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  • #62808

    I addressed the 99% rule and have learned that I am in the 1% and made it to the installation page. However, Not sure yet what it’s all about but I did get:

    Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.

    bbPress database error: [Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key]

    ALTER TABLE ppd_posts ADD COLUMN post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment

    bbPress database error: [Key column ‘post_id’ doesn’t exist in table]

    ALTER TABLE ppd_posts ADD PRIMARY KEY (post_id)

    1.Created table ppd_forums

    2.Created table ppd_topics

    3.Created table ppd_topicmeta

    4.Created table ppdusers

    5.Created table ppdusermeta

    6.Created table ppd_tags

    7.Created table ppd_tagged

    8.Changed default value of ppd_posts.post_status from publish to 0

    9.Added column ppd_posts.post_id

    10.Added column ppd_posts.forum_id

    11.Added column ppd_posts.topic_id

    12.Added column ppd_posts.poster_id

    13.Added column ppd_posts.post_text

    14.Added column ppd_posts.post_time

    15.Added column ppd_posts.poster_ip

    16.Added index ppd_posts FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘field list’]

    SELECT post_id, poster_id FROM ppd_posts WHERE topic_id = 1 AND post_status = 0 ORDER BY post_time

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘where clause’]

    SELECT * FROM ppd_posts WHERE post_id = 3


    Now you can log in with the username . . .


    When i post in my blog apear this error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CachedFileReader in /home/blogtug/public_html/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 163


    I already did it. See at and the forum at


    How can i do this, i already install bbPress, and everything is fine, i used the bbsync plugin, i already configured it, but what i have to do more?


    I’m a bit confused. What is the current situation re WordPress and bbpress integration. I’ve browsed the ‘help’ guides, and some mention integration is fine, others mention a plugin which currently is under a shadow re security. Currently I’m having a problem with my forum integration, so am planning to install versions WordP and BB on xammp to experiment.

    Assuming I’m installing the two on locahost, what should be edited on the config file to ensure it works correctly?


    Yes, absolutely on the localhost issue. I always have to change that since my database is on a different server. What DB_HOST is used in the WordPress wp-config.php? If you are using the same database, user and password, but with different tables, then the BBDB_HOST and DB_HOST should be the same value in both files. Whatever you are using in WordPress you need to use in bbPress since you mentioned previously that you were going for an integrated install.

    Very simply, the DB_HOST and BBDB_HOST are just machine names where the database lives. If the database (MySQL) is on the same machine as your web server, then localhost is appropriate. If it’s on another host, then you need to enter the publicly accessible name of that host, like mine is always something like That machine exists on the Internet, and MySQL connections to it are done via port 3306 by default (you don’t need to tell it to do that.)

    Once this database connection issue is resolved, I think there is still going to be the error with the bb_walker stuff…


    The db connection problem is a most certainly a problem with the information in config.php. If you can post your config.php , someone might be able to help. When you edit the details, be sure to edit carefully, or maybe just change one character rather than trying to obliterate the whole db name, user, password or host. Something could be lost in your editing.

    On second thought, it’s not going to help much to post the config.php because it’s not that there are syntax errors, it’s a problem with the details. Posting the config with the details there or not will not help to debug it.

    Did you cut and paste the whole section from the wp-config.php? Did you change the name of the constants from DB_NAME and DB_whatever to BBDB_NAME and BBDB_whatever for use with bbPress?

    Also, are you trying to use a port or socket with the db connection?


    I have not done anything, plug in, or template, just unzipped the download from bbpress website, unzipped, made the appropriate changes to the config.php and uploaded. I will delete everything from server and my computer and download and start from scratch. However the link offered earlier to .8.3.1 has a note in the thread saying not to use it if there is planned wordpress integration, which is my goal.

    Where and what should I download to begin again?



    This error points to a problem in the config file:

    Parse error: parse error in /home/cust2/user1080446/html/bbpress/config.php on line 4

    Line 4 is the first line of the database config stuff, starting with database name. This error was not mentioned previously by you and maybe there is a new problem there.

    The bb_walker error is interesting. In your error message, it’s lower case, but in the source, it appear like this, with some uppercase: BB_Walker_ForumAdminlistitems and BB_Walker. Not sure if that’s a typo in the source or a problem with the upload or something else.

    My guess is that it’s used in lowercase for the function call, and it’s defined in uppercase, which doesn’t work, I don’t think. I’ve had that happen before when the development of a plugin or function is developed on a Windows machine where the case does not matter, and it’s loaded onto a Linux server where the case does. Maybe it’s something like that?

    Looks like your server is Linux, so case matters there.

    This is not a comforting note from the trunk: backPress: BOOM! this will break *everything*

    Did you download the release or a trunk release? I am fairly certain trunk is broken right now, but should work. There was a post from sambauers here about a month ago saying that r980 was the best version to try:

    bbPress is in flux right now. It’s not normally anywhere near this difficult to get up and running. Sorry for the troubles.


    You were right. I’m back to the original error. I’ve made use of the config portion as well as follows.

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘playdate_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘ppd_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress –

    Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘’

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress –

    Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘’

    Here the error message.

