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  • #67088

    Thanks for both your responses. We decided to move the database to the same server. I’m now having issues with the WordPress cookies, but at least that’s a new problem!


    In reply to: Mass email function


    I’m a member of a few forums that send out announcements.

    Some hosts will limit the number of emails you can send at once though. Dreamhost, for instance, has a limit of 100 per hour (one of the many reasons I’ll be leaving them soon).

    It would be overkill for some sites, but it would be nice to have a plugin for PHPList that would share a WordPress and/or bbPress user database; one that would allow user control of mailing list preferences in the WordPress or bbPress profile.


    Based on the settings you chose, or whoever installed it on your server, there is an option to allow remote connections to the database. I’m assuming you’re using mysql for your database. The most probable cause is that either you’re running a firewall that is blocking port 3306 (default port) or you just simply don’t have remote access set up.

    That is a fairly straight-forward and decent guide to setting up mysql for remote access. If you have any questions you can ask me and I’ll do my best to help!


    I see you’re running WordPress 2.6.1. What version bbPress did you install? I think I asked that before but I must have missed the answer. The alpha branch of bbPress is compatible with WordPress 2.6.* but the 0.9 branch is not.


    You can do it that way, but if you are getting a database connection error, there is something wrong with your database connection details.

    I use one server for the database and one for the web server, so I know it will work. Sounds like you just haven’t figured out the proper connection details.

    Can you connect to the database box from a linux command line?


    I may be going about this the hard way, but I thought I’d see if anyone had an answer for me. I’m not a sysadmin, but I play one on tv, or at the very least, can find my way around a linux box pretty well. Here’s what I’m trying to do. I have WordPress Mu running on server a and I have bbpress installed on server b. I want to have bbpress use the user tables of the WordPress Mu db. Every time I’ve tried to do this, I’m getting a db connection error. I know I have the username and password correct. I put in the db host as Is there something I’m missing completely? Should I just give up trying to do it this way?

    By the way, I’ve tried this with .9 and no go there either. I really can’t go back to WPMU 2.5 because we have a key plugin that requires 2.6.


    my site has more posts than the lower half of the listing. Why’m I not in there?

    username: bbpress

    Login: bbpress

    just asking… :)


    I’ve found another incompatibility

    in how “tags” are now “terms”.

    Any plugin that accesses tags directly will fail.

    Old plugins can be found by searching for “->tags”

    (without the quotes)

    So essentially there are two “dead” tables after upgrading from 0.9 to 1.0 “bb_topicmeta” and “bb_tags”. But I wouldn’t delete them until 1.0 is final/gold.


    I’ve integrated the 1.0 alpha release of BBpress together with WP2.61 successfully in 2 places now. Works great so far.

    What I did: install wp in root the normal way. Then put bb files in subdirectory /forums/. Install bb. Follow instructions carefully. I also made my bb-config file writable, that prevented some errors as well.



    Re-installed bbpress, works fine!


    I can not figure out where i went wrong.. I’m using the latest 1.0 alpha release at 2.6. Everything apperas to work as expected (users exist in both systems, etc). However, the auto login is not working. I believe i followed the instructions to the “T”. Heres the stored cookie for both systems.

    WordPress cookie after login:






    BBpress immediatly after logging into wordpress:




    BBpress (already logged into wordpress, now manually logging into BBPress:




    any ideas?





    the “Lax user names” plugin of Sam doesn’t work in bbPress 1.0 alpha 1

    Sam Bauers

    1.0-alpha now includes php-mailer from WordPress.

    I’ve added a plugin for 1.0-alpha to allow sending of email via an SMTP server.


    Are you looking to make the content area at least as tall as the avatar, assuming the poster did not write a lot of text?


    With no theme editor, you need to edit the files locally then upload them, just like you uploaded the complete bbPress installation when you started. You need an FTP program or a file manager with your host (maybe there is one in the control panel.)

    Since you can’t edit the files with a theme editor, you will need to edit them on your computer then upload them.

    The files you want to look at are all located in /bb-templates/{theme name}/ – those files are where you will make your edits. If you can find that we can go from there.


