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Allow Images Plugin doesn’t work

  • This is really too much. Why can’t I post images in bbPress? I am about ready to give up and go back to pphpBB, even though I don’t like it. Instructions said to upload plugin to my-plugins directory, which doesn’t exist. I created it, but it didn’t work anyway, backticks or no backticks. Why should we need a plugin just to post an image?

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  • chrishajer


    You need a plugin to post images because bbpress out of the box is very lightweight. Many forums don’t want or need images, so that functionality comes in the form of a plugin. For example, the largest bbPress installation ( ) doesn’t allow images.

    If you post a link to your forum and possibly a little better description of what you are doing, what happens, and what you expected to happen, maybe someone can help you.

    I can confirm the AllowImages PlugIn does work.

    What I’m missing from your report above is the activation of the PlugIn that is required to make it … well … active. To do so, you will have to navigate to admin section, select the right-most menu in the bar and activate the PlugIn there.

    I think this process is described in the docs very well already.

    Sorry for the whining, people. I was tired & it was late. It is possible I forgot to, um, activate the plugin.

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