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  • #62240

    That I made now already fourth time and it come again and again the same error. So can’t that be, what could still lie?

    Sam Bauers

    If your site is at:

    And bbPress is at:

    Then you will need to add this line to your config.php file…

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    That way your code in the base directory that is trying to read the cookies will be able to do so.

    Sam Bauers

    See this post for a solution.

    PHP Error Messages

    This was a problem before this version, but is fixed in the latest builds.


    bb-load essentially loads the entire bbpress framework

    It just doesn’t generate any template output

    It’s how RSS feeds, etc. are done

    You can indeed evaluate the user login via loading the entire framework. But you can also write a very small subset of code to check the cookie and then read the database directly too.

    However note that if your bbpress cookies are locked to a path (ie. /forums/) as they are by default, they will not be valid outside of the path and no user will be detected. So you have to change the cookiepath in config.php

    Otherwise neither method will work.


    Hello, we integrated bbpress with our WP site at The site ranks great for all kinds of search terms and gets indexed by Google daily, but for some reason the /forums/ are all being ignored entirely. Any ideas why this could be? Any other page / section that gets added is usually indexed within a day.


    I have the problem that I can´t acces the admin panel since I deleted the WordPress”files” WordPress database and my bbPress installation was in the same database.

    don´t have a backup.

    but did a fresh reinstall in the nower bbpress database.

    does anyone know how to solve that problem?


    OK, I take that back. Requiring bb-load.php definitely fixed all the errors, but the functions still aren’t working. They don’t throw an error, but they don’t return anything either and so are pretty much worthless.

    Is it perhaps because the files I am trying to use them in are in the parent directory above the bbPress installation?

    There must be some way to get access to the bbPress login info directly through PHP…


    Thank you rmccue! bb-load.php was the only file required to make those functions work. I guess that was the source of the chain of includes. Thanks a bunch :)



    bad Version, why too many bugs ?

    Look this :

    Sorry 4 my bad english.


    Ryan McCue

    Try requiring bb-load.php and going from there.


    By the way, assuming I can get these functions to run, what would be the function for getting the current users’s id?

    I got lost somewhere in bb_get_current_user() and bb_get_user() without really being able to figure out what returns what. If I can get them running though, then I can test them, so I should be able to figure it out…


    It sounds like just including the bbPress function files and using those functions would be the easiest. I couldn’t figure out which files needed to be included for the login functions to work though.

    I tried doing if (bb_is_user_logged_in()), which required /bb-includes/pluggable.php and /bb-includes/functions.php, but after I included both those files I was left with the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get_row() on a non-object in /bb-includes/functions.php on line 1228

    Am I missing some other file, or is it just not possible to use this function outside of the actual bbPress build?


    That has to be one of the top 10 themes I’ve seen for bbpress, very well done. The wordpress integration is also excellent.

    I personally love white text on darker background so it’s a favorite for me.

    Are you going to make it publicly available for download?


    Depending on which version of bbpress you are using, the method to put “closed” and “sticky” onto topic titles has changed. The newest versions (trunk, not sure if it’s in yet) uses a new label method that in theory should be independent of the template.

    However older bbpress versions require the “sticky” label be detected and placed via the template (theme). If you edited your templates, you may have inadvertently removed the feature.

    Which bbpress version and theme are you using?

    Make sure you are using the very newest support forum plugin update, I think it’s up to 2.3.4 which deals with the new bbpress update.


    Without going through the bbpress functions or mimicing the login authentication system (look in pluggable.php) you could never tell if a user is actually logged in, or being spoofed.

    However the bbpress/wp cookie will persist and if the cookie path is set to the website root (instead of locked to “/forums/” – you’d have to change the default cookiepath) you could read the cookie and see if the visitor has a bbpress username. But if several people used the same computer there possibly could be several cookies.

    In theory you could force sessions to always be on via a plugin for bbpress and watch it that way too. But note that sessions slow down server performance if it’s an active site.

    Best bet is to change the cookiepath and decode the cookie with a smaller subset of code.


    That topic header sounds dumb but I’m wanting to have it on my bbpress forum that each topic has only one page, with say 30 posts shown. When there are more than 30 posts, the page divides in two and in between the two sections (each with 15 posts) there is a button or something that says ‘View Posts 15-74’ and when you click on that it loads up the rest of the comments in its place.

    Pretty much you can have a thread where you only have 30 posts shown, the first bunch and the most recent bunch and if you want to read all the other posts in between you just click on the divider bit in the middle.

    Example? Exactly like the topics on this forum:

    Hopefully someone else thinks that this is a great idea and would consider making a plugin or something. I’ve got no idea how hard it would be but I’d really, really like to see it and I would have no chance in coding it myself :(


    In reply to: Installations Problem


    It cannot be so difficult nevertheless to install that forum!

    Why doesn’t the current version go installing?

    I do not have desire also several left to search around the forum in addition-get.

    Also with the drunkenness it does not fold.

    Only errors come.

    Unfortunate actually, bbPress is a good solution thought.


    Oh, and by the way, is there a way to return the current user’s username and ID if one is logged in?


    Just to clarify, my site is at I’ve got bbPress installed at I’d like to be able to enforce login using the bbPress user system at, but blah.php isn’t part of the bbPress install so the bbPress functions aren’t available to it. How do I go about enforcing login on a non-bbPress page?


    Hmm… I’m just trying to verify login on a page on the same site that is not part of the bbPress install. I’d like to be able to use the bbPress user system for the entire site if that is possible.

    If sessions are the way to go, perhaps I could just include a couple of the function files. Which ones would be necessary to include to enable the is_user_logged_in() function?

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress uses encrypted cookies, you’ll need to give us a little more information on what you are trying to do if we are to help you.


    I would like to be able to check a user’s login status without using the bbPress functions. Normally I would use a simple isset($_SESSION) check. What are the names of the variables that bbPress sets to indicate that a user is logged in?




    I decide to give it a shot to bbPress and i like it. :)

    See my theme in is a spanish blog/forum

    see ya.


    Hi there,

    I’ve just set up bbPress as a support forum using the support forum plugin. So far so good. I have a problem though, (not major because of sticky posts) I created a forum called README where I intend to post hints, faqs and the usual spiel you get on the top sticky in most forums.

    I created a topic and a post in this readme forum and then closed the topic and made it sticky. It seems that because it’s closed it won’t show up when I’m on the forum view (forum.php). Is there an edit I can make to a filter somewhere? Seems like a wee bug/oversight to me.

    The other thing I know has come up before many times but I could not get much useful info out of the topics. Ideally I’d want to be able to make it so no one can start a new topic on the readme forum but I don’t want to make the forum private or inaccessible to normal users. Is this possible with either of the private forums plugins yet? I can live with it if not but it’s a niggle.


    I think you should start a new topic.

    If you deleted the WordPress database and your your bbPress installation was in the same database, then your bbPress installation is gone. You might restore from backup, but other than that you need to reinstall fresh.

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