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Search Results for 'codes'

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  • Daniel J. Lewis

    I’m also interested in this, especially with allowing my forum members to use some BBcodes, like spoiler, b, i, and others. (I transitioned from a phpBB board, so I want to make a smooth transition for my users.)

    I’ve been looking for a plugin to do this, but haven’t found anything. I’m thinking of making a simple plugin to do this by popping up a window (via jQuery) that will take the content of their post editor and display it with my CSS and processing the shortcodes. It sounds easy to me, but I could be really wrong.


    Hi, I tried installing the plugin since I am not good with codes. When I tried to activate the plugin I got the following error.

    “The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature.”

    Any idea how to fix it?

    Laughing Cat

    I’m having the same issue, it only happens for non-admins on bbpress home archive, where I have latest topics and forum list shortcodes too (which work fine)

    has this issue been solved?


    I believe I have a good grasp of how bbpress and buddypress work together. My current setup is using bbpress as the forum and buddypress as the networking for members.

    My issue and questions are related to the links created by each of these plugins.

    Instead of linking to a forum archive page, I’ve created a separate page and am using short codes to add in the forum. I did it this way because I don’t like how WordPress (or the theme) adds “Archive” to the page header (in my case it’s “Forum Archive”). I also don’t like that Archive pages have limited sidebar options, and poor SEO (thanks to Yoast for making it better). But anyway, you can see I’m trying to stay away from the archive pages.

    The problem with my setup is the breadcurmbs above the forums. When navigation backwards, the breadcrumbs take you to the “forum archive”. Additionally, a link that is directly to a reply or topic, it is based off the forum archive. Foe Example:

    FORUM LINK: (shortcode method.)

    Are there any tricks to getting these links to work seamlessly with each other? Or a different method of setting up the forums? Or any other advice?

    I appreciate it with thankfulness.


    You probably have a misunderstanding of the word Forum and Forums it happens a lot.

    A Forum is a common name for a support forum like we have at WordPress of bbPress or any other website online. They all call the page Forum or Support or Community.
    But a Forum can also be ONE single item like a category inside other Forums. Thats why the landing-page you’re looking for is: ( list all forums together )

    But you can make your own landing-page by going into WordPress backend and Add a New Page + paste one of those Shortcodes to make it more easy.


    It should but then again some themes aren’t compatible with bbpress what I do is I use custom pages with the shortcodes that way I know it displays right


    Hi everyone

    I’m one of those novice newbies i’m afraid.
    Trying to create a simple forum site.
    Have selected great theme – Spun
    Using bbPress as forum plugin.
    When I redirect the permalink for post selected to contain the forum I get this view: but when I use the shortcode for the forum index it displays just as I’d like Though this isn’t navigable.

    It looks to me like it’s trying to fit the forum in one column. Could anyone tell me what code I’d need to create what I see using the shortcode on the /forums page so it’s usable? Or is there a way of running the forums using the shortcodes?

    Many thanks


    Hi, I am using bbPress as part of a wordpress site. I would like to show “recent activity” in a sidebar widget without using too much screen space. In other words a combination of the “recent topics” and “recent replies” widgets, e.g. as below (1 topic, 1 reply, but able to set number would be good also)
    “Recent Forum Activity”
    Latest Topic…
    Latest Reply…

    Is that possible with shortcodes? else maybe a way to combine the output of the two current widgets?


    Ah, ok, I understand what you want (I think). I have a page like that where I use the [all-recent-topics] shortcode : . I’m going to try using it in a text widget* but when that doesn’t look like I want, will copy / paste / edit and make a new shortcode to use. (I like shortcodes.) I’ll probably get to it sometime this week and can post it if you’d like, with the caveat that you’ll need to adjust the styling for your site.

    *if you want to use shortcodes in text widgets add

    // Use shortcodes in text widgets.
    	 add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

    to your functions.php file.


    In reply to: Permalinks?

    Links to your forums are not relative to where you use the forum shortcode. When you think about it, how could they be? You’re free to use the shortcodes anywhere you wish, even on multiple pages.

    If you want to change the permalinks for your forums, visit Dashboard > Settings > Forums > Permalinks and change them there. 🙂


    In reply to: Create new topic


    [bbp-topic-form] – Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.

