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  • #63002

    How would one integrate them if they were on different domains?

    Like say wordpress is at and bbpress is at

    it seems that all the integration instructions out there only work if bbpress is within the same root domain as wordpress.


    I am with you horrorshow.

    I use WPMU a lot, but the support on plugins and documentation is far from enough. There seems no official support except the core of WPMU.

    In the past few releases, donncha would merge the equivalent WPMU version after the single version was out for several days.


    In reply to: User Groups!


    Use it , is so easy , but don’t turn on “Hide Private Forums and Topics” cause it have a lot of bugs , don’t use too “add users” or “restrict registration” plugin cause it will reset you private forums , if you need add users from admin panel use integration with worddpress and you will don’t have any problem

    sorry for my bad english



    Will there be a new release of WordPress MU as well?

    I am not complaining, but I sometimes feel like WPMU is the ugly stepchild in that there is always extra hurdles to get things working with other software. ;)

    Don’t get me wrong, I love WPMU since it allows me to create a blog community and do some really cool things. keep up the good work!

    Sam Bauers

    If you can wait a couple of days, WordPress/bbPress integration is a lot easier with a combination of WordPress version 2.5 and bbPress version 0.9


    By the way, I didn’t install any plugin for integration on either side



    Thanks for the detailed instructions. After,

    1. modifying the config.php as you stated above

    2. modifying bb_cookie() by not sending the time to setcookie()

    I am able to login and logout on either side, in any sequence.

    One more thing that I have notified (even not serious, but worth mentioning), is that if

    1. login on either side

    2. logout on WPMU

    3. visit bbPress, the first time will show up the user is still logged in

    4. refresh the page, or visit any page, it shows the user NO LONGER logged in

    I guess there may be some logic missing in bbPress for checking the existence of cookie and clear the session, on the first attempt.


    Sorry for misleading.

    I mean I got a similar case as you do, thus case 2

    and thanks for the link.


    Everything is possible. I suspect no one here has tried to do it, or at least not mentioned that they had done it.


    I know next to nothing about integration, but if you check the source for a forum page, you’ll see that all the header stuff is from WordPress not bbPress. I would guess it has something to do with the way the header is being included. Hopefully someone who knows how to do this will come along soon. But I think it’s safe to say the header is your WordPress header not your bbPress header.


    So is this not possible? Or has just no one tried to do it before?


    Looks like you’re using the WordPress header (blogheader) and WordPress would be looking for bloginfo(‘name’) and wp_title() where bbPress looks for bb_get_title() and uses whatever forum or topic you’re viewing. So, the bbPress data is not available to WordPress.

    Just a guess. Not sure of the best way to fix it, but I would guess that’s what’s going on. The header is supplied by WordPress but the titles need to be supplied by bbPress functions.


    I customised my bbpress forum to fit in with the look of my blog.

    I am 99% finished now but noticed one problem.

    If you go to all forum pages have the same page title.

    What have I done wrong and does anyone know how to rectify it?


    1. Good. The easiest way is if the installations are like this: (which is actually WordPress)

    (the bbPress installation is in a subfolder of your WordPress folder.)

    2. Search this forum for integration or view topics tagged integration. Here’s a good one:

    3. Maybe bbSync


    1. I have a wordpress blog and a bbpress forum. Independent of eachother (different directories).

    2. How do I integrate the two? By integrate I mean: Have bbpress be a page within the blog. ( style)

    3. It would be cool to integrate the blog comments into forum posts too but lets just work and word this out one at a time.

    Thank you in advance for clearing this up.

    Beau Lebens

    Actually I’m not using any plugins for the integration process, as bbPress and MU seem to handle it reasonably well “out of the box”.

    I’m running r1197 of WPMU and of bbPress.

