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  • #2957

    If people need more immediate help, can they go to the bbPress IRC channel, and how would they do that?

    Sam Bauers

    It probably has to do with your older version of bbPress, but I’d like to fix the problem on your version anyway.

    Can you fid out what the error is in your PHP error log and post it here?

    I’ll fix it and release a new version for you to try.


    In reply to: Post Won’t Show


    Active Plugins

    Allow Images

    Human Test for bbPress


    Report Post

    bbPress Polls

    bbPress signatures

    Ignore Member

    Admin Can Post Anything

    Post Count Plus

    Mass Edit

    Wordpress Integration

    Currently I can get around the problem by making a short post:

    Like just saying “test”

    Then editing that post


    In reply to: Integration questions


    Well, assuming I succeed in what I’m attempting, I will release it as an open source plugin for wordpress…

    But since I’ve had to make one hack to the bbPress core, it will unfortunately require one small bbPress core change.

    So, I’ll keep working on it, and post more here once I’ve made more progress.


    In reply to: Integration questions


    Oh man. This is way too advanced for me.

    This site I’m doing is my first WordPress attempt and all of my previous websites have been static html.. So PHP is new to me and globals, functions etc. are brand new termins…

    I actually, at first, thought that: integration=embed bbpress in WP.

    I never thought this would be so complicated.


    Still new to bbpress. Sometimes any text post I make will not show. It will update the thread, and increase the post count, but the post does not show.

    I don’t have spam filter on. Post doesn’t show up in admin control panel.

    Happens sometimes when I copy and paste into the post. (even if its just plain text)

    Does it from the admin account and another test account.

    When I come back later, and it works fine.

    Any, ideas?


    In reply to: Integration questions


    In the interest of sharing what I’ve learned so far, let me describe what I want to do, and what I’ve accomplished so far.

    1) I want to have a stand alone instance of bbPress running on my site that shows ALL the forums.

    2) I want to embed a single forum into a wordpress blog (actually a wordpressmu blog– but there’s nothing mu specific about my work so far)

    3) I want the forums to share the same DB, so if a topic is updated inside of my blog, I also see it updated in the standalone Forum.

    4) I want to be able to essentially allow the bbPress template functions to work inside of a wp page or post… ideally I’d like to implement a simple function like “embedd_bbpress_forum()” on a page template and have it display a fully functioning bbPress instance in the page.

    5) I want to use the chrome/theme from wordpress for the header, sidebar, footer, etc… but I also want to support the basic bbpress template structure as well.

    So far I have this working about 90%…

    What I’ve done is build a WP-plugin, that “includes” bbpress/bb-load.php. And implements a couple functions for embedding the bbpress instance in a page or post or where ever you call the embed functions.

    Things that are working:

    * forum home page

    * topic pages

    * new topic

    * comments

    * profile pages

    * favorites

    Things that aren’t working yet:

    * ajax — none of the ajax stuff is working properly yet…

    * some pages that use wp_redirect – because of how I’m embedding in wordpress, the headers are already sent before I have a chance to do the redirect, so… some functions that rely on this are reporting errors.

    How I did this so far:

    * declare GOBALS!!! – This is the biggest “sneaky trick” – basically, most of bbPress is implemented outside of a function or class context, and so the “local” variables on the bbPress pages are actually global in context. Since I’m wrapping these into a wp-pluing, I need to declare them as explicitly global. If I get all the globals right, then bbPress just works.

    * turn off mod_rewrite support in bbPress… since I want my pages to get handled by WordPress, the URL needs to end at the same location of the wordpress page, this means that my forum page has a url something like:

    Notice I introduced the concept of the “command” parameter, that my plugin then uses as a dispatcher to “load” (include) the right bbPress file. MOSTLY bbPress will do the rest of it’s work from the URL params.

    * Lots of filters – I’ve implemented several filters for URL remapping so that bbPress will override the standard link formation to point to my new embedded page urls

    * A COUPLE HACKS – the only hard part I’ve had to hack so far relates to bbPress’s get_bb_location() function. This function appears to be a bit of bbPresses standard “dispatcher” which tells the rest of bbPress what type of page it’s supposed to be rendering. The only problem with this approach is that in my instance of the code base it does all this logic based on PHP_SELF, SCRIPT_FILENAME, or SCRIPT_NAME… which will be pointing to my wordpress files. I made a small change to add a new filter that allows me to pull out my command param and do the bb_location determination from that.

