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  • #4183

    Hello, I’m looking to hire a developer to create a OpenID login plugin for bbpress, which I really need for my community. I know there has been several discussions about this topic but I really believe OpenID for bbpress is important and necesary.

    So I am looking for someone willing to create a plugin. If anyone is interested, please send me your inquiries to: — I would really like the plugin to work on 0.9.x and 1.0.x versions of bbpress which I understand are quite different.


    Okay I think I figured it out. There were no wp_ tags on my user and usersmeta and I did not require login for comments so there was no users to add to bbpress. So I think I have it working properly!!! Yay! Thanks me for all the help!!!


    Still getting the same error. I also tried wiping the bbpress and doing a fresh reinstall but for some reason the installation didn’t go to step two. Once I put all the information in it skipped step 2 and 3 and went to the forum, with my all my old login info.


    Will being able to bring in other blogs into posts on your bbpress be part of v1.0?


    Yeah, I like that. I guess a template option for show/supress child fora would be better. Then you could use that db option…

    I’m still choosing templates but will work on it.

    This is what I had based on _ck_’s snippets:

    The theme’s front-page.php just after the forum list titles:

    <?php $forum_id = 0; //musnake: supress child fora: ?>
    <?php $forum_parent=$forum_id; //musnake ?>
    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <?php if ($GLOBALS['forum']->forum_parent==$forum_parent) { //musnake ?>

    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>
    <td><?php bb_forum_pad( '<div class="nest">' ); ?><a href="<?php forum_link(); ?>"><?php forum_name(); ?></a><small><?php forum_description(); ?></small><?php bb_forum_pad( '</div>' ); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_topics(); ?></td>
    <td class=num><?php echo $GLOBALS['forum']->views; ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_posts(); ?></td>
    <?php } //musnake ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; // bb_forums() ?>

    That theme didn’t have the breadcrumbs I wanted, so after much searching (including PHPXref!) I found this: which gets put in your theme’s forum.php:

    <h3 class="bbcrumb"><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a> <?php bb_forum_bread_crumb(); ?></h3>

    Hope that helps. Thanks All.

    Oh, just to be clear, the //musnake are to point out where the changes are, not to claim any credit!


    True d’at. Although I think this may be what _ck_ was working on… I see the global declaration in there… I’ll try it…

    Nope. All fora disappear. I’ll look into where this $forum_id comes from…I’m learning.

    Huh. Setting $forum_parent=0; (or $forum_id = 0;) seems to do what I want. Hardcoding. Yuck.


    @keymi: Chinese? I tried Kanji too…

    @IPstenu: Yes, I had to apply the fix to get WP to work, that’s what tinkled the bell… Thanks for looking at it. I’ll throttle permissions down though… Do you use the the support forum mod? seeing as we’re both on the same patch level…


    In reply to: Hiding subforums


    You mean not list them in the main list?

    (not actually completely hide them)

    The same approach should work in 1.0 as 0.9

    I showed the exact code to do it in a topic around here somewhere.

    Hiding subforms on your home page


    In reply to: Mass user delete


    If you are integrated with wordpress, I believe you can mass edit users on that side (either natively or via plugin). With 1.0 using backpress, they will hopefully port over some of the user functions into the admin panel – ie. create new user and mass edit.

    Keep in mind bbPress (and I don’t even thing WordPress) actually deletes users entirely from the db, it just disables them.

    If you find a WP plugin that does what you want, it should be fairly straightforward to port to bbPress.


    In reply to: Mass user delete


    This would work for posts:

    I don’t know of anything similar for mass deleting users. You might just need to bite the bullet one time and delete them manually. I can’t log in to my site now to check if there is some type of “delete all checked” users function in the bbPress admin or not. I can’t recall.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    Ah you have the exact situation I had made a note of in the back of my mind but had not made a fix for yet because I didn’t think it would be common – bb-attachments is like a page access for every image load because it loads bbPress. You have so many images, it’s trigging the “too fast” feature.

    I haven’t addresses that yet. You can turn off the ban feature by setting these to zero:

    $mini_track_options['ban_speed'] = 0;
    $mini_track_options['ban_pages'] = 0;


    @ctsttom – In order for a user that was registered in WordPress to have any authority in bbPress, they need to have the option ‘bb_capabilities’ in their user metadata. This does not have anything to do with the role maps in bbPress. Those role maps only affect users that are registered within bbPress that need to have capabilities inside WordPress. I think you are having the same problem that I had – you need to go the other direction. You need a default capability in bbPress for a new user registration in WPMU.

