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  • #3005

    ATTN: This post appears on both as well as forums so I can get the best response possible!

    Alright, well some of you out there have been kind enough to help me via the forums or within the mIRC channel while we waiting on status of the new bbPress. First of all, thank you so much for all the help! After much research, I think I know what I need to do…

    I laid out what I want my actual users to be able to do! A very basic overview would be this:

    Primarily WordPress Accounts: Posting ability on the “main site” (AKA WordPress install), posting ability on the forums of the site, ability to post comments to WordPress posts and a robust profile.

    Primarily bbPress Accounts: Posting ability within the forums, ability to post comments to WordPress posts and a robust profile.

    What these two types of accounts need to share is a unified Registration page, unified login/password recovery/login form.

    I think I know how to go about this… basically I want my header.php to be the same throughout the website AND forums. That way it is the same login form, same link to register, same password recovery. And to change the register form I just need to use the WordPress one and just have the WordPress Intergration plugin, display name plugin and name with spaces plguin for bbPress … I believe.

    I’m still kinda new to all this so I could use any input possible.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for the long read!

    Justin Tadlock

    I run a bbPress install at

    My problem is that when I click to go to the next page or page 2 of a forum or topic, I am taken to the first page. So, users can’t access everything.

    I use these calls in my template files:


    The links show properly, but nothing happens.

    I’m also using slug-based URLs but have tried all three options with no success.

    My .htaccess file looks like this:

    AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php
    AddHandler x-httpd-php .php4

    Options +MultiViews

    However, I’ve tried several different versions with no pagination success.

    I also have this integrated into a WordPress install.

    I’m at a loss at the moment and was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what might be causing this.

    [Edit] Here’s an example page 2:



    Major help is needed. I’m new to bbPress and am quite ‘nooby’; with these things :/ I done everything and I can’t access my forums:

    Whats wrong?….


    There’s no simple way to do this… and there’s a ton of possible security holes if you do it wrong.

    You will need to have a database table to store session information, and check that on every page load.

    The iframe approach would need to only indicate that the user was logged on, but make sure you don’t set the password cookie that way… just the sessionid or userid, and then each application would have to check the shared session store.


    The auto-close-tags was broken in earlier versions of bbPress but if I am not mistaken, this is possibly fixed in 0.9 (out any day now).

    I just tested it on and leaving off the end tick simply treats the open tick like any other character (ie. no text is converted to code)


    This indeed is a very tricky problem because everything about a browser’s security is designed to prevent this from happening. addresses it in one possible way (across multiple domain names) via I believe a hidden iframe (as Sam suggests).

    I’ve noticed cookies are still sent with images loaded from another domain so that might be another way but you’ll still not be able to read them on the server since it’s not the local domain.


    I’m using this plugin at and I’m having problems with loginb in while on PDA/mobile phone. Could this be on the fault of the devices?

    Sam Bauers

    There may be some trickery you could do using iFrames to get the two different domains sending cookies at the same time on login. It wouldn’t be pretty though, and you would have to really test your code for vulnerabilities.

    Beau Lebens

    @McKrazie – I just removed the bbPress registration stuff and require my users to register through my WordPress (MU) installation, although I’m actually running its registration through a totally customized process as well.

    If you set up your cookies in bbP and WPMU properly, then users should only have to log in once (as long as it’s all on the same domain/subdomain) – see here for how i did it


    Beau Lebens

    @talbina – Automattic just hired the developer of BuddyPress (, which is basically what you’re asking for, minus bbPress. So they are thinking somewhere along the lines of what you’re saying :)

    Needless to say it’s not much of a leap to take what comes of BuddyPress (a solid social networking core) and integrate that with bbPress to add the forums element (assuming BuddyPress doesn’t move in that direction itself, which is quite possible).

    Beau Lebens

    @jel3: it’s possible on different *sub*domains, but not on entirely different domains (transparently, as you said).



    Topic: Profile link?

    in forum Installation

    I have personalised my bbpress forum and want to add a link on the page to allow the user to edit their profile (I have removed the original, “Welcome….” section at the top)

    What do I need to link to for the page to redirect the user to their profile?


    I guess I’ll have to set up the wordpress login to redirect to the bbpress login page sending over the user info and then loging them into bbpress and redirecting them back to where they started.

    But that seems like a lot of goings ons for a simple login. Any ideas on how I could simplify that at all?

    Another thought would be to create a plugin to check for the wordpress cookie and then if present set the bbpress cookies.


    The problem is that WordPress and BBpress both use cookies for login.

