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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #68268

    You’re absolutely right. The only bbPress table with data in it is bb_meta, with 15 rows. None of the other bbPress tables have any data in them.

    I did change the bb_ table prefix to bbpress_ and used a different one for WordPress too (wordpress_ instead of wp_) but that was all done pre-installation. The tables are there, just no data in them. It did read the WordPress user table at some point and told me the username to log in with, and “use current password” or something similar. So, somehere along the way, it died. I’m less concerned with getting my install fixed and more concerned with getting the installer fixed.


    Yeah it wasn’t an issue with alpha 1 for me either. It must be something about bbpress that was changed.


    Thank you for your hard work and congrats on the progress. I’ll be Upgrading tomorrow.


    Also this wasn’t a problem with Alpha 1, right? At least it wasn’t for me…


    anyone know if this plugin works with the latest bbpress? ( )

    I cant seem to get it to work.

    Plugin is activated, but links do not have _blank added into the <a tag.

    any ideas? thank you!!


    WordPress 2.6.2 svn checkout r8849

    bbPress trunk svn checkout r1794

    I installed WordPress first and that went fine. I logged in and changed my password. Then I went to install bbPress. bbPress installation appeared to go fine. I used simple keys with WordPress so that bbPress wouldn’t choke on them.

    I got to the final step and got a message “There were some errors encountered during installation!” and then I checked off “Show messages” to reveal the following:

    “Forum could not be created!” (that may have been visible before revealing the messages as well – I can’t recall.)

    After that, I tried to access the forum anyway, but I get an error in Firefox3:

    Redirect Loop

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.
    * Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?
    * NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your computer.


    There is no .htaccess in the WordPress directory or in the bbPress directory. bbPress was installed in a subdirectory of WordPress.



    Any ideas?


    I am having the same problem and I do have the <?php if ( is_bb_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?> in the header, it just resets, if i remove the require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’); it will log me in, other wise it just refreshes as if im not logged in.


    Right, it is more complex than that. Since the function returns an array it’s up to you do figure out how to display it. Also, looking at the widget code is a pretty good start of how to go about getting the data out of that array. And the readme file is also good.


    Fair enough I don’t know php from my elbow, it’s just with other plugins, including some you can use as a widget, if you don’t use the widget they tell you what code to stick in the sidebar and it’s usually just like <?php call_to_some_function(); ?> but if this is more complex than that then ok.

    Btw ignore what I said about cpu usage, I can’t re-create it so must have been something else.

    Bharat Karavadra

    Thank you!


    Looks like the key I posted in the beginning there is not properly escaped within code blocks either. You can see the original key here, and how I posted it. If you check the source of that post, you can see how bbPress parsed it.

    More info here, in the original format:


    d\EtHv;aK&V9;)L@rZ7-{P~u}~C~”N4O]=Cnw1pl=c2 !6-~b6!VHt9n;>&Tj-

    That was my AUTH_KEY for WordPress 2.6.2 which was working fine. When I tried to integrate bbPress, it apparently read that key, but on step three of the installer, I saw this error:

    As you can see, part of that key is displayed there (&Tj-) and I suspect it shouldn’t be, and was not being used properly in this case.

    I wonder if this is why so many people are having log in/log out issues with WordPress integration. I am going to try a plain vanilla key (alphanumeric only) and see how that works.


    It’s not a secret, it’s just not bbPress specific, it’s PHP. You need to loop through the array that is returned by that function. If you’re not comfortable learning enough PHP to accomplish that with the function, maybe you’d be better off the the widget. That’s why WordPress created widgets in the first place. It’s for people who don’t want to mess with PHP code. It’s drag and drop. Maybe enabling widgets in your theme would be easier than learning the proper way to loop through this array.


    Ok, so it’s a secret… ;)

    This is what I tried <?php bbpress_live_get_topics(); ?>

    and also <?php bbpress_live_get_topics("1"); ?>

    Don’t know if they are right, but anyway I just noticed it says it needs 2.6.2 and I just use 2.6.

    Also, would this plugin make any special claims on cpu and load average, because I suspect it might, just by activating, not even using it on a page?

    Bharat Karavadra


    Installed a zip package of alpha 2 and it went OK and as I couldn’t quite get the logins to work for WP and bbP and tried installing it again.

    I saw a few messages about install packages not being complete so I downloaded this second one.

    Now when I try to install it, on the final screen it give the following PHP error – but the install seems OK.

    Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /home/1295/htdocs/ on line 1021

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/1295/htdocs/ in /home/1295/htdocs/ on line 2902

    I tried a few times but got the same thing, then I comared my first and second packagas and saw that bbpress/bb-admin/class-install.php is very slightl different from line 264

    The file in the first package has 2 if statements and the second has 1 if statement as follows:

    class-install.php from package 1:

    if (!defined(‘BB_INC’)) {

    // Define BB_INC

    // Tell us to load includes because bb-settings.

    php was not loaded

    // bb-settings.php is generally not loaded on

    steps -1, 0 and 1 but

    // there are exceptions, so this is safer than

    just reading the step

    $this->load_includes = true;

    define(‘BB_INC’, ‘bb-includes/’);


    if (!defined(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’)) {

    define(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’, BB_PATH . BB_INC . ‘



    class-install.php from package 2:

    if (!defined(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’)) {

    // Define BACKPRESS_PATH

    // Tell us to load includes because bb-settings.

    php was not loaded

    // bb-settings.php is generally not loaded on

    steps -1, 0 and 1 but

    // there are exceptions, so this is safer than

    just reading the step

    $this->load_includes = true;

    define(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’, BB_PATH . BB_INC . ‘



    But the weird thing is that when I put back the first class-install.php I still get the error. I’m not too fussed as the install goes OK but it could be quite off putting if users get this PHP error.


    In reply to: Cannot Log In


    What version of bbPress are you using, and are you integrated with WordPress?


    According to the text in this plugin’s comments, the “remember me” is supposed to change the cookie expiration to 2 weeks out. Does that happen to the cookie when you check the box?


    In reply to: wordpress Header


    Follow the instructions in the last section of this page:

    You want access to the WordPress functions get_footer() and get_header() so you need to include WordPress in your bbPress.


    There is a problem with cookie sharing mainly in that WordPress fails to (because it doesn’t know it has to) set a cookie required for access to the bbPress admin area.

    But wordpress seems to set a cookie that both bbpress and wordpress recognize (other than not being able to log out via bbpress), and bbpress sets a cookie that only bbpress recogizes. Does bbpress delete/overwrite the wordpress cookie, thus causing wordpress to be logged out after logging in with bbpress?

    Sam Bauers

    There is a problem with cookie sharing mainly in that WordPress fails to (because it doesn’t know it has to) set a cookie required for access to the bbPress admin area.

    I’m pretty sure that the only way to fix this is with a plugin for WordPress. I’ll have to work one up. When I do I’ll post it to the WordPress plugin repository and announce it on the forum here.

    Sam Bauers

    The required contents of your htaccess file should be here…

    Sam Bauers

    Read the faq I pointed to, it contains the arguments you can use with the functions.

    The functions return arrays, so you need to loop through those to get the data out. If you don’t know how to do that, then you need to learn some rudimentary PHP first : )

    The sidebar widgets were created for people without PHP knowledge.


    Where is the language file for “Enter a few words (called tags) separated by spaces to help someone find your topic: “?

    I need to change spaces to commas. Also, I think this needs to be updated in the new bbpress, but the default setting I got was separated by commas, but spaces is misleading to those who post.


    Same here for the logout issue…

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