    There are two ways to do this:

    1) go to your bbPress admin panel, drill into each new user that was registered in WordPress, edit their profile, and assign them a ‘User Type’

    2) use my shiny new WordPress plugin that creates a default capability of ‘member’ in bbPress for users that are registered in WordPress

    I would be interested in any feedback you have. There are two caveats to this plugin:

    1) it does not handle any users registered in WordPress that existed before the plugin was activated, you’ll have to do that manually (but you get the idea and could handle this with a mass SQL)

    2) there is no logic to determine which bbPress User Type to use, I just start with ‘member’ and assume that I’ll manually set admins/moderators, and further that everyone with a login should be able to post.

    Let me know what you think!


    I couldn’t seem to figure out why the most popular plugins list had no ranking of any kind. So I copy-pasted the 120 or so plugins, sorted by # of posts, and uploaded to google docs.

    Here’s the list:

    Tom Lynch

    Please, can some one help, this is still not working and no one seems to be helping I have no idea what to do or who to ask but here as its the bbpress code that is at fault.


    In reply to: Customizing gravatars


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    Hi _ck_

    The 503 error was happening after just loading one page a couple times in a row, or going from page one of this topic to the second page. The page where the problem was first observed is

    You don’t need to load 100 pages in the session, or 50 pages in a minute. All you needed to do was load the first page of that topic, then try and access the second page. That’s where you typically got the 503. If you didn’t, simply F5 or CTRL-SHIFT-R would sometimes cause the 503.

    It seems like something is being counted as a page access when it’s not. It’s as if loading the first page of that topic counts as 30 page views, then loading page two is another 25 or 30 and you get the 503.

    There are lots of plugins installed. I thought at first that the bb-attachments plugin might be causing the problem since there are lots of embedded images in that topic. I know what *should* count as a page access, but it seems like some pages are being counted multiple times based on the content of that page.

    If you need more debug info or logs to see what’s going on, please ask here. Right now both those throttling things are turned off (pages in a row in a certain time period and pages per session) and the forum seems to be working fine.


    Hola, recien me inicio en bbpress v 9.0.2 y tengo un serio inconveniente al pretender usar el .mo. Si bien no encontré en ninguna parte el mo en español, encontre una en otro idioma dejando algunas lineas en ingles y otra en español con el poedit. Tras exportar al .mo : no funciona. Además enconté distintas instrucciones, a todas las probé sin éxito.

    – en el bb_config, linea 4x=> define(‘BBLANG’, ‘es_ES’);

    – el .mo dentro de la carpeta languajes, carpeta languajes dentro de carpetas:

    bb-includes (como se indica en bb_config)

    my-plugins (como recomienda el readme dentro de bb-plugins)

    bb-plugins (lo encontré en algun foro y lo probe por si acaso anduviera )

    Espero me puedan ayudar


    Okay, I tried using the settings that the setCookieParams seems to be recommending.

    PathcookiePath: /

    Cookie domain: blank

    Cookie hash: 84bdfc54a51c9a8b123e73fe41df39a3

    No change in bbpress/blog behavior. When I use the bookmark to show cookie settings, they are unchanged since yesterday. It doesn’t appear the setCookieParams worked.

    Another question, the 2Diabolos site has two setCookieParams on the page. Is there one that should be used over the other?


    I found more info on the setCookieparam plug in.

    What threw me was that the download given here is in an ‘upload’ subdirectory, but needs to be uploaded to the plugins folder and implement the usual way. It can then be accessed through the ‘settings.’ But, I’m still confused. The instructions here say that it can be used to check the cookie settings, but all I see is the ability to set the cookies. If I am to set them, should I just follow the suggestions given with the plugin?


    Sorry 4 the question! This probleme has been resolved @ :


    Hello, I have the same probleme as csseur3. When I publish content with TinyMCE, markers re encoding like text and not as html…

    The code produced is <p><b>exemple</b></p>

    How can we fix that?

    Thanks 4 help !


    I did a search for native gravatar threads, and I got nothing. The ones I found were about gravatar plugins, which I don’t use.

    I want to change the size and style of the gravatar that is native to bbpress. I have

    How do I do this?


    hi guys,

    very nice, but what does it actually mean in the end?

    Is it possible to integrate wpmu 2.6.2 with bbpress 1.0-alpha-2 or not?




    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    I guess I’ll try the phpBB3 -> phpBB2 -> bbPress method. Yikes!

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