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  • #49748

    In reply to: Using WP template tags

    Finally I use: require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-blog-header.php'); because some functions don’t work properly with ´/wp-config.php´.

    Thanks anyway.


    In reply to: changing user type


    Found the bug …. I’ve editted the config for using a language file like define ('WPLANG', 'nl_NL'); after deleting the line I can change the user type again.


    I tried that and it threw back a serious error. I might be a noob, but is there more defining that needs to be done? Inserting the code towards the bottom didn’t work. My installation works ok, but it doesn’t load wordpress at all, and if I uncomment the wp_bb line, it errors up as well.



    In reply to: Plugins Loaded When?

    The plugins are loaded everytime bbPress is loaded.

    If you’re don’t want any code from your plugin to execute unless you’re in the admin, you could put something like this hack at the top of your “admin-only” plugins:

    if ( false === strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/bb-admin/') )


    But just loading the plugin file shouldn’t add too much overhead. You could do something a little nicer, if you weren’t worried about loading your plugin file:

    function my_admin_only() {

    if ( false === strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/bb-admin/') )


    else load_my_plugin_stuff();


    add_action( 'init', 'my_admin_only' );


    Create a directory called my-plugins/ in bbPress’ root directory.

    Into that add a new file called mod-write-topics.php with the following code.


    function mod_write_topics() {

    global $bb_roles;

    $bb_roles->role_objects['member']->remove_cap( 'write_topics' );


    add_action( 'bb_got_roles', 'mod_write_topics' );


    I think that will work, but I haven’t tested it.


    Topic: Plugins Loaded When?

    in forum Plugins

    I’ve created a couple of plugins for the admin side, are those loaded with each request that hits the bb-load.php?

    I fear it is and have *ugly code ahead* hijacked the admin.php and added a require-instruction there for my adminplugins since I don’t want them to drain resources on the front-end so to speak.

    Is this at all a relevant fear or is the reading and attaching to the event-loop so minimal in resource demand that it really doesn’t matter if it’s loaded each time?


    In reply to: err ERRR install probs


    err now i can’t login with the admin u/p bbpress gave me :(


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?

    bb-emotions plugin

    A friend of mine, Japanese bbPress user enjoy hacking plugin WP Grins port to bbPress.

    So, he wants to add this bb-emotion here, but he’s not good at english, then I translate he says.

    = = = =

    ziped code:

    1. put bb-emotions.php to /my-plugins/ ;
    2. put smilies folder into /bb-images/;
    3. add <?php bb_do_action('bb_grins'); ?> to above the textarea in the each theme (edit-form.php, post-form.php);

    That’s all, and does work!

    I’m so happy if this will be your help :)

    = = = = =

    Thank you.


    GOT IT, i had to copy my .httaccess file to bb-template/ as well. worked like a charm. LOOKS NICE! :)


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Login problem:

    wp_home and wp_siturl will only work if the url for your forums is a “subdirectory” of the url for your WordPress blog. If that is not the case, you’ll need the more fine-grained control mentioned in the Cookie integration with WordPress Documentation

    Installation problem:

    on Installation, bbPress looks to see if there are any keymasters in the User Tables already. You’ll need to go to your usermeta table and delete the entry:

    meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . ‘capabilities’ (example: ‘bb_capablities’)

    meta_value = a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    This part of the installation will have to change in the next version for several reasons. The difficulties you’re seeing is one of them.


    No – WP_BB only tells bbPress that you will be loading WordPress so that it knows not to try to load thingsn which will conflict with WordPress.

    If bbPress is installed in a subdirectory of WordPress, put this in bbPress’ config,php

    require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-config.php');


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    i would guess that we need to:

    1: Add a little code snippit inside of wp-post.php that creates a new forum SOMEHOW identified by the post ID.

    2: in your wp-single.php include that forum instead of your comments.

    3: SOmehow replicate/redirect comments/forum for RSS reasons and other ones that i do not understand! :) sloppy i know!


    In reply to: install sql script


    bbPress comes with such a script. Download the software, fill in the details of you database connection in config.php, and when you first browse to your forum’s URL, you’ll be taken through the installation procedure.



    Yea, I agree with lstelie.

    WP use subversion to manage each localized file:

    How do bbPress’ developers think about managing localized file?


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    I tried the same code as above but it did not work for me. I’m not sure if htere is a get_settings in BBpress but, you can use $_SERVER;


    Also when bbPress has a true template system, I’ll be making the default skin sort of like Andy’s Sandbox theme, so you won’t have to try to get around my CSS if you don’t want to. :)


    i saw in the “how to delete a forum?” thread that it has to be done from the backed db, is a post similar? i had expected to see this option in the admin, or an option on the post itself, but i’m not sure if this option isn’t available, or if something is wrong with my install


    and let me just add i am so happy bbpress is ready to roll :)


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Solved my problem. It was coming from


    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.


    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash


    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    I had set the urls only to, when I added the http and www it worked fine.


    There is currently no way to delete a forum without deleting it directly from the database (that is, using something like PHPMyAdmin).

    Tags can be removed from a particular topic by clicking the little x next to the tag in question.

    Tags can be completely deleted from the entire site by clicking the tag name, scrolling down, and clicking Destroy Tag. You must be an administrator or key master to destroy a tag.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!

    This is what it should look like:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.

    I made the point about TRUE becasue it seems that you never set it to TRUE, you just add the correct prefix.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    When I use this option

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.

    Set it to true, and use my prefix, I am running into this error:

    bbPress database error: [Table 'dbname.1users' doesn't exist]

    SELECT * FROM 1users WHERE user_login = 'ergate' AND SUBSTRING_INDEX( user_pass, '---', 1 ) = '*****[moderated]*****'

    bbPress database error: [Table 'dbname.1users' doesn't exist]

    SELECT * FROM 1users WHERE user_login = 'ergate'

    Even if I intentionally put the wrong db prefix, it still gives this same error.

    But as long as I use keep using the old integration code in the config file

    // use the WP user table for your bbpress user list

    define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');

    the login works just fine.


    In reply to: Permalinks?


    Ohhh, :) hehehehe, thank you!


    In reply to: Using WP template tags


    require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-config.php');

    in bbPress’ config.php.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!

    I had the same problem, but after reading the Ulitmate bbPress Guide ( I realised I had made mistakes on these lines of my config file:


    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.


    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash


    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    I replaced the FALSE with TRUE instead of adding the actual urls and the'wp_'. Your problem might be completely different but maybe you made the same mistake as I did?

    As a side note it seemed obvious to me that if it wasn’t FALSE then I should set it to TRUE, but maybe not everybody agrees.



    Everything is said in the title. :) I don’t see this option in the current version. Is it a future feature, or must it be done via a plug-in?

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