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  • #3582
    Catia Kitahara

    Hi, everyone,

    I’m trying to deactivate my plugins to upgrade my bbPress from to On my admin interface there’s no activate/deactivate button. It’s been a while since I installed them, but I guess I only needed to upload the plugin to my plugins folder and that’s it. So I just deleted the plugins from my-plugins folder. I thought it was going to uninstall them, however the forum stops working and I get the following messages:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-settings.php on line 169

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-admin/plugins.php on line 7

    Am I doing something wrong?

    thanks in advance.



    Hi there everybody,

    I am new to bbPress and would like to know a few things before I start to hopefully use it with sites. The main thing I need to know is that can you make it so that some threads/topics etc. can only been seen by certain users?


    there are different type of user group exist in the bbpress.

    how could i control / edit there purview in the bbpress for each group

    for example, how could i control the “delete purview” for each user group?

    if there are need a plugin to realize, which plugin should i install?

    if the plugin does not exist, how could i develop it in a esay way?

    how could i get the document about the development?

    thanks for your reply:)


    I’ve integrated bbpress with upgraded version of WP (just upgraded to v 2.5.1) and everything seemed to have gone fine during installation as I was getting all positive messages confirming that the steps were performed successfully.

    However when I go to the forum page itself, all I see if this:

    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”

    admin area loads, just front end doesn’t load at all, only this text appears. Can somebody help :)


    Nah, I was just going to alter the theme to match my website’s eventual design. Having bbPress handle everything except whether or not the user is logged in is fine by my (although I was also hoping to make it display the user’s avatar, display name, and whatnot).

    At this point though, because I don’t have much experience with extending WordPress, I’m just looking into writing my own custom system rather than play around with bbPress. While I could probably come up with a solution with some more effort, I can probably produce a workable forum that integrates fully into my system in about the same amount of time.

    Catia Kitahara

    Thanks a lot, Sam,

    Now, let me ask you something else, cause it’s not clear to me yet. Both the blog and the forum have been running in paralel for a while in the same domain, and pratically they share the same users. We didn’t integrated them before because we couldn’t make it work back then, so we decided to do it later. So both blog and bbPress tables have existing data. What will it happen to the users tables? They are going to be “merged”? I mean, most users have the same login for the blog and the forum. What will it happen to them? I think there might be a conflict. Will one of them be discarded? If so, which one? Should I check both tables prior the integration?

    Thanks again.



    same here


    Looking for the same solution….it doesn’t look trivial..


    I have the same issue plus i need bbpress to be wrapped within the central column of my site, which is generated by a php function….did you manage to do that?

    Sam Bauers

    As long as you have all the fields that should be there, the extra fields shouldn’t affect bbPress.

    Make sure you setup a WordPress to bbPress role map in bbPress before you do the integration. That way your WordPress admins should be able to instantly login to bbPress as keymasters.

    Keep in mind that if you have existing data in your bbPress tables, the user ID associations will be out of whack on posts and topics.

    Catia Kitahara

    Hi guys,

    I’ve got a wp blog and a bbpress forum which I want to integrate. I’ve upgraded the blog to WP2.5.1 and I’ll upgrade the forum to bbPress and then I want to integrate both.

    The thing is, my blog shares the wp_users table with another application and there are some extra fields on it for this application.

    Is that ok to do the integration, won’t it mess up this table? Any recomendations before I do the integration?

    Thanks in advance,



    I normally agree. This will probably be my only left-aligned bbPress theme. :)

    Thanks again for your feedback.


    Hello, I have installed bbPress at one of my websites (in a subdirectory called “forums” – i.e. bbPress is installed at

    I’m trying to set up Lighttpd URL rewrite rules now in order to achieve SEO friendly permalinks.

    I have tried to google a little bit but the only thing I have found is this:

    "^/forum/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => "/forum.php?id=$1&page=$2",
    "^/forum/([^/]+)/?$" => "/forum.php?id=$1",
    "^/topic/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => "/topic.php?id=$1&page=$2",
    "^/topic/([^/]+)/?$" => "/topic.php?id=$1",
    "^/tags/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => "/tags.php?tag=$1&page=$2",
    "^/tags/([^/]+)/?$" => "/tags.php?tag=$1",
    "^/tags/?$" => "/tags.php",
    "^/profile/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => "/profile.php?id=$1&page=$2",
    "^/profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$" => "/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2",
    "^/profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => "/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2&page=$3",
    "^/profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/favorites/?$" => "/profile.php?id=$1&tab=favorites",
    "^/profile/([^/]+)/?$" => "/profile.php?id=$1",
    "^/view/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => "/view.php?view=$1&page=$2",
    "^/view/([^/]+)/?$" => "/view.php?view=$1",
    "^/rss/?$" => "/rss.php",
    "^/rss/forum/([^/]+)/?$" => "/rss.php?forum=$1",
    "^/rss/topic/([^/]+)/?$" => "/rss.php?topic=$1",
    "^/rss/tags/([^/]+)/?$" => "/rss.php?tag=$1",
    "^/rss/profile/([^/]+)/?$" => "/rss.php?profile=$1"

    Could anybody tell me how to edit it taking into consideration the subfolder where the bbPress is installed?