    Here’s some of the things that are modified/running though:

    config changes in bbPress:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';

    // Integrating with mu
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->cookiedomain = ''; // leading . allows subdomain sharing
    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser'; // WPMU doesn't hash cookies
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass'; // WPMU doesn't hash cookies

    // Load WordPress so we can use the same templates.
    define('WP_BB', 'true');
    require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-blog-header.php';

    config changes for WPMU

    // Adding custom settings to force cookies to be shared with/accessible to bbPress
    define('USER_COOKIE', 'wordpressuser');
    define('PASS_COOKIE', 'wordpresspass');
    define('COOKIEPATH', $base);
    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/');
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', ''); // same as bbPress

    Plugins in bbPress

    – A custom one I call “NoLogin” that just attempts to remove all reference that’s built into bbPress (and block actual attempts) at logging in via bbPress (rather than via MU)

    – MD5 insecurity for bbPress by Sam Bauers

    – A quick fix called “MainDomain” that redirects requests to a subdomain instance of the forums to the canonical version which is hosted from (rather than

    – A quick and dirty “FixKSES” which allows the left/center/justify/right paragraph buttons to work in TinyMCE, because I’m using that for post formatting.

    – Display Names by Michael Adams et al to show the MU display_name, rather than the bbPress username

    WPMU plugins/hacks

    Because I load the WP engine in addition to the bbPress engine (not very performance-friendly, but makes life easier for sharing code etc), I have access to a lot of the functionality I rely on in the rest of the site – grabbing friendly usernames, user icons/avatars, links to profiles (which are handled completely outside bbPress and WP functionality), etc etc.

    I use the TinyMCE editor bundled with WP in bbPress for posting, which is surprisingly easy to add – just load the JS file and add a class to the TEXTAREA. The only thing I haven’t fixed just yet on this is that if you edit an existing post with multiple paragraphs in it then TinyMCE seems to squash it all back down to one.

    I also found that I had to add a quick function to stripslashes() onto the hooks “pre_post” and “pre_topic_title” to prevent annoying slashes appearing in them.

    One last thing that I discovered was that because the WP engine is being loaded to display bbPress pages, but it doesn’t really “know about” those pages (they’re not internal WP pages), it technically triggers a 404, even though it displays just find. I explained this a bit here: including a way around it.


    I’m actually using the same templates for bbPress as I am for MU. I accomplish this by symlinking those files directly from the place they normally live, into my-templates/mbob/header.php and footer.php, then make custom files for all the internal bits.

    HTH someone :)



    In reply to: Add a new page?

    I’m trying to do exactly the same thing. I’m really surprised that there’s not an easier way to just add a new page/template & tell bbpress to load the template based on the URI, there must be an easy fix via mod_rewrite, toying around with it now …

    There’s an interesting approach in this thread although thus far I haven’t been able to quite get that method behaving the way that I’d like, but will keep playing with it.

    Not sure if that helps, good luck & would be curious about any further insight anyone may have ?


    Funny that my settings are screwy and there are better ways at accomplishing single sign on?

    Or funny: “yes, this is the closest that I am able to get to single sign-on, and I get the same results”?

    If it’s the first case, then please enlighten me.

    If it’s the second case, then this link might help you.


    In reply to: Log in / Log out issue


    That used to happen here depending on which login box you used. I think it still does. You get a message in Firefox along the lines of “This page is redirecting in a way that will never resolve”.

    Discussion long ago about this very problem:

    I think since then, I’ve learned second hand that this does not work because referers are blocked by the browser or personal firewall. If referers were enabled, I don’t think it would happen. Maybe that’s why IE acts differently than FF. See this recent discussion:


    This thread is a few weeks old but just wanted to make sure you saw that I made a plugin to do mass deletions:


    In reply to: pig2twig


    It’s unlikely to be the bbPress software’s fault.

    If you are using a Hotmail or AOL account, they tend to block many independent servers because of configuration requirements.

    Try getting a gmail account instead if you use hotmail normally and you’ll find much more of your email showing up.


    Topic: pig2twig

    in forum Troubleshooting

    hi i see that bbpress is the name on the website pig2twig. i am having trouble registering on the website, i have done so 5 times over 3 days but have never received my password. i wondered if anybody could help me please?



    I tried your settings, and it’s funny that if you login on either on side, you cannot log out on the other side.

    If I login WPMU first, I can only logout through WPMU.


    Thanks. i have the same problem!:)

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