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Search Results for 'codes'

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  • #156814

    These are two notices I get when I’m logged in and about to post on the forums.

    Is there any way to remove them?

    “You can use BBCodes to format your content.”

    “Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content.”

    Thank you for your time!


    In reply to: Multiple forum titles

    Robin W

    I’ve just added a shortcode to one of my plugins that lets you custom list forums

    bbp additional shortcodes

    [display-forum-index forum= ‘2932, 2921′ breadcrumb=’no’ search=’no’] Displays the selected forum indexes – see the site for details



    use this plugin instead and see if it works

    Robin W

    easiest way would be to uncode my shortcode

    bbp additional shortcodes

    or just use the do_shortcode function within your code


    This page is currently written as just a simple WordPress page with several shortcodes as listed below:

    General Discussions
    [bbp-single-forum id=3926]
    Guild Discussions
    [bbp-single-forum id=3924]
    Group Forums
    [bbp-single-forum id=10169]

    When changing the Settings to have /forums as the forum root page, it changes all of the above listed shortcodes visually to look like it was just duplicated over and over from the current /forums-root page. It loses all of the current forum IDs and they all turn into a general forum-index.

    This is why I can’t just swap it in the Setting menu for the forums, and the reason I want the current Forum breadcrumb to direct to /forums and not /forums-root.

    If you would like, take a look at the way it looks now, and I’ll switch it after so you can see what it is doing.

    Robin W

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you mean.

    What shortcodes – where?

    You will need to either provide examples or explain further.

    Sorry, but I am trying to help you, but there are hundreds of ways to set up wordpress/bbpress so need clear issues to resolve eg it looks like this, it needs to look like this


    If I change the page as you mentioned, all shortcodes for the page are overwritten, and you end up with several copies of the forum-index shortcode instead.


    bbPress doesnt render shortcodes

    you will need to use a plugin like this

    Note: by default, only users with the ability to publish bbPress forums will have their short codes parsed. This can be changed by passing a different capability via the pw_bbp_parse_shortcodes_cap filter.

    so by this note keymasters/moderators for sure can post shortcodes.


    In reply to: Custom Forum Layout

    Robin W

    ok, I’ve added it to my shortcode plugin

    bbp additional shortcodes

    you will want :

    [display-forum-index forum= ‘2932, 2921′ breadcrumb=’no’ search=’no’]

    You can see how to set this in



    In reply to: Custom Forum Layout

    Robin W

    this plugin might be what you need

    bbp additional shortcodes


    the way bbPress outputs the login page bugs me, a lot. What I am trying to do is add a login box to my layout, when I did – I found it added a list and a horrible fieldset around the whole thing. This doesn’t work with my design at all.

    are you using the shortcode [bbp-login] ??

    you should use that shortcode if not.

    more shortcodes supplied with bbPress that you can use.

    I found there is no template readily available to just change. Really?

    yes there is its called form-user-login.php

    So, it seems all I can do is hack away at the core code, which will all be reverted once a new version comes around.

    dont do that



    i am using a plugin “user pro for social login”

    with custom css the profile of bbpress is changed into user pro profile page, you can have a look at

    i want to insert the “topics and replies posted” by the user using shortcodes or any other method possible on the users profile page.

    thank you for your help.


    And I also want to know whether these shortcodes work on a wordpress widget.


    Thanks a lot Robin. I tried the shortcodes as mentioned in the above page after installing and activating the plugin. It did not work for me. I used putting respective forum ID as well. Can you kindly help me on this. I am stuck fixing this for a long time now.

    Robin W

    just use shortcodes

    in particular

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]
    Robin W

    try my plugin

    bbp additional shortcodes

    I think it will fit what you request


    I tried using the short codes and they work on the backend.

    My problem is now getting rid of the 404 error on my front end. From the back end all seemswell.

    Lets focus on that error message. How do we eliminate it so when a person clicks forums the get forums?


    Next one is on the shortcodes you mentioned.
    The bbpress codes work in a similar fashion to wordpress’s shortcodes and there are a few examples on that page as to how they work.
    While they are useful I’m not entirely convinced you need them at this stage.

    They can be used to put features of the forums on other pages that are not your main forums such as login, one category of your forums, tag clouds etc. You can use the [bbp-forum-index] on a page if you have created one but I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t need to unless that what you want.

    I believe that plugin would still be fine with your current version of WP and bbP.

    Had to split the reply as I don’t seem to be able to post more than one link per reply


    First, I believe I do have permalinks enabled, however, I’m such a novice I don’t know where to look.

    4.1 isn’t much different than 4.0.1 and 4.0 wasn’t much different than 4.0.1. I’ve had all of them and everything else worked. Oh well, I research it further.

    I definitely want forums. I just need to clear (approve) topics before they appear and approve replies as well. Other so called motorcycle websites have real problems with their forums and and have found themselves deleting a lot of what users put in. It’s all about approval.

    I found bbPress shortcodes: Would any of these help? and where would I put them?

    Between the two of us we’ll get this straightened out.


    I also found the bbPress short codes: . Would any of these help and where do I put them?


    Hi, I would like to know how to change the “forum” link in the breadcrumbs to link to another page I built the forums using the shortcodes and the “forum” link in the breadcrumbs takes me to the default forum page.

    I would like it to go to the page I created.


    @robin-w Ahh ok I see, so basically they are only used for actual pages. That’s what I didn’t get before, I was wondering how I’d accomplish that using the shortcode for a widget. Now I understand this isn’t possible and shortcodes are only used for pages. Thanks man!

    Robin W


    The shortcodes can be used on any wordpress page

    so if fro instance you wanted a menu item that display the most recent 15 topics across all your forums, so that when people selected this menu item that what they saw, then you would

    1. create a page – maybe called ‘latest topics’
    2. put the shortcode into the content section in this case


    3. add that page to the menu


    In reply to: Import Hung?


    we are not dead :/

    is the bbPress community’s import specialist

    the guy is most likely asleep now because he was working on some bbPress tickets all night… or all day depending on Aussie time??

    as for bbcodes bbcodes is not a default feature for bbPress you would need an additional plugin for that. this plugin comes with a quote feature and more.

    there is another plugin called bbpress 2 bbcode which would also need the whitelist plugin by the same developer.


    Sorry to ask such a silly question, but I cannot seem to find info on them other than the page. I have an idea of what they are, I’m just not sure how exactly to use them. It explains on that page that I just insert them into my desired page, but does not elaborate on that. I was hoping to find an article somewhere that goes over them in detail, but have yet to find it. So, I’ve decided to make a noob post here the bbpress forums.

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