    My current Lighttpd rewrite rules in config file are bellow:

    url.rewrite-once = (
    "^/(wp-.+).*/?" => "$0",
    "^/images/.*/?" => "$0",
    "^/forums/.*/?" => "$0",
    "^/temp/.*/?" => "$0",
    "^/(sitemap.xml)" => "$0",
    "^/(xmlrpc.php)" => "$0",
    "^/keyword/([A-Za-z_0-9-]+)/?$" => "/index.php?keyword=$1",
    "^/.*?(?.*)?$" => "/index.php$1"


    I am working on a new bbPress theme (dubbed “Ministry”) and would like your opinion. Especially on the color side of things: is it too light? etc. Anyway, here is the link.

    Once done, I will be releasing this theme. There will be a matching WordPress theme as well.

    Thanks in advance.


    So I deactivated the plugins. One at a time and retested and retested with both unplugged and it still wouldn’t post a new topic from the “home” page of the forum.

    This still only appears to be an issue of posting from the home page? Is it possible that the “add new topic” link on the home page is tied to a forum that doesn’t exist anymore?

    How does bbpress decide which forum to put a new topic into when it is started from the home page? Does it give you a drop down box to pick the forum?



    I’ve created a custom user system for a website and am looking for a forum solution; a friend recommended bbPress to me. However, I need to be able to integrate bbPress so I have a single sign-on and registration point.

    Searching around, I’ve found that I’ll need to write a plugin that overrides some of the functions in bb-includes/pluggable.php. All right, sure. This is my first time working with bbPress (no WordPress experience either), so I might as well ask those with more experience in case there’s any advice that could make this easier for me.

    I manage authentication through a single cookie with a login_key. This is a randomly-generated string of characters that gets stored in the user’s row in the users table. Each time the user signs in, the site generates a new key and stores that in the table and the cookie.

    The users table itself contains fields similar to those of bb_users: id, username, email, first_name, last_name, etc. So integration seems to be a matter of getting bbPress to check for my login_key cookie, and if the cookie is valid, load the data from my users table instead of from bb_users. I’m not concerned about registration, profiles or password changes, since those are all handled by the site on a larger level (although if I could disable those parts of bbPress, that would be helpful).

    Looking at pluggable.php, I’ll need to override wp_validate_auth_cookie() and bb_current_user() at the very least. Any other guidance?


    I’m using Transition Towns bbPress forum and I cannot see a page of instructions anywhere – either there or here – about using code for those who are a little unfamiliar perhaps? I don’t understand your “allowed markup” below, if this is it. I want to put hyperlinks in but hide the URL, and the phpBB system [url=http://website_URL]website[/url] evidently doesn’t work here.


    I’ve been trying to follow this thread that has a patch to display the temporary password for users who have just registered with my forums:

    Users dont receive password after registration

    the code in my file is different then what pravin said to change in bb-includes/registration-functions.php. i just can’t figure out what needs to be changed.

    is this technique outdated? I’m running bbpress i would really like to do this as my mail server from my crappy host gets blacklisted often and registration emails get caught in spam filters.

    i also know i should add some stuff to my SPF records, but 1) i’m not really sure how to do that (that’s a different thread though) and 2) i’d like to display the passwords at registration anyway.

    please help!


    In reply to: How-To?


    You can contact me off list if you would like assistance setting up bbPress on your server. Find my contact details on the website linked to my profile.


    Well finally I have got BBPress and WP talking to one another (hurrah!) but I would like to know if it is possible to open BBPress inside a WP Page so my current WP site wraps around the forum?

    Is this possible and if so could some kind soul please tell me how to do it ;)

    Thank you!

    Sam Bauers

    We use user_login to identify users in display.

    user_nicename is used for the url in the user’s profile page when using pretty permalinks. It is basically the user_login filtered to conform to URL standards.

    display_name is not populated in bbPress at the moment.


    If you need to pre-moderate new topics/posts, there’s a great plugin for that here

    If the subject matter is political/contentious, this can be a useful tool :)


    In reply to: How-To?


    You need to create a MySQL database, and then set that in the bb-config file, under MySQL settings. It will need to know the username for your database too.

    If you’re unclear about setting up a MySQL database on your server, you might need to get bbpress installed for you…


    Cheers for the fix.

    However, I managed to reproduce this exact error on my bbpress forum (version with the suggested changeset 556). But strangely, only on my work pc (firefox 3 and IE7). From my home pc and on localhost the login redirects fine.

    Just thought I’d point out that it still may be a potential problem.


    The traditional chinese language file is base on dupola‘s simplify chinese language file.

    I edited some term that are usually use in Hong Kong.

    download link:

    Please contact me if you have some suggestion or problem.

    My E-mail: lonelyer(at)

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