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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • chrishajer

    1. Cool (thank you), 2. Good, 3. Awesome.

    I forgot two other things which may or may not apply with current versions of bbPress. Include the my-plugins and my-templates folders, empty if necessary. Then it sort of makes sense when people are looking and thinking “where do I put this plugin?”

    Not sure if the my-* folders are still necessary or if everything goes into bb-* folders now.

    There was one more item, but I have lost the thought. Maybe it will come back to me later.

    EDIT: oh yeah. Why not include the code for search in the template, just commented out? I know there is one camp for tags and one for search, but people asking how to add search is a fairly common thing too. It’s built in, so why not just put it in the template, and comment it out if you don’t want to default to having it turned on?

    Why not something like:

    /* uncomment this to show the search box
    search_form( $q );
    */ ?>


    Hi chrishajer,

    yes youre right but im using the wordpress trunk and bbpress – and there are changes to the cookie handling again in wp. bbpress will follow soon, i think.

    thank you very much for taking care of it, sambauers ;)

    have both a nice day ;)



    In reply to: TalkPress

    Sam Bauers


    That’s a fairly serious accusation and warrants an investigation if true. Can you be more specific please?

    bbPress does a lot of filtering of user input to avoid these things. What part of bbPress was exploited? A topic, a profile?

    Code injection in bbPress installs is usually a symptom of insecure shared hosting, not bbPress itself.

    Sam Bauers

    I’m pretty sure that’s not a problem security wise as far as bbPress is concerned.

    That code you refer to is being rewritten for another reason at the moment.

    Sam Bauers

    1. I have a project on the backburner which deals with this.
    2. This is a lot harder, but the user role map goes a long way to adressing this.
    3. It’s in the works for 1.0

    Sam Bauers

    Yes, WordPress is changing it’s cookie structure yet again.

    We will be up to speed with that shortly.


    Depends on your domain. It takes about 1 week of the frontpage.

    All subject can take 3-4 weeks I think!


    Hi and thanks for bbpress and the plugins.

    I integrated wordpress and bbpress in my site with some plugins.

    In the log of my host I find this error:

    [Thu Jun 12 13:57:36 2008] [error] PHP Warning: parse_url(/2008/06/urlofpostofwordpress//appserv/main.php?appserv_root= [<a href='function.parse-url'>function.parse-url</a>]: Unable to parse url in /home/teayudoe/public_html/foros/bb-includes/functions.php on line 1794

    I have the same errors with anothers urls/scripts

    And the last week I saw other similar errors

    I investigated the urls and I think are script to attack servers

    I’m not worried about the safety of my site, I believe that these script can not do anything, what I am wrong?

    It is possible to fix the error by putting @ forward parse_url functions.php on line 1794 (

    I have to worry?


    Pd. Sorry for my english. The English is not my mother tongue


    I added

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <?php bb_get_header(); ?>

    to the beginning, and

    <?php bb_get_footer(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    to the end.

    obviously, this calls both the wordpress and bbpress headers.

    that makes everything work, except for the wordpress search engine.

    any ideas?



    Sam, that’s a good point. Thanks.

    I would say that the number one request is for people to make their bbPress look like their WordPress. Lots of people are just using a WordPress template they found, so they’re not really up for customizing bbPress, since they really didn’t customize WordPress in the first place.

    If there were an easy way to make their bbPress look like their WordPress it would answer a lot of requests. I think that’s why people are sometimes drawn to a WordPress forum plugin, since then it’s just a WordPress page and it looks like the rest of their site.

    1. Make bbPress look just like the WordPress it’s integrated with.

    2. Make the logins work in both places (with proper roles and capabilities.)

    3. .htaccess with mod_rewrite rules, out of the box, for permalink support.

    With those three things, the number of support requests per day here would go down dramatically.


    Not sure which versions you’re running, but cookies are compatible in bbPress and WordPress 2.5.1. They changed the cookie hash method. If the changeset is equivalent to 2.5.1 (my /tags/2.5.1 WordPress installation is changeset 7835) then the cookies should work, so long as you’re using bbPress

    What bbPress version are you using?

    Sam Bauers

    Keep in mind though that including WordPress inside bbPress is an incredible overhead for what is just a modification to the presentation layer.

    The most lightweight solution is to create your own theme in my-templates which extends the default theme. Any file that is not found in your own theme simply falls back to using the default, so your theme could consist of as little as a style.css file (which could itself simply import the default themes style.css – see kakumei-blue theme for an example of how to do that), a header file and a footer file.


    That doesn’t happen in my installation. Maybe it’s a cookie problem, since that is how bbPress knows you’re already logged in (via a cookie.)

    Need more information on your installation. Can you post a link to your forum so others can try it?

    Unfortunately, Detective’s solution doesn’t work with the latest versions. I’m experiencing the same issues (integrated scenario):

    User registers on bbpress and logs in there

    User can acces the WP Site Admin section, but it says: Welcome, . (a space instead of the user name)

    User comments are registered as ‘Anonymous’

    I noticed the only way to fix this is to go to WP user management panel, editing and saving the user.

    So the user has to be actively (and manually : ) updated to have his name listed under his comments.

    I haven’t found any way to avoid this, but if anyone can I’d be much abliged!



    I have successfully installed and integrated my wordpress 2.5.1 with BBpress latest version today.

    WP is at


    Everything looks good. However, I was wondering if there is any way to post images. The Image attachment plugin says it only works up to BBpress .7 version.

    Any help/suggestion?


    Does anyone know why I would get Plugin could not be activated; it produced a Fatal Error when trying activate this as a plugin? I’m running bbPress 0.8.3…


    In reply to: Admin rights


    I just installed bb press at with the latest stable version of WPMU in the root directory. When I goto a page such as I get the main blogs 404 error page. Do I need something in a .htaccess file or something?

    EDIT: I get it with trying to view forums too, I am using name based permalinks.

    EDIT2: Ok it seems the answer is simple I just needed to RTD (Read The Documentation), Options +MultiViews

    <rant>IDK why they just couldn’t distribute a .htaccess file with that line with bbpress. Save people the trouble because they mention it in the documentation here but at the verry least it should like to the documentation where you set permalink options. </rant>


    I would recommend adding a comment to the support forum for the plugin rather than posting it here.


    bbPress will use the stock files for any template file not in your template folder. So, if you have a folder called bb-templates/custom, you could conceivably have just one file in there (say front-page.php) and then that file would override the stock files, but all other files would be used from the stock template.

    *I think* – that’s how it used to work anyway.


    Just found an answer here

    Should’ve searched more thoroughly!


    In reply to: bbSync


    oops, my bad.

    i installed it as a bbpress plugin instead of a wordpress plugin. working fine now




    Just installed bbPress and noticed that peoples email addresses are displayed on the profile pages. I would prefer if users email addresses were not displayed on their profile page.

    However I cannot find where to edit what user information is displayed on the profile. All I can find in the profile.php is a call called bb_profile_data();.

    Anyone know where I would find and edit what info is shown when this is called?



    I currently use minibb. I have been running my forum for over 5 years and I love some of it’s features, absence of which would have made running my forum nightmare.

    Here are some features I would like to see in bbpress:

    1) Ability to place posts of new users in a moderation queue. Once I approve the users, posts by them will appear.

    2) Ability to view/review all the posts/topics since I last checked. Once I check the topics/posts, they’ll not be displayed again.

Viewing 25 results - 56,601 through 56,625 (of 64,065 total)
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