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  • #50186

    OK, I figured it out finally…you can control the color of these background fields on the front page by changing the color code in the style.css file at these lines:

    .deleted.alt {

    background: #ff9999;


    Of course! “deleted.alt”…so obvious of a name for this option in the style sheets…why didn’t I think of this 9 hours ago! ;-)


    Topic: Cookies and WPMU

    in forum Installation

    i managed to get bb and mu working from mu’s users tables THANK GOD. Now, i need them to have the same sessions,

    “name $bb->usercookie USER_COOKIE

    name $bb->passcookie PASS_COOKIE

    path $bb->cookiepath COOKIEPATH

    path $bb->sitecookiepath SITECOOKIEPATH

    domain $bb->cookiedomain COOKIE_DOMAIN”


    SO, what would the code look like in my config.php?

    $bb->passcookie = $wp->{‘PASS_COOKIE’}; ?


    This is not workig as nice. any clues?


    Giving someone moderator rights across the whole site seems a bit generous. Is there any way I can restrict Moderator privileges to specific forums?


    Fred moderates Forum A,

    Jim moderates Forum B,

    Sheila moderates Forum A and C, etc…

    EDIT: Moderator, this is probably better suited to “Requests and Feedback”, but I can’t move it… be my guest if you agree :)


    In reply to: About Freshness


    thanks your reply ^_^


    In reply to: Integration with WP



    Another thing.

    It would be great to have bbpress CSS (DIV and others) named bb_mydivname, because curently the naming sheme interferes a lot with WP one (for example both can have a <div="header"> )


    In reply to: Importing from phpBB


    I did this:

    Worked fine to me, importing a phpBB database with about 30000 records, including users, metadata, topics and posts. It takes a lot of time to finish, but works.

    The code is a mess. I just finished doing this. Maybe I’ll make it better, if there’s people interested.

    You have to use it on a fresh instalation, since it’ll delete any existing data.

    It was just tested by me and I can’t ensure it’ll work for anyone, but I’d like some feedback.



    Thanks :) It work now


    I am not sure what you mean by that, as I have never created a plug-in before. Anways, I gave it a try as follows:

    Created a blank file with the following content:


    function front_page_topics() {

    $bb->page_topics = 2;


    add_action( ‘bb_index.php_pre_db’, ‘front_page_topics’ );


    Then saved it as “latest-posts.php” and stored it in my newly created “my-plugins” folder.

    But it did not seem to have any effect as the front page of the forum would still display more that 2 latest posts (I selected to limit the topics to 2 so it would be asier to test).

    The only other thing I can think of is that this code needs to instead be added to one of the regular scripts, but I have no idea which one.





    What is the goal? Are you trying to to have mu and bbPress share the same user table? bbPress and mu are using different databases (as opposed to different tables in the same database)?

    I can help, but I need to know exactly how things are and how you want them to work.

    I think this is your situation (apologies if I misunderstood you):

    You have mu and bbPress installed and working off of different databases. You want bbPress to store its content in that separate database, but you want it to draw its users from mu’s database.

    If that is the case, this is what should work. The top of bbPress’ config.php should look like:

    //These are for the information about the database into which bbPress should store its content

    define('BBDB_NAME', 'bbpress');

    define('BBDB_USER', 'username');

    define('BBDB_PASSWORD', 'password');

    define('BBDB_HOST', 'localhost');

    // This is the information about mu's database. bbPress will look for users in this database

    define('USER_BBDB_NAME', 'mu');

    define('USER_BBDB_USER', 'mu username');

    define('USER_BBDB_PASSWORD', 'mu password');

    define('USER_BBDB_HOST', 'localhost');

    // You just told bbPress to use that mu database to look for users, but it doesn't yet know the name of the *table* to use.

    // Change 'wp_users' and 'wp_usermeta' to be the table names of mu's user tables.

    define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');

    define('CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE', 'wp_usermeta');


    What you’re trying to do should be done in bbPress’ config.php file, but you’re really close :)

    Put your index.php back the way it was. In bbPress’ config.php file, put the following two lines right after the <?php line.


    define('WP_BB', true);

    It seems you’ve found the correct path to use in you system: /home/myusername/public_html/blog/wp-blog-header.php

    So it should now look like:



    define('WP_BB', true);

    Then, copy your bb-templates/ directory to my-templates/ this is so you can modify the template files without editing the original ones; bbPress will use the files in that directory automatically instead of the original ones.

    In my-templates/front-page.php (and any of your other template iles), you can now call any WordPress template function, even get_header().


