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  • #49808

    In reply to: FAQ

    HOW do you make the plugins work?

    the “display-name.php” file adds a header of broken links and mod info (which I don’t understand) to the beginning of every install page but otherwise appears to not do anything.

    and the “bbpress-integration.php” plug-in for WordPress (I’m using 2) adds the same “Trac” information at the top of every loaded WP page…(!!!)

    very frustrating… =(



    In reply to: img tags


    I just tried plugin-izing that but it didn’t work either… what are we missing?



    Plugin Name: Allow <img> tags in posts

    Plugin URI:


    function outlet_bb_allowed_tags() {

    $tags = array(

    'a' => array(

    'href' => array(),

    'title' => array(),

    'rel' => array()),

    'img' => array(

    'src' => array(),

    'alt' => array(),

    'title' => array()),

    'blockquote' => array('cite' => array()),

    'br' => array(),

    'code' => array(),

    'em' => array(),

    'strong' => array(),

    'ul' => array(),

    'ol' => array(),

    'li' => array()


    return apply_filters( 'bb_allowed_tags', $tags );


    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'outlet_bb_allowed_tags', -1, 3);



    In reply to: img tags

    This didn’t work:

    'img' => array(

    'src' => array(),

    'alt' => array(),

    'title' => array()),

    added that to formatting-function.php in the bb_allowed_tags() function.

    Seems like it would have, though?


    In reply to: freshness = -1 years

    Ok, well that fixed the -1 year “freshness” problem. Now the post times are incorrect by 1hour.

    I’m in -5 gmt timezone and my server is in -6gmt timezone.

    One issue fixed and another created. :) I seem to remember having this problem with WordPress a loooooooong time ago. Like pre 1.0 ago. Can’t remember how that was dealt with.

    Anyway, I’ll keep tinkering until I figure it out. Thanks for the help, AphelionZ.


    In reply to: bbPress 0.73 released


    Now you guys just need to make a wiki, and a gallery!!! :-D


    It was a bit fustrating in the beginning, but I’m finding it kind of fun. It’s a good back-to-basic-code refresher for me. Here is a little modding I’ve been doing: and I like its pretty easy to integrate into WP since its practically built off the same engine.


    Took me a bit to figure this out… it’s not a true/false configuration.


    '$bb->akismet_key = true;'


    '$bb->akismet_key = "123456789";'

    (123456789 being your key)


    In reply to: post count – 1


    I couldn’t get rid of the -1’s, so I tinkered with it until it was working for me. This is working .73 as well.


    function bb_decrement( $value ) {

    return $value-1;


    add_filter( 'get_topic_posts', 'bb_decrement', 1);



    function bb_decrement_topic( $value ) {

    global $forum;

    return $value;


    function bb_decrement_forum( $value ) {

    global $forum;

    return $value-get_forum_topics();


    add_filter( 'get_topic_posts', 'bb_decrement_topic', 1);

    add_filter( 'get_forum_posts', 'bb_decrement_forum', 1);




    just tinkering around with bbpress.

    In the config.php file it has this:

    ‘$bb->akismet_key = true;’

    How do I enter my key into that? Let’s say my key is 12345678. How would the code look after inserting the key?


    oh, guess I could add that I get this in my dashboard everytime I try to put the key in:

    The API key you have specified is invalid. Please double check the ‘$bb->akismet_key’ variable in your config.php file.


    Topic: No style sheet

    in forum Installation

    Hi I’ve installed BBPress and I see no style sheet at all

    My blog’s URL is BBpress is installed in a subdirectory called forum. I can’t see no style sheet. I’ve copied the stylesheet’s URL seen in the source code of the Forum’s homepage ( and it doesn’t work. How can I fix that?


    If bb_ really is your bbPress table prefix, and that is what is entered int the integration plugin page, users registering through bbPress should be given WordPress’ default role upon logging into WP for the first time.

    So I’m not sure what’s wrong exactly, but it may be caused by the stuff you’re doing manually (as you expect).


    In reply to: sports template


    Aww ;-)


    Hi ear1grey, jepp, you are right… Maybe I am too spoilt by all the coders work on wordpress. In fact, bbpress is a good point to start with, and the idea of having a forum and a blog coming right from “one-stop” is the right decision. So, don’t get me wrong! It is really a wish of mine to have it all “together” and tools get merged this way.

    The only thing I want to highlight is, that – I’m not a coder from nature, but a tinckerer – it is not as easy as it sounds to set up the forum and integrate it into a running blog; first of all, if you are using wordpress for more than only as a “blogging-machine”. So, I will report

    all bugs I find and – if it is possible for me, give advice how to fix it. In case I have the courage… as mentioned, I’m a tinckerer, not a coder.


    Hi guys,

    I’ve tryed to integrate bbpress in my wordpress blog, but I’ve some problems…I think in the configuration file.

    I’ll post my config file for semplicity:



    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘blog_wp’);

    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);

    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);

    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

    define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__).’/’);





    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘blog_wp’);

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘root’);

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’;

    $bb->domain = ‘http://localhost/neoxyty&#8217;;

    $bb->path = ‘/forum/’;

    $bb->name = ‘Neoxyty forum’;

    $bb->admin_email = ‘’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = 0;

    $bb->akismet_key = false;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = “http://localhost/neoxyty&#8221;;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = “http://localhost/neoxyty&#8221;;

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );


    The intallation of the wordpress is ok and it works, and also the installation of bbpress seams to be ok, but when I try to read a post or make some changes in the admin section it doesn’t work…

    Some section are ok and other no…

    Somebody can help me…please!

