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Search Results for 'codes'

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  • #160128

    As the title says, moderators of our forum can’t edit any posts, not even their own. When they try, they get:

    Reply To: Uneducated game shop staff

    Welcome to Grownups Gaming › Forums › Grownups Gaming › PC Gaming › Uneducated game shop staff › Reply To: Uneducated game shop staff Reply To: Uneducated game shop staff You can use BBCodes to format your content. It’s just a test, a game for us to play Add / Edit SignatureUpdate Signature Tags: Notify…

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    The Feed Them Social Plugin offers system info as follows:
    Feed Them Social plugin version 1.7.3
    WordPress version WP 4.1.1
    Installed plugins
    Advanced Custom Fields by Elliot Condon version 4.4.1,
    bbPress Notices by Pippin Williamson version 1.0.1,
    bbPress – Report Content by Josh Eaton version 1.0.5,
    bbPress WP Tweaks by veppa version 1.3.1,
    bbPress by The bbPress Community version 2.5.6,
    Better bbPress Signature by Arun Singh version 1.2.0,
    BP Registration Options by Brian Messenlehner and Michael Beckwith of WebDevStudios, Jibbius version 4.2.5,
    BuddyPress by The BuddyPress Community version 2.2.1,
    Export User Data by Q Studio version 1.2.0,
    Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc) by SlickRemix version 1.7.3,
    GD bbPress Tools by Milan Petrovic version 1.7,
    Invite Anyone by Boone Gorges version 1.3.7,
    Quick Chat by Marko Martinović version 4.13,
    Simple eCommerce by Niaz Showket version 2.2.3,
    Twitch TV Embed Suite by Plumeria Web Design version 2.0.7,
    Twitter by Twitter version 1.0.1,
    WP Hide Admin Bar by Web Outsourcing Team version 2.0,
    WP Mobile Edition by Fabrix DoRoMo version 2.2.5

    Server Environment
    PHP Version 5.5.20
    Server Software Apache/2.4.9 (Unix)
    WP Max Upload Size 64 MB
    WP Debug Mode No
    fsockopen fsockopen is ON
    cURL cURL is installed on this server

    The website is

    If you need access to the Forum, or anywhere else on the site, email me and I will give you the test login I’ve been using. I’ve tried all combinations of site permissions with forum moderator, but all get the same result.

    Thanks in advance


    they use the regular WordPress registration

    which is

    or you can put the bbPress shortcode [bbp-register] into a page for a frontend form

    here is the rest of the supplied shortcodes


    why did you use echo do shortcode on these two lines , they are not shortcodes , its just header text.

    <?php if (!is_user_logged_in()) echo do_shortcode ('<h2 class="mve-form-title">Zo te zien is hierover nog niets geschreven...<br><br>Geregistreerde leden kunnen een vraag stellen aan de community.</h2>') ; ?>

    <?php if (is_user_logged_in()) echo do_shortcode ('<h2 class="mve-form-title">Zo te zien is hierover nog niets geschreven. Stel je vraag aan de community.</h2>') ; ?>

    but the topic you lead to there was a fix , i just edited for your search results page.

    i did test everything out , saw the issue , and resolved it with this function.

    add_filter( 'bbp_current_user_can_access_create_topic_form', 'custom_bbp_access_topic_form' );
    function custom_bbp_access_topic_form( $retval ) {
    	if ( bbp_is_search_results() ) {
    		$retval = bbp_current_user_can_publish_topics();
    	return $retval;

    In reply to: couple of questions


    you have a link to your dissuasion board already in your menu

    i mean if you didnt put the shortcode into that page already , the forums should show up every time you hit it.

    use this shortcode


    other than putting the shortcode

    usually when visiting a site the forums archive is usually

    so use the links part in the menus section and add a custom link


    here is the list of all bbPress shortcodes

    you could develop/hire a developer to use something like this

    <?php wp_get_current_user(); ?>

    an alternative would be to use #3


    there is a topic form shortcode which is listed here, it does as you describe.


    for the button , search through the forums im sure ive said this before

    its somewhere in this topic

    How to make similar bbpress forum to QuicSprout one?


    Like Dropbox
    we would like to include a button at top right of forum page to post a question or idea.

    Topic options would be provided as a dropdown list for the user to select from.

    The user would provide title of question or idea and more details if required.
    Title and topic would be required fields, more details would be optional.

