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  • #65715

    In reply to: WordPress hosed


    laran, can you please post a link to your wordpress and bbpress installs?


    Topic: WordPress hosed

    in forum Installation

    I installed bbpress. I (tried to) followed the instructions for integrating with wordpress. When I was done with the installation the forum worked fine but I couldn’t log into wordpress. I resolved that issue by changing:




    in wp_usermeta for my user.

    This allowed me to log into wordpress. Not sure what it did to bbpress because I figured I’d just re-install.

    I dropped the non-shared bbpress tables in the database (forums, topics, topicsmeta i think, tagged, tags).

    Now, when I’m logged into wordpress my blog shows up a little wierd. The blog index page (index.php) shows published and unpublished posts. It didn’t do this before and I don’t want it to do it now. Also, none of the pages show up. They all give me a 404.

    If I’m logged in I’m allowed to view the pages. But if I’m not logged in the pages show up as 404s.

    If anyone has any suggestions on how to clean up this mess I’d love to hear them. Thanks.


    I got my wordpress working again by making the following change.

    I changed this: a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    to this: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}

    Now I think I’ve got to figure out how to undo the bbpress installation and do it again properly. I too suppose I didn’t read the instructions carefully enough.

    In my case, I want to integrate wordpress and bbpress. So I thought I was supposed to have the tables names be the same.



    I’m currently working on a website which is powered by wordpress, it will have a forum which will be powered by bbpress. I’ve designed the layout to exactly how I’d like it to look (and partly coded the forum index).

    Is there anyone out there who would be willing to complete customisation / styling of my bbpress theme?

    If anyone is interested please let me know your costs and turn around time and I’ll be in touch.



    I am experiencing the same problem as well.

    I think it has something to do with user roles, as a registered BBpress user does not have get a defined role in WordPress (i.e author, contributor, editor etc…).

    It would be easier if a default wordpress role was automatically assigned to a user that registers via bbpress.

    If anyone has any ideas/solutions it would be much appreciated.

    Catia Kitahara

    I tryied that solution too and it didn’t work either. :(

    By the way, the php version in my server is 5.2.6.

    Anyway, the thing is I want to upgrade my bbPress, but the instructions say I must deactivate all plugins first. I can’t deactivate them without the errors. Is there any other way I could upgrade my bbPress? Could I backup my bbPress tables, delete bbPress files and simply install the newest version ( from zero and after that, import my tables?

    I just can’t believe I’m having such a hard time just to do something that should be easy. :(

    Thanks in advance

    Catia Kitahara

    Well, sorry,

    I said that too soon. It didn’t help. I tryied both things. Uploading a file called _nothing.php prevented the first error, but it didn’t the second one.

    I deleted that row from bb_topicmeta and I still get the same error messages.

    Any other suggestions? Should I try this sollution?


    I have WP 2.5 and bbPress working together. But when a user creates a new account via bbPress, the display_name column in wp_users is blank.

    When logged-in users post a comment on my blog, they’re marked as “Anonymous”. Anyone know how to fix this?

    I can copy the user_login data over to display_name manually, but I’d like it to populate display_name automatically when the record s created.


    I have a forum running as an appendix to the wordpress blog we have at and people love it.

    Now after upgrading WP to version 2.5.1 it seems like all my html examples in the forum are being ruined when I try to add something. Right after installing the forum I did a post where wrote a post about how to use som of the html codes available and it worked nicely with the backtick to keep bbPress from formatting.

    When I tried to modify something yesterday by editing the post, all the html examples in backticks were destroyed and I cannot get the backtick to work again.

    If anybody can recommend a starting point for me to debug this, it will be appreciated.


    The getmypid function being disabled has been discussed before. Since it’s used to generate a random state, you can safely remove (I think) that function call and still be able to continue. You just lose the pid being concatenated with the other number when generating the random state.


    This is the problem right here:

    <?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>

    bloginfo is a WordPress function, but you’re in bbPress. Try hard coding it like this <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> as it is in the default theme, and I think you will find that it works.


    Did my attempt to integrate WP and bbP change my WP-tables in the database?

    I tried unsuccessfully to install bbPress again but got the same warning. Now I deleted all tables from my database, both WP and bbP and deleted all program files also. I will make a new try tomorrow but without any attempt to integration. I will install WP and import posts from the exportfile I made before deleting the database.