    My issue is resolved. There was an issue with the user tables not collaborating, so I put WPMU 2.6 and bbPress 1.0 Alpha in separate databases, and followed _ck_’s tutorial on install. I also used the plugin for loss of admin access. Everything now works beautifully. (so far! :) )




    Thanks for the quick answer ;)

    And yes… with a large amount of text, works just fine…

    The forum can be found in here:

    But its normal the signature dont appear? Because I thought: if the text isnt enough, the signature of the members could be the solution to this problem, since it adds more space to the post. But the signatures dont appear in every post, only in the first time the user reply in the thread… I use bbPress Signatures.


    Hi everyone

    So, I was modding the Kakumei theme for bbpress and everything was going just fine, but then, something I changed made this happen: ERROR IMAGE

    It was supposed to be like this: CORRECT

    The thing is… I wasnt changing nothing relative to the threads in the CSS, and that happened… or at least, I think I wasnt.

    Somethings I changed I’ve put them back like they were, but, somehow, nothing changed…

    Can someone help me?

    Thank you


    Oh, one more thing, the older posts in the threads didnt changed, just the new ones I’ve made…


    The reason for the loop is that it’s trying to create repeat tables in the database, either new database or the wordpress database, whichever one you chose to use. I believe this is the cause for the loop, if you go into mysql, use:

    mysql -u <user> -p

    and then type your password


    use <databasename>

    then type show tables;

    and then type drop table <table name with prefix bb_>

    and drop each table that was a remnant of bbpress. This is the way to start a new install.


    in my case I can successfully go through step 2, and the system tells me:

    “Your WordPress integration cookie and database settings have been successfully validated. They will be saved after the next step.


    After that I name the forum, choose my normal WP-Admin-User,etc.

    When I want to complete the next step it prompts me with: Installation Errors:

    “Forum could not be created!” and tells in the complete log:

    “Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Modifying database: <my_db> (<my_host>)

    >>>>>> Table: bb_forums

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_meta

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_posts

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_tagged

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_tags

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_terms

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_relationships

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_taxonomy

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_topics

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_topicmeta

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: wp_users

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: ID

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_login

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_pass

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_nicename

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_email

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_url

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_registered

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_status

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: display_name

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: wp_usermeta

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: umeta_id

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>>>>> Changing column: user_id

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> WordPress address (URL):

    >>> Blog address (URL):

    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.

    >>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> Fetching missing WordPress cookie salts.

    >>>>>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: fl3x Forum

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address: <my_email>

    >>> Key master role assigned to existing user

    >>>>>> Benutzername: <admin_user>

    >>>>>> E-Mail-Adresse: <my_email>

    >>>>>> Passwort: Your existing password

    >>> Beschreibung: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum could not be created!

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!”

    Thats all, and afterwards I won’t see a forum, I only get error messages on Firefox regarding a redirection loop.


    The actual error I receive that brings me to this loop is:

    The key master could not be created. You may need to replace bbPress with a fresh copy and start again.

    The error log shows:

    >>> Key master could not be created!

    >>>>>> Halting installation!

    After this, anything or anywhere I go, UNTIL I completely delete the bbpress database and the bbpress directory. Then I can re-install, but I get the same error with the same loop.


    Yeah, I have been looking for something similar. My error occurred actually in a different spot now that I remember. The issue that I was running into was when I created the KeyMaster user, I named it admin, foolishly. This came with an error saying that the user is already in my wordpress database so it could not create user “admin”. That is where the loop began. I have since cleared my cache, search history, and everything that you can clear in firefox including cookies.

    I also tried this in Safari so it is most definitely not a browser related issue, or an issue with the actual bbPress, since this isn’t very common. It then must be a database issue, so I’ll continue to look into it.

    Thanks for the ideas. :D



    I am using the latest WordPressMU with the Alpha release of bbPress.


    I am actually receiving this same error. I tried installing initially and completed the install until the final step where I needed to create a forum. I tried to make a Hello World forum and I got an error saying that the installation failed. I couldn’t go back a step or anything .

    I just gave up on that install since it was fairly quick anyways, and removed the bbpress directory. I then re-downloaded the install file, unzipped it into my root directory and re-attempted the install. Now, whenever I try and re-install by going to the url that contains the bbpress install I get a redirection error after the first step where I input my database information. I have since not been able to get past this step. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, especially since now I believe I’m not the first to receive this type of error.

    Thank you very much!

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