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  • #64874

    This also happens to me! However, I’ve never looked into it…

    I just looked, and bbPress uses newlines to indicate breaks. This is parsed into <p>’s by a filter upon display. However, the edit textarea shows the unparsed text with just the newlines, and this gets mangled by tinymce.

    If you set this tinymce config value, though, it will turn newlines into br’s, which should fix this problem for new posts:


    I just tested this, and it works on new posts! (It won’t work on old posts…)


    I was having the exact same problem. This post has been very helpful in resolving the problem:


    I’m using the latest version of tinyMCE in my bbPress forum, but have run into an issue while editing posts. This problem occurs in both TinyMCE AND FCKeditor, so it must be related to how bbPress handles these types of plugins.

    I can post new topics fine and everything works. However, when I go in to edit a post the WYSIWYG editor loses all <p> tags, forcing everything to appear on a single line. All other formatting is retained correctly by the editor.

    Any idea on how I can fix this problem?


    I’m having this same problem. Fresh installation using version

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 - Creating database tables
    >>> Create table bb_forums
    >>> Create table bb_posts
    >>> Create table bb_topics
    >>> Create table bb_topicmeta
    >>> Create table bb_tags
    >>> Create table bb_tagged
    >>> Added index wp_users UNIQUE KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)
    >>>>>> Duplicate key name 'user_nicename'

    Step 2 - WordPress integration (optional)
    >>> WordPress address (URL): MYURL
    >>> Blog address (URL): MYURL
    >>> WordPress cookie secret key set.
    >>> WordPress database secret set.
    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    Step 3 - Site settings
    >>> Site name: MYSITENAME
    >>> Site address (URL): MYURL
    >>> From email address: MYEMAIL
    >>> Key master role assigned to existing user
    >>>>>> Username: admin
    >>>>>> Email address: MYEMAIL
    >>>>>> Password: Your existing password
    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community
    >>> Forum could not be created!
    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

    I should note that I assigned the key master as my admin user in WordPress. When I go to my forum I receive the following error….

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /MYPATH/bb-config.php on line 22


    Topic: Public forums

    in forum Installation

    Does bbpress support the creation of public (no need to login) forums?


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    I wish there was a beta script! I really want to move from phpbb3 to bbpress now.


    I was having the exact same problem, but with normal WP (not WPMU).

    My problem was that I instaled wp and bbPress both in subfolders, like:

    The problem was on cookies, since bbPress was creating them on root and wordpress both on root and on ./wordpress – but it seems that the ‘good cookie’ was the one on ./wordpress.

    The ideal solution would be to set WP to use cookies only on root, but I wasn’t able to do it in a simple way. So I configured bbPress to set cookies on ./wordpress.

    This was done by simply adding a line to bb-config.php:

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘./wordpress’;

    Now it seems that all is working fine.

    Hope it helps you too ;)


    The proper header for the page apparently is not being sent until there is a logged in user.

    I’ll see if I can reproduce this. Is it in kakumei theme?

    Update: this works fine on my setup:

    You might have something sending whitespace before all the headers can be sent so the page encoding gets broken until the user is logged in. Are there any errors visible when you do a “view source” or any javascript errors?


    I’ve tried mod_rewrite, but running into problems with the wp_redirect functions in bbPress redirecting the page after the URL has been rewritten, so that the URL changes back to the longer form.

    For example, this mod_rewrite rule:

    RewriteRule ^profile/username forums/profile/username [L]

    will rewrite:


    Except, that after its been rewritten, bbPress forces a redirection, causing the URL in the browser window to change to the longer form.


    Be sure to add it to the plugin browser so more people will see it:


    In reply to: User languages?


    It made sense to me, but I didn’t think it would be happening any time soon. Since WordPress just got this functionality in 2.5, I figured it would be a while until bbPress got it since it’s not quite to version 1 right now. The projects they took on for the Google Summer of Code were related to import/export, not anything like this, that I know of.


    In reply to: Reply Bug


    maybe it’s bb-attachment plugin??

    line 97

    // insane bbPress workaround – adds multipart enctype to the new post form via uri patch

    function bb_attachments_enctype() {add_filter( ‘bb_get_option_uri’,’bb_attachments_uri’,999);}

    function bb_attachments_uri($uri) {remove_filter( ‘bb_get_option_uri’,’bb_attachments_uri’,999);

    return $uri. ‘bb-post.php” enctype=”multipart/form-data” hack=”‘;}

    let me contact the maker.