    How about this plugin?

    function front_page_topics() {

    $bb->page_topics = 10;


    add_action( 'bb_index.php_pre_db', 'front_page_topics' );


    In reply to: tagsize plugin

    I don’t believe a plugin is necessary for this. The core function tag_heat_map() is just the same, isn’t it?

    See my comment here:


    There is no need to edit any core files.

    Copy bb-template/front-page.php to my-templates/front-page.php and then in that file find

    <?php tag_heat_map(); ?>

    and replace it with:

    <?php tag_heat_map( 10, 30, 'px', 40); ?>

    to generate a tag cloud of the top 40 tags where the smallest tag displays with a 10px font-size and the largest with a 30px font-size.

    The first parameter is the size of the smallest tag, the second is the size of the largest tag, the third is what unit to use (’em’, ‘px’, ‘pt’, …) and the last is how many tags to show.


    You should be able to use any bbPress functions you like in WordPress as long as you



    Topic: tagsize plugin

    in forum Plugins

    I hacked up this little plugin that lets you change the size of the tag cloud without hacking any core files. (And, yeah, that’s all it does.)

    It does, however, require you to change some code in your template to call the function.

    (I took the code from template-functions.php line 1150 or so, the tag_heat_map.)

    See it here or download it here.

    You can comment about it on my site if you wish. My Release Annoncement.


    Keeping on the original topic at hand here, and no rush of course.. But, will, or could someone eventually make a “delete forum” plugin for bbpress, or maybe even add it into the core?

    Just was curious, IMHO..I think it would be a great asset! ;) Especially for those that *are not* experienced with the database/phpMyAdmin.. =P Again, just was wondering.. ;)


    By the way, I do know my way around the database and such, but.. it still would be *alot* easier to hit the “delete” button by a forum, then going into a database.. LoL! =P


    Has anyone got bbpress to integrate either with WP or WPMU off a second database? Yes, I read the documentation, which isn’t clear as to what I’m supposed to do. I tried many different things, resulting in different errors each time, none of which actually used the wp_users table in bbpress. The last change almost did it, but it somehow horked my WPMU install when I went to add a user to see which db it plunked it in (neither, as it turns out – it seems to be in limbo).

    To start, I had a local copy of MU working, and I got an install of bbpress working as well. It’s just getting the two of them hooked up is where I run into issues.

    Any ideas? Tips? Step by step instructions? :D


    Hey all,

    Not really sure if this is the right area, sorry if not.

    I’m thinking of using bbPress on a new site. Theres a couple of things I’d like to figure out first:

    – Is there any way of dictating a ‘banned words’ list?

    – I want to include a tag cloud type thing but instead of using tags, using post titles.

    Any info/ideas much appreciated :)




    Ok, now I am beginning to understand. I assume from looking around that I need to add that code (such as ‘<?php get_header(); ?>’) into the bbpress/index.php file.

    Naturally bbpress won’t know to look in the /blog/ folder (bbpress is in the /blog/bbpress/ folder) so how do I set the path?

    Would that be another require( etc code?

    Thanks for all the help, I am learning so much!


    You might want to follow this thread maybe? ;)



    Thanks, I’ve done most of it now and my forum is working. The site is just going up (i.e. not ready), but the forum skin can be seen at

    The software is most excellent :)

    I think it’s a bug with your style sheet, but if you visit you might notice the hot tags go past the main window bottom. This is because the hot tags are a float and so have no content. It either needs a clear:both or a overflow:hidden at the end of the floated tags.


    In future versions of bbPress, you will be able to do this with a short plugin.

    As for the [Closed] issue, you can solve that be removing the filter and adding your own (or using custom templates).

    remove_filter('topic_title', 'closed_title', 30);


    In reply to: En espaƱol


    thank you ;-)



    The title says it all really. Is there an option to do this? I couldn’t find one. Sometimes it’s useful to limit who can post to what.

    This is what I did, I don’t know if it’s right:

    1. added a column ‘closedforpost’ to the bb_forums column

    2. updated bb-includestemplate-functions.php:86: with the code

    function post_form( $h2 = '' ) {

    global $bb_current_user, $bb, $page, $topic, $forum;

    if($forum->closedforpost==1) return;

    3. updated bb-includestemplate-functions.php:756:

    function new_topic( $text = false ) {

    global $bb_current_user, $bb, $page, $topic, $forum;

    if($forum->closedforpost==1) return;

    While I was there, it seemed wrong to put in big writing [Closed] before every topic and forum that was flagged as closed when all I wanted to do was lock it, but there was no nice code to do this so I resorted to simply changing the closed_title() function to simply not show anything! I guess this is a suggestion rather than a plea for help.


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