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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #66954

    If you have an issue with the alpha release, please file a ticket at trac.

    You will need to log in before you can file a ticket. Be sure to choose the correct version when submitting the ticket.


    If you have an issue with the alpha release, please file a ticket at trac.

    You will need to log in before you can file a ticket. Be sure to choose the correct version when submitting the ticket.


    Ok, more of a clue here…

    It looks like the insert into term_taxonomy is failing during the upgrade process.

    it appears as if, bb_term_taxonomy has a ‘description’ field which is NOT NULL in the schema:

    // term_taxonomy
    $bb_queries['term_taxonomy'] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $bbdb->term_taxonomy (
    term_taxonomy_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    term_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
    taxonomy varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
    description longtext NOT NULL,
    parent bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
    count bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0,
    PRIMARY KEY (term_taxonomy_id),
    UNIQUE KEY term_id_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy)

    but the upgrade code…

    $bbdb->insert( $bbdb->term_taxonomy, array(
    'term_id' => $term_id,
    'taxonomy' => 'bb_topic_tag'
    ) );

    does not set a description, so this insert is failing.

    Not sure how this could be working for anyone else…

    Am I really the only one seeing this?


    digging deeper…

    looks like something went wrong in the upgrade process… and tags didn’t get migrated properly into the new term_taxonomy structure.

    bb_terms appears to have been filled.

    bb_term_relationships has a bunch of rows.

    But… bb_term_taxonomy is empty…


    In reply to: TalkPress suggestions

    Sam Bauers

    There will be a sort of super plugin that you will be able to integrate into bbPress to get most of the functionality of TalkPress. The working name for the project is “bbPress Channels”. It will be released after TalkPress.


    I’d like to add a comment system to MediaWiki using bbPress as the backend.

    I imagine it’d work like the following:

    1. each mediawiki creates a bbpress topic in a specific forum

    2. if logged in, users can comment from the mediawiki page.

    anyone have any clues to this? is bbsync the closest system to this at the moment?

    Sam Bauers

    We have debated adding the wp-mail class to bbPress to get this functionality built in, but we balked at the sheer size of the code. What is a good lightweight replacement for php-mailer that we can consider adding to backpress?


    Are tags expected to be working on the 1.0 alpha code?

    I am playing around with the system, and it it appears as if tags are not being displayed. the bb_tag_heat_map() is displaying nothing, bb_get_top_tags() is returning an empty array. Individual posts don’t show tags either.

    I am assuming this is related to the new taxonomy code… not sure if I did the upgrade incorrectly or what. When I logged into the admin system the first time, it did do a DB upgrade.

    Sam Bauers

    If there is no secure salt in WordPress then you don’t need one in bbPress. I think it says that in the note on that field in the installer.


    Everything works on a localhost install, but when I try install on dreamhost I get the following error:

    Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file in /bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php on line 499

    The message stays on the top of page, above header, seems that I can use everything but the message stays there. How can I get ride of this.


    $ svn info

    Path: URL:

    Repository Root:

    Repository UUID: 9866e705-20ec-0310-96e7-cbb4277adcfb

    Revision: 1651

    Node Kind: directory

    Schedule: normal

    Last Changed Author: sambauers

    Last Changed Rev: 1651

    Last Changed Date: 2008-08-13 12:13:00 -0700 (Wed, 13 Aug 2008)


    Joel Teixeira

    Sam Bauers

    This is fixed in trunk and will be fixed in the next alpha release which will probably be in the next couple of days.


    Let me add that I’m doing all my testing/installing locally using Xampp. made me think that maybe I’m having the plugin issue because of this problem? Just a shot in the dark perhaps? I think I’ll try uploading the latest trunk to my website (run on a unix server) tonight and see if it’s different in that environment.


    wordpress 2.5.1



    Please include the version of bbPress you’re using when asking for help. If you are having trouble with WordPress integration, please post the bbPress version AND the WordPress version. If you are using an alpha or trunk release, please include the revision number. It will cut down on the time wasted answering questions that don’t apply to your version, or the back and forth of “what version are you running.”



    What version bbPress and WordPress are you using?


    Sorry I posted some incorrect/incomplete info. Until recently, it was only possible to have one database with both the wordpress tables and bbpress tables shared inside.

    It’s now possible to force separate databases since 0.9

    However I recommend against separate databases unless you have some kind of weird configuration that demands it. It’s just more overhead, more configuration, more to backup and worry about. Some hosts even limit the number of databases you can have (though tables inside are not restricted).


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    When logging in using the BB-Press form, goes to white blank screen. It doesn’t allow user to log in. Can however log in using the WP form.

    Using the ThemePress them, doesn’t show options for new posts or the option to reply. (but this may just be a theme issue).


    Once I get this forum installed, I plan to manually add a number of users from an old yahoogroup, and I’m wondering if we’d be better off entering them into the wordpress database, or into the bbpress database?


    I was confused on this issue, reading the installation instructions. It may be helpful to others to add an explanation there on whether it’s preferred to use separate databases and why. Thanks much.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    Thanks _ck_,

    I’m not integrating with WordPress. I thought to install the stable and then (after released) the 1.0 but with too many changes between 0.9 and 1.0 series I’m afraid that the process of updating leave some unnecessary dirt on the database.

    Do this make sense or I shoudn’t worry about it?

    The trunk version is very polished (mainly the admin area) but at this time some points seems strange to me (well, is all new to me at this point) like the search form above the title of the forum instead of be placed above hot tags.

    [sorry my english]


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    If you know how to use SVN, the trunk is your best bet.

    There will likely be regular updates this month by Sam and MDA until it’s more polished.

    The only catch is there are still a few plugins that don’t work with 1.0 and you may not know what’s wrong until you fiddle a bit.

    Then again, if you are not integrating with WordPress, 0.9 should upgrade almost effortlessly to 1.0 when ready.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    Hi guys,

    I want to start a forum from scratch and was going to install phpBB but after too much reading I decided that is best to me (and to the forum) use the bbPress.

    I installed both stable and trunk versions on my local machine and was playing around for a couple hours. bbPress is really what I want, but I’m a little bit undecided about what version upload to my host.

    I know 1.0 final release is coming soon but have too many tickets to close and I don’t want to wait.

    In your opinion guys, for who wants to start over theses days… should I install 1.0 Alpha or latest stable version to put on production.

    Thank you so much.

    Joel Teixeira


    I’ve installed wordpress and bbpress im using the plugin call register plus attached to the wordpress installation. both wordpress and bbpress are integrated but i cant get regsiter plus to integrate. It works with word press and clients can use there user name and password on bbpress… BUT…. when cleints try and register on bbpress it uses th default bbpress registration. can anyone help me redirect bbpress registration to the reister plus plugin?


    In all methods of integration, they both have their own [databases] (correction, tables) and simply share the user table (and usermeta).

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