    Has anyone else attempted this? Have they gotten further? Is there an easier way?

    Mostly this isn’t a lot of code, it’s just discovering how to make it work and testing that everything works as planned.



    I’ve been searching through this forum like a maniac and my bad – I didn’t find any answers for my questions.

    I somehow managed to “integrate” my bbpress with WP (the part of users, cookies), BUT:

    1) How can I wrap the forum inside my WP blog (like in ?

    2)…. well, the first one actually was the big one :)


    Don’t know if this is an issue, but I’m using bbpress and the plugin is working great. It may be an issue with running an older version of bbpress. Have you thought about upgrading?


    Hi. I downloaded the ‘support forum’ plug-in to my site. When I go the admin area and go to the ‘site management’ and then ‘support forums’ page. The page just says “Support Forums” and is otherwise blank with no links or anything. And there is no ‘this topic is:’ drop-down in forum posts or as far as I can find, a way to enable it.

    I followed the instructions on the support forum plug-in download page and I’m running bbpress 8.1. Any suggestions?


    that worked. Thank you


    Thanks for sharing this… I am sure it will help others…

    I added an “internationalization” tag to try to help people find it.


    you want get_topic_id() for the current topic id

    or get_post_id() for the current post id


    By default bbpress does not have this ability built in.

    However it would be possible to edit your templates to allow only mods to start topics in certain forums, or do this via plugin.


    Integration is better than running under wordpress.

    This allows your wordpress side to be down while the forum still works and via versa.

    Once backpress and talkpress is available I suspect however there will be much more shared code and essentially they will start to merge together in many ways.

    ps. the forum plugin for wordpress supposedly has or had security issues if I remember correctly…


    You need to follow the instruction to syncronize the cookie paths in bbpress and wordpress.

    Essentially both have to be set to your site’s webroot (ie. /)

    Look under the cookie section here

    or look through the integration tag here like so:


    You’re asking about gravtars but then talking about uploading avatars which are two different features.

    There are plugins for bbPress to show a user’s gravatar but if it’s a locally uploaded avatar within WordPress, someone would have to come up with some code to display it on the bbPress side. So it’s possible but would take someone to look at it.

    The avatar upload plugin on the bbpress side has some documentation or user comments on how to access the avatar from wordpress.


    If you can find a wordpress plugin that does this, it will be very easy to convert to bbpress.


    In reply to: LANGUAGE


    I wish I had experience with that but I don’t.

    However following other posts with this tag might help:


    Well you’re asking two different things but the answer to both is yes with some code changes to your templates.

    You can get the last poster for any topic in the list via this:

    <?php echo '<a href="'.get_topic_last_post_link().'">'.get_topic_last_poster().'</a>'; ?>

    but there is also a plugin that I believe will change the last poster’s name into a link too. So either way.

    You might be able to paginate the lastest discussions by putting this at the bottom of latest discussions outside the loop:

    <?php forum_pages(); ?>

    However it’s a 50/50 chance it won’t work.

    Or you can use the “My Views” plugin which will give you a paginated Latest Discussion view that you can link to.




    Someone has been working on some new export/import functions but I don’t believe they are ready yet.

    There is an old phpBB convertor for bbpress, so if you can get yabb into phpBB, you might be import from that.


    If the background goes yellow that probably means it flagged you as a “bozo” which is a feature that has never worked quite right in bbpress.

    You can disable the “bozo” feature completely by editing bb-settings.php and commenting out the line:

    // require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'bozo.php');

    around line 110 or so


    Be sure to get the newest version here:


    Be sure to get the newest version here and not the above download:


    In reply to: Line Break


    I think I better understand what you are asking about after running into a similar problem today on my bbcode lite plugin. I filed a trac ticket:

    bbPress seems to encode non-ending tags into html entities if you save a post twice. Not good.

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