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i want to show forums on my own theme but i don’t know how. does bbpress provide shortcodes?
Where would I find information on changing the CODE /CODE button in bbpress to act like the wordpress CODE insert?
In other words in bbpress clicking the CODE button gives you`
in WordPress clicking the CODE button gives you < code > < /code >I’m having an issue with a plugin since it handles how my CODEs are displayed and one or the other is broke pending which settings I use.
I hope that makes sense..
Topic: Problem with Shortcodes
Hi there,
I have been using wordpress for the last year. In October I took over the completion of a site for a company I am working for. I set up a forum on the website using bbpress. All has worked fine until recently. Yesterday my boss pointed out an error on the forums page. See error here
I began trying to fix it by remaking the page, using different shortcodes and changing/refreshing settings. All my other shortcodes that I’m using on my website are working fine, and when I use a shortcode for a different plugin in the same place on this page, it works fine. The shortcode I have been using is [bbp-forum-index]. I don’t know what caused it to stop working, as I have not installed any new plugins since before it has stopped working.
WordPress 4.9.6 running Sydney theme.
Hi bbpress friends,
I want to combine the shortcode with a href html command. At the moment iam doing this:
<td> [caption id="attachment_238" align="aligncenter" width="150"]<a href=[bbp-topic-form forum_id=659]><img class="wp-image-238 size-thumbnail" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></a> Internet & Technik[/caption] </td>
Any guesses, its not working…
We are looking to modify BBpress meaning:
– remove the possibility for anonymous users posting answers to questions.
– remove BBpress notices like ”You can publish HTML content” or ”You can use BBCodes to format your content”.
– remove the website field request when asking a question, along subject type and question status.
– add a name for the description field regarding the title of the subject.
– customize the right sidebar to include: add a question, search and categories of the forum.We are using bbpress 2.5.14 and wordpress 4.7.9. Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Topic: Styling of subforums
I’m trying to style my subforums (background, h1 entry text etc.) but unfortunately when I change the css it also affects and overwrites my other posts…
Can I assign ids or classes? When I insert the subforums with shortcodes in custom pages, how can I change the breadcrumb links in the main forum page and all subpages?
I hope somebody can help me out. Thanks in advance.
No shortcodes are working in the bbpress pages. The shortcodes are runnng very well in all other pages of my site. Just not working on bbpress topics, forums and replies pages. So I guess the problem is within bbpress. I tried to find out plugin conflict but no conflict was found.
Here is one of my topic pages: click on the “Login” or “register” button in the top menu. A hover will appear where I put a shortcode that works well in any other pages. Also, you can click on “contact” in the footer to see another shortcode not working. No problem with the plugins created shortocode or the popup modal, as they are working just fine in all other pages.
All the plugins, themes and applications are updated.
Topic: Topic template settings
I am having trouble getting the topic page template to default to the same page format as my forum page. I created a custom template “bbp-sidebars” that presents my forum page with a sidebar for forum page views and topic views. The forum picks up the custom template, but the topics page ignores it and defaults to the blog view template. So far I downloaded bbp Style Pack, bbp shortcodes, bbP Tookkit, Weaver for bbPress, and What the File to see if there was a setting to accomplish my goal. I also read multiple articles on custom templates, but none address the topic layout. Also, after a new topic or topic response is posted, I can manually go in and set the page settings to have it display the way I want. While my site is growing I can probably do this, but after a certain point it will be too hard to keep up.
I am using WP 4.9.4, ForeFront theme Version 1.04 as a subtheme under GeneratePress V 2.02
My Website is PW is “VetsHelpingVets”
An example of my issue can be viewed here, please note I manually set the all other topic pages to display correctly. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Topic: BBCodes bbpress list?
Topic: New install
Hey All,
So i’ve just installed the plugin. All working great, fab, thank you!
However, i’ve created some someforums BUT when I go to the actual forum front end i get this
Database Errors
Query Call Stack Component Error Code Error Message
FROM wasp_posts
INNER JOIN wasp_postmeta
ON ( wasp_posts.ID = wasp_postmeta.post_id )
AND wasp_posts.post_parent = 656
AND ((()))
AND ( wasp_postmeta.meta_key = ‘_bbp_last_active_time’ )
AND wasp_posts.post_type = ‘topic’
AND (wasp_posts.post_status = ‘publish’
OR wasp_posts.post_status = ‘closed’
OR wasp_posts.post_status = ‘private’
OR wasp_posts.post_status = ‘hidden’)
GROUP BY wasp_posts.ID
ORDER BY wasp_postmeta.meta_value DESC
LIMIT 0, 15
Plugin: bbpress 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘))) AND ( wasp_postmeta.meta_key = ‘_bbp_last_active_time’ ) AND wasp_posts.’ at line 1