    Like this:

    Is this possible with shortcodes or can some tell me how to accomplish this. Our wordpress version 4.1.1 and bbPress version is 2.5.6

    Thanking you in advance for any help



    sorry i forgot about your topic

    in page is kind of hard to do since there is usually multiple forums.

    the only thing i can think of is maybe outputting the shortcode in a template

    like so <?php echo do_shortcode("[shortcode]"); ?>

    but then since there is multiple forums you will need multiple shortcodes for each slider.

    which would require you to use a bunch of if statements for each forum.

    i suggest go to and see if a developer can do this for you.


    bbPress doesnt output shortcodes use something like this


    use the bbPress shortcodes

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – Display a single forums topics. eg. [bbp-single-forum id=32]

    this plugin will help you out find any posts ID

    go to forums>all forums and you should see the ids


    are you using shortcodes in templates or pages??


    there is no shortcode for recent replies

    you could try this??

    you could follow this tutorial to create a recent replies shortcode , i tried it and i didnt get the results i wanted before

    other things you could do is use get template part, then make a shortcode for a template

    you could do some custom query in a new template , put a custom sidebar in the template and place the widget there.

    then if you want follow this tutorial to use get_template with a shortcode



    What is the shortcode to display the recent replies in a page instead of a widget ? I want the appearance of the recent replies to be just like in a widget (that means a simple LIST), so none of the shortcodes here ( corresponds to my request.

    Thank you for your help.


    In reply to: Image code question


    I am looking at why the ‘img’ shortcode is making URLs have encoding in them so that the browser will not load an image.

    Anyway, the shortcode code is in bbcodes.php in lines 487-502. That might get you started, but I don’t think that has the part where it actually generates the “src” and “alt” tags.

    What I usually do is use “Inspect Element” in FF or Chrome, find the class or ID for the element, then use grepWin to search for that within the WP code files. That would work only if you have FTP’d the files to your local rig, though.

    Nicolas Korobochkin

    I’ve posted the long article about this question on my blog with source codes, examples and screenshots (on Russian language):


    If I add an image with a caption using the tinyMCE editor it generates the code below which is displayed properly in the WP editor and if I preview the post from outside the forum.

    [caption id="attachment_683" align="alignnone" width="300"]<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/IMG_0089.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-683" src="/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/IMG_0089-300x225.jpg" alt="An image description" width="300" height="225" /></a>My image caption[/caption]

    However, once the post is added to the forum, I get the image but the caption codes are ignored.

    [caption id="attachment_683" align="alignnone" width="300"]
    <my image here>
    My image caption[/caption]

    I have tried switching Themes to Twenty Fiifteen and Twenty Thirteen but the problem persists.

    My site here
    WP Version 4.1.1
    BB Press Version 2.5.4

    Marion Peterson

    Unfortunately, deactivating all plugins did not help. I did not test a default theme.

    If I create a child theme and install the bbpress codes, will I still potentially have a problems with this, or will this no longer be an issue then?


    the bbcodes notice i think you can turn that off in the plugin your using, i think its gd bbpress tools.

    you can remove the unrestricted html notice with some CSS if you want its only displayed to Admins/Keymasters only, so its not that big of a deal.

    you can use this PHP code to remove the notice above the topics/forums

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_single_forum_description', 'ja_return_blank' );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_single_topic_description', 'ja_return_blank' );
    function ja_return_blank() {
        return '';
    Alice Kaye

    Hi guys!

    I was wondering if it was possible to remove the info boxes from within forums. One of which announces how many topics have been created recently, with an avatar, and the other says “You can use BBCodes to format your content,” etc. etc, though that may be something from a plugin (for all I know).


    Any help, especially on the blue box at the top, is so, so appreciated! Thanks!


    see if the shortcode works in a default theme first

    as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    if it still doesnt see if its a plugin issue

    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the issue

    if its not a plugin issue and is working in a default theme then your right about it being your theme

    do the other shortcodes work fine?? if so see if you only messed up this file below

    did you do any customization to this file content-archive-forum.php


    that plugin probably still works its just not maintained by the developer anymore

    its still here for anyone to fork though

    there are also many alternatives for a modal popup form

    this plugin assigns menu items without additional code plus it has a facebook login option

    there is also others with captcha support

    and also a very simple one but would need to activate the CSS class option in the menu settings

    there is also cool tutorial for developers that could probably just hook up the bbPress shortcodes


    When using shortcode bbp-topic-index with other shortcode (bbp-forum-index)pagination returning url is different than using topic-index by freshness.
    => with multiple shortcodes: ../forums/page/2/
    => with topics by freshness: ../forum/forumname/page/2/
    How to solve this?


    shortcodes do not post in bbPress

    use this plugin



    I started to setup my first forum.
    For me it is necessary to share files.
    I’m using the WordpRess Download Manager PlugIn
    to share files and I have the following problem:

    I would like to use the Short-Codes (e.g. [wpdm_package id=’120′])
    of the Download Manager to insert files into a Topic, but ist doesn’t work.
    The Topic displays only the commands and doesn’t display the designed download buttons.

    Is anyone able to help? Or should I use an other PlugIn to share files?

    Thx for your help.


    Hi there,

    I’ve been working around bbpress for the past 5 hours, and i’m now using the plugin bbpress addition shortcodes to build my forum.

    This is my forum:

    As you can see, i have multiple forum indexes, but they all have the same name. But i need them to have different names from each other.
    Is there anyway to do this?

    Thank you for you time,

Viewing 25 results - 601 through 625 (of 1,695 total)
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