to be frustrated, but your tone towards the volunteers trying to help you is pretty crappy.

    My tone is one of exasperation (maybe desperation). I have been using BBPress for 5 years, and stuck with it through “the dark years”. I have read all the help pages, and I know my way around a command line, yet this converter, built ostensibly to help non-experts, does not work and I cannot find help. I have a message board that is falling apart, and being overrun by spam, and I have spent countless hours trying to migrate the database using the converter. Which is just the first step in migrating the forum.

    If you don’t like the documentation, change it. It’s a WordPress site where everyone is an Editor, and you can be part of the solution just like every other volunteer, or you can be upset because the amazing free software you’re using isn’t as polished as we all know it could be. If only we had more volunteers… Paradox.

    I am not sure whether to laugh or cry. If I knew what was wrong with the documentation, I would change it. Of course if I knew what was wrong with the documentation I would likely not have a problem in the first place and would never have sought out the documentation. There is your paradox. People who seek out documentation are by definition having trouble and are likely not expert users. They are the last people who are qualified to improve the documentation.

    We brought the old bbConverter into bbPress in 2.1. bbConverter development stopped, and I took it over and brought it into bbPress core along with several much needed fixes. Trying to use software that you know is abandoned and others have not succeeded with is generally a bad idea.

    Thats great information!! Why does it not appear either on the bbconverter plug-in page or on the page?

    I should note that I don’t see any way for me to add this information to the documentation of either the old deprecated plug-in (which gets downloaded and installed many times a day apparently) or on the codex page for the converter.

    The connection failure doesn’t provide the feedback you’re wishing for. There is no “your password was incorrect but the username is okay” level of feedback, so you’re on your own. Based on how capable and experienced you are, let’s assume it’s correct anyway.

    Wait! You said connection failure… how do you know it is a connection failure? Is there something in the message (or that is not in the message) that tells you that? If so why does the console not report:

    “You have failed to connect to the server. At least one of these three things is wrong: The Old Database’s Server Name, The Database’s User Name or the old Database’s User Password. Unfortunately, this converter cannot tell you which one or more of these things is wrong”

    Instead the error I get is one I would expect if I had the name of a table in my database wrong in a query.

    Look, I know that you cannot pass on information to the user that the server does not report. But when I access mySQL databases and servers the wrong way with a mySQL client or R or python or myPHP I get error messages with error codes. Things like “#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server”. This lets me know what I have screwed up so I can fix it. Is it a missing table or the wrong database name? Or am I not even connecting to the server at all? Again if for some reason you are not getting these messages then I guess I am “on my own”.

    So… you’ll have the best luck if your bbPress 1.1 tables are in the same database as your current WordPress installation. Maybe try exporting those tables out of the other database, and importing them into the current one, and give it another shot.

    Even more good information! Thank you. I would edit the documentation to let others know about this, but every time I try to log in to the codex site for BBpress, I get taken to the buddypress site.

    For what it is worth:

    My tone is also one of frustration. BBPress is an awesome bit of code and you guys have spent a great deal of time making it do really awesome things, but as is the case with many opensource projects, no one seems to care if anyone can actually use the awesome product.

    I am a part of a pretty big opensource community, and bad documentation is a systematic problem. People make amazing things then fail to help users actually use the code. I write lots of code that I end up releasing to that community. I spend a good bit of time making my documentation work for people who are newbies to using the program. I assume they picked up the program just to use my package/functionality and I write my help with that in mind. Why?, because I want them to use my code, I want them to learn about the program, and I eventually hope they will become a part of the community and contribute.

    Stephen Edgar

    Profile Shortcode? No such thing? Maybe there should be?

    Shane Gowland

    An even easier way to call shortcodes is with the do_shortcode() method.

    You can programmatically call the bbp-forum-index shortcode like this:

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-forum-index]‘) ?>


    Topic: Custom login Page

    in forum Themes
    dyspersion media

    For anyone else who comes here trying to programmatically display the forum index list, you can call shortcodes like this:

    echo( bbpress()->shortcodes->display_forum_index() );

    For what it’s worth, I don’t know why a function called “list_forums” would display *sub* forums. I would think that would be a function named “list_sub_forums” but, oh well. At least there’s a work around. It’s also worth noting that this might not be the best way to do this. I haven’t done much testing (I’ve done none).



