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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #64005
    Sam Bauers

    Try putting this in your bb-config, it should rename those bbPress cookies for you:

    $bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser';
    $bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass';


    You may also need to adjust the cookie domain and path, but try that first.


    I don’t know anything about MU and how integration with bbPress and MU works.

    That’s the weird thing, after I effectively stopped it being integrated then it still failed to let me into the admin panel. Even more curious is that although my forum user database still exists, it doesn’t seem that bbPress is now recognising it – even though it’s set to use the same database. All users are displaying as Anonymous or Inactive.

    I think I solved why I can’t access the admin panel though… it doesn’t appear that I’m an admin anymore…


    I installed bbPress on a directory called /discussions on the root of my hosting account, where I have also installed WordPress 2.5, everything on the installation went ok, but after all been done, the admin login to the dashboard gives me the following message:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    Any solution?


    I for one would appreciate the possibility for registration approval. I’m currently involved in a zero budget project to launch a forum on a sports related website that runs WordPress as CMS, and registration approval seems to become the last thing we need to solve before choosing bbPress (over Vanilla.) In this scenario, a registration approval plugin for bbPress would naturally be very handy. (I don’t think we have skills to make our own plugin.)

    For what the approval thing is needed, then? For example, Vanilla discussion forum uses registration approval in a way we would appreciate to copy for our project. The idea of people not registering an account but applying for one would suit our project really well. “Why do you want to join this forum?” is a question we would like people to answer before letting them post anything.

    A Finnish online magazine covering ice hockey,, has a forum that has grown into a lively discussion community for over 13,000 registered users without losing its, well, usefulness. It’s not only because of strict moderation of discussions, they require their users to apply for registration as well. Given that the topic is ice hockey (you know, that game with all the tackling and fighting and strong emotions) and most forum users are hockey fans (“We want blood!”) and male (“We want blood!”), we consider that a great role model for this forum project of ours, even though we don’t expect our forum to become as popular (and we are not about ice hockey.)

    (In what comes to our project, we might still decide to NOT having approval for registration. There are advantages in also not having that, of course.)


    If you are just trying to filter out spam bots, try my Human Test:

    Someone would have to explain the need for registration approval to me before I would bother making such a plugin.


    I’ve now written a plugin to solve this problem:


    In reply to: key master only forum


    I’ve now written a plugin to solve this problem:


    In reply to: Forum Disappeared!

    I found the issue. The table names were custom set to not interfear with anything that that wasn’t called out anywhere in the install process except in an advanced (hidden) area.

    I’ve re-installed BBPress 4 times now and I finally go it to work, with all my old posts, but I can’t log in. :(


    This question is related:

    I think I will make a real plugin since this seems to be a requested feature that is not too hard to handle in 0.9 Look for it in the plugin section over the next day or two.


    I have a karma plugin in development but it is not available yet and most likely will not be until early May.

    You can preview it in use at

    The code in brackets is BBcode so you want my BBlite:


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Still no luck getting Comment Quicktags for bbPress to work in the latest bbPress install.


    Hi Sam, would this hold good to WPMU as well? I figure it is definitely not as up to date as WP.

    I tried installing these plugins in bbPress but WordPress doesn’t seem to recognize that I am already logged into bbPress or vice versa.

    When I look at the cookies, WPMU has just wordpresspass & wordpressuser set. The bbPress cookies look like wordpressuser_2c7… & wordpresspass_2c7..

    This is with the two plugins installed and made to load with the underscore.

    I will appreciate any help. Thanks!


    In reply to: Uninstall forum?


    I think it is. The only issue is if you had an integrated install, then you would have bbPress users in your wp_users and wp_usermeta table. You would probably have to manually remove those entries from those tables. Don’t drop the wp_ tables, just the bb_tables.

    I think that’s about it. Once the code is gone from the filesystem, the database doesn’t matter much except for keeping things tidy.


    Topic: Uninstall forum?

    in forum Installation


    I wish to uninstall bbPress from my WP 2.5 installation and was wondering if it were as simple as:

    – Deleting the forum sub-folder from my /blog/forum folder

    – Dropping the bb tables from the shared database




    “Why does it matter? I’m curious.”

    1- Makes up for a long list when you’ve deleted hundreds of posts/topics

    2- Bloats the database for absolutely nothing

    Doesn’t matter, I’m about to remove bbPress from my WP installation, not enough Admin control.




    Horrorshow said >>>

    Also, I added the “cookiedomain” to the config.php

    Here’s the full list relevant to the integration.


    There is no config.php file. What file are you talking about? Do you mean wp-config.php in WordPress? If I’m using WPMU, where would these changes go?

    Could you post the entire procedure for integrating bbPress with WPMU?



    I don’t know anything about MU and how integration with bbPress and MU works.


    Hi, I’m currently having a similar problem. Having just upgraded to the new version of bbPress and taking advantage of it’s automated WordPress integration. However upon completing this I found I couldn’t access the admin panel.

    I removed the bb-config.php file and ran through the installation again, leaving out the sections relating to WordPress integration. However I still cannot access the administrative panel.

    I’ve tried some of the recommendations around the forum such as this, but to no avail.

    Ideas? Feedback appreciated.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    I wasn’t having any luck using Comment Quicktags for bbPress with v0.9.0.1. I’ll give it another shot tonight though.


    In reply to: Redirect problem


    I don’t have pretty permalinks on. I don’t have an .htaccess file in the bbpress install. My root .htaccess is this

    php_flag register_globals off

    RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})/([^/]+)/print/?$ /wp-print.php?year=$1&monthnum=$2&day=$3&name=$4 [QSA,L]

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*comment_author_.*$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wordpressuser.*$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wp-postpass_.*$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wordpress/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1index.html.gz -f
    RewriteRule ^(.*) /wordpress/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1index.html.gz [L]

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*comment_author_.*$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wordpressuser.*$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wp-postpass_.*$
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1index.html -f
    RewriteRule ^(.*) /wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1index.html [L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    <Files 403.shtml>
    order allow,deny
    allow from all
    #AddHandler php5-script .php


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    The insert function in Comment Quicktags for bbPress can easily be reused to insert smilies. You don’t want to use wp-grins because it has to load prototype.js which is huge and slow.


    bbPress needs the internal rewrite engine that WordPress has.

    Multiviews is unreliable and availability is inconsistent.

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