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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #49402

    In reply to: Importing from phpBB


    I just had a chat with Patrick on Live Messenger, the guy that runs , and he said, you’ll mostly have to work directly with the database.

    Or atleast that’s how he does it, he said. Also, I’m not sure if this would, or could possibly help in any way, but.. they wrote up this article: “Write a converter with the Unified Convertor System.”

    Of course, like anyone would do, they made it up for the people to convert from their current forum software, to their’s, but, wasn’t sure if maybe you devs could use it to benefit yourselves or not?

    Just wanted to throw this out onto the table for ya’ll.. ;) I think it’s great that bbPress made a official release finally.. and *hopefully* soon, I’ll get to making themes for it. ;)


    /Sidenote quick: I had dealt with phpBB before, for a few good years, installed it for peoples, for money, and shot out a few themes too. Submitted them to the site, and had patrick in the MSN mess list for a few years.. ;) =)



    Is bbPress supposed to create an .htaccess file for mod_rewrite URLs? I was expecting this, like in WordPress, but there wasn’t a file after install. Should I just create my own .htaccess?


    What is the url you’re tring to install it to? ?

    If that’s the case, you need to install bbPress in the directory on your server that that url points to. You config should then look like:

    $bb->domain = '';

    $bb->path = '/forums/';


    I’ve updated the Registration integration documentation to link to a couple plugins you may find useful when integratinog WordPress and bbPress.

    WordPress Plugin:

    bbPress Plugin:

    When we have a better place to put these plugins, I’ll let you know.


    In reply to: sample plugins?


    Making Plugins

    bbPress has a plugin API that functions exactly the same as WordPress’. All the familiar functions such as do_action(), add_filter() and so forth are found in bbPress. One of our goals is to make bbPress as pluggable as possible. If you have suggestions for new hooks or other improvements, please let us know.


    Is there going to be a Your bbPress category?

    It would be nice to show off some of the things we have been tinkering with for the last year or so.



    I`ve uploaded the po file:


    Topic: RSS problem

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Maybe it’s the wrong place to write, but the RSS link from main forum page ( replay with a 404 error, the no nicename link ( works fine, then there is a problem in the permalink structure maybe?


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums

    Matt Mullenweg

    We link to the IRC channel here:


    It’s fairly quiet right now.

    Matt Mullenweg

    It shouldn’t be too many, just try it.

    You can read about us internationalizing things here:


    Just one more quick one: how many strings are still hard coded into bbPress?

    Matt Mullenweg

    bbPress uses the exact same translation framework, gettext.

    Large parts of it have already been translated as part of, but we don’t want to localize the default templates until we have proper themes. (Like in WP.)


    Can bbPress be localized like WP?


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums


    Plugins? Awesome, now I really, really want to get using this. :P


    If you define('WP_BB', true);, you still have to call the WordPress script yourself.

    put require_once('../wp-config.php'); (or whatever the right path is) in bbPress’ config.php.


    In reply to: Login Errors


    Users with spaces:

    You way be able to get away with creating a plugin that overrides bb_check_login and bb_set_current_user with your own functions of the same name. If not, you’ll probablp have to edit the user_sanitize function. That function should probably be made pluggable.

    I’ll try to get more details about this soon.

    Fatal Error:

    I assume you are talking about defining the constant WP_BB. All this does is tell bbPress not to load certain functions. It does not include the wp-config file for you (haw would it know where to look?). You need to do that yourself. I’d suggest require_once('../wp-config.php'); (or where ever it is) in bbPress’ config.php file.


    bbPress can generate a sample .htaccess file for you if you log in and browse to bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php. Copy the output and save it into your .htaccess file. Alternatively, you might be able to forgo the rewrite rules and instead set Options +MultiViews


    Topic: Login Errors

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hello, installed the recent 0.72 version and having some issues. Trying to use it integrated with WordPress install. BBPress doesnt seem to recognize any wordpress users that have a space in their name. I have some wordpress users with spaces in their names (which function just fine in wordpress) and they are unable to log into bbpress. Users without spaces in their names log in just fine.

    A couple of other issues which I havent dug into yet:

    – If I try to activate the option for loading wp every time, I always get this error: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: __() in /home2/klasenus/public_html/forums/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 27” Works fine without it. Not sure if I really need it, but want to have full integration of bbpress into wp

    – With mod_rewrite set to true, if I try to navigate within bbpress I get redirected to my wp 404 page as the bbpress page cannot be found. About the only link that works in bbpress is the new topic link

    Any help would be appreciated… I will keep chugging…

    Mr Papa


    In reply to: Your first topic


    Wow. I’ve been watching bbpress for a long time now and waiting for a release.

    What a trip that I end up on the site almost minutes after it happens.

    Go Go BBPress!


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums

    Damn this is looking good! And just after I’ve already gotten all fired up about Vanilla.


    Topic: Importing from phpBB

    in forum Plugins

    Halleleujah bbPress is getting some love! So now I want to bring in some client forums. Anyone know of any way to import the data from a phpBB db? Is such a thing possible? I really hope so.


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums

    Matt Mullenweg

    Frills will be in plugins.


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums


    I love the new design, and the fact that it integrates with WordPress really rocks. If only there were some ‘frills’ to it.. Ah well, I’ll definatly have to try it out in the future.


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums

    Nice! :)


    In reply to: New bbPress Forums


    Awesome! Now, I’ll start working on making awesome themes for bbpress.. ;)



    In reply to: New bbPress Forums


    So awesome to finally see this up. :D

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