    In reply to: User registration

    Stephen Edgar

    Try creating a page and use the [bbp-register] shortcode or use a login widget in a sidebar.


    Thanks, John, those are very helpful.

    I managed to insert all the postmeta and I had a successful migration with plain PHP and MySQL a while back.

    I suppose there is not off documentation in place yet and I’m just need to read codes, I think.

    1 thing comes across as odd though: I’m using 2.1.2 and I seem to find the _insert_function‘s inside ...wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-forum-functions.php and so on instead of what you mentioned?

    Are you speaking in terms of some older version bbPress?

    Stephen Edgar

    Create a new WordPress page and pick and choose some shortcodes from the following URL and add them to that page…


    dont know if is my installation or not.. After upgrading BBpress 2.2 editor users (role author) can’t use Editor because is not available and tabs Visual and HTML also not working .
    As administrator works fine…
    I have on my theme some shortcodes integrated into MCE. Just try to deactivate it but no success. If i shutdown BBPress all works back.
    Any suggestions?


    *** UPDATE ***

    I was able to fix it. My problem was I was pasting the URLs in visual mode and wordpress converted it in hyperlinks. Pasting the URL in HTML mode fixes the problem.

    Thank you for your help,


    Thank you for your responses but I haven´t been able to fix the problem yet.

    Unfortunatelly the embeeding is not working even using just the image or video url. It is only showing hyperlinks to the URLs.

    As suggested by the codex embeds page I used the [embed]…[/embed] shortcodes with the same results.

    By the way, I have wordpress “Auto-embeds” and bbpress “Auto-embed Links” checked

    Any other idea on how to fix this problem?

    if necesary you can use this test user:Username: ricardo2012
    password: 123***

    Thank you again,Luciano


    As an admin on your site, you have the ability to post unfiltered HTML. There should be a warning above the post box that says this.

    Regular user’s HTML is filtered to prevent malicious code from peeking through, and it’s possible images and/or specific attributes aren’t allowed on your installation, and they are getting filtered out.

    Stephen Edgar

    Add the [bbp-topic-index] shortcode to your page.

    Jennifer M. Dodd

    Embed Media means you don’t have to copy all of that HTML to post an image. It should be enough to just paste the link the the relevant image or video. See



    My users are not able to publish photographs in the forum by embeeding their flickr html code into new threads ( it looks like bbpress deletes the html code ). Example of the code :

    <a href=”; title=”Milpa Alta por Josué Arzate Ontiveros, en Flickr”><img src=”; width=”500″ height=”332″ alt=”Milpa Alta”></a>

    I have “Embed media (YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, etc…) directly into topics and replies.” checked.

    The code embeeds perfectly when I do it (administrator) but is not working with my users.

    Does anyone knows how can I fix this?

    Thank you for your help,

    wp 3.4.2
    bbpress 2.1.2
    buddypress 1.6.1
    my site:


    WordPress version – 3.4.2
    bbPress version – 2.1.3
    Website –

    Alright I am, well, almost completely clueless on how all of this stuff works. I downloaded the WordPress today and the bbPress. My main reason for trying WordPress is because I want to have a forum. I don’t understand, I’ve created a user with both and and I can make my blog with the .com but I downloaded the stuff on the .org. How do I link up the download with my website? Does it require an extensive knowledge of scripting codes (which, as you can tell, I’m not extremely good at)? Thank you!


    You can add it to the page via bbPress shortcodes.

    Stephen Edgar

    I had been down this path before and now have a patch and the key to it indeed was as you mentioned the before_link and after_link.

    The patch is here with example code that should help you out rather that that ^^^ up there 😉

    Stephen Edgar

    I’m not sure why it is doing that, have you modified or using custom bbPress templates with your theme?

    > How can I disable the redirection after the registration? It’s very
    > annoying if the user the a login registration form with different
    > design.
    What about using the bbPress shortcodes for Login/Register?


    Create a new page and use the [ shortcodes ]

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