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  • #66088

    Nekita – the reason that works is because it’s not including the wp-blog-header.php (can’t find it), but it doesn’t error out because you’re saying “if it’s there, then include it”: otherwise, just continue on, but it’s not included.

    So, it errors out when you don’t have the conditional, but with the conditional there, do you have access to WordPress functions, or you can just access specific theme files? Accessing the theme files would not require integration. But using the functions like get_header, get_sidebar, get_footer would all rely on integration being correct.

    This assumes that the errors are the same as doyle640:

    PHP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]:

    Failed opening required '../wp-config.php'


    To give you an idea of what I’m talking about:

    User: Rauko

    PW: IIlCuxOmYRpn

    This is a test user I just registered. Once you log in with this data, you’ll see that this account is extremely restricted for whatever reason. It’s the same with my own admin account and other user accounts.


    The error was from a Private Messaging plugin (note: not a private forums plugin).

    I have the default Akismet & Bozo plugins installed, and also the “Use Display Name” (which just changes your username to your nicename) and BBPrivate Messaging Plugin (as mentioned above) plugins installed. Removing them does not allow me to see the forums content either.

    I just noticed that actually only admins can see the forum content.

    You asked:

    You didn’t make all your forums categories in the admin, did you?

    I’m not sure what you mean, I’m new to BBPress. I converted an old WordPress XDForum plugin to BBPress, so perhaps something happened with permissions there, but even so, any direction as to how to open these up to everyone would be great!


    In my case, yes, the relative path works just fine, given that I have access to my WP scheme files after I utilize it.

    However, I just found out that adding:

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))


    instead of just


    does the trick, at least to get access to the admin area.

    I’m still stuck with the limitation of my admin account though. Once it’s integrated and I log on the bbP, I can’t write a post nor reply or edit my own profile because the admin user receives the status “Inactive”.


    Is the wp-config.php actually located at ../ ?

    Also, you could try the absolute path rather than a relative one. I have heard before that that might be a problem (although I’ve never seen that. I don’t use MAMP though.)

    First verify if the wp-config.php is located ../ from bb-config.php. If it is, try the full absolute path rather than a relative one. Something like /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp-config.php.


    here is my errors when I try to access the bbpress admin section:

    [15-Sep-2008 12:10:48] PHP Warning: require_once(../wp-config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/forum/bb-config.php on line 34

    [15-Sep-2008 12:10:48] PHP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘../wp-config.php’ (include_path=’.:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php’) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/forum/bb-config.php on line 34

    On the regular part of the forum, I do not get these errors.


    In reply to: Permalinks Not working


    Why did you put bbPress into the wp-plugins folder? It’s not a WordPress plugin.


    In reply to: Permalinks Not working


    Seems as if I have the same problem as doyle640. Integrated the Alpha with WP 2.6.2 and after adding “require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’);” to bb-config.php I can’t access the bbP Admin section anymore. the “Reply” and “New Topic” area is gone as well, Profile can’t be edited etc. The title under my Admin name (“Key Master” by default) will also change to Invalid.

    The loading error for the admin section is indeed a 500 error. At first I figured it might be related to some class conflicts within the WP and bbP CSS structure but fiddling with that didn’t help either.

    Now it seems more likely that the User Account looses all of it’s user privileges in bbP once it’s integrated with WP for some reason.


    In reply to: TalkPress


    Could you explain what you were using? My personal experience with bbPress is really great and hackers tried to hack some websites i have, but dont manage to get in to it. So i really wonder.

    Regards, Bob



    I installed bbpress forum (0.9) on wp 2.6. Everything went smooth till even adding forums etc etc.

    But when I post the permalinks / links do not work. It says page not found.

    You can see the installation here

    Please help me out at the earliest. Really critical!


    Narrowing down on the problem, I’m now able to log in even with the integration code added (by using the exact same setting for WordPress address and Blog address as used in General Settings), however the account is extremely limited in use.

    It’s basically the same issue described by user doyle640 here (, the Admin screen is unaccessable (blank page) as well as the Profile edit options, even the form to add a new topic is completely missing.

    This is true for the Admin account as well as any user account.

    Once the line “require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’);” is deleted from bb-config.php, everything is accessable as usual.

    The login synchronization now works both ways as it should though.


    > Is this the reason why bbPress shouldn’t be

    > intergrated with WordPress 2.6 and I need to try bbPress

    > 1.0 Alpha instead?