    Parse error: parse error in /home/cust2/user1080446/html/bbpress/config.php on line 4

    Fatal error: Class bb_walker_forumadminlistitems: Cannot inherit from undefined class bb_walker in /home/cust2/user1080446/html/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 582



    I just downloaded bbPress today from its site, so I’m assuming it is the most recent. I’ve started from scratch and now I’ve what is probably a more recognizable error message but still not one I know how to handle, although I’ll search for it in the forum:

    Cannot select DB



    That’s not a database connection error at all, and I haven’t see it before. What version bbPress did you install and what is your server setup?


    Hi you want to see this.

    Is my Post Preview Plugin ready enough?

    See ya..


    Hi there.

    I am working in a post preview plugin. you can see it here

    I dont know if that is enough to release a beta version.

    The plugin only sends the textArea text, applies filters and shows the text using ajax.

    The preview only works with replies and has no design at all :).

    What you think?

    Test url

    see ya.


    I should add that I have a couple of WordPress Blogs successfully installed and have used the same db settings cut and pasted from them to the bbpress config.php file.



    When I attempt to the install.php phase, the config.php file text loads onto the browser finalized with this error message:

    Fatal error: Class bb_walker_forumadminlistitems: Cannot inherit from undefined class bb_walker in /home/cust2/user1080446/html/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 582

    I’ve monkeyed around with it for a while now and I’m not getting anywhere.



    (which if I remember from my signatures plugin has no action hook unfortunately and templates will need to be edited)

    No, there’s been hooks for the post form for as long as I can remember.

    • pre_post_form
    • post_form
    • post_post_form

    Charlie: ticking off boxes because other software ticks those boxes is feature creep. Goes against, as you say, what bbpress is about. And even if it didn’t, it makes no sense; feature ideas should be evaluated on their own merits. I’m not saying attachments shouldn’t make it in (personally, I don’t much like file attachments), but that you can make a much much better case for it than saying that it’s a square on the Forum Matrix that bbpress doesn’t have.


    I can’t speak for the world at large, but I think that many people might be passing up a great product (bbpress) because they are looking for forum software with a few more “essential” features. A great number of other forum packages on the ForumMatrix offer multiple file attachments, and while I agree with the developer’s dream of keeping this thing nice and lite and agile, I think anytime a red X on the ForumMatrix is eliminated, it increases the overall appeal of bbpress to the forum dev community.

    HowToGeek, I don’t know how much use I’d be to you as a coder, but I’m willing to do whatever I can to help you start a plugin like this.


    In reply to: bbSync


    I’m running the plugins listed below. However, even after deactivating every other plugin, the duplication issue with bbSync is still occurring.

    Akismet 2.1.3

    All in One Adsense and YPN 1.5

    bbPress Integration 0.74

    bbSync 0.94

    Collapsible Archive Widget 2.1.2

    dTabs 1.1

    TubePress 1.5.7

    Ultimate Google Analytics 1.6.0

    wp-forecast 1.4


    It’s fairly easy to test loading/decoding times using firefox+fasterfox or firebug but there are plenty of studies around the web if you want nitty-gritty details:

    a quick search:

    jquery with simple whitespace removal and variable name shrinking, *not* actual compression, sent via a server with proper gzip support (mod_gzip, apache2, litespeed, etc) is always fastest. Packed is always the worst. Not only that, packed has to be unpacked for EVERY page load. It’s never ready to run. So it uses more browser memory, and has a delay *every* time.

    By the way, what does jquery actually do within bbpress’s topics for regular users? I don’t get it, there’s no javascript actions. bbpress used to have ajax posting but that was removed a long time ago (it should come back sometime…)

    If you absolutely must distribute bbpress (and wordpress) with jquery in a more compressed form, please use the jsmin version but definitely not the packed version.


    Hi folks… Love this software. The style and vibe just can’t be beat!

    I’ve been running bbPress for about 6 weeks. I have received many complaints about registration emails not coming. I finally tracked down the following error in the Sendmail logs:

    stat=Data format error

    The frustrating part is that it is intermittent. Sometimes I see ‘stat=Sent (OK…’ and the user gets the email. Many times, no email.

    Has anyone seen this? Any idea why this is happening?


    Topic: add a link

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hi Guys,

    This is prob a very simple thing to do, but after hours of scouring the forums I still can’t find the solution. I have bbpress installed with wordpress, I’ve done all the back-end integration, I know that front-end integration is possible but I’ll leave that for another day. So how do you go about creating a hyper-link on bbpress that will redirect users back to my wordpress blog ? All I need is just a simple link-type button.




    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload


    Where can you download this plugin??? This link in the plugin repository does not work:

    It gives me a 404 File Not Found message


    In reply to: bbSync


    Sounds similar to my situation. All posts are appearing fine in bbPress (from the forum and blog comments). However, in WordPress I only see several duplicates of the most recent comment.

    If I deactivate the bbSync plugin all the blog comments are displayed as normal.

    Anyone know how to resolve this?

    Wordpress 2.3.3



    That really should work… you might try adding a RewriteBase to it. Do you have a regular .htaccess for bbpress already?

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