For the first error, I think in it is looking for an underscore plugin, but you have none in the plugin folder any more, and it errors out.
This is line 169 from bb-settings.php:
foreach ( glob(BBPLUGINDIR . '_*.php') as $_plugin )
I would create a blank php file called _nothing.php (nothing in the file at all) and put that in your plugin directory. The name of the file does not matter, except it needs to begin with an underscore. The contents of the file don’t matter either. We just want something for bbPress to see in that directory so it does not fail. That should prevent the first error. I think it will actually take care of the second error as well. It’s also related to having no underscore plugins in the plugin directory.
Thanks for posting your bbPress versions: it was invaluable in finding the right line numbers and relevant code.
It’s the old glob() problem.
If you have access tot he database directly you can delete the row from bb_topicmeta with a meta_name of ‘active_plugins’ to completely remove the reference to them.
Well, sorry,
I said that too soon. It didn’t help. I tryied both things. Uploading a file called _nothing.php prevented the first error, but it didn’t the second one.
I deleted that row from bb_topicmeta and I still get the same error messages.
Any other suggestions? Should I try this sollution?
I tryied that solution too and it didn’t work either. 
By the way, the php version in my server is 5.2.6.
Anyway, the thing is I want to upgrade my bbPress, but the instructions say I must deactivate all plugins first. I can’t deactivate them without the errors. Is there any other way I could upgrade my bbPress? Could I backup my bbPress tables, delete bbPress files and simply install the newest version ( from zero and after that, import my tables?
I just can’t believe I’m having such a hard time just to do something that should be easy. 
Thanks in advance
> Any other suggestions? Should I try this sollution?
Yes. The same problem is happening in another file. Your host has disabled or does not allow the glob
function. So, you have the 2nd error. Same type of error, just in a different file now. You should change line 7 in bb-admin/plugins.php
to this:
if ( function_exists( 'glob' ) && is_callable( 'glob' ) ) {
That will take care of the 2nd error. Then, post your results.
UPDATE: are you saying making this edit did not work? What was your result? Another error? Post the results please.
I am not certain about exporting and importing the database, so I would hold off on this. Please make a database backup now, before upgrading, if you haven’t already done so.
Hi Chris,
First, thank you very much for your attention. 
So, yes I’ve tried editing the bb-settings.php and bb-admin/plugins.php as recomended, but it didn’t work. I got the following messages:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-settings.php on line 169
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-settings.php:169) in /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 37
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-settings.php:169) in /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 37
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-settings.php:169) in /home/wordpres/public_html/forum/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 164
And, yes, I made a database backup. I didn’t do anything yet.
Just delete lines 168 – 172 in bb-settings.php to get around this for now.
If you are upgrading the file will be replaced and fixed anyway.
Thanks, Sam,
I’ll try this and then I’ll tell you if it worked.