    P.S. sorry if my english is not so good… :-)


    Hi Zimpet, “alpha”, “beta”, “0.72”; it really doesn’t matter what the label says; any code is only as good as the number of man hours that have been spent writing it, and then refining it.

    The ratio of hours spent on WP versus BB is currently* around 100,000:1, so a certain lack of polish is likely.

    * educated guess :)

    bbPress has reached the point of maturity where it can have more people developing it, using it, and commenting on it; so this is the point where it’s development can accelerate whilst it’s core capabilities mature into something stable, so if you think you’ve identified problems, then thats a good thing, so be happy.

    The best thing that you (and any of us) can do is to isolate and describe each problem (and each suggestion) so it can be entered into trac, prioritized and fixed.


    In reply to: changing user type


    I ran into that exact same problem; no matter what you changed the user role into, he/she would always stay a member. bbPress would also NOT give me the “profile updated” message after submit.

    My guess: since I was also using a localised version of WP (I had already tried to just include WP, not use the wp_ tables for user info), a lot of strings were translated, including the roles. It even changed the URL to the profile edit page to /profile/2/bewerken/ (bewerken == edit).

    And sure enough, after complete removing the WP inclusion code, things worked again…

    Maybe there’s some strings being gettext’d, that shouldn’t be?


    Hi! I am truly a fan of WordPress (I use it on several websites), but I am a little bit disappointed of bbpress. I know, that it is a beta, but there are plugins for wordpress available, making integration into wordpress much better. Easier integration concerning templates, user-management, navigation etc. In spite of being a beta, the code still is “grubby” – having templates in “my-templates” does not mean that all functions will work with them. Eg. “bb-login.php” still include “login.php” from “bb-templates”. So, it means wasting time by seacrhing and fixing these things… And truly: who did directly understand “how-to-integrate-bbpress-into-wp” ? Or otherway round?

    And why do I always have “Ok. The document has moved here”? After login, logout – using IE. Using Firefox, nothing happens – no redirect, no link. I am enervated. Sorry. I have expected a bit more. Perhaps my fault…


    And now I’ve got the same error again :(


    In reply to: next release ideas


    Some of these additions are either done with a simple plugin or template modifications…

    Personally I’d like to see bbPress continue on with it’s development without spending resources to integrate the two programs together. Rather bbPress should stand alone as a forum system and not just a glorified WordPress plugin. It is my opinion that current forum systems offer way too many features and confuse themselves with content managment systems and social networking sites. Huge avatars and signatures take away from actual content and private message systems have been around for ages disguised as email.

    The community around bbPress should develope plugins for all of these specific features. Remember that 90% of your users will just read and post on your forum and all those other goodies are just taking up resources that aren’t contributing to the overall “digital discussion” philosophy of a forum. Usenet is still pretty popular and that hasn’t changed much in years.

    I’d like to see improvements on security, speed, and ease of use in the next releases rather than glittering goodies and features.

    I am working on another ghetto plugin to highlight threads that have been started since your last visit. It’s been painful and frustrating to work on this since it’s been so long since I’ve worked with php but man is it fun. Another thing I’d like to see in the next release is a list or plan of what is going to happen next so I don’t waste time creating a plugin that is going to be in the next release. :D

    Although it is fun.


    I’m biased on this issue as I’ve been in web stuffs for a number of years now so I can easily integrate a theme. It should be very simple as most of your design should be located inside your wp css file. The only thing you really have to change is some <div> placement. I threw away the default bbpress css theme and just flung bbPress into my WordPress site’s containers and it worked pretty well.


    I have the cpanel… is there anything I can do? Or should I just paste my .htaccess file here… Oh Gurus please help me :-) … (I now could write a screenplay on my adventures in bbPress…)


    (scratching head) can’t make head or tail of this, being such a n000b… I know there is a .htaccess file. Is there some line or code I have to insert in there to prevent users from accessing my forum?

    How can I prevent readers registering? Even if I don’t give a link or hide “register” link… they may find the page to register…


    This is very hacking debugging but I put another print statement in, this time inside the custom function which prints “the code is being executed”

    when the wpbb_user_sanitize function and that does not display on the page at any point during any sort of login, successful or unsuccessful.

    Is there anything else you can suggest?

    Shawn Maddock

    adergaard, first of all, thanks for the suggestions. I think we’re talking about three different things. nolageek wanted a list of most recent registrations (similar to what shows on the dashboard, I assume, with less info); I was looking for a sortable list of all registered users, and the suggestions you posted would be a recent activity or “currently online”. Now that you mention it, though, I think I may add your ideas too. :-)


    This is meant as help, not as condecending in any way.

    Best tip right now is to create one yourself.

    Do this (in psuedo code):

    – create a table that holds session_id, user_id, and timestamp.

    – add a hook for when any page is requested (or ugly way would be to add a call to a function in the header-template).

    – The function you call in the header should insert session_id, user_id, and timestamp if the session_id doesn’t already exist. if exist, update it instead. The function should also start by deleting rows older than X minutes (look at time stamp and compare to NOW() )

    – in footer file or where ever, make a call to another function you create that populates the values from the table holding session_id, user_id, and timestamp. The rows with a user_id != null -> logged on members. The rows with user_id == null, visitors.

    For the most recent user, add “SELECT * FROM bb_users ORDER BY user_registered DESC LIMIT 1”. Wrap it in a function and call it from the footer or where ever you want to display it.



    in bb_users there’s a column called display_name. I think that most will want to use it since otherwise they’ll have a display name = user logon = one-word-name.

    so, basically is it worth the effort that I write code for that one myself or is this a soon to come thing from you guys?

    This question could also have been about the column user_nicename I think. None of them are used as far as I can see, or am I missing something?

    Anyways, thanks for this forum code, it’s really simple and really good.

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