    Any other suggestions?


    Hey everyone, I’m new here. I’ve found out about this awesome forum a while back but didn’t have the time to make a forum for my site. Anyhoo, I was wondering if bbPress could be integrated with Social Engine. I know integration with vBulletin and phpBB is possible but bbPress seems much more superior. ;)


    This is getting to complicated for me. I have given up trying to integrate WP and bbPress. But I still want to try get them look similar. So I deleted my bbPress-tables from the database and deleted all the bbPress-files and started new.

    But got new problems, when the installation was made I got a warning:

    Warning: getmypid() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/members/paid/e/n/ on line 43

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /data/members/paid/e/n/ in /data/members/paid/e/n/ on line 2258

    I only understand that this relates to passwords and when I tried to log I could not and got a not exact but similar warning and could not log in. I tried to register but the password I was given did not work.

    I am getting frustrated. Now I cannot create a non-integrated forum. Please, please help!!!

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers
    define('BB_LANG', '');


    I just realised that you may not have a language file for bbPress installed at all. bbPress does not come with any language files by default. You need to download them separately and follow the instructions in the bb-config.php file about where to put them.

    The language file you are after should be here…


    In reply to: bbOrg?

    Trent Adams

    Been having some strange issues I am ironing out (really need a content importer for bbPress soon ** :) but the link is being fixed on that post as well:



    Thank you for answering! I am afraid I do not understand what you are writing. I do not think I am loading (I am not quite sure what that means) WP into bbP, I just want to integrate in such a way that a reader do not have to login twice to comment on the we site and also in the forum. So my plan is to change the look (skin) of bbPress to be like my WP. I understand this is better from a performance view.

    I do not understand what merging of the language files means and how to do it. Please elaborate!

    My aim is to make my forum look like my web site. I succeded to a small degree by creating a header that is the same as for my web site. Unfortunately it meant that the layout of the forum changed in a way I do not know how to fix. At you can see how far I came. The header is ok but the rest of the page got changed in unexpected ways. My plan was to use the header but have the forum look more like another forum I have at

    Advice on how to proceed is most welcome!

    There are a few other bbPress installtions in Swedish but they also cannot handle Swedish names. There must be many other languages with non-English characters. How do they handle it?

    Sam Bauers

    Are you loading WordPress inside bbPress? If so the textdomain does not get loaded due to the fact that it is called “default” like the WordPress one.

    If you merge the language files of WordPress and bbPress and load it in WordPress it should work.

    Sam Bauers

    I wouldn’t recommend doing that, so I won’t add it to the documentation. WP tends to stomp on stuff that bbPress needs. I’ve had a project on the back-burner for a while now that will eventually allow what you are after. But it’s not ready yet.

    Sam Bauers

    Integrating won’t merge your user tables for you. De-duplicating that data is up to you.



    The next thing that is supposed to come up, I think, is this:

    text/html; charset=utf-8

    Maybe whatever is providing that has an error and is causing this problem.

    Are you using a stock theme, and if not, does changing it back to stock fix this error? My guess is this is something in the template file, or the config.

    Are you using a different language file? (I’m guessing not, based on the blog.)

    Or, is it possible not everything was uploaded properly? Some things I would expect to be in that directory are not present when accessed directly by URL. Can you confirm that a new bbPress archive and your server have the same exact files?


    For the first error, I think in it is looking for an underscore plugin, but you have none in the plugin folder any more, and it errors out.

    This is line 169 from bb-settings.php:

    foreach ( glob(BBPLUGINDIR . '_*.php') as $_plugin )

    I would create a blank php file called _nothing.php (nothing in the file at all) and put that in your plugin directory. The name of the file does not matter, except it needs to begin with an underscore. The contents of the file don’t matter either. We just want something for bbPress to see in that directory so it does not fail. That should prevent the first error. I think it will actually take care of the second error as well. It’s also related to having no underscore plugins in the plugin directory.

    Thanks for posting your bbPress versions: it was invaluable in finding the right line numbers and relevant code.


    I think you want the “Hidden Forums” plugin:


    Hey, I’m using bbPress and i’m happy with it, have a lot of work left though :]

    But… Something that is weird, i’m logged in as the admin and i tried to change a user to a Moderator, but i can only do it sometimes. Now i just get “Invalid Role” for some reason.

    (sorry for bad grammar)

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