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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #3699

    Do you plain to write bbpress?

    4 days before August 1,2008 there are 41 (59%) open tickets? What did you do last mounts?

    Some days after (!!) WordPress 2.6 release _ck_ (is he developer???) wrote “Integration does not work!!!”. Do someone knows what is RC or beta version? The great sambauers wrote “Good work”. OK, man, what are YOU doing?

    Oh, yes, I know – this is open source and free software. But SMF is working well.


    My WordPress/bbPress still does not integrate.

    RE: FIVE things must be identical in WordPress and bbPress
    configuration for cookies to be sync'ed and logins to be shared:

    1. DATABASE secret key
    2. wp-config.php/bb-config secret key
    3. cookie DOMAIN
    4. cookie PATH
    5. cookie hash

    1. I have checked the database secret_key – it matches.

    2. I have updated the SECRET_KEY in both config files – they match.

    3. 4. & 5. I have the following code in my wp-config

    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/');
    define('COOKIEHASH', md5($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]));

    And, my bb-config INCLUDES wp-config because of previous instructions on WP/BB integration.

    define('WP_BB', true);
    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {
    require_once( 'full/path/to/wp-config.php');

    NOTE: “full/path/to” was changed to the real ‘full path’

    Any thoughts?


    Hi, I’ve downloaded the latest version of this plugin from your blog, installed it according to the new instructions (thanks), but when I click the quote link, it just goes to the Reply field without quoting any text.

    Any solutions?

    I’m using WP 2.5.1 and bbPress 0.9.2

    John Conners

    Remove the brackets – this is what you want to execute:

    UPDATE bb_topicmeta SET
    WHERE meta_key='uri' LIMIT 1


    Ok, Thanks.

    Heres what I have in the bb-config.php:

    $bb_table_prefix = 'bb_';

    So heres what I put:

    UPDATE (bb_)
    topicmeta SET
    meta_value='' WHERE
    meta_key='uri' LIMIT 1

    Heres its response (I really didnt know if I need to leave the parenthesis etc in it…I have never queried a database before):

  • SQL query:

    UPDATE (


    )topicmeta SET meta_value = ‘’ WHERE meta_key = ‘uri’ LIMIT 1

    MySQL said:

    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘topicmeta SET

    meta_value=’’ WHERE

    m’ at line 2

  • any suggestions on what next?..

    Thank You!

Ben L.

Go into your database, do the following query:

UPDATE (your $bb_table_prefix found in the config file goes here)topicmeta SET meta_value='' WHERE meta_key='uri' LIMIT 1


Looking good. Perhaps one day optionally link the bbpress admin into WordPress in a ‘all in one place kind of way’.


Hello Everyone,

I changed the address (in settings) of the address to my forum and now everything is jacked up.

it should be

but I removed the /bbpress/ to see if I could get the header to point back to my original page instead of the forum frontpage….which didnt work.

Now I cant get to the general settings of bbpress to correct the address. Which php file in my bbpress folder on my server stores that info?..or where can I go to correct it?

Also, whats the best way to make my header go to the home page of my site, not the homepage of the forum? I searched and all I saw were the “super header” option and the added link in the forum header phot0…neither of which will work for me. I have 2 different pictures for the headers so super header is out and I phinagled with the other option and it either was hidden or didnt look right.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Thanks for any help in advance!

I am not experienced with php or wordpress/bbpress.

I have my bbpress site up just fine, but its not sending out registration emails. I have checked all the easy fixes

Inbox is empty

Spam is empty

tried on gmail, netscape, and hotmail.

Waited over an hour

I believe that the issue has to do with my hosting requiring authentication for outgoing mail. I called them and they explained that they do require this.

I am wondering solutions I could pursue.

Is there a way to make BBpress authenticate?


Can someone provide a guide to getting an alternative SMTP system set up.

Thank you all for your help!


This was the last discussion I heard about the topic:


In reply to: Ning layout?


I bet this could be adapted to work:

There is also an RSS feed for Recent Posts in bbPress, so you could probably adapt some sort of RSS importer to display the 5 most recent (this seems like a hack though.)


In reply to: Intergrating the theme


And I get this if I try to edit any of the settings

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/crusaders4christ/public_html/bbpress/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /home/noproblem/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 770


In reply to: Intergrating the theme


The script from the website that you gave me…

There is stuff in wordpress everywhere saying on the top of the thing (like the top of the page)(but it only happens in the admin control panel) saying

bbPress database error: [Table 'c4cwp.wp__users' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wp__users WHERE ID = 3

Thats one of the main reasons why I want to fix it…and it also changed my homepage to my blog. And when I remove the script well thats where things get extremely messy.