    Sam Bauers


    You guessed right. :)


    It looks like it indeed breaks something. If you comment out wp_redirect in the functions.php, you will be able to use mod_rewrite to rewrite a URL to a bbPress page. However, this breaks authentication, and causes bbPress to think you are not logged in, even if you are. Not sure how to fix this.

    Sam Bauers

    @ mykes

    What version of WordPressMU?

    I’m not sure that the latest version is compatible with bbPress yet. The recent Release Candiadte is though.


    It looks like the culprit is the wp_redirect function() which includes the header() function. This function appears in several bbPress files. I’m not exactly sure what the intent of them are.

    In the functions.php file, I commented out lines 2061 and 2062 in the bbPress functions.php file:

    if ( $check != $uri && $check != str_replace(urlencode($_original_id), $_original_id, $uri) ) {
    //wp_redirect( $permalink );

    This seems to be helping with the problem. Not sure if it’s going to break something else though.


    I did some digging, and although I have not found a solution. I believe the conflict with mod_rewrite and bbPress is that bbPress is using the header() function to send raw HTTP headers to the client. I notice that two files contain header() functions that send a “Location:” header to the browser:

    • bb-load.php

    • pluggable.php

    These seem to be forcing bbPress to redirect the URLs, even after a mod_rewrite rule executes.

    I’m a total php novice, so I’m not really sure how to fix this.


    I have bbPress installed in a directory called “forums” on my web server. I have Pretty Permalinks enabled and working. To view the profile of a member, I can go to this URL:

    However, I would like the url to be:

    I’ve tried writing a mod_rewrite rule which rewrites the latter to the former. However, instead of rewriting it, it redirect and exposes the URL. For example. Typing this into the browser:

    Redirects to this, instead of rewriting it:

    Here is the mod_rewrite I am using:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteRule ^profile/membername$ /forums/profile/membername [L]

    If I change the rule to rewrite the URL to a simple text file, it rewrites properly and masks the URL. For example, this works:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteRule ^profile/membername$ /forums/textfile.txt[L]

    Another example, I wrote this rule, as a test, to rewrite a URL to the rewrite-rules.php file:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    Options +FollowSymlinks
    RewriteRule ^profile/membername$ /forums/bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php [L]

    I type in this url into my browser:

    And it redirects to ths instead:

    If I replace all the text in the rewrite-rules.php file with “test text”, then the URL rewrites properly.

    So it seems that when you are rewriting and URL to a bbPress php file, it will always redirect instead of rewriting, which is quite annoying. I’m trying to trace in the bbPress functions and settings where this is occuring. But I’m having no luck.

    Any suggestions?


    I just found a blog post about this, where the author has made the code into a plugin. It’s available for download here:

    How to remove forum and topic keyword from bbpress url

    The author lists two minor issues here, which hopefully someone here can suggest a fix for:

    • The Link to BBpress admin board link does not work from main site. It redirects to home page. You will need to manually type the link to go inside.

    • In case you type something which does not exists as<bbpress-directory>/sdaksda it returns<bbpress-directory&gt:// . An extra slash.


    Chris, you have a point. However the URL structure of forums and topics always begin with “forum” or “topic”. As in:

    So it would seem that it should be possible to remove the “bbpress” from the URL without interfering with a WordPress installation.

    Having said that, I think the solution proposed in the thread I referred to in my last post ( is a much more elegant solution for shortening the bbPress URLs.


    It could work like that I think if there were no website (like WordPress) in the www root. Otherwise, how does the server know it’s a bbPress page vs. a WordPress page?

    If you are running a forum only on a domain, then it would be silly to have it in any sort of directory at all. Otherwise, if you have a website in the root, you have to put bbPress into some sort of directory to prevent confusion.


    Just found an earlier thread which hits on a similar problem with shortening the bbPress URL:

    nicer slug url rewrite plugin (done!)

    In the thread’s example. In shows you how to shorten a url like:


    Now, if it could also be shortened to:

    That would be even better.

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