    Since your browser will only send the cookie for the domain that it was set on, it’s not going to work automatically.

    You could use the same login database, of course. It’s just not going to be transparent.


    Is this possible? I’ve tried every configuration I can think of and it’s just not working. Am i just missing something simple or is it not possible?

    you meant the “anti-corporate image”? that’s what i really like.


    When I type this in the body:

    I’m postin’ a test.

    I get this:

    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘m postin’ a test.

    ‘,’2008-03-11 07:01:23’, ‘’, ‘0’, 1)’ at line 4]

    INSERT INTO bb_posts (forum_id, topic_id, poster_id, post_text, post_time, poster_ip, post_status, post_position) VALUES (’18’, ‘7’, ‘2’, ‘

    I’m postin’ a test.

    ‘,’2008-03-11 07:01:23’, ‘’, ‘0’, 1)

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/13057/domains/ in /home/13057/domains/ on line 164

    When I post this in the body:

    I’m postin’ a test.

    Everything goes through without an error.


    I’ve heard several people telling that bbPress wouldn’t be updated anymore, because of a new system that is coming soon.

    Those people are grossly misinformed.

    By the way, WordPress 2.5 has been delayed a bit due to illness. We’ll release bbPress when WordPress 2.5 comes out (I’m trying to find out a more exact time now).


    I you are the administrator of the pig2twig forum, I suggest you contact the web host, which appears to be 1&1 Internet. If you are a user of the pig2twig forum, I suggest you contact the administrator of that forum. Since the site is down, I have no idea how to contact that person or who that is although it appears the domain is registered to Penguin Books?


    Penguin Books Ltd

    Registrant’s address:

    80 Strand


    WC2R 0RL


    The bottom line is, it’s not the bbPress software causing the problem. The whole site is down, as are other domains on the same IP address. The problem lies there, not with bbPress.


    I’m trying to delete some posts. When I hit “delete” the post turns red. When I refresh the forum, I find that the posts are still there. They do not show up in the Admin panel of Deleted posts. I was able to delete before… the last one was about a week ago. I haven’t done anything to the forum since then. The last change I made was adding the Report Post plugin, but that was BEFORE I deleted my last post (2/25/08).

    I’m running the latest released version of bbPress, which is integrated with WP 2.3.

    Here are the plugins that I am currently running in bbPress:

    Use Display Name 0.7.2

    BBCode for bbPress 0.1

    Quote 0.2

    Show Post Count .73a

    Page Links 1.0.3

    Indicate New Posts 0.8

    Simple Onlinelist 1.5

    Move It 0.14

    Censor 0.1

    Page >> 0.7

    Unread Topics 0.4

    Comment Quicktags for bbPress 1.1

    bbPress Polls 0.27

    bbEmoticons 0.72

    Enhanced Registration

    Report Post 0.12

    bb-benchmark 0.17


    Good to see that bbPress stil gets updated. I’ve heard several people telling that bbPress wouldn’t be updated anymore, because of a new system that is coming soon.


    In reply to: Add a new page?

    Decided to make a customized version or post-form.php as a template file that lives in the root folder, adding get_header & get_footer and passing the forum id as a GET var from wherever it’s linked from, which does the trick for me in the context of how our forums are designed. So you can just call it as yoursite.tld/your-bbpress-dir/post-form/?forum_id =n

    I’m sure there’s other ways of going about something like this, but this works for me.



    I am trying to install the newest editions of both WordPress and bbPress onto the same site as of March 10, 2008. The desired URLs for both are:



    I have both running from the same database and thats all setup good. However, I have a few questions:

    1) I want a single registration page. Meaning that I want a visitor to the site to click on either the forums Register link or even the front page Register link and be brought to the same page and have both WordPress and bbPress share the same user table … how can this be done?

    2)Secondly, I want my registered users to be able to sign in at the front page OR on the forums and be logged in until they timeout or logout… how can this be done?

    3)With those two steps, my final request is how can I fully integrate my WordPress and bbPress? I plan to use the WordPress install for front page news and website content and my bbPress to be (you guessed it) my forums. As far as features is concerned, I would just want to display the top 10 most recent threads on the front page as well as another widget I have planned for a different feature that wouldn’t affect the forums so I’ll leave that one along for now.

    I have no problem editting files if I need to. I’m no pro but I have enough knowledge to get me by.

    Thank you in advance!


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/leodncom/public_html/bbpress/bb-settings.php on line 169

    i found this error on installing bbpress on my server.

    pls help me to clear it

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