    Yes. bbPress and WordPress 2.6.* are not cookie-compatible.


    If the browser is blank when you load a page, it’s probably due to a 500 error. Do you have access to error logs to see what’s causing that error? I have not hear of that before when including WordPress in bbPress.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    Can I upgrade from 0.8 series of BBPress to 1.0? I did some sandbox upgrading and ran into some issues.

    Specifically an upgrade from 0.8 series to 0.9 required additional uri path variables in bb-config.

    But even after uncovering that special little surprise I am still having issues.

    Before I debug further to find outstanding problems, other than the path variables that needs to be inserted in bb-config prior to running the database upgrade- can I go from the .8 series directly to 1.0 alpha or do I first need to upgrade to 0.9, then upgrade THAT to 1.0.


    Does anyone know why the admin section is displaying blank when the wordpress functions are included in bbpress?


    I did say “or regions” which should cover Europe ;-)

    “Europe” is triggered by the use of the .eu domain


    15. Europe

    He? Europe is a continent not a country ;-)

    Mark Barnes

    Slightly intrigued to come across this. I’m behind although it’s not in my profile, because (a) it’s not a personal site, and (b) it’s not officially released.

    _ck_ How did you find it? I’ve not linked to it nor told anyone about it! Check the administrator profile, you’ll find the site has only been up four days! (So it wasn’t even live when the September top 100 was put up.) That is one reason I’m not yet sharing the code. Quite simply, it doesn’t work properly yet.

    The other reason I’m not yet able to share the code is that I need to make sure the licence I want to use is compatible with the licences of the borrowed nntp libraries.

    If it’s any interest, one of the forums currently has around 475,000 posts. That equates to 411Mb of MySQL data in all the bbpress tables (including indices). The posts table has 208Mb of data and a 162Mb index.

    _ck_ They’re not fake sub-domains. I’ve simply grouped forums into helpful ‘clusters’ and added a subdomain (actually a separate bbpress installation) for each cluster (why buy a new domain for each site?). They look fake because just contains a tiny bit of php code which scans my database tables for the separate installations and presents it in a forum like view. But each site is a separate installation.

    Finally, the main purpose of this was to present data from non-propagating newsgroups which most people can’t access. It was largely curiosity that led to me create subdomains for publicly accessible newsgroups. I’ve no idea whether Google will like it or not. There’s certainly other NNTP mirrors out there that do get indexed.

    And you’re quite right about me needing the SuperSearch plugin! It is me that you’re talking to here:


    Oh I see you want to turn any post into a wiki by wrapping the text in [wiki]. There is a huge problem with your logic as the wikipost plugin allows anyone to edit a post by assigning a generic user to the post, which is the trigger. Replacing that with bbcode as the trigger instead would be far more difficult.

    bbPress would not have any way to know to let another user edit the post until it scans the post_text for [wiki]. That’s going to be a huge problem.

    by the way is translated to <strong> not <center>


    I’m curious about this issue as performance problems always intrigue me. You must be using 0.9 as 1.0 has an index on stickies by default.

    As far as fulltext search there is a trick I use because of the multiple issues with fulltext (not only speed but fulltext can’t do words less than 4 characters until you customize and rebuild mysql). The trick is to use regex and do a two pass query where you first exclude all the posts without the words and then allow mysql to do a regular scan of the remaining posts.

    Query example from my Super-Search plugin:

    WHERE post_text  LIKE '%".$term."%'" AND post_text  REGEXP ':<:".$term.":>:[^']' "

    Compare the performance of that against a fulltext search that uses "MATCH post_text AGAINST $term" I don’t have enough data to do a huge benchmark but some simple tests with the cache off shows 0.4 seconds for the trick and 0.9 for the fulltext.

    The only downside to the trick is you cannot do partial word searches that way. ie. $term="cat" will only return posts with the exact word “cat” and not “cats” or “category”. But it should be way faster.

    Searching a huge number of posts is a non-trivial problem. It’s been known to crush other forums like vbulletin which has fancy code to prevent users from searching too often/too quickly and even disable search temporarily on high server load. Sites like Wikipedia have to go through several technically complex tricks to keep the search fast on that much data.

    Many large sites end up using sphinxsearch to replace fulltext search. You could interface it to bbPress via their PHP api.

    You can read more workarounds on the mysql fulltext search page (with far more knowledgeable people than me)

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