The “latest discussions” list at is compiled without the use of WordPress or bbPress loops. Instead, it makes use of two direct hand-crafted MySQL queries to the database, one to the WordPress tables and the other to the bbPress ones.

Basically, both queries search for all the posts (or comments, in the case of WordPress) written in the past month, then put these posts into various arrays. The arrays are then sorted so that the items are in a reversed chronological order, and finally the resulting list is displayed on the page with only the latest post/comment from each thread/blogpost/page included.

In case it is any help, here is the code that I use — I wouldn’t suggest just copy-pasting it to your site though before reading it through and knowing what you are doing. You may at least need to change the table names. I have added comments to give some idea what is done where.

See the code here

There most probably is a simpler way to do this, the php code could be streamlined, made more error-resistant, and it could possibly also be done with WordPress/bbPress tags, or it could be turned into a plugin, if someone has the time and the energy.


In reply to: Intergrating the theme


> wordpress is at /

> bbpress is at /bbpress

That’s fine and will work well.

You say you “took out the script”. What script are you talking about?

How is your WordPress installation? Is everything OK there?


In reply to: Intergrating the theme


OK this is how I have it set up…

wordpress is at /

bbpress is at /bbpress

I don’t care if I do or do not integrate it I just don’t want to have any errors. And when I took out the script everything went blank white and displayed the error message…so I decided to put it back in but I am getting this type of error instead when I try to log in to bbpress(which I can’t ever since I tried to integrate it)

bbPress database error: [Table 'c4cwp.wp__users' doesn't exist]
SELECT ID FROM wp__users WHERE user_login = 'Noproblem'

bbPress database error: [Table 'c4cwp.wp__users' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wp__users WHERE user_login = 'Noproblem'

I am running 2.6 of wp

and the latest for bbpress as well…

Thanks for the help,



If you click the above link you will see what I am getting.

After I ‘insert’ the image I just get this small red bar thing showing up. It is the same red as my links I think. It is right next to the text.


There are two different options here.

1. Allow Images plugin. The member needs to link to an image available in the Internet somewhere. If that’s not a problem, then that’s the way to go. It allows members to insert images into their posts. Pretty easy.

2. Attachments plugin. This you have working as attachments now, but you want the image inline, not attached. The newest version is supposed to do that, and I just read this on the plugin page:

After uploading, an [INSERT] link will appear next to each attachment.

So, the user needs to upload it first, then go back and edit their post, and click the [INSERT] link. I actually just noticed that: I have the link, but it doesn’t work. It seems like a JavaScript error.

Error: myField is not defined
Source File:
Line: 76


If you cannot use the Allow Images plugin, instead of the Attachments plugin, then you might want to post your concerns on the plugin page, or wait for _ck_ to show up here. The plugin was released early because a lot of people were looking for the inline functionality, and I’m sure _ck_ will appreciate feedback from anyone using it.


1a. Yes. Just download everything in the bbPress folder (whatever you called it) and then upload that to the new server. That takes care of the file system. Then dump the database and import that on the new host as well.

1b. No, don’t start from scratch, that almost never helps. You can modify what you have going on already.

2. Not sure. There are probably a couple URL related entries you’d have to change, either in bb-config.php or the database somewhere. Not sure what those are exactly, but I doubt it would be too bad.


I think rather than attachments you want the “Allow Images” plugin, where people can insert an image into their reply.

The member has to have the image hosted somewhere accessible on the Internet though ( or or or something ). If you want the ability to host their image then display it rather than link to it as an attachment, then you might want to look into this alpha version of the attachment plugin that allows inline image viewing.


I’ve set up and partly customised a bbPress forum on a subdomain that I’m using to demonstrate a uni faculty website I’m re-designing for a friend who is in charge of the faculty (in other words, I’m not a pro website designer – this is a job for a friend). The forum is linked to the website via a navigation button. When the website is finished and ready to go “live”, it will be transferred from my subdomain to the client’s server/host.

1. a) Is it possible to retain the customisations I’ve done on the bbPress forum and transfer the forum over, along with the website, to the client’s server/host, or

b) Will I need to completely reinstall bbPress to the client’s server/host and customise it again from scratch?

2. If a) above, what do I need to change in the current bbPress settings (and where!) to have it operate from the client’s server/host please?




In reply to: Intergrating the theme


Sounds like you put all the bbPress files into the folder that had WordPress files in it? Can you confirm that?

What version of bbPress and WordPress were you running?


vilimaunula – your site is an quite impressive integration of WP and BBPress. I’m wondering how you managed to integrate your forum and wordpress loops into one, as presented on this page: You are showing a single chronological list of recent posts and comments across both your WP blog and BBPress forum. Would you mind sharing how you did this? I’m very new to PHP so would not be able to tweak things easily to make this happen.


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