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  • #66045

    3. WordPress and bbPress each in their own directory

    |–blog <– WordPress


    |–forums <– bbPress

    (I like this methed best, seems the most “logical”)

    In this scenario, do both wp and bbpress have their own, separate databases?

    BTW, I can’t get the blockquote to work. I’ve tried <> [] and to no avail. What am I missing?


    Thanks. So am I right that to put everything on the same database I should uninstall the bbpress I have currently installed, then re-install, specifying the same database I used for wordpress?

    Or is it unecessary, since I can get cookies to recognize users whether they’ve logged into wordpress or bbpress?



    You only need to share databases to have integrated user logins.


    Thanks for responding, Chris. I’m still confused about this. It sounds like, from the documentation like above, integrating the cookies will accomplish the same thing:

    blockquoteIntegrating cookies allows your users to log in to either your WordPress blog or your bbPress forums and be effectively logged in to both.


    I do want it to be pretty seamless for our users. I want them to only have to register once, and not to have to log in again when they cruise to the forum. On the face of it, it would seem like we need to share one database. BUT, that seems a bit scary, like the kind of scenario where I could wipe out our existing WP installation.

    If that’s the route I should go, how do I go about it? Uninstall the bbpress I just created, then go through the installation again, except this time enter our wp database info?

    I tried doing the integration last week for the two databases I have currently set up, and had to add a line into my wp-config about a secret key. With that, an error message came up instead of the blog, choking on that line. It was a day before I got wind of it, so it didn’t look very good.

    I want to have a clearer understanding this time before I start messing around with these settings.

    BTW, what am I missing with the markup here? It says to put the code between backticks `, but it’s not working.


    I asked only because I was wondering what you expected to see and maybe I could try the same plugin.

    I installed the BB Attachments plugin

    Activated it and was able to add attachments. So, either you have a different problem with all your plugins in your installation or the plugins you are trying to use aren’t compatible with the alpha release, or maybe they are being activated and they are mostly invisible (like Akismet.) BB Attachments is a good one because you can see if it’s working when you go to make a new post.

    Activating Akismet, BTW, gives me a new admin submenu called “Akismet Configuration:.


    Yikes, this is a WP bug that breaks bb_auth(‘logged_in’).

    I patched the appropriate file in WP and created a ticket and posted the patch. See this URL:

    Whoah, there’s a ton of stuff not working fully yet with bbpress/wp now, right? I hope I don’t find anything else…


    Hey go to and you willl see that everything is all texty looking. It worked fine when i went to sleep I think. Any Ideas?

    Where did you originally generate the keys, from the WordPress random url? I'll report that bug to them if that's where you got them from.

    Yes, keys are from the WordPress random url. I’m not sure if this is a bug, I think ¡t’s a problem with bbpress utf-8 encoding and foreign computers that are iso-whatever.

    Besides, I’ve found more problems in my bb 1.0alpha – wp 2.6.1 b2 integration attempt;

    1 I can’t find a secure key salt in the last wp version.

    2 Logins integration seems to work fine but as soon as you include


    all is messed; I lost the settings link on the dashboard, add new topic didn’t work, when no logged in I get this meesage instead of the last poster of a topic;

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in D:wampwwwwordpressbbpressbb-includesbackpressclass.bpdb.php on line 360

    I’ll report more errors if I find any


    Well, I’ll make a more precise question, how do you generate the Cookies you need to be logged-in??

    you need a cookie like this:

    [bbpress_8a7b3d3267f984e2d4be3c82d5fea61b] => Daniel|1218899361|23a2fa093bd37b537d0306cab8e649c7

    but how do you have to hash the password to get the last part (23a2fa093bd37b537d0306cab8e649c7) and is the number in the name of the cookie allways the same?


    In reply to: Creative Commons T&C


    See the FAQ for some suggested URLs:

    The problem is legal TOS has to be adjusted per site.

    this is the most obvious “free” one but it has to be adapted:


    In reply to: Creative Commons T&C


    You could use this plugin:

    CC is not really about the type of behaviour to expect on a forum though. CC is for licensing. Why not find T&C you like from another forum and copy the best ideas?

    Some inspiration:

    But honestly, just tell people what you expect and what you’ll allow. Customize it for your site.



    Does anyone know the whereabouts of any creative commons licenced terms and conditions that can be used/adapted to be used in conjunctioun with bbpress? Just generic stuff like “Don’t spam, Don’t harrass other users … etc



    Very odd. I can see what you’re talking about now. There is the <h2>Reply</h2> but then something goes wrong.

    This is in the source:

    <h2 class="post-form">New Topic</h2>


    If you like showing off the fact that your server rocks,
    <h3>0.150 - 15 queries</h3>


    Looks like bbPress has it until the <h2 class="post-form">New Topic</h2> part, then WordPress takes over for some reason. At least it looks like that’s what’s happening. If you look at the source of the page you’ll see what I mean.

    Sorry I don’t know what’s causing the problem, but it’s interesting to look at nonetheless.

    It is a very attractive theme, I’ll give them that, and it would be relatively easy to make a theme for BBPress that looks just like that.