    Sam Rohn

    hmm, the other plugin i listed earlier seems to have been pulled from the wp plugin directory, authors page for that plugin is here –

    this poll plugin is still avail and also works fine w bbpress 2.3.1 via shortcode

    note that shortcodes in bbpress may create other probs as jared mentioned above, using plugins like these will allow you to specify allowed shortcodes via whitelist and exclude [bbp_login] etc

    and this one will allow shortcodes by user role



    Hi Jared, and thanks for your reply! Well, the child theme’s is supporting bbPress it seems, and function file read the following from row 73 to 93:

    /* Initialize the Options Framework

    if ( !function_exists( ‘optionsframework_init’ ) ) {

    define(‘OPTIONS_FRAMEWORK_URL’, PARENT_URL . ‘/admin/’);

    require_once (OPTIONS_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY . ‘options-framework.php’);


    if ( class_exists( ‘jigoshop’ ) ) {
    require_once (PARENT_DIR . ‘/jigoshop_functions.php’);

    if ( class_exists( ‘bbPress’ ) ) {
    require_once (PARENT_DIR . ‘/bbpress_functions.php’);

    require_once (PARENT_DIR . ‘/shortcodes.php’);

    The strange thing is that this problem appeared after using the childtheme (unmodified) for a while. The first week it rolled just s expected.



    Look into the bbPress shortcodes that are available.


    I’m the keymaster but its affecting everyone. And it’s your traditional HTML, nothing fancy. A few span codes, but nothing is rendering at all.

    In fact, and probably an even bigger problem: I just posted to the site from the VISUAL tab, and the resulting post was pure code! This has only started happening since switching to 2.3.1, and I’m also using your new plugin.


    Good version, but it break some tiny things in posting unfiltered HTML and codes snippets, I wish to see bbPress 2.3.2 soon

    Same thing here, for example when trying to add class name for pre tag it breaks.

    Nashwan D

    Good version, but it break some tiny things in posting unfiltered HTML and codes snippets, I wish to see bbPress 2.3.2 soon 🙂

    I wonder why you didn’t give us some time to test Changeset 4867 ?!

    Mike Stott


    Is there a time / place location where I can promote extensions that have been written for bbPress (including discount codes?).

    Is this the time and place? can anyone suggest an alternative?


    WordPress Version: 3.5
    BBpress Version: 2.3

    I know this question has been asked alot on how to embed video and add youtube videos, I know how to do this by simply posting the link in the topic…. and it will automatically insert the youtube video…

    But my problem is i want to have a few video tutorials that i want to insert and the mp3 or mp4 files are located on my server, i dont want to upload them to youtube…

    so i was wondering if their was a way to use my own videos, i have already tried inserting the link that points to my server and it will not work that way..

    So i tried creating a topic from the admin and use the insert media and it did not work that way , then i tried using a plugin to allow jw player shortcode and it did not work that way either… this is one of the plugins i tried using with no sucess…

    Then i tried adding this code to my functions.php

    add_filter(‘bbp_reply_content’, ‘jwplayer_tag_callback’);
    add_filter(‘entry_content’, ‘jwplayer_tag_callback’);
    add_filter(‘bbp-reply-content’, ‘jwplayer_tag_callback’);
    add_filter(‘entry-content’, ‘jwplayer_tag_callback’);

    this method did not work, it seems almost impossible to add my own video from my server, most the topics are super old 3 to 4 yrs old which really doesnt apply to the latest version of bbpress since so much of the code has changed, if someone could help me out or point me in the right direction i would appreciate it…

    I am not trying to let my users be able to use shortcodes as i read they are a security risk and i am not trying to let my users be able to upload or use their own videos from a strange server..

    I just want to be able to use my own videos instead of using youtube.



    I am having the same problem. Forums appear on my site at this link

    But when clicking further there is a blank page. I added a topic which I am able to see when I insert the shortcode in a page so the problem may be the theme? I have heard other users say insert a shortcode into pages so the forum works properly but I am completely clueless on how to do this.

    Do you know of any video tutorials relating specifically to inserting shortcodes for forums or articles? I have seen tutorials for inserting shortcodes for all kinds of things but not bbpress.

    Stephen Edgar

    The new shortcode is actually [bbp-stats]

    Stephen Edgar

    @alexiousrahl Search is enabled by default, you should be able to see the search form at the top of your forums list eg.

    I have also updated the Shortcodes and Widgets codex pages.


    @trip62   @alex-ye

    when I check the codes of @jezza101 ‘s website ,I  find the problem 。

    so I try change the codes in the chrome app ,the Developer Tools,it works.

    like change to

    my forum link is so add /forums before the/search/

    as like

    so ask:how to solve this problem

    (Hope understand my Chinese English)


    Hello and thanks for the help!

    Two questions for a noob, though: how to enable the search? Also, where is the statistics shortcode? I can’t find it here.

    Thanks again!

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