    I’d love to have a stab at it myself, but I’m really busy developing a forum theme for a for a new site I’m working on – It has a lot in common with that layout as it happens. I will probably release my theme when it’s done, but I only get a couple of hours a night to work on it, so it’s probably some time away from being public.

    I’ll fave this topic to remind me that I’ve committed to sharing my theme ;)


    In reply to: TalkPress suggestions

    We will not be able to download talkpress and do some hosting on our own? We can do that with wordpressMU, so why not with talkpress?

    BBPress == WordPress(.org)

    TalkPress ==

    WordPressMU came after if my memory serves me right, so we probably won’t be seeing a BBPressMU until sometime well after TalkPress goes live (which itself is probably a year or so away).

    Of course, it may never happen, I’m just speculating. ;)


    Member lists just attract spammers in my experience, the only person who needs to be able to see all members are the admin team, and they already can.

    Please, *don’t* make a member list a default option, I like that BBPress is free from this kind of bloat.

    I’m using BBPress 1.0 alpha and working on a new theme almost completely from scratch.

    I have added the post_form() function to my front-page.php template file as I want to allow people to start a new topic direct from the home page.

    Naturally, this requires people to be able to select a target forum for their post and the post-form.php template contains the bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown() function which is supposed to show the drop down list, however for some reason it doesn’t appear. The code around it shows ok, so it’s not a problem with the if statement that checks if we’re on the homepage or not…

    So… is that a bug in BBPress that needs to be submitted to trac or am I doing something that I shouldn’t be doing?


    I am experiencing the same issues with my bbPress install. It was working fine before and I have not changed anything either. I figure the host (Dreamhost) has changed some configuration or other. I have contacted them and am waiting to hear back.


    well, i’m not real sure if it is “visible”; so that probably means two things (1) i’m a little in over my head here and (2) this is probably the problem… my site URL where i want bbpress is , but i have a feeling this isn’t what you need…

    it does show up in phpMyAdmin as a database. it just isn’t populated with anything.

    i guess i was under the impression that i wouldn’t need to know a whole bunch about database programming and that the installer would do most of the heavy lifting for me… please let me know what my next course of action should be.


    Well I tried to integrate bbpress with my wordpress theme and I after calling wp functions by adding


    I realized that I had no settings link on the bbpress dashboard. I removed that line and the link appeared again but no theme integration.

    BBPress as wp plugin for 1.0 final is too much asking, isn’t it?


    Hi ck! (great integration guide, BTW)

    I managed to make a basic integration with bbpress 1.0 alpha and wp 2.6.1 beta2.

    However bbpress reported an error in line 19 of its config file.

    Checked and it was the cookie keys that are not well fetched. Perhaps it is a problem with foreign computers and character encoding, I don’t know.

    Where it says;

    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '1234´´´56789');

    it is appearing;

    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '1234');

    Maybe the ticks and php. I solved this issue by copy pasting the right keys from wp config file.


    Topic: Error on install

    in forum Installation

    I installed bbpress in MySQL5. Install went fine. Now I get the following error when I go to my bbpress url:

    Warning: bb_load_template(/home/greenpre/public_html/discussion/bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/greenpre/public_html/discussion/bb-includes/template-functions.php on line 17

    Please help.

    Thank you!



    Why is this listed as a stylesheet in the source? It gives a 404 then includes the whole WordPress page as a stylesheet:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />


    I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but it’s not right.

    Also, does the problem you’re describing happen with the stock template as well?


    First, every time I go to I get happy because you all do amazing work.

    I am struggling to set up a few different things on my forum.

    The forum can be found on

    Here are the 2 things I want:

    1. Post Counts for each individual (ie. Member has 150 posts) both somewhere in there profile and next to each post.

    2. I need help figuring out how to set up restrictions on Forums.

    I have 3 forums.

    I want 1 to be open to everyone to start threads and to post.

    I want 1 to be open to any member to start threads and post

    I want 1 to be open to only admin to start threads and only a certain member class to reply.


    i have downloaded bbpress and uploaded files to server.

    on the first step, where it asks for database name, username and password, the username and password are correctly filled in already. when i manually fill in the db name “forum” i get this error:

    “There was a problem connecting to the database you specified.

    Please check the settings, then try again.”

    I have read through the forums and not found anything that works…


    I am trying to install on an add-on domain ( and as per other help threads I have tried reinstalling one level up, as well as on the main user domain ( none of which worked

    in another thread it said to fill in the db host with something similar to: rather than localhost.

    this did not work either.

    i’m sure i’ve missed something incredibly simple, but it’s beyond me. any help you could give me would be much appreciated.

    also listed below are the perl and php connection strings (if that helps at all)


    $dbh = DBI->connect(“DBI:mysql:guysu2_forum:localhost”,

    “guysu2_bradford”,”<PASSWORD HERE>”);


    $dbh=mysql_connect (“localhost”, “guysu2_bradford”,

    “<PASSWORD HERE>”) or die(‘Cannot connect to the database because: ‘ . mysql_error());

    mysql_select_db (“guysu2_forum”);

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